
Tuesday 16 August 2016

A Very Special Birthday

xxxxx Happy 50th Birthday Paul xxxxx

Anne's Fun 40th Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

It's a very special day in our family today, as my Wonderful Husband (Paul) turns 50 !!!!!
We will be going out for something nice to eat tonight and will probably have a family get together when we get home.  Paul is quite a funny chap though, he isn't keen on Parties, particularly if he is the centre of attention thats a real no go!!  He's the same with gifts, he is impossible to buy for, he never needs or wants anything, which makes my life hard as people keep asking me for suggestions and I can't help them!  He has asked his family to maybe get some theatre vouchers, that way we could combine seeing a show with an overnight stay in London for our Silver Wedding anniversary in September.  We hardly ever get away for a night together so I am looking forward to that very much.
So I will raise a glass (or mug of tea) to wish the love of my life, my Soulmate and my Soul's other keeper a very Happy 50th Birthday, I love you more each day xxxxxxxxx

I thought I would share another milestone birthday card with you today, this amazing card has been designed and created by Anne, using Tim Holtz 'Bird Crazy'' Stamp set, I love the quirky, shabby look of these birds Anne, you have stamped and coloured them perfectly and I love that background paper you have stamped on to.  The Balloons add that 'celebration' touch, fun colours too, just look at the impression on those birds faces, so funny, you have captured the fun style of these birds perfectly Anne, I love your card, thank you for sharing xxxx

We have a celebratory breakfast to organise so must dash......

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Paul-I hope you have a fantastic (50th) birthday and are enjoying your 3 weeks away with the family.

    Anne- love your card. It's so different, could be used for many occasions.

    Yesterday wasn't too bad at work-fairly busy with the usual drama! Today looks reasonable, I have a meeting at 12 about moving some services to the other hospital site.

    My boss has lent me her Dyson hairdryer (£300...!!!) so I'll let you all know what I think of it. Doubt I'd pay that for a hairdryer unless I got vouchers towards it. Didn't get chance to look on Pinterest for inspiration for my challenge card last night. Made a phone call then sent a couple of emails. As its been so sunny here I thought I'd better water the plants & tubs which took me ages so I just sat & read after that.


    1. Gosh Michelle , that's some price for a hairdryer, I'd be scared to use it, I'd expect it to work miracles for that money, look forward to hearing what you think of it.

    2. Morning MICHELE- is the hairdryer coated in Gold lol. I didn't know you could pay that sort of money for one. Cannot wait to see your report. have a good day xxxx

    3. Hi Michele, Wow, what a price for a hairdryer. Does it have straighteners or curlers with it. A bit out of my price range but looking forward to reading what you think of it.
      Hope youhave a quiet day.

    4. Nearly got the tea all over me seeing the price for the hairdryer, hope it does something amazing.
      Have a good day at work xx

    5. Wow MICHELE I would be scared borrowing a £300 hair dryer incase i dropped it. But your probably not as clumsy like me.
      Enjoy trying it. Hope you Have a easy day at work.xx

    6. Hi Michele
      I wouldn't pay £300.00 for a hairdryer at all. I could think of a lot of other things I could buy with that money.

    7. Saw an advert for one of these, showed o/h, he nearly passed out!!!!!, so I guess I won't be having one for my b day, would love to know what it does that makes it worth the money.

    8. Like Lillian I saw an article in the newspaper saying Dyson were bringing out this fantastic new hairdryer, couldn't believe the price. Can't wait for you to give us your consumer opinion Michele. xx

  2. Good morning Ladies but especially to Paul and Sandra,
    Have a Fabulous 50th Birthday Paul! I hope you all have a holiday of a lifetime and enjoy every moment of celebrating the big birthday in sunshine!
    Great verse on the card Sandra, so heartfelt.
    Tollie got his injection yesterday and was no bother but he was really sleepy afterwards , but is back to his wee mischievous self this morning, the family have just left to go back to Edinburgh so it is very quiet , he will miss the company, thankgoodness it is a beautiful sunny morning as I have 3 bed loads to wash ( 1st load is on) .and then I have a golf match to play , I have only played 9 holes in the last month so will be jiggered by the end of it!
    My girlfriend Jeans 70th birthday is today and the crazy bird one was for her son whose birthday was on the 14 th so a great time of celebration for them.
    Val, I love the sound of the glitter paper you bought it sounds fab!
    Well I better go and get showered and dressed and have some breakfast.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Just love your crazy bird card. The colouring is perfect. I have the dies and stamps and you've reminded me to use them more.
      Glad Tollie is ok after his injection.
      It sounds as if you're in for a busy day with all that washing and golf. You'll sleep well tonight.

    2. It will be quiet at home after the grandchildren being around :-) Lots of washing and golf, take care. Glad Tollie fine after his injection, now you can take him for some nice walks. xx

    3. Hi ANNE I love your card I have been wondering whether to buy this stamp set or not, but think you have made my mind up for me.
      Think you should slow down all that washing & golf take care. Glad Tollie was fine after his injection. Xx

    4. Hi Anne
      Love the crazy bird card. I might have seen these before somewhere, but can't remember where. You'll sleep well tonight after all that activity. Have a lovely day.

    5. Hi Anne love these birds , did you get the dies to go with them?, great card.

    6. Anne I am sorry forgot to mention your card it is

  3. Morning Everyone
    First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL. Have a wonderful day and a lovely meal out tonight. Let the girls spoil you.

    ANNE- lovely card and very appropriate for a man turning 40. Love those crazy birds.

    VAL- what a find!! that card sounds fantastic looking forward to seeing a pic.

    MARIA- hoping you have a better day today. I've sent a few gentle but very large hugs just for today.

    PAT- I'm intrigued re your GP appointment and what disease you have. What did they use to replace your hip with. hehehe Please let us know.

    Well it's K&N this afternoon and so I shall be just a little busy as it's my turn. I just know that someone is going to complain because they have to fold/etc. I've chosen to do Sandra's Pleated Card. I've done most of the work for them so we'll see.

    The sun is shining, the washer is once again churning away (am I sure it's Tuesday and not yesterday! lol) so have a good day everyone.
    The Café is open as usual so come on in for a drink and a chat. Hugs should be reaching all of you by now. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, it sounds as though you've gone to a lot of trouble for you K+N today. Preparing the pleats is most of the work so hope they appreciate your hard work.
      The card was too large to photograph so I've cut each sheet into managable quarters. Hope I can get the glittery shine on the camera.
      Enjoy your day.

    2. Wishing your K&N goes without any moans, they should be happy for all the prep you have done for them. Thanks for the hugs. Have a nice day and enjoy the sun ,hugs xx

    3. Hi JANET hope your K & N goes without anyone moaning as you have done most of the prep work for them they should be gratful.
      Have fun & enjoy your day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Janet
      I hope your K & N goes off without to nanny grumbles. My appointment is at 1.55 tomorrow, it will be interesting to find out what I'm supposed to have.

    5. Hope you have a lovely afternoon, have not tried a pleated card yet, hope yours go well, they are very lucky as its the prep that counts with this cards.

  4. Good Morning Ladies.

    Happy 50th Birthday Paul. Have a wonderful day, enjoy your birthday meal this evening and hope your having a great holiday.
    Lovely verse Sandra. Do hope you're having a lovely, relaxing time.

    Sounds as though you have wall to wall sunshine in the UK today. Hope you can all get some time to enjoy it. By comparison, I think it's going to rain here today. It is forecast and the sky is black. All my plants are out ready, cat litter tray and sunbeds under cover so just waiting for it to start.

    It's going to be a day of card making at watching Olympics again. Yeh. I cried yesterday watching the Dressage. Those beautiful horses are so graceful and what time and patience it must take to train them. It took me so long to teach Gracie to "come here" and to be honest it's still hit and miss.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Special thoughts for Pat, Lynda and Lorraine and Maria hope you're feeling a lot better today.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, have a good day crafting. The Olympics have been very good and GB are doing fantastic. I'm sure Gracie doing her best but will never get any medals hihi wish it was somewhere to go and get a new body but will have to live with the one I got as best it goes..... hugs xx

    2. Hi Val have a good day crafting are you going to use the lovely new card. Gracie sounds so sweet.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Val
      Enjoy your Olympics today we are doing really well. I'm doing well thank you very much. Hope your plants enjoy there watering.

    4. I caught a bit of the dressage yesterday and have to say the Spanish rider whose music was "Smooth" was amazing

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please wish Paul a very happy 50th birthday, hope you all have a lovely day & meal this evening. The verse on your card is perfect. Thank you for
    Michele I hope the hairdryer does an extra special job because I am sure I would not pay that for
    Anne enjoy your golf lovely day for it, don't envy you the
    Val enjoy your Olympics whilst card
    Janet hope K&N enjoy making the pleat card I loved
    Petanque this morning so must get on, sending hugs to all who need them, hope Maria, Lynda & Lorraine have a better day hugs on way to you & all who need them love

    1. Hi MARGARET thank you for the hug's. Enjoy your Pétanque this morning have a lovely day.
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Good morning everyone
    Paul a very Happy 50 th Birthday enjoy being spoiled. SANDRA hope your all having the best time & relaxing. I love the verse for Paul.
    Not upto much today just going to start the ironing & a wash in the machine does it ever end hihi. MARIA hope your feeling better. If you find a place where you get a new body can I come with you as mine isn't much good anymore.😁
    Well better get on as Terry has put ironing board up & iron on & moaning as I'm useing my iPad again. See you later love Lynda xx

    1. Do you think it's any good Google it ? Hihi Son saying you can get anything from Amazon ! OH is the same, I'm never off the Acer and never do anything else so better get off hihi hugs xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Hope your toe is holding up. Petes usually the one on his iPad always playing scrabble. But then grumbles he has so much to do in the garden. He doesn't quite get me saying do the jobs first then go on the iPad.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today,
    Brought some special cakes in to the cafe' as it is a very special pesons day. Have a lovely meal together tonight. Rick saying Hi :-)
    Lynda, Pat and Lorraine hope you are doing ok today.
    Not doing much today after yesterday but will have a walk after picking up some carpet bits for the hall so will have to get a move on. I see you later for a catch up.
    love and hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Anne. Love your card !! xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Enjoy your walk and I hope you manage to pick up some carpet along the way.
      Shall we have an outing to go to the new body shop with Lynda.

    3. Hello -please count me in the trip to The Body Shop. I always threaten to take them to the 'Trade Descriptions Act' as I've never managed to find a body in their shops. hehehe. Hugs to you all xxxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all who pop into the Cafe today,

    PAUL, HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY I hope you have a brilliant day and your 'Girls' spoil you rotten. Enjoy your special meal this evening. I am raising a glass (well coffee cup) to wish you a VERY Happy Birthday XXX

    Anne I love your Bird Crazy card, I know one of our grandsons would really love this one. The colouring is just perfect. This card is a real WOW - love it xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day Pat, Lynda and Maria sending special gentle hugs, plenty left for anyone who needs then.

    Take care Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thanks for the hugs they're very much appreciated. My girls would also love these crazy birds. Aren't they fab,

    2. Hi BRENDA thank you for the Hug's much appreciated. Hope your not over doing things Thak care love & Hugs Lynda xxx

  9. PAUL HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY. Enjoy your day, and your dinner tonight.
    Anne I just like every your quirky birds. The card is gorgeous. Love the colouring you've done on them as well.
    Sandra I hope your enjoying your holiday. And I hope both you and Paul are having a lovely rest.

  10. A very Happy 50 ieth Birthday to Paul, I hope you have a wonderful day with your family.
    Fantastic cards.
    I had a terrible night with the pain in my ribs waking me, as I sleep on my side they protested heavily. Not feeling any improvement yet. Christmas card making with my grandson on Thursday has been cancelled because even if I felt better I need time to put away current stash and get Christmas stash out. After there being months of Christmas craft on the tv I am finally at the point of wanting to join in. Just another frustration.
    You know it's bad when I want to do housework...
    I am very intrigued about Pat's appointment too.
    Hope you enjoy your golf Anne.
    Wow Michelle, £300 for a hairdryer! Look forward to your review of it.
    Also looking forward to seeing the sparkly card.
    I have ordered myself a personalised handmade by stamp. My Mum has ordered a Dreamees one but this one was only £6:25 with postage. Also Craftstash had half price on magazines if anyone is interested.
    Have good days everyone xxx

    1. Hiya Is your personalised stamp from Craft stash because I'd be very interested in getting a couple One for my cards and one for my knitting

  11. Hello All, lovely day here, although quite a chilly wind.

    Sandra wish Paul a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today, have a lovely evening out together.

    Hugs for those of you who are unwell, hope you're soon feeling better.

    Working today, so tempted to go and sit in the garden, but need to earn some pennies for the craft show at Exeter in September.

    Hope you all have a lovely rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. I am going to the Exter show with my Mum. If we go on the same day perhaps we can arrange a quick hello

  12. Afternoon everyone.
    Margaret- hope you won at the petangue this morning.
    Brenda- did you put your sewing machine in for fixing ?
    Lynda- did your test go alright and how is the toe ?
    Lorraine- sending you some gentle hugs and hope you feel better soon. I'm in absolut agony but not sure if calling the doc. will help anything, it will be extra pain killers tonight. Told OH about the Body shop but he said it was too late ?! Men. Wonder if they give discount if we all go together hahaha! Hope you say something to yours Lorraine, not nice what he did but they don't understand. I bought two magazines the other day, I don't need them but they were half price so.... Got information about NEC Birmingham in the post, might have another day trip beginning of November. Any takers ?
    Had a lovely walk this morning with a skinny latte at the end, got a bit like a lobster in boiling water tihi. Also picked up the carpet pieces, we had some leftover from laying the hall so we got someone to make smaller mats for shoes and when you go through the front door. Sat reading in the garden and thought about the CC, have some idea's but they starting to tumble over eachother and that is not good because then it just goes blaaaa!
    Take care all Xxxx

    1. Hello MARIA I'm so sorry your in so much pain again my friend have they found out what's causing it. You should call the DR if it gets worse.
      I wonder if the body shop does buy get one free that would be good if there are a few of us HAHA. Take care
      Sending you some special Healing Hug's love Lynda xx

    2. My friend and I will be going to the NEC on either the Friday or Saturday so if it's same day as you a meet up might be possible

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    A very Happy Birthday to Paul :-)) Hope your day is just fabulous, and you're all enjoying your holiday. Have a lovely meal tonight :-)
    Sandra, such a lovely verse :-) Another big celebration to look forward to in September too celebrating 25 years of marriage, that's fantastic :-) My husband and I will have been married 20 years on September 21st, although we got together when we were 15, so actually been together 29 years!!
    Anne, I love the Birthday card - the birds are great :-)
    So sorry I didn't get in yesterday, but I love the sketch and your beautiful card Sandra. Your flowers always look so beautifully arranged on your creations.
    Well, I hope everyone is ok and those under the weather are coping. Sorry not to be commenting on individuals posts, but I am thinking of you all and sending hugs xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well, I am finally back on line after A) having a stomach bug which wiped me out, and making me miss meeting up with Sandra and Pat : (( then having the granddaughters over night leaving me exhausted on Sunday and also my laptop decided to crash, my mobile phone is still being repaired and both Chris and Gem were away so I was left high and dry! Chris finally got the laptop sorted and I have just spent a good hour or more catching up on all of your news.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paul. I hope you are having a lovely lazy day with Sandra and the girls. I will raise a glass (or cup of tea anyway) for you.
    SANDRA, I'm so glad that you got to the campsite without hold ups etc. I would NOT have gone over that viaduct, no matter how long the alternative journey (which sounds nearly as bad!) was!!! Sit back and soak up the sun with your special man and Sophie and Lucy. I love the verse, it sums up how you feel about Paul perfectly. I also love this weeks CC, a great idea, I will have to get my thinking cap on. Your 'Oldie' card is gorgeous too. Thank you for setting up CC for while you are away. Sending big hugs my lovely x
    Thank you for the kind comments on my card, that die makes it so easy to make a quick card.
    Lynda, I'm sorry to hear you have a bad toe. I hope your appointment goes well. I'm glad that you have given in and got a (pretty) stick. I was the same before getting mine. It is a big step to have to admit to yourself that you need one but if it means you can get about more easily and with confidence then it is so worth it. I keep thinking about decorating my crutch, maybe we should have that as a challenge, haha. x
    Brenda, congratulations on your win on Sue's blog : ) I hope you are relaxing for a while before you have to start the school runs again, even though the children make it all worth while, don't they x
    Maria, I hope you are feeling ok at the moment. Ally Pally is coming around fast now isn't it : ) x
    Cheryl, what gorgeous roses, I can just imagine the wonderful smell, and the beautiful lilies. Thank you for sharing these special flowers with us x
    Janet, thank you for the lovely cake today. Your tag is gorgeous, so beautiful. I'm glad that your pre op check went well, my fingers are crossed that you get a cancellation but if not the 24th will soon be here x
    Anne, what a lovely photo of your grandchildren. I'm sure they have all had a wonderful time with you. I bet little Tollie is missing all of the fuss now, but at least you can take him out now. Enjoy the peace and quite x
    Lorraine, I'm glad you are feeling a little better but hope your chest improves quickly x
    I have lots to catch up with here so had better get on : (
    Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue thank you so much for all your Hug's & well wishes. I'm pleased your feeling better after your tummy bug they are not at all nice. Used my stick for the first time yesterday to the Hospital for blood test felt a little self conscious but did feel more steady. So I have just got to learn to love it. HIHI. Take care my friend Love Lynda xx

    2. Big hugs, so glad you up and about again but take it slowly after the tummy bug, you can feel so drained afterwards. Ticket for Ally Pally in a safe place, oh shoot where did I put it now ? :-) xxx

  15. Hello Ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL If SANDRA hadn't have said I would have thought you were a lot younger than that
    I love your card ANNE I can't do grunge as I can't get the colours right but they're one of my favourite genres
    Glad TOLLIE is ok
    I hope the K&N went well JANET
    MARIA LYNDA PAT and whoever needs a hug I have long arms and they should reach
    I can't believe the price of that hair dryer MICHELE It'd have to make me look sensational and look beautiful to boot - if you ever meet me you'd know that would be an impossible task Can't wait to hear your thoughts
    Home alone tonight do the TV remote is all mine or maybe I will try the sketch card

    1. Thank you Karen for all your Hug's much appreciated.
      Enjoy being home alone with the TV remote or making c card.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Thank you my friend, oh I can see you like one of the Mr Men characters hihi hope you can pull your arms back in after all the hugs, thanks, I needed some today. Enjoy hugging the tv remote xxx

  16. Happy birthday Paul have a lovely day in the Spanish sunshine. So glas to see you all on your safe arrival on PB?

  17. Hi everyone
    I have been in my craft room most of the day. I have made quite a few background papers with Pixy powders I tried different card & paper eaven kitchen paper towel .I whatched John Lockwood on catch up & he was doing it. It's come out ok love it. Well I have commented on way down so now time for my builders tea. See you tomorrow
    Oh they cancelled my appointment today for my toe now it's tomorrow.
    Take care BIG HUG'S for everyone love Lynda xx

    1. Sound like you had a messy but fun day Lynda :-)
      Good luck for the toe tomorrow, hope they can help. My body have been so achy lately, usually when the sun is out I feel good but not the last few days. I be fine, tomorrow is a new day. Hugs and Good night to you and Terry and anyone else still up xxx
