
Friday 26 August 2016

Wendy's Pleated Card & Val's Craft Shopping !

Wendy's Pleated card

Val's Craft Shopping 

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Today I feel privileged to be able to share Wendy (Spanish Crafter)'s version of the pleated card tutorial a couple of weeks ago, I can honestly say I have been blown away by how many of you lovely ladies both from the blog and fb have had a go at making ones of these cards, they are so effective.

Wendy's is so pretty, I have loved that embossing folder since the first time I saw Sue Wilson use it, many years ago, if you look closely you can see that Wendy has echoed the pattern of the embossing folder in that pretty patterned paper, tying the two together perfectly, a truly gorgeous Pleated card Wendy, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxxx

Our Val has treated herself to a Stampeazee and some beautifully coloured Gliutter Card, I just live those colours Val, the Brown one and the one in front of it, they work so well together, what's your opinion of the Stampeazee??? I bought  a few months back and never real found it that helpful, I hope you have more success Val. Thank you for sharing your shopping xxxx

Special hugs to Janet, I hope you get home for the weekend xxxx

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs,



  1. Good morning,

    After yesterday's and last nights torrential downpour, I awoke to a lovely clear sunny start to the day.

    Congratulations Sophie and Lucy on your stupendous exam results. You must be in seventh heaven by now.

    Wendy, your card is divine, I love the chosen colours.

    As it looms ever closer, I am getting excited now although it is tinged with a certain sadness that Pete will not be coming with me. He was looking forward to travelling the world when he finally retired.

    Busy day again today, trying to get all odd jobs done so I can have next week off for myself to craft at my leisure, once I can find my table that is! lol.
    I have pinned so many different crafts on my Pinterest boards, it will nice to have a go at some of them.

    I have almost finished my sister's needlework case, I have found the pages too thick for my little sewing machine to sew together. Joining a Sewing Club though, I have lots of new friends who quilt and have better machines, so will be popping round across the road later to ask if they would mind doing it for me.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I must have a look and see if I can find your Pinterest board to look at the cards you've made. Looking forward to your holidays I expect even though Pete is not with you. But he will be in spirit enjoying your enjoyment.
      You are keeping busy though Cheryl, now you've joined a quilting club as well your walking ladies.
      Enjoy your crafting when you find your table.

    2. Hi Pat,
      My Pinterest boards are under Cheryl Brown/ email: I keep adding more boards as I come across something that I like. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl. You will have an amazing holiday and Pete will be with you all the way. Remember to take lots of photos to show and tell. Loved to have gone with you but low on cash after Ally Pally so perhaps next time :-) many hugs xx

    4. Hi Cheryl, your needle case sounds lovely, where are going on holiday? sorry if you have said, I seem to have missed it, Where ever,hope you have a lovely time and I'm sure Pete will be with you.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Wendy-love your card, it's gorgeous. Welcome to Sandra's blog/cafe, hope you'll become a regular visitor.

    Val-great craft stash. I'll be interested to hear your opinion on the Stampeaze gizmo as I'm rubbish at stamping as was considering buying something like this.

    Hurrah-it's Friday!!! We have a busy day, chemo list this morning the we currently have 2 adults & a 5 day old baby we're making IV feeds for so we have four days to make for each patient as we don't open at weekends (no staff to over it).

    I'm looking forward to 3 days off and going to the craft show tomorrow. Photos of my purchases will go to Sandra!


    1. Enjoy the craft show Michele. After a busy week you'll enjoy your 3 days off.

    2. Have fun at the craft show and enjoy your three days off. Sad to see baby having treatments.
      Take care xx

  3. Good morning Ladies ,
    Big Congratulations to Sophie, Lucy and Luke , wonderful news!
    Beautiful card Wendy , I also loved doing a similar card using Sandra's tutorial.
    Gorgeous glitter papers Val!
    Hope Janet, Lynda and Maria are feeling better today , sending big soft (((hugs))).
    We still have our friends staying so just a quick comment.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Getting there thanks. Have a nice time with your friends. Did your straw hat survive Tollie's little gnashes ? take care xx

  4. Thanks for featuring my card, really enjoyed making it and it is a fab technique. xxx

    1. Thanks for allowing me to share it, will gladly share any of your work xxx

    2. Lovely technique Wendy, your card is lovely. I've yet to make one.

    3. Lovely card Wendy, do like the EF and card you have used to make it xx

    4. Beautiful card, very lovey colours.

  5. Good morning Ladies,

    Thank you all so much for your lovely messages yesterday, we are still on a high, the girls were a little surprised that they did as well I think (they are like me when it comes to optimism)!!
    I think they should re consider some of their options, I would like them both to consider the sciences more, Lucy got A's in all three, A*in some of the controlled assessments and sections of the Exams, she was thinking of taking Biology, I just think it would open her options up later on, Sophie got a A* for her ART, which made me shed a tear or two, They both got A in geography, RE, English Language, Maths, Spanish too !!
    We spent the whole day celebrating, we went to a coastal town a little way from here, walked around the market, had ice creams, we then went to the beach, hired a big pedalo with a slide on, they had a fab time with Paul, I sat and dangled my feet in the water and enjoyed watching them laugh and giggle!, we laid on the beach for a while to dry off, not for long though as it was packed and 32° so a little too hot, we then went to get some yummy, sugar drenched churros, (like a long thin doughnut) they make them while you wait, a slow stroll along prom to the car, home for a quick shower and change then out for dinner in the evening, after all that excitement I was straight to bed and slept as soon as my head hit pillow! I think the girls were the same!!
    So a little slower pace to the day today, the girls have some decisions to make!
    Have a lovely day ladies,
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra
      I'd tell Lucy to consider taking all 3 sciences as she got good grades. Craig told Sophie she should have taken all 3 rather than just biology. Apparently it is easier, don't know how but as he's a science teacher he should know.
      I'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday and the weather keeps fine for you.

    2. Hi SANDRA glad you all had a lovely day of celebrations. Yesterday Ooo I love those churros wish they did them here. Hope your day today was a good one too. Have a lovely evening all of you.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. You all had a great day celebrating I can see. The girls have done fantastic to get such a great grades. You wonder Sophie got a A* for her art, she do some amazing art ! Hugs in churros coming to you all to dunk in hot chocolate xxx

    4. Hello Sandra, so glad you all had a lovely time, I'm sure what they choose to do they will be very successful.

  6. Morning All
    I hope that you are getting there JANET and that all went OK
    Youe card is lovely WENDY and hope you'll be able to visit more We're a lovely bunch, a little crazy at times but I've met some lovely lovely ladies in real life and virtual life
    Your day sounded lovelySANDRA I'm so pleased for you and of course LUCY and SOPHIE You must have really been on tenterhooks especially waiting for two, it's the "what ifs" A work colleague, along with his partner had four waiting for A level results Fortunately all four got the results and places they wanted
    I hope to get my new laptop working at the week end I really miss it for my crafting I have all sorts of ideas floating around my head One of which is to scan HAPPY onto laptop and make my own version of a stamp... Sounds great in theory!

    1. Hi Karen I'm pleased you have your new laptop now. Your home made happy stamp sounds good I hope it works out for you.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Glad you managed to get a new laptop and hope you now can get your Sherif back up and running, speak soon xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra, it sounds as though you all had a wonderful day of celebration and rightly so.
    Down here we have churros but you get a smal tub of hot melted chocolate to dip the churros in- delicious.
    Lovely to see your card on display Wendy. It's so pretty. Wendy did bring it in to the Friday craft class to show us and the ladies were interseted in making one.
    I cut the glitter card in quarters which is what I photographed. I think they are A1 or A2 so a real bargain for €1. I really liked using the Stampeazee. I didn't get as messy as I usually do when I'm stamping. I imagine a Misti is better but I think a bit expensive for the use I'd get out of it.
    Janet, hope you're feeling a lot more comfortable today and the let you get home soon.
    We.. better get my skates on. Wendy is picking me up for Craft Class in 20 minutes and I haven't got my craft stash together yet. We are all taking our Chrstmas dies in today for sharing. Should be fun. I'm taking plenty of Christmas card colours with me.
    Love to everyone.

    1. Hi Val I love your £1 gliter card glad you got on well with the Stampeazee I do find it easier lining up & easier than acrylic blocks.
      I would really like a Misti they look really good but very expensive I have been looking at them on you tube.
      Hope you had Good day a craft club.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Beautiful glitter cards and for €1 a bargain. Hope you had a fun day crafting with Wendy and the other girls. xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday, just what you all needed after all of the waiting : ) x
    Sonia, congratulations to Luke on getting a distinction, you must be very proud : )
    Wendy, what a lovely pleated card, that embossing folder is beautiful, isn't it. Hope we see you here in the Café again soon.
    Lorraine, I hope your ring turns up very soon. Have a lovely weekend x
    Janet, wishing you a speedy recovery and on getting home very soon. Big hugs on their way : ) x
    I hope everyone enjoys the bank holiday weekend, and that it stays dry for us all!
    I am at home today so will miss seeing Mum and Pop. I didn't have a good night as my joints are not too good, they don't like the damp or rain. At least it's dry and sunny here today, hope it is with all of you. Sending love and hugs with extras for Janet, Maria, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Hope you joints aren't to bad now the sun is out,

    2. Hi Sue sorry you had a bad night. Hope your joints are a bit easier with the sun on them. Sending you some GENTAL Hug's back to you.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hope you feeling better this evening Sue. It has been a very bad summer for the joints etc. this year ,what do you take for them ? Gentle hugs to you xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra it sounds as if you had a lovely day celebrating in the nicest possible way. Carry on enjoying &
    Janet hope you are getting more comfortable & maybe they are talking about you going home, when you do get home be prepared to feel very tired, as I found after my op 2 years ago it really takes it out of as we, dare I mention it, get to a certain age!!! Sending special hugsxxx
    Wendy what a lovely card, love it all, thank you for sharing with us.xx
    The cafe is up & running coffee & tea on ready to welcome you, a new cake recipe I have tried, date, cherry & banana loaf is in cabinet will be interested in your comments.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      The cake tasted really nice thank you very much.

    2. Hi MARGARET your cake was delishous but I really love your lemon drizzle cake,well any cake haha but have to be carfull with my diabetes BoHoo. Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Margaret, hope your Friday has been good. The cake was delicious, oh I do miss the cakes Mmmmm!
      hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card by Wendy. The more I see these pleated cards the more I think I must have a go. Maybe I will get chance at the weekend after making a 21st card for my Nephew. His birthday is Sunday - but not seeing him until Monday, nothing like leaving it til the last minute! ;-)
    Sandra, sounds like you all had a lovely day celebrating yesterday. The pedalo with slide sounds fun and those churros sound delicious :-)
    Thank you for your kind messages to Luke - still over the moon for him.
    Margaret, thank you - yes all of your hugs are helping :-)
    Hope everyone is having a good day, and Janet hope you will be home soon.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      Congratulations to Luke on getting a distinction.

    2. Hi Sonia
      Big congratulations to Luke on his Distinction you must be so proud.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Well done to Luke once again, be a very proud mamma. Have a good weekend xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in today,

    Sandra, so pleased you all had a good day yesterday, it was a great way for the girls to unwind and relax.

    Wendy, I love your pleated card and the colours you have chosen. Thank you so much for sharing, hopefully we will see you again soon.

    We are back home today as daughter will be working from home, and the work is very quiet at the moment. Ciara was going to do a challenge card but got distracted and started using a striplet die, which has gone into her PHD box to be used when she needs a Card in a hurry!!! She wanted to make some boxes and used embossed card for the lids which looked very nice. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of them.

    Have to pop up the road now to the chemist, I've put in a prescription last Monday which John picked up for me a little while ago, and they've left off an item. Since they have gone to this electronic prescriptions it seems nothing is straightforward.

    Take care everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you had a nice day. I agree reg. the prescription pick up since it been changed. Last time we had to go three times because they said it hadn't gone through from the surgery, so annoying. Fingers crossed they are all there on Tuesday for the next batch. Take care, hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I just love Wendy's pleated card. I also love the tied together embossing folder, and the papers match as well.
    I did put on Facebook Sandra congratulations to both of the girls on their GCSE results.
    Val love the glitter card must see if I can get sone red A4 for Christmas. Trouble is I like to see it to see what colour red it is.

    1. Hi Pat, hope you are doing alright. We will have to see at Ally Pally if we can find some glitter cards, I too like to see them for real first. You take care, hugs xxx

  13. Meant to say I hope they let you out of hospital soon Janet. Take it easy when they do.

  14. Hi SANDRA & Friends
    Wendy your pleated card is lovely I have made a couple. I love the paper used that matches the folder so well. I have commented on way down. Not sure where my day went. I had to go Margate to change the landlady's bank details for her rent. Went into the works & got another water colour card pack for more pixie powder backgrounds only £2 bargain. MARIA my Friend i hope your feeling better as you haven't been in today hope it's just because your busy. Sending Hug's xx LORRAINE have a lovely weekend away.
    Well got to dish up dinner so pop back later love Lynda xx.

    1. Hi Lynda and all in the cafe'.
      I'm still in shock after hearing what Terry was up too hihi so I am a bit slow today.
      Not much done at all so tomorrow will be a race for making up some cards for posting Monday. OH going to football early so hope to get up when he goes. Did a walk and shopping this morning. Pretty humid day again so had a bit of a head this afternoon so just took it easy , wish I had more energy. Spoke to my mum and dad, they had been up to my hometown and visit some old friends. They staying in my sisters house for a week to look after all the dogs while day are on holiday. Seven grown ups and two new puppies, house full I would say hihi.
      Janet, hope you are doing alright and will be back home soon. Jim must be missing your cooking :-)
      Lorraine, hope your outing goes ahead and you feel good enough to make the most of it....:-)
      Wish you all a good night. Love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  15. Hello All, sorry to be late, busy day and time just seem to fly these days.
    O/H, away tonight for a meeting with three of his pals, one of the others is driving ,so at least he can have a bit of rest . They are staying in a Premier Inn, which these days are very nice. He will be back tomorrow evening, so hope to do some tidying in my work/ craft room.

    Was planning on gardening, but looks as though it's going to rain tomorrow, ah well it will save all the watering.

    Have a good evening all,hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian, have a nice evening and enjoy your own programs on the Tv :-) Happy crafting tomorrow, hugs xx
