
Saturday 27 August 2016

Mixed Crafts etc !

Janet's Doilly Dresses

Angela's pretty flowers

Closer view

Karen's Basket Of Flowers Cake

Top View of Basket Cake

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I have a really broad selection of crafts to share with you today.......

First up is a card that Our Janet has created, it isn't the card I am particularly focusing today though, it is those adorable Pretty Dresses made from a paper doilly, what an absolutely genius idea, I have seen them used many ways including parasols etc but this is the first time I have seen these cute little dresses. they look fairly simple to create, I am hoping Janet may be well enough to pop in soon to tell us all how she created them, the addition of a little ribbon and a few tiny gems makes them look more realistic.  Thank you so much for sharing this fab idea with us Janet, I hope and pray you are well enough to join us very soon xxxx

Next up we have some beautiful hand made flowers, these have been made by Angela, who managed to sneak a small box of craft goodies under her seat in the car, I must say you have put them to great use Angela, the flowers are gorgeous, have you stamped them in the centre or is it a smaller die cut flower?  inking the edges has given the flowers real definition, making the petal shape stand out, the petals look a little like Hydrangea flowers to me (although I know the colour isn't right), what die or punch did you use ? I hope to get across to see them 'in the flesh' sometime before we leave!!
Thank you so much for sharing them with us xxxx

Last but by no means least is Karen's amazing Basket Of Flowers Cake that she made a few years back for her Hubby's Gran, Karen your cake making skills are just incredible, you could have easily made a living out of making cakes, the piped basket weave effect around the cake is just so neat and the individual hand turned roses with their foliage are just amazing, all different sizes so that the basket is filled perfectly, Karen did say the photo was really old but you can still clearly see the amount of skill needed to perfect this cake, I am so pleased that you kept photos of them all Karen, thank you so much for sharing with us xxxx

That's all for this weeks mixed crafts, thank you so much ladies for sharing your projects with all of us xxxx

We had another lovely beach day yesterday, we all went in the sea together which was great fun, an evening of games after dinner, we are off to a local market this morning, the girls are after some bags for school, I am hoping that we can barter a deal with them....... wish us luck !

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Don't forget your Challenge cards!!!

Gentle hugs to those of you feeling fragile xxxx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a lovely card, like most crafters I'm interested how you made the dresses.

    Angela-what pretty flowers, you must have a lot of patience.

    Karen-another stunning cake, really beautiful.

    Yesterday was truly horrendous at work so 5pm couldn't come quick enough! I almost ran out of there....!! Went straight to the hairdressers and we chatted for the whole time I was there (an hour and a half!). Late meal then collapsed on the sofa with another book the the next thing I knew it was time for bed.

    Off to the Sincerely Yours craft show at Leigh today so will set off for Chorley to pick up my Mother in Law then off to the craft show. I know Little Clare are going to be there & I want one of their new paper packs (Christmas one) & I need a new pokey tool but that's it......ha ha. Who am I kidding-bound to find some more essentials.
    Best get a wriggle on as I need to get to the shops in the village and bring the shopping home before I set off out.


    1. Hi Michele. Have a great time at the show. Bet you don't just stick to a paper pack and a pokey tool ha ha. Xx

    2. Enjoy the Craft Show and we all know that you'll find more essentials and some bargains

    3. Only paper pack and a pokey tool :-) Never.....
      Have a great time xx

    4. Hi Michele. Have a great day, I'm sure you will get the papers and a pokey tool.....and lots of bargains too as you are the #1 at finding them : ) Take care x

    5. Hi MICHELE hope your enjoying the craft show have you got your paper pad & pokey tool excetra + more bargains :0))

    6. Hi Michele, hope the show is turning out to be worthwhile, and you get what you need, I expect a few other things will come home with you.

    7. Hi Karen
      Sorry to hear you had a horrendous day yesterday. But I hope you enjoyed your day out at the craft fair.

  2. Hi everyone.

    Janet really cute little dresses. Hope you're feeling a lot more comfortable today.

    Angele, what pretty little flowers. Very time consuming I imagine but well worth it.

    Karen just love the cake. So admire you for doing something like that. I never have baked except for fairy cakes. Just not my thing but wow I would if I could produce a cake like yours.

    Had a great time at Craft Class yesterday. I cut out a lot of other ladies Christmas dies so all set to make yet more cards. I have finished all my own apart from inserts so nearly ready to take with me to UK in 3 weeks.

    Well really must do some housework this morning. Just noticed how much dust is on the tele unit now the sun is shining on it.

    Hope everyone is ok today.
    Special hugs to Pat, Lynda, Maria and Lorraine and anyone not feeling too good this morning.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, I admire you so organised with all your card making. I'm struggling just with making the CC :-)
      Don't forget the brolly when you home for visit.
      Have a good day 'dusting' ?? hugs xx

    2. Hi Val. You are doing so well with your Christmas cards aren't you: )
      Have a good day, at least you have some sun to show the dust, it is not too bright here at the moment and it is meant to rain today and tomorrow: ( Take care x

    3. Hi Val glad you had a very productive day at craft club yesterday. That's half the battle with Christmas cards haveing all the cut elements done then doesn't take long to make up the cards.
      Have a good day dusting
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Val you've finished your Christmas cards already. How organised are you, I haven't even started.

  3. My heart always skips a little beat when I see that somebody else likes what I (we) make So thank you Sandra for thinking my cake was good enough to show - we're our own worst critics aren't we ladies
    You made me smile SANDRA when you said I'd made it a few years It must at least at least 25 years ago, if not longer
    Those doiley dresses are beautiful I'd like to know how you made them to JANET but take your time and heal first
    Your flowers look so realistic ANNE I could do with a few lessons on making 3D flowers
    I hope to get my new laptop up and running HOORAY! I hadn't realised how much I rely on it for my card making even though my stash of dies is growing Let's hope I'll get the phone call to say it's ready

    1. Hi Karen. Wow, your cake is fantastic. I agree with Sandra, you could make a business out of selling them, you talented lady. I hope the laptop is ready for you, we do miss these things when they break down, don't we. Take care x

    2. Hi Karen WOW what a beautiful cake your so clever did you make all the flowers too out of icing.
      Have a good day Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Sorry I meant ANGELA Talk about goldfish brain! Pressed the wrong button too PAT LORRAINE LYNDA and MARIA I hope you're all feeling better with each day Take care everyone xx

    1. Karen, your flower cake is amazing. Never seen anything like it before. What are you doing in a office for when you could have become a wonderful baker ! Have a nice Saturday xx

  5. Good morning one and all,

    Another beautiful display of crafts to see.

    Janet's doily dress card is just perfect for a young girl, whilst Karen's cake looks scrumptious enough to eat now, even if it is 25 years old.
    Angela's flowers are divine, I too would like to know which die you used.

    Almost caught up with the odd jobs with a spot of card making in between. As well as Monday's challenge, I also have 2 WA and 8 birthday cards to make for September alone and I haven't even looked at October yet.

    Gentle hugs for all our poorly café chums,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, good luck with the card making. I too have many in Sept. and running a bit late but thanks to the CC's I have a little batch that will go off on Monday. Hope you are well, take care xx

    2. Hi Cheryl. You have got a lot of cards to make for September don't you. Have fun making them. Take care x

    3. Hi CHERYL Wow 8 B/cards & 2 WA cards that will keep you out of mischief have fun hope mojo's working 😊 take care my dear.
      Hug's Lynda x,x

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Like me you've a lot of cards to do for Sept. Have fun making yours. I did some last week as I won't have time after we come back.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.

    Janet- thank you for showing us what else we can do with doily's. The dresses are so cute, lovely card.
    Hope you feeling better soon and can pop in for a chat. many gentle hugs for you.
    Karen- the cake looks good to eat even after 25 years. How desperate am I hihi. Well done you.
    Angela- so many pretty flowers, love to know too what die you used to make them. Hope you have/had a nice holiday.
    Got up at 7 when hubby left for London and thank you Sandra for giving us the CC's to do because thet have taken some of the stress out for making all the cards for September, I even have my mum's done for beginning of October so a big HUG for you. To be on the beach and in the sea must be so good and hopefully it's warm enough. Never forget when in Southern Spain once and it was so hot in land but the sea was freezing :-)
    It's raining here so after some breakfast I'm back in the kitchen. have a nice day everyone, love and hugs to all
    Maria Xoxo

    1. Hi Maria. It would be lovely to be sat on the beach with a beautiful blue sunny sky and a warm sea to cool off in, wouldn't it! We will just have to sit back enjoy Sandra's descriptions : ) You sound like you have most of your card making up to date, wish I did! Have a good day crafting. Take care x

    2. Hi Maria are you home alone? have a good day crafting although you seem to be ahead of yourself. As you say the CC help I'm making Christmas ones so have a few now thanks to Sandra.
      We have a lovely sunny day again. I could go to the beach as 10 min away but I can't sun bath too hot as I just burn even with facter 90 sun screen on HaHa. Hope your feeling better today take care my friend.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. I'm getting there hihi Home alone so you should see that every work top space is covered with papers, guillotine, GC and a lot more, had to move some so I could make myself some screamed eggs and bacon. Omg just heard a very loud thunder boom and here is the rain again, best shut the windows. Take care ladies xxx

  7. HiSandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your holiday sounds lovely, just what you all needed after the stress of the girls exams & Matt being ill. Enjoy the market today, any crafting bits there?xxx
    Janet your skills dresses are beautiful, look forward to you coming in & telling us how you made them. I hope each day you are feeling more comfortable & hopefully home by now. Special hugs on
    Angela your flowers are lovely, something I have not tried yet. Thank you for showing
    Karen another of your superbly decorated cakes, what is the basket weave made from. Hope your laptop is ready
    Michele enjoy the showI am sure you will find plenty of "to good to miss bargains"!xxx
    Val sounds as if you had a good craft class yesterday, I wish I had all my Christmas cards done I really must get on with
    Cheryl sounds as if you will be ready for your holiday, take
    Cafe up & running kettle & coffee pot on, strawberry sponge in cabinet for later.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Maria, Lynda & Lorraine, love

    1. Hi Mum. Yum, will be having a slice of your strawberry sponge. Yesterday's cake was lovely, still prefer your plain date one though : ) Have a good day. Give Pam a hug from me, if you see her and Roz for your usual Sat. meet. My joints are a bit better than yesterday but it's going to rain again isn't it! Better now than next weekend though! Hope you and Pop are OK. Love to you both xx

    2. Hi MARGARET Mmm strawberry cake was delicious you do make some lovely cakes. Thank you for your Hug's have a good day
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Strawberry sponge, oh I love a strawberry sponge hihi thanks Margaret. Like Sue the bones creaking and joints protesting but I give no notice today, crafting make you not forget but makes it easier someday's. Hugs to ypo and pop xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It sounds like you had another lively day on the beach, good luck with bag shopping, will you be getting anything for yourself? Have a good day my lovely xx
    Janet, I hppe that you are improving every day, and that you are home soon.
    Your doily dresses and card are beautiful. I will have to have a play, once I find the "safe" place that I put them in!!! : ) Healing hugs are on their way to you. Take care x
    Angela, your flowers are beautiful. I love the splash of colour in the middle and around the edges. I hope you are having a lovely holiday. Take care x
    My joints aren't quite so bad today so hope to get some ironing then my cc finished. Tomorrow I must get the Tesco online order done for next weekend. There's only 56 on camp this year so sorting out quantities is easy. The weather forecast is rain for all of the bank holiday weekend, I wont complain if it means it is dry next weekend, fingers crossed.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Good afternoon ladies,
    Love your doily dresses Janet they are so pretty and lacy and look beautiful on your card, hope you are feeling easier with less pain today.
    Angela your little flowers are gorgeous.
    Karen your cake decorating skills are brilliant, do you still do it?
    Sandra , great to read you are all having such a fantastic time ( well deserved) I hope you all find what you want at the market at a good price.
    Michelle , I can't wait to hear what bargains you have bagged at the show as I'm sure you'll buy more than a paper pack and pokey tool!
    Our friends left just after breakfast 9am , so I decided to put some flowers into the local Flower Show " cut flowers section" so managed 11 entries all had to be in before11am so it was all go! I'll let you know tomorrow how I get on as we are going to a friends barbecue at 4pm just after the show finishes.
    Must admit I could not bring myself to cut my giant lilies 7' which are fantastic as I love looking at them so much from my bedroom window.
    I can't believe we now are not expecting any visitors anytime soon , lovely to see people but it has been a bit too much this summer, time for a rest!
    The straw hat has survived so far Maria lol!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi ANNE
      Good luck for your flower entrys at your flower show.
      It's good you have a rest from having anymore visitors for awhile.
      Enjoy your day
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Anne
      Good luck with your flower show entries.

  10. Hello All, very beautiful day here, full sun with a slight breeze, not going anywhere as its such a struggle to get through the traffic.
    Janet your doily dresses are lovely, just perfect for a little girls card.Hope you are much better as the days go by, I assume you have to be mobile straight away.
    Angela love your little flowers, need to know punch or die?, little bit of colour makes them look real.
    Karen your cake is AMAZING, can't imagine ever doing anything so lovely.

    Well I have spent the whole morning making my challenge card, foolishly I decided to use my Cricut cutting machine, could have made 10 cards in the time it took to make my card, it's a long time since using it.

    Am going to do some gardening this afternoon after watching Sheena on the tv.
    Have a good day all, hope those not feeling great, hope you will soon be on the mend. Hugs for all Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra & friends
    We have another lovely sunny day with a nice light breeze. So going for a walk after some lunch. JANET your little doily dresses are gorgeous very clever.
    I hope your feeling a little easier today & not in so much pain. Hope they let you escape very soon HiHi. You take care love Lynda xx
    ANGELA I love your flowers which die or punch did you use? They are so pretty & delicate have you used velum xx Pat hope your new hip is ok & not hurting you when walking take care xx
    SANDRA hope the girls get their bags from the market today & you find some bargains too. Sounded you had good day yesterdsy. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    I made my CC yesterday hopefully I will be able to send it to Sandra as my computer has decided to play up & won't let me upload my card. Terry is trying to sort it out for me so fingers crossed he can sort it. Soon.
    Going for a walk when he is ready. Going to see if they have anything going on for Bank holiday at Broadstairs they usually do. So see you later love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Lovely and sunny did you say. It's sunny in Bournemouth as well. We've had a horrendous thunder and lightening storm here. The Suns trying to come out, but at 3.00 is was so dark here.

    2. Hi Pat sorry your weather was horrible today I have ordered you some hot Sun for tomorrow. Hope your hip is ok & pain free now
      Take care my friend. Love Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    It sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday Sandra, Real quality family time. Hope the market trip was successful this morning and you all got some bargains.
    JANET, Love your doily dresses, this would be a great card for any female. Hope you are getting better as each day passes, we are all thinking about you and sending you lots of love. XX
    ANGELA, your flowers are lovely, if you have time please give us instructions how to make them. XX
    KAREN. Your cake looks too beautiful to cut, though I'm sure by now it has been. So much work you put into making the basket and the beautiful flowers, XX
    I hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday weekend, we are spending it very quietly, just hope it stays fine and we can get out into the garden.
    Sending hugs for everyone, love Brenda XXX

  13. Hi Sandra
    Well don't you just love Janet's doily dresses. How clever you are Janet.
    Love the flowers Angela. How clever to make a basket cake made of flowers Karen.
    Well we've had a mega storm here, our road looked like a river. The lightening cut the TVs off for at least 10 seconds. So off everything went. Still raining but at least it now looks like daytime rather than night time.
    So glad you all had a lovely day yesterday Sandra. Hope the weather is kind to you as your coming to the end of your holiday.

  14. Janet
    If your able to look in, I'm hope your operation went well and your well on the what to recovery.

  15. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments on the flowers. As Sandra said I managed to secrete a small box under my seat in the car!! The shapes were made using a punch, edges smudged with an ink pad and then briefly one side dipped in water to break down the fibre in the paper, turned over and then press
    In the centre on a soft surface (I used an old towel) do this to three shapes and then glue offsetting the petals. If at home I would use a jewel in the centre or even another small flower. Expecting Sandra to pop over to,our pad as I have saved some shapes to do with her!! Is it not amazing we are camping again 100 yards from each other !!

    1. Hi ANGELA I hope you manage to meet up with SANDRA while your camping that would be amazing. Hope you enjoy your holiday too. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Have a great time and hopefully you get together with Sandra for some catching up, take care xx

  16. If there are any night owls about I just wanted to say thank you for your very kind comments about my cake For Thise that asked it was a rich fruit cake matured with brandy, covered with marzipan, fondant icing for the roses made over a few evenings after the children went to bed and the basket weave was done in royal icing The design came from a book called 101 Cake Designs by Mary Ford published 1982/3 It should have had a handle but didn't dare risk that! I don't make celebratory cakes anymore probably because there's so much more available ie in supermarkets etc

  17. Karen I'm sure that no supermarket cake could come anywhere your beautiful cake, not only is the decorations exceptional, but the actual cake sounds delicious.

    Good night all, sweet dreams, have spent all day cutting down my climbers, finished it, have to get all of the cuttings to the skip now, think it will take several trips. Hugs Lilian

    1. Karen, Lilian is right. Nowhere would you find a cake like yours in any shop anywhere, they are
      super ! Hope you can sleep ok after all the cutting down Lilian and no aches in the morning. Anne- hope your flowers won at the show, had my fingers crossed for you all day. Wish you all a good night xxx
