
Thursday 25 August 2016

Lorraine's Challenge Cards & Good Luck Girls!!!

Lorraine's Challenge card from 2 weeks ago

Lorraine's challenge card from last week

Good Morning Ladies,

I am so happy to say that Lorraine and I sorted our lines of communication out, so that I was able to receive these amazing cards that Lorraine had made for our last two challenges, I have to say I was over the moon to see that you had taken the time to take part in the challenges despite feeling so exhausted and poorly.
I promise you that I will make time and space to share any challenge card that you make, it doesn't matter if you can't make the card in time for me to upload on the Sunday, if you go to the trouble I will always share it, I know and totally understand how hard it is to meet deadlines when 'life and your health don't work with you'!!
Your first card is so pretty, the papers you have used are so bright and vibrant, the contrasting plain papers all match perfectly too, the mixture of adhesive gems you have used is pure genius, a fantastic way of matching the colours in your theme and using up those last few gems in different colours!  That pretty pearl trimmed edging yoiu have used finishes your card perfectly! 

Your Challenge card from last week is a stunning Christmas Tag/pocket card, 
The papers you have used are so gorgeous, 'classy Christmas papers', I love the dark almost burgundy red with cream and gold, your beautiful flower sprays in opposite corners give such an exquisite finish to your card, as do the flat back gems around the edge, they really draw your eye in, so you focus on that beautiful tag, it looks like a page from a vintage book, a stunning Christmas card!
Thank you so much Lorraine for allowing me to share your cards with all of our lovely friends here onthed blog, I can't wait to see this weeks! Xxxx

Now please cross your fingers and toes, its GCSE results day today, we have two very stressed daughters this morning, they should get their results at about 10am your time or 11am here, we are proud of them whatever the outcome, they both worked very hard for their exams, I will pop back in later to let you know !

Janet, I hope you aren't in too much pain this morning, sending you lots and lots of love and hugs xxxx

Pat and Sue, I hope you had a fun day crafting together, did you both get your challenge cards made ;) ! I was thinking of you throughout the day, missed you both very much xxx

We had a very relaxing day yesterday, just sat around reading our books and playing a few rounds of Triominoes, a lazy late lunch, Paul and the girls were so warm in the afternoon we walked to the beach at about 4pm, they all had a swim, I just laid and read my kindle, we came back about 7.30pm, it was still so warm and sunny, I could have stayed another hour or two, we had to get back to call Matt to wish him happy birthday though, followed by a lazy, late dinner and an early night.  We have  busy day planned today, hopefully to celebrate the girls results, we are going up the coast to hire one of those boats with a slide on,  we did it last year and the girls and Paul had great fun, I sat on the deck sunbathing!  We will visit the icecream parlour and have a wander around the shops too! 
Have a lovely day lovely friends,
Love and hugs



  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Never had a minute yesterday , the day just disappeared,
    Hope Matt had a great birthday!
    Janet , I hope all went well with your op and you are on the mend xo
    Loved your card from yesterday Pat! great subject and wonderful paper choice.
    Lorraine your challenge cards are beautiful I love all your pearl embellishments and design.
    Well our visitors arrived just after 5pm I only got back from ( very long hill walk) 4:30 had a quick shower and they were here, I was so tired , but managed to keep going until 10pm , I hope I have more energy today!
    Sandra I envy your lazy day just lying and reading in the sun I really can't wait now for our turn, enjoy your day today and fingers crossed for fantastic results for Lucy and Sophie , they will be so relieved to get them xoxo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lorraine-two fantastic cards, both really lovely.

    Sandra-fingers crossed about the girls results.

    Crazy day at work, lovely to get home. I already had my tea sorted so it just needed heating up. A glass of wine helped me relax. Watch the Julia Watts shows I'd recorded then actually forced myself to head up to my craft room. Made my challenge card, not too thrilled with it but doubt I'll get the time (or oomph) to make another one.
    Today should be a calmer day at work then I have the Tesco shopping to do then phone my Dad, speak to hubby (he's in Scotland) then put the shopping away!!


  3. Hello All, quick post as I am away to my friends today, for a crafting day.

    Sandra, good luck for the girls results, sure they will be great.

    Lorraine your cards are really fab.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  4. Morning everyone.
    Lovely cards Lorraine. Love the different size pearls you've used on the top one.

    It sounds as though you had a lovely day, yesterday and the boat with the slide today sounds like fun. I'd be like you though and be happy to sunbathe. Fingers and toes crossed that the girls are happy with their results today. There must be so many nervous teens up and down the Country today.

    Janet. Do hope everything went well yesterday and you're comfortably tucked up in be this morning not in too much pain.

    A few bits to do then off to meet a friend for coffee. Will call in later.

    I hope those who haven't been feeling so good lately, especially Pat Lynda Maria and Lorraine, are having a good day today.
    Lots of love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra got everything crossed for the girls but I am sure they have done well. Hope you all have a lovely time today, sounds like great fun if you like that sort of thing, I would be with you
    Janet sending you lots of hugs & hope you don't feel too uncomfortable, you will be feeling sleepy today no doubt, perhaps Jim or one of your daughter's could pop in to let us know how you are.x xx
    Cafe looking good, clean clothes & fresh flowers on tables & boiled fruit cake for
    Lorraine both of your cards are lovely, thankyou for sending them in. Congratulations on your anniversary yesterday & hope you have a lovely weekend.xx
    Shopping this morning then Petanque this afternoon, that is as long as we don't get the rain that is forecast.
    Sending special hugs to Janet & all who need them love

  6. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Janet ,hope you are ok after your op and will soon be back home.
    Love your cards Lorraine, like the blings and happy colour on the first one. Love the deep red and Christmas feel of the second one.
    Good luck for Sophie and Lucy and their results today. They both done so well. Have a wonderful day with the boat and slide or just sitting reading. I join you and Margaret I think.
    Lynda, nice you had a long chat with Tracy yesterday. Shouldn't moan when you know what she have gone through the last year. Not many night owls anymore as my sleep pattern have changed a bit and Littlelamb have not been in for a long time. Hope you are alright.
    Have a nice day all whatever you are doing. Love and hugs ,Maria xxxx

  7. OMG ladies,
    Sophie and Lucy did so well, mostly A* & A's across the board, we couldn't be any prouder!!

    1. Oh Sandra I am so pleased for all of you.
      I know you and Paul must be bursting with pride.

    2. No wonder you are proud, congratulations to them both. Go & have a lovely day

    3. Oh Sandra, what fantastic news. You must be so happy and proud. Congratulations Sophie and Lucy what a wonderful achievment. Well done to you both. Have a lovely celebration today.
      Love Valxxx

    4. CONGRATULATIONS SOPHIE AND LUCY very exciting making plans for the next step

      WELL DONE GIRLS.nHave a good day celebrating with your proud Mum & Dad xxxx

    6. Wow great results, pass on my congratulations to Shophie and Lucy,
      You and Paul have a right to feel proud parents.

    7. Wonderful results girls, well done ! You and Paul will have to spoil them for a few days xxx

    8. Wow that's amazing, well done girls :)

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I think by now you may have got the girls results, I hope they're happy with a grades I know they work very hard to achieve them. I hope they're happy with a grades I know they work very hard to achieve them. Sophie and Lucy It has been a very exhausting year for both of you, hopefully you can now both relax - for a few weeks anyway LOL

    Lorraine, I love both of your challenge cards, they are both absolutely gorgeous, and deserve there day on the blog xx

    Must go other half is calling, will pop in later, hopefully by then Sandra will have had time to leave a quick message.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  9. Hi Sandra. The Biggest CONGRTAULATIONS To you both SOPHIE & LUCY, what fantastic results, you both deserved them. Now I can relax and read the rest of the comments. Been sat here refreshing the page. Sandra and Paul, congratulations to you both too, you have two very special young ladies. Have a wonderful day celebrating : )) You can all really relax now and enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    Pat and I had a lovely time yesterday, we did miss you though, even my car is missing you as it automatically turned off towards Carterton on my way to Witney, luckily I realised my mistake quickly and turned around!!!! it did give me a giggle though. Love and hugs for you all my lovely. Take care xx

    1. What can I say!!!

    2. I don't know what you mean!!! 😂 xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Today is a very happy one in the Café. We have Lorraine's beautiful cards to enjoy, I love both and especially how you have used those different gems that all match the papers perfectly. I must remember to do that as I have only ever used a single colour, thank you Lorraine x
    Sandra, I bet you had to get the tissues out when you heard what fantastic results Sophie and Lucy so rightly deserved. I will be sat by you on the boat, I think it will be quite crowded as I'm not the only one from the Café joining you on this celebration day 😃 xx
    I have finally got my phone back, it only took nearly 4 weeks for them to fix it!!!!! I will be working on my cc once I have left the Café, which looks lovely, thank you Mum. Will be having a slice of your delicious boiled fruit cake later 😃 xx
    Janet, I hope you are on the road to recovery now, and not in too much pain. I wonder if Jim will pop in to let us know how you are? It doesn't matter as the important thing is that you are on the mend, keep thinking of all that you will be able to do once you are healed. Sending you gentle hugs x
    Maria, sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. I hope the shakes have left you today. Rest up please, sending you hugs x
    I had better get on, where did this morning go? Love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Maria, Lynda, Lorraine and all in need. Take care xc

  11. Hello SANDRA & friends
    I'm so pleased that Sophie & Lucy had such excellent results I did comment uder your message Sandra. Are you all still celebrating I bet you Paul & girls still on cloud 9 sending you all Hug's xx😍 Sue glad you have got your phone back at last. It's like loosing your right arm haha. I had to smile as you nearly went to pic Sandra up 😃 Glad you had a nice day with Pat though.
    Finishe & posted 3 cards now just My CC do make so im going now going to try & make a on CC Loraine you cards are lovely glad you got them on the blog. Thanks for sharing. JANET hope you are feeling ok & not in to much pain Gental Hug's xx I will pop back later. Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow Lorraine, I just love your cards they are both so beautifully made :-)
    Sandra, that is fantastic news about Sophie and Lucy's results. Congratulations :-) Hope you've enjoyed your day celebrating and continue to enjoy the rest of your holiday :-)
    My son Luke picked up his first year result for his sports diploma and got a distinction :-) I was over the moon when he phoned me at work to tell me and nearly cried. Am so very proud of him. He has to do it all again with starting over at the Academy in September, but he's so happy to be doing that and get in the extra training and games too :-)
    Janet, I hope you are recovering well X
    Thank you for your lovely wishes and hugs yesterday, it means a lot to me.
    Have a good evening. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Congrats to Luke, wish him good luck for September. How many years is the training ? Hope you had a good day and maybe something special dinner tonight xx

    2. Thank you Maria :-) Its a 2 year course he's starting over and really looking forward to it :-)
      Been working today - not nice in this humidity! Hope you're keeping well and sleeping better. Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sonia,
      Please congratulate Luke on his results. Hope all our hugs are helping you.xx

    4. Hi Sonia, how wonderful that Luke has done so well. You must be very proud of him. Well done Luke.
      Lve Valxxx

    5. Hi Sonia, well done Luke, you have really achieved so much in such a short space of time. Wishing you all the best for the future. xx

  13. Hello All, well I think most of the country, most be comming to Cornwall for the bank holiday, queues every where, takes ages to get anywhere, still shouldn't complain it's good for the traders.

    Had a good day at my friends, lots of laughs also, and a lovely lunch.
    Didn't manage my challenge card so will have to do that tomorrow.

    Hope Janet is slowly beginning to feel better, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Have a good evening all , hugs Lilian

  14. Evening everyone.
    Hope you all alright. I brought some special cakes in for after dinner to celebrate all the kids and grandchildren who received the school results today.Well done to all.

    We had a little bit of rain during the night so that helped against the heat but got very muggy instead. Had a little outing with OH, bought some sun cream called 'Calypso' which is very nice and make me not to burn to much :-) parcel from 'Craftstash' was waiting for me back home, will have a play with that tomorrow after shopping. Did the CC card this afternoon but as usual, not happy so might make one more hihi
    Lynda, luckily I'm not the jealous type but it seem like I missed something there. Hihi I'll see him in the flesh soon !
    Janet, hope you are ok and not in too much pain. Sending you gently hugs and some goat fleecy slippers from Herman.
    Time for some blog hopping so I wish you all a better sleep night and I see you tomorrow sometime Xoxo

  15. Thank you all for the lovely comments about my cards. I added the pearl trim all round the first card which I think made it more balanced. The second card uses Graphic 45 Christmas Carol papers and the tag is an excerpt from the book. I really enjoyed making them.
    I have been so tired today it's been a struggle. Been searching for my ring that we bought last anniversary that I lost months ago. No luck.
    Sounds like everyone is doing ok so I hope I have that right.
    Wishing you all good things xxx
