
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Pat's Nautical Card and Happy Birthday Matt xx

Pat's Natical Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to start today's blog by wishing my Amazing Son Matt a Very Happy 24th Birthday,
he is preparing our caravan today to take it to Dorset Steam Rally tomorrow for the weekend, I hope you have a lovely night out with Alex and your friends tonight, I feel so very proud of all of my children.  Just as an example, while we have been away Becca has had to start injectable Methotrexate as she couldn't tolerate the tablet form due to nausea, anyway her boyfriend has been trained to inject her (as she is a needle phobe and couldn't do it herself), anyway the first one was last week and she was panicking as was Josh and I think that the needle didn't go in far enough, which left her with a yellowish bruise and the drug was bubbled under her skin, she would have normally picked up the phone to me straight away but as we were away she called her brother, who has been injecting himself for the same illness for a few years, he calmed her down, explained what went wrong and is going to go over tonight to talk Josh through injecting her, now when he told me all this at the weekend my heart melted a little, they may not show it often but they clearly love each other very much.  It was the same when Matt got taken into hospital a couple of weeks ago, Becca came straight over, so she could come with us to the hospital.  It's comforting to know that they will turn to each other when we aren't close by.   

Now onto Pat's fabulous Nautical Card, I just love the papers you have used Pat and they work perfectly with the die cut Anchor and Shell you have used, even the grosgrain ribbon has the nautical feel.  Thank you so much for sharing this card Pat xxxx

Janet, sending lots of love and hugs to you today, fingers, toes and legs crossed for speedy surgery, so we can have you back cart Wheeling around the cafe very soon! 
Love you lots xxxx

Pat and Sue, have a lovely day together, wish I was crafting with you today! 
A lazy day here as I have pushed myself too far with trying to walk onto beach each day, so frustrating when you want to able to do things freely and can't !! 

I hope that you are all well, gentle hugs for those feeling fragile,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Matt- Happy Birthday.....!!!

    Pat-what a fantastic card, I love it.

    Very busy day yesterday at work and hubby didn't finish work until quite late. Still getting phone calls at 6.30pm so we ate late again. It had bed so warm that I just collapsed on the sofa with my book. I'm going to try & start my challenge card tonight.


    1. Hi 'I he'll
      I'm glad you liked the card. Hope today isn't so hectic for you.

  2. Hi Michele. I hope today is less busy than yesterday for you. It was so hot last night wasn't it, at least you were able to sit back and enjoy the book. What is the name of it? Gem loves police forensic type books and has got me into reading Karen Rose books at the moment. Take care x

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT It really warms your heart to see them grow into warm caring adults doesn't it My sister had a similar phobe with her diabetes injections Bless her your card is lovely PAT How's the sewing going CHERYL I hope as today is a lovely sunny day that it's helping those that it's easing the aches and pains
    I do hope that all goes well today JANET we're all thinking of you
    Before I go into work I'm just going to check back what you might owls got up to last night
    Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Please send Matt Happy Birthday wishes from me, I hope he has a great day, and he will enjoy the Steam Fair at the weekend won't he. It is lovely to see that our older children still turn to each other in their hours of need, especially when you are not near by. I'm sure with Matt talking Josh through the jab Becca will not have the same problem as last week, bless her : )

    Pat, what a great card, I love it all but especially those lovely nautical papers. I am so looking forward to seeing you today, will miss having Sandra with us though. Roll on Sept. when The Three Graces will be back together.

    Janet, every thing is crossed that this morning passes quickly and that the op and recovery are quick and trouble free. We will all share the jobs that you do in the Cafe, and look forward to seeing you back in here very soon. Sending my love and healing hugs.

    I must get on as I need to do a bit of ironing before I go to Pat's : )
    I hope everyone has a good day, with the same lovely blue sky and sun that we have here again today : ) Sending love and hugs to you all and extras for Maria, Lynda(glad to hear the toe is nearly better) Lorraine and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue have a lovely day with Pat hope you get some crafting done & enjoy chatting. Thank you for the extra Hug's.
      I did wonder why a burst blister was taking so long to heal, you take medication for one problem which then causes other problems. Oh the joy of getting old. Have a good day.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Good Morning all,

    First of all Janet if you've had time to pop in I wish you good luck for today and send love and prayers for a speedy recovery and hope its not too long until you're back amongst us.

    Sandra , how lovely to know that even though you're away your family are looking after each other. Happy Birthday Matt.

    Pat really love your nautical card. The papers are really fun and the anchor , shell and ribbon are all you need to make a perfect card.

    Michele, yesterday sounded such a busy day. Hope everything is calm for you todayand you manage to get your cc done tonight.

    I never got a chance to get back here yesterday as after shopping ( lynn bought towels and sandles and I bought a pair of flattish shoes for my hols) we went for lunch. We both had the most delicious chicken salad and sat talking for ages. The restaurant we chose was not in the shopping precinct but jutting out over sea. Listening to the waves lapping was so relaxing. Anyhow got home about 3ish and just sat down when some friends who are out on holiday, turned up. We chatted for a few hours then went out for something to eat and by the time they left around 10.30 it was all I could do to walk upstairs and flop into bed. Just got to go to the nurse to have my dressing changed then its a day of relaxing. Hate this getting old. One day out and I need a couple of days to recover.

    Pat and Sue have a lovely time chatting and crafting today.

    Sandra have a good rest today so you'll be fit and well tomorrow.

    Just going to read yesterdays comments that I missed.

    Have a lovely day everyone. Hope the sun is shining wherever you are.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. How lovely to have lunch looking over the sea. And how nice to have unexpected visitors.

    2. Hi Val sounds like you had a lovely day with Lynn & had a lovely lunch by the sea it is calming watching the sea while you eat. Then going out for a unexpected dinner with friends. Have a good day today
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please wish Matt a very happy birthday & what a lovely way to spend the weekend. Lovely to hear Matt & Becca are there for each other. Take it easy on yourself today please so you can enjoy the rest of
    Pat your card is lovely love the papers, hope you & Sue get some crafting done between the
    Janet everything crossed for you, I have put coffee & kettle
    on & put lemon drizzle cake & date loaf in cabinet. Thinking of
    Another lovely day Petanque this morning so must get on sending healing hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret enjoy your Pétanque this morning. I'm glad you liked the card.

    2. Hi MARGARET enjoy your Pétanque this morning. I love your lemon drizzle cake THank you. Love Lynda xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the Cafe,

    Janet, thinking of you, not sure if you see this before you go to the hospital wishing you all the best. We will all look after the kids we will all look after the cafe, and make sure there are plenty of gorgeous cakes, Herman is doing a grand job, he does get the occasional treat, won't spoil him and will make sure they have the treats.

    Matt, wishing you a very happy birthday, it's great you're there for Becca well mum and dad are on holiday. I know that those very proud of you and everything you've achieved . Enjoy the steam rally I'm sure it will be great fun. LOL

    Pat, your card is absolutely lovely love the colours you've used it, it's so bright and cheery. Hope you and Sue have a good day today. XX

    Like Karen I need to check what happened yesterday evening, hope the night holes with good. And didn't disturb Herman.

    Will pop in later, take care,
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    Janet extra ((((hugs)))) just for you LOLXXX

    1. I have just looked back in - sorry I hope you can make spence of my comment? I didn't have my glasses on when I made it (or my brain in gear!!!!! ) xxx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you liked the card. Hope you have a lovely day.

    3. Hi BRENDA. Your comment looked fine to me but then I haven't got my glasses on either & as for my brain not sure it's ever in gear 😳lol
      Have a good day love Lynda xx

  8. Morning Sandra and all.
    Janet, will be thinking of you especially today and wish you all the best, many hugs.
    Sandra, hope you will be able to go in the sea again today and not being in to much pain. Wish we 'were all beside the seaside' for some cooler breeze. Happy birthday Matt !
    Love your card Pat and the nautical themed paper and anchor. Have a lovely day with Sue. Never got a pudding yesterday, was not in the age criteria hihi
    Won't be doing much today, late night and not much sleep makes me feel a bit shaky this morning and it's going to be in the 30+ c, just hope to start on CC sometime later.
    Hope you all have a nice day and glad to see the ones not being to good lately is getting there. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope your feeling a bit better now and that the shakes have stopped. Shane about the pudding.

    2. Hi Maria, hope you can have a good rest today after not having much sleep take care. Valxx

    3. Hi MARIA sorry you didn't get your pudding but good your not of a certain age Hihi Hope you feel better now enjoy your day my friend.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry I've not had time to comment over the last few days. Personal and family problems to deal with :-( Not been feeling good at all, but have been popping in to see what everyone has been up to.
    A gorgeous collection of cards and crafts have been displayed and they are all so lovely :-)
    Janet, thinking of you today and sending hugs X
    Sandra, sounds like you're having a lovely time.
    Happy Birthday to Matt :-) Enjoy the Dorset Steam Fair.
    Thinking of you all, and sending hugs xxxx

    1. Hi Sonia. So sorry you're having some problems and do hope they are resolved soon. Do hope your feeling ok well.

    2. Hi Sonia,sorry your having family problems hope they are sorted soon. Wish you well too take care love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Sonia, hope you be ok and everything sorts itself out. take care and hugs xx

    4. Hi Sonia,
      Sorry you have problems both in family & personal, sending you gentle hugs & remember we are all here for

  10. Hi Sandra
    Sorry to hear your not up to much today. Sand certainly is a bummer to try and walk on.
    Many happy returns to Matt, and I hope he enjoys the steam fair. Wish we could have gone this year as well.
    Well, I wasn't expecting to see my card today. I made this one a few months ago now over at my friends Barbara. I tried to get this die set but couldn't. Seen something similar, but due to senior moments I can't remember who they were by now.
    Sat waiting for Sue to arrive and hope to do some crafting. Well Pete was going to go out this morning and dig up his potatoes before we go away. But as usual scrabble has to come first and he's now gone up Karen's. Then he'll complain it's to hot when ge starts this afternoon.
    Janet, I hope all goes well today and wish you a speedy recovery. Gentle hugs on there way.

    1. Oh Pat, join the club. My senior moments are coming thick and fast. Have a great afternoon. Valxx

    2. Hi Pat your card is a great man card love it. Must be catching this senior moment thing I get it all the time haha. Enjoy your day with Sue. Love Lynda xx

  11. Happy Birthday Matt.
    How lovely to hear your children are so caring Sandra.
    Janet, all the best for today's procedure and the recovery.
    Ooh I love lemon drizzle :).
    Happy crafting Pat and Sue.
    Sonia, I hope things pick up for you very soon. Hugs.
    Maria, I hope you perk up very soon, gentle hugs.
    Enjoy your tetanus Margaret and thank you for keeping the cafe so well stocked.
    Val it sounds like you had a marvellous day yesterday so take it easy for the next couple and you will be back on top form very soon. We need to listen to our bodies as we get older.
    Michelle I hope you have an easier day today and that you can have your meal earlier.
    It's our 31st Wedding Anniversary today. We are not doing anything special because we are indulging ourselves at the weekend. Mum is taking me out for lunch, hubby at work so he misses out. My eldest daughter is meeting me in town later.
    Don't think I will manage the challenge card this week as I just have too much on.
    Must go and get ready so take care all.

    1. Hi Lorraine. Best wishes to you both for a very happy anniversary. Enjoy your meal out with your mum and your trip to town with your daughter. I bet you're so looking forward to your weekend away.
      Hope you're feeling a lot better today.

    2. Hi LORRAINE Happy Anniversary to you & Hubby. Enjoy your day with your mum & daughter later. Look forward to Haveing a lovely weekend too.. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Happy anniversary Lorraine !
      Hope you have a lovely day and that the weekend will be fab. for you both.
      Found some peanut butter, it's put a smile on my face. how sad am I :-) xx

  12. Sorry for got to say I love the card. Anything nautical suits me, I am Cornish after all :)

  13. Hello Sandra & friends
    I have commented on way down & just arrived.
    A very Happy Birthday Matt enjoy your weekend at the steam fair
    Well done with helping Becca out with her injections.
    SANDRA you have four beautifulI caring children must put your mind at rest knowing they are their for each other when you & Paul are away.
    Sorry your in pain today I find sand is such hard work walking on it. Take it easy today my lovely & enjoy relaxing.
    I'm home alone now Terry has gone to meet a friend for a few hours so I'm in craft room I have two birthday cards & CC to make so will keep me out of mischief. It's very hot out so pleased to be inside with Bambi & Freddy well Bambi anyway hihi .
    JANET thinking of you my friend fingers & everything all goes well with opperation & a speedy recovery sendin you some gental Hug's xx
    I hope you all have a good day try & pop back later Love Lynda xx

    1. Ah Lynda. Is Bambi in the craft room with you? How cute. Hope you're both keeping cool and getting on well with the card

    2. Hi Val yes Bambi always comes in craft room with me she is a mummy's girl. Made three cards so pleased but not Cc yet.
      Hope you had a good day
      Love Lynda xx

  14. Hello All, dull but hot here in St Austell today.

    Pat love the card, especially the dies you have used.

    Sandra hope your are enjoying the beach, agree walking on sand is hard, but the sea is so healing.

    Hope everything is going well for Janet, and that she knows we are all wishing her well.

    Going to try the ch card this afternoon, no promises, hoping inspiration will come when I take out my papers.

    Lynda glad the toe is on the mend.

    Maria, hope you are feeling better now.

    Have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  15. Janet, if you get a chance to pop in hope you are ok. Sleep well, hope you are allowed soon. Love Brenda xx

  16. Hi, just wanted to wish you all a good night.Doubt it will be much sleeping as it still very warm but here goes xxx

  17. Hello night owls not many though
    JANET hope your not in too much pain & you feel better tomorrow big Hug's xx
    Pat & Sue hope you had a good day & did some crafting love to you both. Xx
    MARIA hope you sleep well tonight very warm & without any breeze.xx
    Well think I have to make my own tea tonight as Terry said he always makes it
    So might just have cold drink.
    I had a nice chat with TRACY Stitt from Sues blog on Face Time this afternoon she is lovely & she has had a rough year with breast cancer & loosing her dad.
    Well I'm off to my bed now .see you all tomorrow sleep well everyone
    Love Lynda xx
