
Friday 19 August 2016

Oldie for Friday Card

Good Friday morning ladies,

I thought I would go back a few months, well quite a few actually, this card is one of Brenda's (Lello)
cards, I thought that it deserved a second look as it is so beautiful.

Brenda has used Creative Expressions Times Square Die set from their New York Collection, designed by Sue Wilson.  I love the colour you have used too, Periwinkle and White (Foundation Card) I wonder if that is still the most popular colour?
Brenda your Rose Bud's are just so beautfil and work so well with the little touch of white foliage you have used.  That bow of tulle gives that special touch without being too over the top.
I am not sure if you ladies all know this but Brenda makes her own Roses out of ribbon, aren't they just perfect??
All in all a perfect card Brenda, I hope you don't mind me sharing it again, a lot of our newer ladies may not have seen it first time around.

I hope you are all looking forward to a lovely weekend.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-what a truly stunning card, it's gorgeous.

    Had a great time yesterday at the Flower Show, it was a beautiful sunny day and very crowded quite early. My friend decided around 2pm she'd had enough so we wandered off to wait for a bus to go home. I watched quite a few craft shows I'd recorded then went up to my craft room and wrapped my in-laws birthday presents and wrote their cards.

    We have a dull day & it's starting to rain, the garden really needs the rain but it's a shame for the Flower Show.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm glad you had a great time at the flower show. Did you buy anything or get any ideas? It's raining here too, it's always a shame when it rains for any fetes, shows etc. isn't it after all of the hard work that goes into them. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday at the flower show. It's raining here as well.

    3. Hi MICHELE glad you enjoyed the flower show yesterday.
      It's raining here too.xx

    4. Glad you had a nice time. Rain here too :-) xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra. I hope you have another lovely day with no rain. Thank you for showing us Brenda's gorgeous card again. It's in my favourite colour combo, I love the dies and the tulle bow and stick pins are such pretty finishing touches. I love your roses too Brenda. Any chance of you giving us a tutorial, please?
    I hope everyone has a good day, it's raining here and rather dull : ( I know the gardens need the rain but wish it could just rain at night.
    I'm off to see Mum and Pop today and taking some craft bits so hope we get a chance to have a play later Mum : )
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Maria, Lorraine and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue have a lovely day with Mum & Pops & hope you get to craft together.I must say your mum is very good at card making you would think she had been doing it for years
      Hug's for you both & Hug for pop. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sue, hope you have a great time craft playing with Mum and seeing pop. Saw you were busy yesterday with the girls. Love to see a photo of them all, perhaps at AP ? What I can remember during the summer break in Sweden, I spent most of my time with mum's dad and Frida (grandma) I had nearly 9 weeks off so we drove up North to visit friends and family. This very old, hunchback woman had goats and to get some pocket money I helped her to look after the goats outside and made sure they were back in the barn for the night, plenty of wolfs in the area. Can't remember I had to milk them but I have milked cows hihi Glad Herman is doing a good job or he might end up in a stew :-)
      hugs xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- Oh I do love your card. Your colour choice was just perfect and your roses are to die for. You really do have such patience making them. I think that the American die sets SW did are just beautiful and always so useful in many ways.

    Congratulations to your Grandchildren on their results. We both know what it's like on results day at work. So many tears either very happy or unhappy and using many boxes of tissues. Next week GCSE's and again a very busy day. I'm so pleased as are you that we're retired.

    VAL- so pleased that you got sorted with that leg of yours with meds and dressings. Please take things easy.

    CHERYL- you must have taken a great big breath when all your visitors left. It's lovely to see them but isn't it great to have your home back to yourself.

    MARIA- your surgery just sounds like ours. It's nearly impossible to get an appointment under a three week wait and yes the only way to get one is to be there before 08.00 in the morning waiting for the doors to open and then you might get one if you don't want to see a specific Dr. If you cannot get to the surgery then it's telephone and heaven only knows.

    Now Herman looks as though he's doing a grand job mowing down the grass around the Café. Just don't put down any bags/packages etc or he'll have those too. I haven't see the cat so I'm hoping that she's kept well clear of Herman!!!! Now you've mentioned Cats I know it's a little way off but I hope you've all got your 'familiars' in training for the end of October. I've had to start training one of Christina's black kittens as Pip is too old and frail now to be out in the night air. He just couldn't manage such a journey bless him. lol

    (I hope I'm not driving some of our new Friends away with my daft comments. What do you think?)

    Now all's set and ready for the day in the Café so help yourselves to tea/coffee etc. Have a good day and hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I don't think you will drive any of our new ladies away. I'm still here. I just hope Herman dose't push MARIA under the bushes like the cow did & kept Her hostage HiHi
      Have a lovely day Janet love Lynda xx

    2. Thank you Lynda for reminding me about that horrid day hihi. Oh we are all a bit mental,they know by now and like Lynda say I'm still here too. Glad Herman doing his job or he might have to go in the pot hihi. Can you believe it, no doc. today again. Lucky I'm not dying :-) Hope your day have been good so far, hugs xx

  4. Good morning ladies,

    I hope that you are all well, sorry to hear weather is rubbish at the moment, maybe the sunshine is saving itself for the Bank Holiday weekend !!
    Michele I am pleased you had a good time at the flower show and that your day was dry, it does seem a hugfe lottery when organising a big event these days with the weather, with all the time and money that goes into organising these events it must be so frustrating when the weather ruins the chances of it being a success, particularly if its for charity.
    How are all of your challenge cards coming along?? I am looking forward to opening your emails to see your pocket style cards!
    I decided to start showing some of the older cards for two reasons, first being its a good reminder of how amazing some of the older dies were (we tend to stop reaching for them when new ones come along), Brenda's card is thee perfect example of how gorgeous the New York dies are, but I haven't looked at mine in months! Maybe I should bring back the "old die challenge)?! The other reason for sharing these older cards is that they deserve a second airing, there will no doubt be people that didn't see this card first time around!
    Can I ask one of you a favour?? At the bottom of my daily post (just beside wherevbit says how many comments there are) there are some buttons, one of which is Pinterest, could one of you try it out to see if it works, so that you can 'pin' the card that's showing. I tried to add a Pin button but it says I already have one, but it isnt easy to see! Thanks in advance xx
    We are having a nice lazy morning, we are getting ready to go across to the beach for the day, I have chopped some ice cold watermelon and popped it in the cool bag, Paul has popped to get baguette to make up some sandwiches, we should then be set for the day, we end taking about 5 litres of water too! I am hoping to get in the sea for a swim today, its the getting in and out that cause the biggest problem, depending on how calm the sea is!
    Brenda, so pleased to read that both of your Grandchildren got such fantastic exam results, I bet the mood is a little more relaxed!!
    We are still waiting here, the girls get their GCSE results on 25th, needless to say we will all be relieved when that day arrives!!
    Right I must go, get organised,
    I send my love and hugs to all of you, gentle hugs for those feeling a little fragile!!!
    Maria, mind that goat doesn't bite holes in your best bloomers !!!
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra
      I'm glad your having a relaxing time. Hope you manage to get into the sea.

    2. Hi Sandra glad your having a lovely time enjoy your swim your brave I don't like getting in the sea myself.but the salt water will be good for your body.
      I have just tried the pinserest button & it worked I have started a Cotswold crafter board so will be putting the cafe' cards in there if that's ok.have a good day love Lynda xx

    3. I too have a board on pinterest and it works well. I have got to Sept.2014 so far hihi
      Sorry someone is hungry,best start dinner. Have a great time and my bloomers are safe, not wearing any :-) xxx

    4. Hi Sandra, glad you are having a good time, have just pinned to my board projects to try, will do the rest gradually

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    so glad you're having a lovely holiday Sandra. Sounds nice and relaxing. Enjoy the sea bathing.

    Brenda you card is so beautiful. Love the delicate colour, the die you've used and those perfectly matching roses. Lovely also that your grandchildren got such great exam results. You must be so proud of them.

    I read all yesterdays comments last night but Mr Tablet just would not let me reply to them. Seems in a better mood this morning thank goodness.

    Maria I can't believe you have such trouble making a doctors appointment. I must admit I either get an appointment the same day I ask or definitely the next
    day.. Perhaps there are fewer patients on the list here. Do hope you can get sorted out soon.

    I'm sure someone has pinched a couple of days out of the past week because its already Friday and craft club day again. I ordered 2 Stampeazee's from JSheen , one for Wendy and one for me. Anyway they came yesterday so I'll take them to craft with me today. I'm must better someone showing me how to use something than reading instructions so hopefully we can figure it out

    1. Sorry I pressed the wrong button....

      Hope all those not feeling to good today with soon be feeling better.
      Special hugs to to Pat Lynda !Maria and Lorraine.

      Will pop in later.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Val thanks for my Hug's
      I have a stampeazee & I find it very good especially it you want to do theses multi step stamps as you can line them up. I would love a Misti it looks very good on you tube but it's very expensive.
      Have a good time at craft club. Thank you for my special Hug.x
      Love Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Val, thanks for the hug. Hope you had a fun day crafting, how did the stampeazee work for you ?
      No Doctor again, yes I said no appointment again. Not sure if I should laugh or cry. It is a system for making on-line appointments so I have got a code from the surgery today and will have to try on Monday morning, fingers crossed. Glad you got some help for your leg, hope it soon get better. Many hugs Maria xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad your having a lovely relaxing time on holiday. You all deserve a lovely rest.
    Brenda I so love this card. I have these dies but don't actually remember seeing it before. Perhaps I was on holiday when it was shown. Although I usually pop back and look. I'm not to sure what you've used for the frill round the edges, and I love your flowers. If you haven't said what you've used in your post. I'll tie a knot in my neck and try and remember to ask at Ally Pally.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Meant to say that Paul will be pleased that Brenda installed a goat in the back garden this time. He'll keep the garden grass down, although I expect Paul will have to clean up his deposits. Not to sure if this could be saved for the allotment.
    We were hoping to go to the Dorset Steam Fair this year as it was on before our holiday instead of during it. But due to my having a new hip done we won't be able to go. If you love Steam Engines it's a fabulous day out.

    1. Hi Pat we have been to the Dorset steam fair a few years ago now but it was very good Terry loves steam trains & steam engines I is a very enjoyable day. Are you going to Dorset for your Holiday or are you flying off somewhere hot.
      Have a lovely weekend we have rain at the moment & it getting quite dark. Think I may go in craft room & try the cc did one yesterday but didn't like it so in the bin. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Pat, that sound a nice day out. Maybe we can meet up there next year ? Be careful tie a not in the neck, it might get stuck :-) Hope you have had a nice day, hugs xx

  8. Meant to say Brenda congratulations on your grand children's exam results. Sophie was so upset that she didn't get good grades for her A levels. Not to sure what went wrong as she's really bright. Looks like she won't be going to Edinburgh after all. But she did keep changing her mind about what she was going to do.

    1. Oh Pat Please forgive me for going on about our grandchildrens results, Poor Sophie, she must be devastated all that hard work, will she be able to retake the year? Oldest grandsons girlfriend (oops Ex) was able to retake her final year. Ended up getting her chosen course at Uni.
      LOL xx

  9. Good morning just, ladies.

    Well yesterday's plans went awry when I had a phone call from Giorgina asking if I would be home as she, Joshua and Lucy were planning to come out with Milly-May. How could I refuse that request?
    And didn't Milly-May enjoy the garden? They live in a flat with no personal garden space so she loved walking across the grass with her shoes off and feeling it under her feet. We walked up and down many, many times before she tired and wanted to pick the flowers. I tried to get her to smell them all, but she was having none of that! She wrinkled her little button nose and blew instead of sniff. Joshua cleaned up Tiegan's plastic cooking range and she had a most enjoyable time making us cups of tea and pretend dinners. You wouldn't think a child of her age, 14 months, could have such an active imagination. You only have to show her something once and she gets it straight away. A very lovely day playing hookey again so while it's not so good weatherwise today, a ideal chance to straighten up the house again.

    Congratulations to Brenda's grandchildren's exam results, I am sure they are mightily pleased.
    And so sorry Sophie didn't get the ones she wanted, Pat, a gurt big hug for her.

    Pinterest button works OK for me Sandra
    Love 7 hugs,
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Oh how she grown, wonderful see them tooting around, experience and founding out about things. Cute she didn't want to smell the flowers :-) Hope you well, hugs xx

    2. Walking around it should be tihi x

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the cafe,
    It's funny opening up the blog and looking at this card I made. Strange also is that I'm working on a card at the moment almost identical to this, except I have used lace around the edge instead of the llarge die. Am stuck (Thinking) as to how to embellish it. Might just copy this one. Ha ha

    Thank you for all your kind remarks about the grandchildren's exam results. It really has been stressful for both families. In fact grandson, because he was convinced he had failed would not going get his results he asked his mum to go - and open them as well. Granddaughter although very nervous did go and get hers and was over the moon she did get the predicted A for art. They both achieved grades higher than is required to stay on to do the final year. (Thank you God, my prayers were answered)

    Sandra, I'm sure you will all be relieved when the 25th arrives. It's such a weight hanging over all of the family. Sophie and Lucy thinking of you both. I'm sure you put everything in to your exams, Sending you both my best wishes XX

    I will go back to the craft room now, I have got two cards that need finishing off before tomorrow, and one that just needs a sentiment added. it's a great place to be on this wet miserable Friday.

    Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Congratulations Brenda to your grandchildren's result. Love your card so now the die have to go on my list. Have rewritten the whole list, have a bit more to do, never seen it so messy hihi hugs xx

  11. Hello SANDRA & friends
    We have a rainy day & it's quite dark at the moment so think I will go & see if I can do the cc not having much luck with it so must try harder.& finish it.
    We was going out for walk but don't think that will happen now.
    I have commented on way down. BRENDA your card is gorgeous I love the colour combo & your roses are so pretty I have never tried making ribbon roses
    Could you do a tutorial please.
    MARIA hope your ok & you managed to get a doctors appointment today sending you some special Hug's my friend. Take care.
    Lorraine hope your feeling ok today hug's xx
    I'm off to craft room now & face the mess which needs sorting but CC first I think
    Love Lynda xx xx Try & pop back later wish you all a good afternoon.xx

    1. Nope,no doc. again :-( will try on-line appointment thingy on Monday or I will go to the out patience clinic. It's mainly my right leg that's is the problem, not tummy. Walking is hurtful but do for losing weight. How is that going for you ?
      Not happy with my CC either but will send it tonight anyway. Thank you for the special hugs, sending some big ones back. take care xx

    2. Hi Maria sorry you didn't get doctors appointment again. I think it was better when you got a ticket & just waited for your number at leased you got seen on that day. Now all doctors are same if you ever get through on the phone can't see Dr for three weeks it's a joke. Soap box back in the corner. I made another cc this afternoon & I like it better sent it to Sandra also sent my background papers I did with Pixy powders as Sue wanted to see them I should have trimmed them up first as they look a bit rubbish hihi.
      Do you think the pain in your leg could be syattica I have had that a few times it's so painful. Not doing very well with diet I don't really eat a lot .but it's hard for me to exercise & can't walk very far yet must try harder with both. MARIA I won't recognise you At AP your be so slim.
      More Special Hug's coming your way xxxxx

  12. Hi ladies,
    I didn't get in the sea, it was a little rough for me, the others all went in though, I was happy to read my book!
    Lynda and Cheryl thanks for testing the pinterest button!
    Glad I gave you a little help Brenda , (well you gave yourself help), its easy to forget what cards we have made before, unless you keep them all photographed, which I didn't do before the blog!
    Cheryl, so pleased to hear that you had such a lovely day with the little ones, those moments are so precious, housework is insignificant by comparison! The dust will wait x
    Pat, Matt goes to the Dorset steam rally every year, he loves it, if you stay over all of the steam engines sound their horns at midnight, he is staying from the Thursday to the Sunday this time.
    Maria I hope your Doctors visit was helpful, maybe try some of that Goats Milk !
    Anyway off to sort dinner out, simple grilled Mackerel and salad, as requested by the girls x
    Love and hugs to all
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra. Glad you enjoyed reading whilst the others went in the sea (sorry our comments overlapped - I had to stop halfway through mine as a friend popped in!)
      The band my husband is in are playing at the Dorset Steam Fair this year on the Saturday. They are called The Darker My Horizon, if Matt wants to check them out! :-)
      Hugs xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, Brenda's card today and Margaret's yesterday are both so beautiful. Thanks for sharing :-)
    Sounds like you're having a lovely time Sandra. Hope you managed a swim in the sea :-)
    Brenda - fantastic results for your grandchildren :-)
    Hope all of you under the doctor are doing well and feeling a little better X
    I don't know where this week has gone, unfortunately I don't think I'm going to get a chance to do this weeks sketch card :-( Been busy with other things and the time has just flown by. I will look forward to seeing all of your creations though on Sunday.
    Before I forget, there is a fabulous giveaway on Anna Marie Designs Facebook page - prize includes some of those beautiful Blissful paper pads :-))) Fingers crossed! ;-)
    Hope you all have a nice evening and a lovely weekend. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. You right, this week has just flown away. Hope you were ok at work when we had a bit of heat. have a nice evening, hugs xx

    2. Hi Maria. Thank you. Yes, it's been very hot working this week and with not sleeping well either, I've really felt it :-( Hope you are keeping ok. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs xxx

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Lynn, lovely to see you in the cafe' :-)
      Hope you are well and will come back again, take care xx

  15. Where di today go? Was in work early and lunch turned out to be nearly all afternoon. Will be getting ready to go out dancing in a mo Hopefully I'll catch up better with you all tomorrow

    1. Hi Karen, have fun at the dancing. Asked if OH wanted to learn Salsa and we could go to Cuba for the great music but a big Nono. Two left feet or can't bother. Men, not yours of course. Speak soon, hugs xx

  16. Gorgeous card Brenda ! I love everything about it , the dies used the tulle bow and little flowers , all so pretty.
    Congratulations on your grand children's results It's such a worrying time for all of them,.
    We are just back home from taking our three grand children here to see TFG and needless to say we all loved it, need to go and have something to eat now.
    Nite nite , love and hugs to all xoxo

  17. Hi all, hope your day have been good and nothing bad has happened. Brenda's card is beautiful and sweet if you using the layout again.The Times Square is on the list.
    Pat- Hope Sophie be ok, it's so hard for the young ones.
    sending her a hug x
    25 min for the wait this morning and both OH and I was on a phone each, oh I could scream. Went up to the surgery in the end for get a code so I can book on-line, fingers crossed Monday. I feel better ,thank you all but still have pain in places where it normally is not much but now it is to bad so I need help asap. Can you ask to get for an scan ? Because of the rain we didn't go for any walk, don't like to be soggy :-) so we went to a big Tesco nearby for the shopping, came out with some clothes as well. Had coffee at Nero's and looked in to a new store "Homesence" which had a lot of different things from furniture, cookware, bathroom and cushions. Love just strolling around and look at it all :-) Had quite a lazy afternoon, watched the Olympics a bit, more gold for GB and Sweden got some silvers and now it's a movie night or it seem to be hockey first. OH and son like it, must be the girls :-) Wish you all a good night. love and hugs to you all, Maria xoxo

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra shame sea was too rough for you, but at least you can sit & relax, just continue to do just
    Brenda your card is lovely, my colours as well, you will have to show us how to make the flowers, good excuse for a meet up!! So pleased to hear of grandchildren excellent exam results, worth all their hard
    Maria sorry you are having a problem getting to see Dr.hope you have success online,hugs on
    Lynda & Val hope your toe & leg are recovering sending
    Lorraine hope you feel better again
    Cheryl how lovely to spend time with Milly-Mae & to enjoy the garden with her, treasure those moments they do not last
    Sue & I managed a little crafting but we had visitors so had to pack up. I did manage to finish Phoebe's birthday card so Sue could take it with her.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  19. Evening ladies,
    I have had a much better day thank you until something I couldn't avoid doing set my chest off again.
    Hasn't stopped me from completing my challenge card and I have since made a pleated card. I have shared the pleated card on fb and sent a pic to Sandra.
    Maria, if you can't walk properly and are worried then go to a and e. Dr's surgeries are so overwhelmed it's a shame. My husband has the same problem with his.
    Congratulations and commiserations on exam results.
    Glad all went well at the flower show.
    Love the card and the roses are beautifully made.
    Sorry I can't remember what else to comment on, I am tired and need to switch off.
    Sending love n hugs to you all xxx

    1. Sorry to hear your chest is bad again, you must take care of yourself. I know what you mean but don't want to take up someone place/time who really have an emergency so I will wait until Monday and hope I get a time. With the Fibro. as you know we are always in pain but when it starting to hurt somewhere else and the pills don't help then.....
      I hope your pain is not tot bad. What meds. are you on ? The card on fb is wonderful and I will try to make a pleated one too tomorrow. Your cards are very nice. Well done making this weeks CC :-) I'm still thinking what to do with mine, post or bin hihi Take care, hope you have a good night xx

  20. Full Moon and of course I can't sleep. Anyone else around ? Littlelamb, anyone ? No, I see you tomorrow sometime. You all know how important it is to have our beauty sleep :-) many hugs to you all xxx

    1. At last my eye's starting to feel heavier so I will go up and try to get some shuteye before it's time to go up again :-) xx
