
Thursday 18 August 2016

Another Pretty Pleated Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and not having too many all night parties at the cafe in my absence!! I do recall that last year you were all trying to find somewhere to relocate the Café's resident cow too, she was dressed in Maureen's bloomers if I remember correctly, I think "Elf & Safety" had paid a visit decided she had to go !!!!
I bet anyone reading the blog comments back then would have been wondering what type of "tea & cake" were being served !!

Anyway let's get on to Margaret's GORGEOUS pleated card, you mastered the technique perfectly Margaret, did you find the tutorial easy to follow?
It certainly looks like you did,  Margaret has used Floral Pavilion 12x12 paperpad by Trimcraft, such  pretty paper collection and every page is such a good quality, they are either deeply embossed, shimmer card or double sided, it is so hard to chose between them, with this collection and Anna Marie card you are spoilt for choice!!
The pretty floral "pleated" section is a gorgeous floral design, the reverse of the paper is the pink and white dotty card which Margaret has used as the background. A gorgeous lace border across the centre and two beautiful Vellum flowers are the perfect finishing touch.
Thank you so much for sharing your design with all of us Margaret xxx

Have a wonderful day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Hello Sandra and All, after yesterday's rain ,it's dry but dull here, looks as though summer has gone.

    Hope you are enjoying you holiday, and it's not too crowded on the beach, our beaches have been packed here.

    Margaret your card is lovely, the paper , lace trim and delicate little flowers make it beautiful.

    All those who are not well at the moment, I send big healing hugs,and hope today will be better.

    Pat glad your GP visit went ok.

    Off to see my crafting friends today, so hope the journey is better than the last time, although I love to see all the people down on holiday, it does make getting anywhere by car a real nightmare.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you may be doing.
    Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. It looks like it's going to rain here, the forecast for our area is saying we will have heavy rain tomorrow and Saturday then back to sun and high temp for the rest of next week. We will see if they are right, for a change! I hope you have a lovely day with your crafty friend. I always feel for anyone living near the coast during the summer, you must have to allow so much extra time to drive anywhere! Take care x

    2. Hi Lilian
      It's cheered up a bit here now after a dull start this morning.
      Petes brother lives in Bournemouth and he also says it's a nightmare trying to get anywhere. Have a lovely day with your crafty friend.

    3. Hi Lilian,
      Thankyou for your kind comment, I did enjoy making it & found the video brilliant. Have a lovely crafting day hope traffic not too

  2. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful pleated card Margaret. Love the paper you have used and the very pretty lace. I really like this technique.

    Pat, glad the docs went ok yesterday and your chronic desease wasn't as chronic as you thought. I had visions of you walking round with a plaque about your neck saying"unclean" but thankfully not ha ha,

    Michele, hope you have a lovely day at the Southport show and the weather is kind to you.

    Off to the doctors now and then food shopping so I'll call in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad you have your will sorted, you can forget about it now. Good luck at the doc's, antibiotics will hopefully sort your leg out, it's just a shame that they make you feel rough at the same time. Never mind, if they work then it will be worth it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Take care x

    2. Crikey Val
      Seems like we're all visiting the Drs just lately. Hope the antibiotics sort your leg out.

    3. Hi Val,
      I love this technique as well, thank you for your kind words. Pleased to see Dr has you on antibiotics, not the side effects though, unfortunately it is the only way to heal it, glad they are keeping an eye on it. We all deserve a treat now & then, I did shopping this morning, my weakness is dark fruit & nut bars!! xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Love your card Margaret! the paper is so pretty and the flowers and lace trim so delicate it makes a gorgeous card.
    Thank you all for lovely comments yesterday, our friends arrived early because it was such a beautiful day and we sat out for ages before dinner so it was a very enjoyable evening.
    Pat , glad to hear you are ok, the word chronic puts the fear into you, I had that experience earlier this year and they told me not to worry as in medical terms it just means something that happens suddenly, I think they should use a less scary word.
    Lynda I hope the inflammation is calming down and your toe is on the mend.
    Val, good luck for the doctors today and I hope they give you antibiotics to help your leg, it does sound sore.
    Sending big soft hugs Maria to help you feel better xoxo
    I have a free day today yippee! I could do gardening , ironing or crafting so I'll just do as I please or maybe do nothing at all lol!
    Janet I will pop into the cafe and enjoy a treat or two, always so tempting!
    Keep relaxing Sandra and indulge yourself when possible, that's what I love about holidays.
    Have a good day everyone , love and hugs xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. It sounds like you had a lovely relaxing time with your friends, just what you need after the busy (but enjoyable) time you have had lately. Oh, choices, choices, choices. What will you end up doing today I wonder? Whatever you do choose enjoy your day. Take care x

    2. Hi Anne
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with your friends yesterday. How lovely that we have a choice of different things to do. I sometimes wonder how I found time to work.

    3. Hi Anne,
      Thank you for your lovely comment, I can see me doing many of these cards. Enjoy your day of leisure you deserve

  4. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful card, it's lovely.

    Goodness-I'm not first in this morning. Did no-one sleep last night? I took a Nytol & for once it worked. Yesterday was a really busy day , the meeting wasn't too bad as there wasn't that many there.
    Well-we have glorious sunshine today so I think I should be safe not to take a waterproof & umbrella with me to the Flower Show! I'm meeting my friend on the bus & we're buying sandwiches at Morrisons before we go into the show. We'll buy drinks & a cake inside. Think I'll take my handheld fan & my sunglasses as I don't want to overheat...!!!


    1. Have a great day at the flower show Michelle' I love going to them and also open gardens, there is an open garden at Durnamuck ( isn't that a wonderful name , it always makes me smile just to say it!) it's on Saturday and Sunday ,but as they have tea and home baking on the Sunday we will go then.
      Hope it doesn't get too hot for you and you are not tempted to buy big heavy plants!

    2. Hi Michele. It's good to hear you had a good sleep last night, just what you needed before all of the walking you will be doing today at the flower show. It looks like it is going to rain here but it sounds like you will be needing your fan and sunglasses, and maybe your umbrella to use as a parasol. Have a lovely time. Take care x

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your going to have a lovely day in the sunshine at the flower show today. Enjoy yourself you deserve it.

    4. Hi Michelle,
      I hope you have had a lovely day at the Flower Show, I should imagine the marquee's were rather warm. Thank you for your comment, I did enjoy making it & found it

  5. Morning Everyone
    MARGARET- what a beautiful pleated card. I love your choice of papers and your finishing is just perfect. You've certainly cracked this technique.

    MICHELE- have a really good day at the Flower Show and I hope you don't need anything waterproof. Will you be coming out with arms full of plants or just ideas?

    MARIA- I really hope you feel a little better today and get an appointment at the Drs.

    LORRAINE- hoping you too feel better today and can manage to get out and about or maybe just a little crafting.

    LYNDA- how are you getting on with that pretty walking stick. I hope you're using it properly and not just as a handy weapon hehehe

    We have a very dull start to the day here so I'm waiting to see what Mr Sun has decided to do today.
    As I didn't do very much at all yesterday (it was one of those days)I really must shake myself and get going today.

    SANDRA- it's funny you should mention ''The Cow' from last year. Things have been very quiet on the 'animal' front here in the Café but I do believe we have an overnight guest staying. I haven't seen them as yet but things do keep getting moved around. All the sugar bowls this morning were on the counter all lined up as though they were ready and waiting for a race to start and the spoons were laid in front of them. Now who was the last to leave the Café last night! I wonder......... Oh by the way the bowls were all empty so where has all the sugar gone!!

    All's sorted for the day in the Café. The kettle and coffee pot are on so just help yourselves. Hugs have been sent to you all and I've put a few extra in the basket by the door. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We do have squirrels round here by the cafe, however, they're usually messy so it can't be them that's moving things around.

    2. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for your kind comments, I love this effect & found Sandra's video brilliant, & can see me doing it many times. Please don't tire yourself out before 24th it will still be there in a few weeks. It's a mystery about the sugar & bowls, perhaps we have a resident ghost who wanted a sugar rush!! Take

    3. Hi Janet. I wonder when we will find out just who, or what, were in the Cafe last night. We did have little visitors before. Maybe Dobbie knows, you will have to ask him : ) I hope the weather brightened up for you and that you had a good day. Take care x

  6. Good morning ladies,
    We have been sitting out in sun since 7am making the most of the peace and quiet, I am sure Angela will agree that it is quite unusual for this place to still be so busy at this point in the season, although we did spot one or two empty spaces this morning! We had a bit of rain last night, so there is a much fresher feel to the air this morning.
    Not sure what the plans for the day are, yesterday was a proper lazy day, which we all needed.
    Now I hope that all those of you that are suffering will feel a little better today, Pat, so relieved you didn't have any Chronic Diseases, you are crazy enough as it is! Tihi,
    Are you all sorted for Madeira??
    Val, I am sorry to hear that you need antibiotics, but hopefully they will help to clear it up quicker, it has gone on far too long and must be so sore! Sending hugs xx
    Lynda, I hope your toe is less painfull today, have you started your new meds yet? Hugs to you x
    Maria, I hope you have an easier day sweetheart xx Lorraine too xx
    Anne ENJOY your day to yourself, make the most of it, such a rare occurrence for you, although I am sure Tollie will take up most of it xx
    Lilian enjoy your craft day xx

    Janet, I am glad that most of the KN lot loved your efforts yesterday, I don't think you'll ever please all of them, I do think that the older some people get the more they revert back to their childish ways! No disrespect meant by that, I worked in a Day centre for the elderly many years a go and the Essex University Nursery, I found that a lot of the little quarrels and disagreements were over very similar things, the elderly argued over turns on the piano, one having more biscuits than the other, you name it the fell out over it, much the same as the nursery children! My mum attends a 'Friendly Club' on a Thursday afternoon and I usually always call her afterwards so she can tell me all about it, I am yet to hear a positive review!!! Its always 'boring', she has made some lovely craft projects though, today they are going on a trip to Bury St Edmunds , Suffolk and afterwards a 'Mystery Tour', I do hope she enjoys herself, fingers crossed !
    The cafe is looking beautiful Janet, the sunflowers add such a pop of colour! If you are peeking in through window, please pop in, you will be made most welcome!!
    Well I must get beach bag ready, have a wonderful day ladies !!
    Love and hugs to all,

    PS Margaret's card is gorgeous isn't it ??! Xxx

    1. Hi Sandra
      Crazy lady, that sounds just like me doesn't it. It's not my fault honestly that I'm a bit dippy. Perhaps I'll blame Pete for a change. Everything usually is my fault, if I was visiting China it would still be my fault if anything went wrong.
      I'm glad your having a lovely time, you all deserve it. I wonder whose moving things around though. It can't be Dobbie as he's back in France.

    2. Hi Sandra,
      It is lovely to see you in cafe, sounds as if you are having a lovely time, relax & enjoy. Thank you for showing the video I found it easy to follow & love the result, thank you for showing my card. Sending hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sandra. It's so good to hear that you are all relaxing, especially so early in the day. I don't think any of us would want to be sitting outside in our gardens at 7am over here. That's what being on holiday is all about, I hope the site gets quieter and quieter, Is there a lot of campers coming and going over the weekend as there is over here? Let's hope lots of them go home at the weekend, giving you more peace and quiet. Take care my lovely. Big hugs xxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all.
    Beautiful card Margaret, gorgeous papers you have used and pretty lace.
    Michele ,have a lovely day at the flower show.
    Lilian, have a great crafting day.Hope the traffic is not too bad for you.
    Lynda, I'm very good at putting plasters on. How big need it be ? :-) Take care.
    Val, have a nice day and hope you doctors go alright.
    Lorraine, hope you have a better day.
    Brenda (littlelamb) and Cheryl hope you are ok
    Thank's Anne for the soft one :-) I spent 27 min to get through to the doc. was 5th in the cue and now they are fully booked so can I call back in the morning, hmmmm. To make an appointment ahead I can see someone in the beginning of much fun.
    The Cow, oh that cow hihi I have brought in Herman the Goat instead because the grass started to be a bit long so hope this one will do it's job and not put me in the bushes or anywhere else for that matter :-) Any sightings of the cat ?
    Have a good day everyone whatever you ending up doing.
    love and hugs Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria
      Your surgery sounds just like ours. You need to go down if you want an appointment as soon as they open if you want to see a Dr. How bad is that. Hope Herman is keeping out of trouble. Chin up re the appointment.

    2. Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your lovely comment. Sorry you have not seen Dr. usually if we ring in the morning we get to see him that day, but if you go in to make appointment you can wait 4 weeks, guess which we do. Not sure about Herman the goat never had any dealings with goats, cows yes. Hope you feel better soon sending

    3. Hi Maria. I hope you are feeling a little better today. How stupid is it that you have to wait until November to see a doctor!!! I hope you manage to get through earlier tomorrow.
      Like Mum (Margaret) I have never had any dealings with goats but it's lovely to see him munching all of the lovely grass around the Cafe. Did you have goats when you were a child? And have you ever milked one, (and no, I don't mean Herman, don't think he would be too happy about that!!)their milk is supposed to be nice. I hope you have had a good day. Take care x

  8. Morning ladies,

    House is empty, all visiting family and friends gone home so today is the day to put my craft room back in order and play catch up with all comments, challenge cards and Monday sketches. It has been so lovely to have the chance over the last three weeks to natter, shop and sightsee (was not glued to my phone or PC the whole time like so many others) with my nearest and dearest, now it's time to get house back in order. I LOVE being retired, I don't have to rush here and there all the time being superwoman and I think I am becoming more like the tortoise than the hare these days. Perhaps I have unwound too much?
    Well, I said I would give you my opinion and I can say without a doubt the EZ BED was as comfortable as my own bed and can certainly recommend it to anyone. It inflated in 4 minutes and took not much longer to deflate, then it all packs away into its own suitcase. The cold plastic of the mattress was extremely welcome over these last few hot days and I have bought a new padded mattress cover for the colder days should the bed be needed again this year.

    Onwards and upwards, work to be done before settling down to watch last night's recorded Olympics. And as Brucie says, 'Haven't we done well' this time? So many talented sports men and women. Congratulations to them all, their hard work and training has done them well.

    'Gurt big uns' to all who are in need of a bit of TLC today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with your family. How did we find time to work I wonder. Your EZ Bed sounds a dream and so comfortable as well. Hope you manage to get everything back in ship shape fashion. Enjoy your walking when you start again. We are doing so well at the Olympics aren't we. The Brownlee brothers go today.

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      Good to see you back pleased you enjoyed your visitors. I agree about being retired I would not have time to go to work.x xx

    3. Hi Cheryl. It's lovely to have you back in the Cafe after a lovely time spent with your family. I bet you are happily exhausted so don't go rushing around with the catching up. Being a tortoise means you get there in the end having enjoyed the journey so I would go for that any day over the hare. We have done well at the Olympics haven't we, wonder just how many we will end up with by the end? Have a nice relaxing evening. Take care x

  9. What a beautiful card Margaret, I am yet to try this technique so might have a go soon.
    Enjoy whatever you decide to do Sandra even if it's not much of anything. After all that's what holidays are for.
    Lillian happy crafting, and chatting and hopefully the traffic is kind.
    Have a lovely time at the show Michelle.
    Enjoy getting your house back in order Cheryl in the calm after the wonderful storm.
    Janet, I hope your get up and go finds you today.
    Anne, enjoy whatever you decide to do.
    Thanks again for all the kind words. I am feeling a bit better again so will continue to take it very easy so I don't aggravate anything. I have tidied a few craft things and hope to do more but as I said slow and steady.
    Beautiful sunshine here interspersed with clouds and still very warm, I might try sitting outside for a while. I could do with someone to put the washing on the line.
    I am all caught up with the Olympics so can pick and choose what I watch. I like the triathlon and the Brownlee boys are in action.
    Have great days everyone xxx

    1. Hi Lorraine
      I'm so glad your feeling a bit better today. Hope you manage to sit outside if it's warm enough. I'll send Pete over to hang your washing out for you. It's a speciality of his, hanging out washing.

    2. Hi Lorraine,
      Pleased to hear you are feeling better. You will love doing this card, thank you for your kind words. Take

    3. Hi Lorraine. I'm glad that you are improving each day. Like Cheryl and lots of us here in the Cafe if you are a tortoise rather than a hare then you get the important things done in the end. I bet you have been told to PACE YOURSELF by docs etc so many times. I know Sandra and I have heard that phrase so many times that it drives you mad, doesn't it!
      Enjoy the Olympics. Take care x

  10. Hi Sandra
    I hope your all still enjoying your holiday and that it's not to crowded in the area your tent is in.
    Love your card Margaret, I'll have to have a go at one of these. I just might wait until Sandra returns, as I'm a bit of a numpty where instructions are concerned. Love the sentiment as well. Haven't seen this one before.
    Nothing to report at the Drs I just needed to have my blood pressure checked. What a waste of two letters asking me to come in for a chronic disease checkup.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Glad you do not have a chronic disease, if High Blood pressure is that then I think we would all have it.
      Thank you for your kind comment, I am sure you would be able to follow Sandra's video she does it very

    2. Hi Pat. It's good that it was only a BP check, I was told that Chronic means long term diagnosed illness, but why change the names of clinics etc without informing you?
      Mum will agree that years ago when we made signs for the NHS some of the estate managers would want new signs when the existing ones were fine so changed the name of clinics etc so they could get them or when they needed to spend their alloted money by the end of their financial year! I don't know if that is still the case, I do hope not.
      When do you go away? I put all of the dates in my phone but didn't transfer the details to the calender at home....nothing new there then! I hope you aren't doing too much. Hugs on the way. Take care x

  11. Hi again, been trying for an hour to leave a commeny and all the typing just disappeared so I'll keep this short.
    Got antibiotics and cream from doc. He also dressed it and gave me lots of dressings to bring home. Have to go and see the nurse on Monday to make sure its ok.
    All the food shopping done for the week and put away. Bought some treats for myself which I shouldn't have done as I'm trying to lose just a couple more kilos before my hols next month. I've hidden the treats at the back of the fridge hoping I'll forget about them. Pigs might fly ha ha.
    Well I'm about to press publish. Heres hoping it appears on the page.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad that you have seen the doc and got your meds. And at least you will have it checked on Monday too so that's all good isn't it. Enjoy the Olympics, did you know it is only polite to have a treat or two to eat while watching them? What, you didn't know. Well, you can nibble your treats without feeling guilty now : ) Take care x

  12. Hi Val
    I also should loose a bit of weight. But like craft goodies the chocolate keeping finding its way into my shopping vasket.
    I'm glad the Drs managed to sort your keg out for you.

  13. Replies
    1. Hi Lynn,
      Good to see you in cafe. Thank you for your

  14. Hi all in cafe,
    Lovely day again played Petanque again this afternoon & we were a team of 3 ladies against 3 men & pleased to say we beat them 2 - 1, which they were not too pleased about, good to beat the men sometimes.
    Hope Lynda, Sue & Karen are just busy sending hugs to them & all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I'm glad that you had a good game today, beating the men keeps them on their toes doesn't it : )
      Your card is beautiful, I think you will be making this pleated one again won't you : ) I have been in and out of the Cafe today, managed to make a few comments first thing then again at lunch time, each time something happens to stop me finishing! Had the girls so been busy with them. Have some ironing to do for Bob tonight. See you in the morning. Love you xx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Should have included Brenda in that as

  17. Gorgeous card MARGARET I have yet to do one from start to finish!
    Ooh er MARIA that doesn't sound good re Dr's If u not able to go to dr to make an appt and have to fone make sure you get appt and if same thing happens again get put through to receptionist AND MAKE SURE you tell them what happened today
    You other ladies hope toes legs aches and pains are easing
    Out to meet some SALSA ladies tomorrow for lunch one of whom I haven't seen in over a year so it'll be good to catch up
    I haven't looked back to see if LORRAINE (I think) mentioned where she got her personalised stamp from Hope to pop in tomorrow

    1. Hi Karen. Have a lovely time tomorrow with your friends. I hope you have comfy chairs to sit on : ) Take care x

  18. Thanks LORRAINE when I have a new laptop set up I will be taking a look

  19. Hello Sandra and all,

    WOW Margaret your pleated card is beautiful, you should be really proud of yourself, love the papers you've used, in fact I love all of it. Thank you For sharing this with us. XX

    Late again !!! It's been a day of nerves, two of our grandchildren were getting theie AS results today, The grandson in Essex got his this morning, Tierney's was this afternoon. I am pleased to say they both had good grades and can go on to do the final year at A level. They were both so worried, but now we have two very happy bunnies. Ciara has had a friend around to play today, they have been so good, in fact we have hardly seen them, they have played so nicely.

    I hope you've all had a lovely day, what ever you've been doing.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. Congratulations to both of the grandchildren on getting good AS results. It is so sad seeing them worry so much while they wait to get the results isn't it. I bet you will all sleep well tonight. It's lovely when the children have good friends, it's nice to be able to let them get on by themselves. Have a good evening. Take care x

  20. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. I have been commenting all day on and off whilst playing Hunt the Bearded Dragon(stuffed toy, not our real ones) with the girls, they were Super Leopard (Paige) and Vet-Zoo keeper (Phoebe) and I have to hide the Beardie, it's a regular game that they love playing with me. Simple pleasures : ) I hope ebveryone has had a good day and a relaxing evening. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need, especially lYNDA, MARIA and LORRAINE. Take care xx

  21. Hi Sandra & friends
    Sorry so late Terry has been on phone most of the day trying fo sort Internet out & only just got it back on so hopfully fingers crossed it's ok.
    Went Tesco in between. & been sorting out craft room in a mess again.
    MARGARET your card is gorgeous love your papers so pretty & well done on your pleated card. MARIA sorry you didn't get a appointmen after waiting on the phone for so long. Our surgery is the same Terry now goes down for 8 am if we need appointment.
    BRENDA congratulations to your Grandchildren on their exam results.
    LORRAINE glad you feel a bit better today take it easy hope you enjoyed sitting in the garden & watching the Olympic House work will still be there for another day.Cheryl lovely to see you gosh you've had a busy time with visitors don't rush round like a blue fly hihi.JANET thanks yes geting used to my stick but forgot it today only went Tesco though so had walking frame ( trolly haha ) to hold onto Hope you had a good day.x SUE sounds like you fun with the girls sending you som Hug's,VAL,glad you got some antibiotics for your leg hope it's better soon, Sending everyone big Hug's as I'm going to bed can't keep my eyes open. Good night love Lynda xx

  22. What a beautiful card Margaret, I am yet to try this technique so might have a go soon.
    Enjoy whatever you decide to do Sandra even if it's not much of anything. After all that's what holidays are for.
    Lillian happy crafting, and chatting and hopefully the traffic is kind.
    Have a lovely time at the show Michelle.
    Enjoy getting your house back in order Cheryl in the calm after the wonderful storm.
    Janet, I hope your get up and go finds you today.
    Anne, enjoy whatever you decide to do.
    Thanks again for all the kind words. I am feeling a bit better again so will continue to take it very easy so I don't aggravate anything. I have tidied a few craft things and hope to do more but as I said slow and steady.
    Beautiful sunshine here interspersed with clouds and still very warm, I might try sitting outside for a while. I could do with someone to put the washing on the line.
    I am all caught up with the Olympics so can pick and choose what I watch. I like the triathlon and the Brownlee boys are in action.
    Have great days everyone xxx

  23. I would like the dimensions of the pleated part of the card, please!
