
Saturday 20 August 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

Margaret's Stump Work

Michele's Cheese Box Cards

My Fernli Designs Lace Storage Shelf

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I love the eclictic mix of things on a Saturday, pretty much anything goes!

So I have started today's Mixed Crafts with Margarets's piece of 'Stump' Work, I believe that Stump Work is a style of Embroidery where each element of the picture is worked seperately to form little 3D images, in this case the little Dragonfly is in 3D with wired wings, how you got that amount of detail in something so small Margaret amazes me, there is also a little wild rose and some holly,
It is something you could sit and stare at for hours Margaret. Thank you so much for sending it in for me to share xxx

Next up are Michele's 'genius' Cards in a cheese box, that's right they are cards made the same size as a 'Dairylea' or 'Laughing Cow' box, you can then decorate the box and use it to send your card in, it is such a fantastic idea, One of the cards is an easel style card, I have also seen cards that you have attached together with ribbon to form a long string of decorated cards, great for Christmas decorations too.
Thank you so much for sending this fantastic idea to me Michele xxx

Last up is my Fernli Ribbon Storage, it arrives as plain MDF and you construct it yourself, it is so easy to put together, the pieces slot together beautifully. 
I decided to decorate mine with me Floral Pavillion papers, using a pretty blue floral on the back and sides and I use pink dotty on the base of the shelves.  I used the same paper to cover the ends of the ribbon spools, after I had Gesso'd them and added a coat of white paint. I threaded ribbon through the eye of the spools to help to pull them out.  
I decorated around the front of the box with a narrow white lace and a row of pretty pearls, it looks much prettier in the 'flesh', it was hard to capture its beauty on camera.
I hope you like it.

Have a lovely weekend Ladies
Love and hugs
Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-your stump work piece if beautiful. So much detail in it, did it take you a long time to complete?

    Sandra-what a gorgeous storage box for your ribbons.

    My cheese spread boxes are so easy to decorate & I use a circle die (or scalloped circle) to make the card. The advantage of using the box is you can add lots to the card , as the toppers won't get squashed.

    Awake early today so got up, actually saw hubby before he set off for golf although quite how they'll manage to play today, I'm not sure! We have very strong winds and it keeps raining. I need to pop into Southport for a few essentials then straight home. I'm off out after lunch with my crazy friend to meet up with an ex colleague. She's expecting twins so I doubt we'll meet her again for a while. She's working this morning so we're meeting her at 2pm. The cafe she's suggested is interesting-the staff all wear something from Alice in Wonderland! The only downside is its over an hour away from here so its a long afternoon out.


    1. Great idea with the cheese boxes Michelle' as long as you don't have to post them ,I got a shock when posting a 6x6" card second class and it cost £2:84 , so ok for special birthday cards but too expensive for Christmas cards.
      Have a great time with your friends the cafe sounds wonderful, maybe Janet will be setting themes for us ha ha!

    2. Hi Michele. I love your cheese box cards, such a great way to use them. Like you say you can go to town with the embellishments as they are protected with the box. I think I will have to start getting some of the boxes together ready to make Christmas cards. Thank you for sharing them : )
      Have a lovely time with your friends, I bet the lady having twins is hoping for a comfy seat, bless her. The Cafe sounds great, Gemma would love to go there as she love all things Alice in Wonderland. Take care x

    3. Hi Michele, have a lovely day with your friends. Good luck to your OH, can't be easy in this wind playing golf. Your cheese boxes are great. xx

    4. Hi Michele, just love your cheese box idea. I have a half finished one in the fridge and it will be going up to the craft room when its empty and not in the bin as usual.
      Enjoy your time with your friends. Twins'- how exciting! The themed cafe sounds

    5. Hi Michele
      I've just realised that you've actually used cheese boxes and decorated them by Val Janet's remark. Told you I'm a bit dim. The cafe sounds a lot of fun, enjoy meeting your friend. No it's won't be easy playing golf in this wind and rain, which we have also.

    6. Hi Michele,
      Thank you, if I remember it was about 2 moths, but then I was not into card making so had more time.
      Your cheese box idea is brilliant, I think will have buy some & have a play. Hope you had a lovely catch up with your friends. Take care XXX

  2. Hello Sandra and all, sorry did not get in yesterday, we left really early to travel to see my friend. In Oxford and then on to London to stay with family as its granddaughter Amelia's third birthday. Have bought her a Peppa Pig caravan, with all the accompanying bits, she still loves her Peppa.

    Brenda your card yesterday was lovely, have non of Sue's New York designs after seeing yours might see if there are any left in stock.

    Hope those of you who are not feeling great will soon be on the mend.

    We are going to see the exhibition of the Queens dresses today, so should be interesting, hope it stays dry.

    Have a lovely day all, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian. Have a lovely family time celebrating Amelia's 3rd birthday, I bet she will be over the moon with her Peppa caravan : ) It would be so good if we could meet up with you in Oxford the next time you come to see your friend. Enjoy the exhibition, please tell us all about it. Take care x

    2. Hi Lilian, have a good day visiting the exhibition. Little Amelia will love your present :-) Take care xx

    3. Hi Lilian what a lovely exhibition that must be. Have a wonderful time. Amelia will be so thrilled with her Peppa Pig. xx

    4. Hi Lilian enjoy your stay in London. Amelia will love her pepper pig caravan. Enjoy the exhibition.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a very dull and windy start to the day here.

    MARGARET-your Stump Work is simply gorgeous. It's a long time since I saw some and I'm always amazed at the detail. You really do have the patience of a saint.

    MICHELE- love your 'cheese box' idea for cards. I must give this idea a try. Your decoration is beautiful as it always is. Have a good afternoon with Friends. Love the idea of the Café staff dressed as characters of Alice in Wonderland.

    SANDRA- love your storage box. I've looked at this box in the raw so to speak but then decided I really do not have the room to stand it in my crafty area. Love the paper you used.

    LILIAN- I would love to see the exhibition of the Queen's Dresses. looking forward to what you think afterwards. Have a safe journey home.

    Off shopping as normal this morning and then it's off to my Granddaughters for a Birthday BBQ as it's Nicky -my youngest Daughter-birthday today. I've got everything crossed that the rain stays away particularly as it's been so nice all week. It will be lovely to see all the Family noisy but always lovely to have an afternoon with them.

    The Café is Open for Business so enjoy the day whatever is planned. Hugs on their way for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Please don't ever change how you comment in the Cafe, I'm sure everyone looking in loves your comments as much as we all do, and let's face it we are all just as bad : ) My fingers are crossed for you all at Nicky's birthday BBQ. Have a lovely time with all of the family. Take care x

    2. Hi Janet, fingers crossed you get a dry BBQ (not the food) :-) Happy birthday to Nicky. Have a nice day xx

    3. Hope the weather stays fine for you all Janet. Have a lovely afternoon.xx

    4. Hi Janet
      Hope the weather stays bright for your BBQ. Birthday wishes to Nicky.

    5. Hi Janet,
      Thank you I have surprised myself a few years ago I would never thought I had the patience to do any embroidery or now cards, it is only in the last 13/14 years I have been doing it, Alan says it's a shame I didn't do it before because it keeps me quiet!!
      Hope the weather allowed you to be outside it has rained here most of the day. Take care xxx

  4. Good morning ladies,
    An overcast start to the day here, a bit of relief from the sun though (thinking positive)!!
    It never ceases to amaze me how very talented you all are, I remember from years back when I used to have Create and craft on all day in the background, that a large proportion of paper crafters started off with some kind of needle craft and then migrated into card making etc, I guess it's just re-adjusting your creativity! It has been so lovely to be able to see things that you have all made over the years, particularly the cross stitch pieces, to think how many hours went into creating them, I am sure that all of you that created them have memories attached to them, of either what the cross stitch was for or events that happened while making it.
    Please keep your crafts coming, or those that your children, Grandchildren have made.
    Lilian, we must organise a get together for next time you are around Oxford, enjoy your day at the Queens Dress Exhibition, is it at the V&A museum?
    Janet, have you got your earplugs in your bag?? I hope that the sun has left us to shine upon your family barbecue, be sure to stay away from germs so close to 'op' day, they seem to cancel for the slightest reason these days!
    Michele your afternoon sounds fun and long, mind you depending on how far along your friend is she may not want to sit for long! I remember it well, from the back you couldn't tell I was pregnant, but as I turned around I had this huge bump that when I sat down reached my knees!!
    The cafe sounds fun, I look forward to hearing about your experience!
    Have a lovely weekend ladies, I will pop in later,
    Love and hugs

    1. Hi Sandra. Sorry to hear the sun is hiding, I hope it comes out soon for you and you have another relaxing day. Thank you for sharing all of the lovely crafts today, I have seen your gorgeous ribbon storage box, and it looks even better "in the flesh", such a pretty addition to your desk.
      I can't imagine carrying twins, I was big enough just carrying one each time! It was strange finally being able to see my knees and feet after the births : ) Have a lovely day, sending you big hugs. Take care xx

    2. Morning Sandra, hope you still have a nice day even with some overcast and rain. It's the same here and very windy. Love your box, great for your ribbons and lace. Have looked at these MDF's items but as no space it will have to be for now. It's lovely see you popping in, have fun. Take care and hugs to you all xxx

    3. Hi Sandra, hope the sun is shining now. We had a misty start this morning as well but it seems to be ok now.
      Carrying 1 baby was uncomfortable enough so twins must be doubly so. So lovely though I imagine when 2 are born.
      Enjoy your

    4. Hi again my lovely. I forgot to say that I have found your Pinterest pin, thank you. Will be going back and pinning all of the cards now : ) xx

    5. Hi Sandra
      I hope the sun has now popped it's face outside the clouds for you. I must go back and look for the Pinterest button

    6. Hi Sandra,
      Thank you for showing my stump work, I had never heard of it until I went to embroidery group, some of the members have done some beautiful ones. Your ribbon box is beautiful you are so talented. Hope the sun shone for you, take

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Margaret, your stump work is exquisite ! I've never seen this done before it looks so detailed, it must take forever to do, you are so talented , I would love to have your patience and your eyesight lol!
    Michelles box idea is great and they look so different !
    Love your storage box Sandra it is beautifully decorated and so useful.
    We are going for a walk with two other couples at 11am down to a favourite beauty spot at a lighthouse , the crazy woman that owns( the accommodation only) is trying to stop locals and visitors from going there ( it has the most interesting rock formations and sits on a headland with wonderful walks) she has put up road blocks etc. on a public road , shouting abuse at people and in general has caused no end of mayhem and embarrassment , it has even reached the police and local newspapers, so we are going to see for ourselves,
    This evening Fiona and myself are going to see Ab Fab at the mobile screen machine, which should be fun.
    Hope eveyone has a lovely weekend, love and hugs xoxo

    1. Hi Anne.
      I hope you manage to get to what sounds like a beautiful area without this woman causing you any problems! It sounds like the police might have to step in as blocking the road could be so dangerous. Any chance of seeing pics of the rocks etc, please. Enjoy AB Fab tonight, I was going with Gem to see it but between us couldn't get a free evening. Let us know what you think of it, please. Take care x

    2. Hi Anne, enjoy you walk if you can get through. It sounds as though it's a beautiful view.
      Enjoy this evening.xx

    3. Hi Anne, hope you can take some photos of the place and show us later. Sound like a lovely place but hope in some ways you don't get to see this woman.
      Have a nice day xx

    4. Hi Anne
      Sounds a lovely spot if you can get near it without the lady hurling abuse at you. I wonder why the police haven't done anything about it. I always thought you weren't allowed to block roads or cause a public nuisance.

    5. Hi Anne,
      Thank you for your comments, it does not take too long you do each piece separately then build it up. I am sure you could do it. Sorry your walk was ruined by that woman sounds as if she should be arrested. Take

  6. And a very good Saturday morning to one and all.

    I love mixed craft Saturdays, they show what wonderful talents we all have. Today's displays are gorgeous, well done Margaret, Michele & Sandra, take a bow lovely girls.

    Crafting today to catch up with all the challenge and sketch cards I have not gotten around to. A fair bit of sewing too is on the cards. I have some Rice bags to finish off for the charity shops I support and I might even finish my sister's needlework book. No housework, I think I did enough yesterday. Today is my day to do whatever I please whenever I feel like it.

    Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope you will enjoy and stay safe.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. Have a lovely day crafting to your hearts content, you deserve some "me" time : ) Take care x

    2. Hi Cheryl, have a lovely free day just doing what you like. I'd love to know what rice bags are? Xx

    3. Hi Cheryl, have a fab. day doing whatever you want to do. Must be good to have the house back in order. Happy crafting ! hugs xx

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Hope you have a lovely me day after your hectic few weeks doing whatever takes your fancy.

    5. Hi Cheryl,
      Thank you for your kind comment. I hope you have had a lovely crafting day. Take

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What lovely mixed crafts. I have commented on Sandra's and Michele's already and I have to say that Mum's Stump work is beautiful. This was one of your first pieces and there is so much fine detail and work in it, you do have such talent, wish I could still hand sew. Have a good day and give Pam a hug x
    PAT, I'm sorry to hear that Sophie was disappointed with her results. It is so sad when they have all of the knowledge but aren't able to get it down on paper during exams. Do you think she will resit them, it's hard when they don't really know what they want to do though isn't it.
    I hope you are not doing too much. Have a good day x
    MARIA, I can't believe that you are having to wait until Monday to try and get an appointment. You deserve to be seen so if you have no luck please go to your local Minor Injuries unit, if not then A & E. Our surgery tell you to do that if you can't see a doctor! It seems wrong as we all think of A & E being only for serious injuries but what other choice do you have? I hope that your leg is not as painful today. Get as much rest as you can, please x
    LYNDA and VAL, I hope you are both on the mend and you manage to have a good day x
    Lorraine, sorry that your chest is sore again, I hope you can rest today x
    I haver to finish Phoebe's card and my CC so I had better get on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras to Pat, Maria, Lynda, Lorraine and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, your mum's craft are all wonderful. Love all her sewed items and her card making is like an professional have made them. Taking her to Ally Pally was a good idea :-) No rest today I'm afraid and half the day gone already but I am on my own so no one under my feet and asking where things are all the time hihi Bamse hug to you too xx

    2. Hi Sue
      No, I can't see Sophie re taking her exams. I think she was quite down hearted, but seems to have cheered up today. She did want to go into children's nursing, but I suppose that's knocked on the head now.

    3. Hi Sue,
      Thank you, I would like to do more but somebody introduced me to card making & do not have enough hours in the day. Hope you have been able to do your cards. Take care

  9. Hi Ladies,
    Hope this finds everyone ok on this Saturday morning.
    Margaret just love your beautiful picture. I've never actually heard of "stump" work so must look it up.
    Sandra your box is so pretty and beautifully decorated.

    Well another late night last night watching the Olympics. I'm feeling more tired than normal. In a way I'll be glad when they finish and I can get back to normal.

    I have another few jobs to do the I'm up to my fraft room to use my new Stampeazee. I've got out of the habit of using stamps so going to enjoy doing something diffent to die cutting.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, just take it easy. The Olympics have been great and UK got so many medals, it's been magic.
      Have fun doing some stamping and do tell how the stampeazee works, hugs xx

    2. Hi Val,
      Thank you for your comment, I had never heard of it before either, it does have another name but cannot find my book at the moment, it dates back to about 17th century. Hope you had a lovely time stamping. Take

  10. Hi all. Have a good Saturday everyone.
    Margaret, your stitched work is a work of art and like Sandra said, every time you looking back you see something new. Beautiful. Also like the cheese boxes and the ribbon box. Silly question but do you actually keep cheese in the boxes Michele ? Sue, hope you are good and no more migraines. Have a restful day. Val, have a good day and hopefully you got some sun again. Rain and high wind in my parts so will be indoors today unless it stops raining so I can get out for a walk later on.
    Feeling better, only leg who give me some extra issues.
    Pat, Have a good day. Take it easy my friend.
    Lorraine, hope you get a day without too much problems. Sending you some healing hugs and the same goes for our Lynda, hope the toe still are there.
    Washing to hang (indoors,buhu) dusting and hoovering to do, encase someone coming back to ours tomorrow (OH ex) and then some card making ,MUST BE DONE hihi Maybe I should have only 3 hours sleep every night, seem to have more energy this morning. have a lovely Saturday all, love and hugs Maria xxoox

    1. Hi Maria
      You to take it easy and I hope you manage to get an appointment on Monday.

    2. Hi MARIA now slow down & rest that leg you should raise it up high.
      Hope you manage to make appointment on line for Monday.
      Take care my friend love & Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your kind words, I would love to do more but somebody, no names of course, introduced me to card making at AP!! At least making cards you get to use them, there are only so many things you can hang on the wall.
      Please get your leg looked at Monday even if it mean A & E, you have to be fit for AP. Take care hugs on

  11. Maria-as soon as I buy some "cheese spread" I empty the box & put it in my craft room so hubby doesn't throw it away! They are then decorated for a mini card as shown in the photos. It's almost a gift in a box & a great idea for children to decorate especially at Christmas.


  12. Good morning SANDRA & friends
    It's very windy & a bit dull today keeps threatening rain. I have a wash on so hopeing to hang it on when finished.
    MARGARET your Stump work is Gorgeous you amaze me with your talent xx
    MICHELE I love your cheese box cards such a lovely idea. Enjoy your day with friends. SANDRA wow I love you ribbon shelf you have decorated it beautifuly. Hope your day is good enjoy whatever you decide to do. Can't belive it's a week gone for you already. CHERYL enjoy your crafty day you deserve a day to yourself xx JANET please don't change i love your comments have a good day Hug's. LILIAN enjoy your day meeting your friend then in London with your family I'm sure Amelia will love her present. safe tourney.
    ANNE that crazy women sounds scary hope you get to see the beautiful scenery with out her shouting abuse at you. Enjoy your evening with Fioa seeing Ab Fab xx
    Not sure what we are doing will see if we can go for a walk see if the rain holds off. I must go in craft room & tidy it up. I also need to sort out stuff I don't use any more & get shot of it. I did that before but put it all back as thought well I might use it but i haven't so determined this time. Well washing is finished so going to hang it out now will pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Your a better woman than I am, as I keep looking at my craft room and thinking I must clear this up. Can't quite do it at the moment. I have lots of paper and card that I'm never going to use. Might take it into school when it reopens.

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Thank you for your compliments, you have talent as well. Hope your toe is feeling easier. Take care hugs on

  13. Hi Sandra
    Love Margarets Stump work which must have taken ages to do. Michele I love your cheese boxes as well. Sandra I like vie your lace box. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Thank you for your kind words. Hope your hip is feeling more pain free. Take

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone,

    A fantastic mixed craft Saturday again.

    Margaret, your stump work is beautiful, I don't recall seeing anything like this before, it certainly is something that should be displayed for all to admire. Thank you for sharing. xx

    Michele, what a clever idea, beautiful card that sits in a ready-made box, you really are an inspiration. xx

    Sandra, your lace storage is gorgeous, love the paper you used, it all looks so pretty xx

    My Day started with a trip into London, I was going to meet my sister in Holborn to give her the cards I completed yesterday. My train was just pulling into London Victoria station when my mobile rang, it was my sister saying she had to go to St Pauls book shop at Westminster Cathedral (a stones throw from Victoria Station) so we met up there, it took almost an hour off my traveling time, we found a Cafe had coffee and a lovely long chat. It was great and I was back home by 1pm. I am now about to start and clear up the mess I created yesterday. I'm Lucky I can shut the door to go back and clear up when time allows.

    Take care everyone hope you all have a lovely weekend.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you managed to have a meet up with your sister yesterday. Enjoy whatever your doing today. I'm sat watching the women's triathlon.

    2. Hi Brenda, That was lucky that your sister was coming over so you didn't had to have such a long journey. You are very lucky to have a craft room so you can leave the mess to later. I have tided the kitchen extra today as we have a visitor tomorrow, must make a effort sometimes.:-) hugs xx

    3. Hi BRENDA glad you had nice chat with your sister. You are defently a glob trotter always on a train somewhere.
      I haven't got a door on my craft room but the front door hides the mess if anyone comes in HIHI.

    4. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your lovely comment, I hadn't heard of it either. Some of my embroidery group have done some lovely ones.
      So pleased your sister called you before you got any further. Have a lovely weekend. See you in 4 weeks. Take

  15. Well ladies, the crazy woman was there and you would not believe the language she was shouting at us , the air was blue she was sooo raging, one of the ladies in our group ( who does do walking group days) said to her now now there's no need for that and she just shouted I know who you are just f------ p--- off its my land ! Which it isn't, but she is so crazy she actually believes it is , anyway we climbed over the gate and enjoyed our picnic lunch in beautiful surroundings and sunshine , the lady who spoke to her is going to report her, so we will see what happens , I didn't take any photos this time but will do when we go back.

  16. Hello All
    The Saturday crafts are amazing as always, Margaret your stump work is a true work of art, Michele love your cheese box cards, Sandra love your lace caddy.

    Well the queens dresses were a delight to see, they had them in each decade from her christening robe, my favourites were the beautiful evening gowns, and the state reception gowns, all encrusted with jewels and embroidered.
    It was absolutely packed, but well worth going to see if you have chance, but maybe try to go on a week day. They also have all of her hats, and her wedding and coronation gowns, also got to see the state apartments.

    Tomorrow we go to see Oscar and Amelia, for her party, so that will be noisy, then we travel home.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Thank you for your lovely comment. Sounds as if you had a lovely time I would love to see them all. Please let us know next time you are coming to Oxford we could arrange a meet up. Enjoy your grandchildren & safe journey home. Take
