
Wednesday 13 July 2016

My Sketch Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here it is, at last! My sketch Challenge card for this week, it took my a while to decide what to use, then I remembered my new Stampin Up 'Birthday Blossom' stamp that I arrived last week, with making two rush job commission cards I had forgotten about them.
I decided to use 'Coffee' ink to stamp with, as its less harsh than black and I wanted to use Kraft Card to stamp on to for a different look, so coffee ink worked better anyway.
I tried different colouring mediums to see which worked best on the Kraft card and decided to go with Watercolor pencils, the white worked really well to highlight and blend.
I used Creative Expressions 'Elegant Sentiments' stamps, a beautifully designed collection of sentiments that stamp so well, I believe they have been designed by Sue Wilson, I love the font she has used on this collection.
I matted the finished piece onto  matching purple card and then onto a Kraft Card base.
What do you think, has stamping onto Kraft card worked out OK? I value your opinion.
I have to say stamping and colouring isn't something I choose to do regularly as I'm not a 'natural' stamper, but I found colouring this image very relaxing, I might have become addicted, I ordered some new stamps from Inkyliscious too, which I can't wait to get my hands on.

We are off to Pat's today, all being well, so I had best start packing my bag, I seem to take ten times as much stuff as the other two!

Have a fab day ladies,
Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Everyone from a damp but humid Marigny.
    We had a thunderstorm last evening and so everything is very damp. At least the garden won't want watering tonight. It started just after Jim had been out and watered the tubs. His face was a picture.
    We managed to get wood for the gate and fence and plan no.3 has been drawn and I think we're going with that one hopefully starting today.
    SANDRA- Oh Wow I love your CC. It's truly beautiful and your colouring is spot on. I love the way you have used Kraft Card and the coffee colour for stamping. As you know stamping and colouring is definitely out of my comfort zone so I love to see such beautiful creations from others.

    Have still to start my CC for this week but first I have to do a little clearing up on the table in the veranda where I've been altering my last box purchase. I finished it just after lunch yesterday and then just fell apart after walking round most of the market, fixing lunch etc etc so everything got left. I cannot start crafting today until that's all sorted.
    It was a good market very very busy lots of locals as usual and a good few tourists mainly Dutch at the moment but not a crafty thing in sight. So disappointment on my side.

    LILIAN- I'm so pleased everything is OK for your Derbyshire holiday. The stress you must have been in is awful to think about.
    Have you been to Derbyshire before? If not you'll love it and belive it or not you're going not too far from where Christina and Robert live. They live very close to Carsington Reservoir which is close to Matlock so I can see you travelling around an area we know very well. I've fingers crossed that the Weather God is going to be good to you.

    MARIA- I really hope you're feeling somewhat better this morning after some sleep last night. I've sent big hugs for you via Dobbie so I hope they arrive whole and not sqigged up.

    SANDRA - have a really good day catching up and of course crafting. Heaven only knows what you'll all talk about as it seems ages since the three of you were together. lol.

    Now you know what's on my diary for today I hope you all have a good day. Hugs have been despatched. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you for sending Dobbie my way with I'm afraid to say, some damp hugs but so well needed. Had our Wednesday walk to Ikea and back and we have a little sun trying to come through the very dark clouds. I can feel the disappointment, no craft at all ?! Love to see your box when it's finished. Hugs to you and Jim xx

    2. Hi JANET hope you well Jim managed to start the gate & fence & it's going without a hitch. It's shame there wasen't any crafty bits at the market.
      Love to you both. Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful card today. I'm stumped for ideas for the challenge card, think I need to go on Pinterest for some inspiration. Not tonight though-hubby is away so I'll be watching the Julia Watts & John Lockwood shows I've recorded, any I don't see tonight will be watched on Saturday morning before I meet my friend.

    If anyone wants instructions/a template for the "card in a box" that I made yesterday then just leave me a message or email me. Maria-I'll copy the instructions & pop them in the post this week for you.


    1. Yes please! I'd love the instructions You sound like you'll be having a great evening One I definitely approve of

    2. Thank you Michele, just say if it's anything I can do back. Enjoy the shows. Julia and Matt are so funny together. xx

    3. Hi MICHELE your pop up box is lovely. Sorry I did say yesterday only looking back my comment has vanished. I have the Spellbinders card in a box die
      Hope work was ok. Xxx

  3. Your card is beautiful and does look gorgeous on Kraft card

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra, your card is a work of art! I think the coffee ink is perfect on the Kraft card and your colouring is beautiful, I'm so glad you enjoyed doing it ,I find stamping and colouring so satisfying and somehow more creative, also think it is a lovely sentiment, enjoy your crafting with the girls today!
    I played rubbish at golf yesterday ( that's how it goes sometimes) but the weather stayed good so I enjoyed the exercise and worked in the garden in the afternoon , we are all going on the Wednesday walk today( Mandy, Archie, Marsaili Abi and me ) so I've got a pile of sandwiches to make ( pity I can't just send them to the cafe ha ha ! )
    I haven't started my cc yet but maybe tonight if I'm not too tired.
    The sticky embossing powder I sent for arrived yesterday so that's something new to try , has anyone else tried it yet? ( I believe it's been around for a while but it wasn't until I saw John using it on his show that I became aware of it ) .
    Have a lovely holiday Lilian!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Sorry golf wasnt so good yesterday but as you say, it happens sometimes.
      Have a lovely walk with all the family.
      Love Valx

    2. Hi Anne. Have a lovely walk all of you and enjoy the picnic :-) xx

    3. Hi ANNE sorry your golf wasn't very good yesterday.
      Hope picnic went well & the weather was good for you all.
      Hug's Xx

  5. Morning everyone.
    Sandra just love your card. I'm not a good stamper or colourist and I'm so impressed with both your stamping and colouring. Like the idea of stamping in coffee as opposed to black which is sometimes harsh.
    Has anyone bought a Misti? I'm toying with the idea as it might improve my stamping and also stop me getting in such a mess when I do.
    Maria do hope you're feeling a lot better today.
    Lynda hope you managed a good night without coughing. The sheep is a stamp by the way.
    Sandra, Pat and Sue. Enjoy your afternoon. Bet you have lots to take about today.
    Cribbage again. I'm getting concerned that the weeks are going so fast. I think someone is stealing my hours from me.
    Just noticed the clouds are rolling in. Hopefully we'll get some rain which is badly needed. Must go and stand all the plants out just in case.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, if your plants need water just send them here. Never had a summer like it. Who said this was going to be the warmest for a long time ? Anyway, you have fun at the Cribbage. hugs xx

    2. Hi Val have fun at Cribbage. I could send you a few gallons of rain it hasn't stopped all day & very heavy so no walk today 😩 thanks for letting me know about the 🐏 stamp what make is it please.
      Thanks I did have a better night sleep.
      Love Lynda xxx

  6. Hello All , it was a lovely day here an hour ago, but it's clouding over quickly.

    Sandra, love your , I was thinking to use that stamp for my cc card !!!!! I'll find something different, like Anne I love stamping , especially making a scene with different stamps, just finished a light house card which I'm quite pleased with.

    Well bust day today getting ready to go away tomorrow, we are breaking the journey at Bristol for a night , as travelling up through Cornwall on a Friday Morning is horrendous, would double journey time.

    Yes Janet we have been before , but more than 20 yrs ago with some special friends one of whom is not here any more, so it will bring back special memories.
    We are staying at a place called Two Dales, think it's a small village did manage to find it on the Map, thank goodness for Sat Nav, so that I don't have to navigate,!!!!!

    Well have a very lovely day all who drop by this lovely place. Lilian

    1. Have a wonderful holiday. Lilian. Derbyshire is such a beautiful place.
      Love Valxx

    2. Lilian, Have a lovely holiday! Drive carefully up and hope the weather will be good for you or you will have to pop in to all the cafe's. Take care xx

    3. Hi LILIAN have a lovely holiday safe journey your very wise taking a break isn't nice stuck in all the traffic on Friday. Enjoy your break.

    4. Lilian please photograph any cards you make, I would love to share them with everyone, its a great source oif inspiration to see how someone else uses stamps and dies x

  7. That was quick - some mornings I have breakfast in an actual cafe and was joined by a work colleague Sorry to hear that some of you are unwell and hope that you're feeling better today Enjoy your crafting SANDRA PAT and SUE
    I haven't started a challenge card but have been thinking about it I have a couple of ideas rattling around Need to finish a 70th birthday card for a friend who's having a Tea Party as one of her celebrations on Friday Hope the weather improves my problem is what does a crafter buy a crafter that doesn't do paper crafting!

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    A marathon catch-up with all your news has galvanised me into coming back through the café doors.
    A big clear up and sort out of items left on my stall, some of which will be going to CLIC charity shop in Bridgwater later on today has kept me so busy the last couple of days.
    Thank you all for your marvellous comments on my Cardiomyopathy stall, the weather was so kind to us, quite hot and muggy with a very welcome occasional breeze. All the unpacking, erection of tables and then arranging the items, the selling and then the taking down of everything and repacking all into my car and coming home to empty the car boot, and store all boxes in the shed ready for the next sale left me quite exhausted for a couple of days.
    Our walk on Monday along the canal paths from Bridgwater almost to North Petherton was very pleasant. The sun was shining brightly. Although the forecast was light showers, they seemed to miss us. Lunchtime was spent in the Tudor Hotel. A lovey old coaching inn from many moons ago, with plenty of quirky features, is family owned and run. Freshly cooked meals available all day with an added A La Carte menu in the evening, our lunches were all perfect and polished off in no time, accompanied by refreshingly cold drinks.
    This afternoon is one of my REA meetings after which I am going to visit Joseph and Fiona for a Roast Pork tea then onto Joseph's school for his last play. He doesn't know this so it will be a big surprize for him. His last primary school assembly, to which I am also going, is next Tuesday. We will be new school uniform buying later on next month. I have promised him I will buy his first school blazer but as he seems to grow so quickly during the school holidays, I shall leave it til the fortnight before he starts Secondary school in September.

    Well look at the time! I must away and finish the housework before my shower and a light lunch.
    'See you all later'
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, have a nice afternoon. So good to see you back but take care when packing and unpacking. Enjoy the roast pork. hugs xx

    2. Hi CHERYL so pleased your sale was a success on Saturday you have certainly earned a rest take care my friend enjoy your roast pork
      Mmm yummy
      Love Lynda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love your card. The stamping on Kraft is fabulous and works really well with your beautiful colouring :-)
    Hope you have a great day with Pat and Sue.
    Lilian, have a lovely holiday.
    Lynda and Maria hope you're both feeling better soon.
    Sending hugs to all and hope everyone has a good day xxx

    1. Hi Sonia thank you I had a better nights sleep so hopfully the coughing is getting better at last.
      Hug's Xxx

  10. Margaret Palmer13 July 2016 at 10:06

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love your card I hope to have a go with mine today don't feel like doing much else today, the last 2 days have been busy. Hope the 3 of you have a lovely
    Maria hope you feel better today take
    Lynda hope your cough is getting better & you are getting some sleep even if it is in your
    Lilian pleased you got your holiday cottage sorted, good luck with your long journey. Hope the weather is kind to
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Hi MARGARET thank you I had a better nights sleep last night so hopfully the cough will go soon.
      Hope your resting up too after your hectic few days.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in the coffee shop today,

    Sandra,Pat and Sue have a lovely time crafting, Sue I am sure Sandra will help you sort out your CC card.
    Sandra your card today is just so inspiring - it's beautiful, I love the way you have coloured the flower really bringing it to life. Colouring is out of my comfort zone, but I have to admit it is so relaxing, I really should try it more often.

    LYNDA, I hope you are feeling better and managed to get some sleep.xx

    MARIA, Also hope you are feeling better, just don't push yourself to hard.xx

    Must try to sort out my CC card today, I have been playing with some dies and saying to myself - what if? .... Let's just say it's a 'Job in progress'

    Take care everyone, Big Hugs for all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi BRENDA thank you all your Hug's are working I had a better sleep last night I really neaded it I have felt so tired the last few days.
      I did phone the doctor on Monday but they couldn't give me a appointment untill next week so I did bother.
      Love Lynda xxx

  12. Afternoon Sandra and all you lovely ladies.
    Oh Sandra that card work out really well and I love the stamp and font you have used. Not a keen craft card person but you have done a wonderful job and your colouring in is perfect. Have a great time with Sue and Pat today. You are right Val, someone is defiantly stealing the hours in the day but not sure how to slow them down. I have a look at what to make for the CC later and a new home card to make for my step-son, seeing him and his OH this weekend in Colechester. Didn't have much sleep but still managed a walk to Ikea and back this morning. Pain pretty bad but I want let it make me not do what I want unless the dizzy spells and nausea do that. Lynda- I hope you alright , sending you hugs.
    Need some lunch, tummy is rumbling and then I will park my dreary arse in the kitchen for some mess making. At least I can pretend I'm doing something hihi
    Have a good day everyone. love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

  13. Hello MARIA
    Oh my friend so sorry your in a lot of pain again. Take care of yourself & don't push your body too much. Thank you so much for the list it came this morning & your little card so sweet of you. I had a better night sleep last night. So I'm not as a zombie looking hippopotamus as I have been.HAHA!!!
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Aaaah we Hippo's have to stick together hihi
      Have another good night and you are soon back to your normal-ish self. Think a die of some kind might make you feel better. many hugs xx

  14. Hello SANDRA & Friends
    WOW WOW a amazing card Sandra it's stunning I love it
    Hope you had a good time with Sue & Pat & got lots of crafting in & chatting too.
    It's been chucking it down all day but sun is trying to break through now
    (bit late) Haven't done a lot MARGARET came for lunch.
    My new Inkylishouse stamps arrived this morning YES Sandra I will take a picture in a moment & my other buys. Haven't started C&C yet. Spent yesterday trying to tidy craft room AGAIN why am I so messy am I the only one.!!!
    I must sort out what I haven't used forever & Throw it away ( or charity shop )
    Well I think I will go & Take picture of my purchases.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Well, once again I thought I'd been in but haven't, my brain must be going into hibernation.
    Love your stamping and colouring, even though you don't think you do very well, you actually do.
    Think I'll go to bed as I'm fed up of listening to war programmes which Petes very fond of watching, probably on yesterday.

    1. Hi Pat oh how I feel for you Terry has war programs on all the time it drives me crazy.
      Have a good sleep my friend
      love Lynda xx
