
Thursday 14 July 2016

Maria's card, & Michele's Pop up box template

Maria's Card

Michele's Pop up box Instructions

 Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, sadly we didn't get to have our get together again this week as poor Sue had a Migraine, Pat ordinarily would have come to me but my girls had made plans to have friends over to watch a movie while I was out for the day!
So I have everything crossed that Sue will be up to coming over tomorrow, we xdan then either go to Pat's or stay and craft here.

Today's fantastic card has been made by our Maria!
Maria went to a workshop with Julia Watts from Creative Expressions a couple of weeks ago and this is one of the cards that Julia demonstrated for the class to make, as you can see Maria has done an amazing job, the background has been made using the Alcohol inks and Tissue paper, with glitter sprinkle over the back, a method that Sue has used a few times, it gives a real 'wow' effect with the sparkle from the glitter.
Maria has uses Creative Expressions Rococo Striplet die to give that beautifully intricate background and Laced Edge Leaves and Delicate Fronds, with that lovely multicoloured flower make up the stunning floral spray embellishment.
I cannot wait to see the other cards you made Maria, thank you so much for sharing, its great to see the techniques you use at Julia's classes. Xxx

Michele has very kindly given us the instructions needed to make a Pop-Up card, with the written instructions below......

. I score at 7, 14, 21 & 28cm to give me the four sides. The flaps can be any size but I usually score the three flaps at 9cm which allows a good sized panel to decorate.

Thank you so much Michele for taking the time to prepae the instructions for us xxx

I will be sharing your Craft Shopping tomorrow ladies, so make sure I have your photos.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    MARIA - stunning is the word for your creation. I would love to see the recipient's face when they open the envelope. It's First Class from start to finish. Cannot wait to see your other creations. I love the way your colours mingle. I've never been to a workshop or anything like one but they look very worthwhile seeing your beautiful card.

    SANDRA-what a shame you didn't manage a crafty day with Pat and Sue. Your lists for catching up on news/gossip will be miles long by now lol.

    I managed to get my CC card done and sent off but I'm far far from happy and so I really must try and get another done. For some reason my mojo has gone on holiday or somewhere and needs to come back pretty quick as I need to get a start on September's birthday cards.

    It turned quite chilly last evening and it's not much better at the moment. We're forecast to have another day like yesterday so it will be sun/showers/sun/showers.

    The Café is open for business so come on in and take a seat and have a chat. Hugs for everyone especially Lynda who I hope is feeling somewhat better today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria-WOW.......your card is stunning, really beautiful. I'm wondering what else you made at the workshop???

    The instructions for the "card in a box" are fairly simple & the measurements can be altered once you get more confident.
    Karen, Maria & Cheryl-I've photocopied the detailed, step by step instructions and made a template for you that's cut & folded so you can see how it should start out.

    I have a "management " day today-paperwork to sort, emails to respond to etc then I'm hoping to finish a but early so I can call at my Dads with his birthday card & presents. As I would normally do the Tesco shopping tonight(going tomorrow instead), I may be able to start my challenge card.


    1. Perhaps that what I need Michele, detailed instructions. Sandra's sometimes does a template for me to follow.

  3. Morning everyone.
    Maria what a stunning card. Love the precise placing of the striplet and the beautiful flower arrangement. I've never been to a workshop but it must be good fun. Do hope today finds you feeling better.
    Michele. I have an order for 5 special Christmas cards to be taken to the UK when I go in September. One of them is for the ladies 4 grandchildren and I think one of these boxes would be ideal so many thanks for the measurements. I'll have a try anyway.
    Well the rain didn't arrive yesterday. We had about 3 spots then the clouds rolled by and the sun came out. So had to water the plants last night.
    I think I'm on a roll at Crib. I won 5-2 yesterday. Only 1 more week then we stop playing until September.
    I called at Lynn's shop and I have a list as long as my arm of cards to fill up the spaces so I'm putting the Christmas stash to one side for a while and getting on with them. First today though is making my cc card which will hopefully be with you today Sandra,
    So sorry Sandra that Sue wasn't so well yesterday and you didn't have your get together. Hope it's on for today.
    Lynda, Maria and Sue. Hope you're all feeling better today.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val(& Pat)
      Do you both want copies of the detailed instructions? It's no problem if you do.


    2. Hi Michele, I didn't want to ask but if you don't mind I'd be glad of them. It's the inside bit and attaching all the bits thats stumped me.
      Many thanks Valxxx

    3. Hi Val Congratlations on winning crib again i have never played it.
      Hope you manage to get all the cards made for Lynn's shop so many too. That Will keep you out of misgive HAHA.
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow Maria, your card is stunning :-) Love the colours using the alcohol inks technique. A creation to be treasured by the lucky recipient!
    Hope Sue is feeling better, and you're able to get together for a day of crafting.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Michele, thank you for the instructions, always good to have and they are in cm.too that's brilliant. :-)
    It's real fun at the work shops and you learn a thing or two. Have not got the dies myself but good to test before buying. Shame the glitter don't show up behind, this is the Mini Striplet Atlas used not the Rococo but I think a more open one would show the background up so much better. The Jubilee petite is a pretty one.
    Washing to hang out, fingers crossed no rain. Seeing a friend but then home for some card making , the mojo has gone so not sure what will be. Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, love the card, workshop sounds fun, don't have such things down here , more's the pity. Have a lovely day.

    2. Hi Maria
      Lovely card and a you say, perhaps a more open die would show the bling. I'm sorry your mojo has disappeared, but mine liked to take a vacation as well sometimes. I hope your feeling better today.

  6. The card is gorgeous, very similar to one I'm posting tomorrow.
    I love making box cards too, so easy but very effective, xxx

    1. Thank you Wendy, nice to see you again. Hope you alright and keeping well. Take care, Maria xx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    I'm a bit later today as I've been busy making my cc and have now just sent it to Sandra who I hope manages to see Pat and Sue today.
    Maria your card is absolutely gorgeous ! I love everything about it, I'm sure you must have fun at a workshop I would love to go to one sometime.
    We had a glorious walk yesterday , up to the aerial above Poolewe and along the rocky ridge to the Boor river where the children played for over an hour before setting off home again and then a 9 hole medal at golf ( bit of a mixed bag! ) I was so tired by the time I got home I didn't feel like eating my dinner but managed a large nightcap before bed!
    We are still waiting for the sun to come out as promised by the forecast , Mandy is going to take the children to the beach and Iain and I plan on joining them later for a barbecue , after doing some gardening, that is if the sun ever arrives!
    I just got an email saying Hobby art are moving to Hochanda , there will soon be nobody left at C & C, I wonder what all is going on?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hadn't heard about Hobby Art they are one of my favourite stamp companies. Wonder why , spoke to Jenny at shows thought she quite liked them, must be for commercial reasons

    2. Hi Anne wow just reading your day yesterday has worn me out HaHa
      Your walk sounded lovely. Hope you have had a rest today.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Meant to say Well Done Val ! at the cribbage.

  9. Hello All , just about ready to go, think we need a trailer to carry everything!!!!

    Maria love your card,

    Michele thanks so much for the template for box card, will have a go when back from hols.
    Sandra, Pat and Sue, have a lovely crafty day.

    Well must go , hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies,

    Maria, I love your card is just so beautiful, in fact I just love everything about it. the colours you've used the design layout, it's all absolutely gorgeous.

    Sandra, Sue and Pat sorry you girls didn't get to meet up yesterday. Sue I hope that migraine has eased off. Do take care, have you got a particular trigger that starts them off? LOL

    Thank you Michele for sending the Pop up card instructions to Sandra I was tempted to ask you for them. Thought it would be a good summer activity to try out.

    It's school run day, so will not be back in until much later.

    Hugs to everyone who needs them, take care, love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you did not get your meet up yesterday, as Sue has probably told you these migraines come from nowhere with no warning, she has always suffered with them, Pop's fault he suffered as well, but usually had warning so could take tablet which at least helped. Hope she has recovered now. I will contact her later, sending
    Maria your card is lovely, love it all well
    Michele thankyou for instructions,
    I was lucky enough to receive one from Sue for my birthday last year, they are
    Another busy day, chiropractor & shopping this morning just managed to grab a bite for lunch then played boule this afternoon, first sit down I have had.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Sue & Lynda love Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret hope Sue is feeling better they are awful I'm like Sue when I get one without any warning. Sending her Hug's xx
      Hope your ok after your very full day take care Margaret & rest tomorrow
      Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous card from Maria. I hope you are well, my apologies for not commenting for so long I just dont get the time now not that I am complaining as I love working for Sheena, keeps me challenged and busy! I do try to look in on all posts when possible. Hope everyone else is all ok at the cafe, much love to all

    Love & hUgs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie, thank you. Nice to see you again, love to see you back when you got a minute spare :-) xx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Had a lovely day today with Sandra.
    Maria, I love your card that Sandra's put on today. I look forward to seeing another make from you. I'm still struggling with my wedding card, and the computer decided yesterday it no longer liked the printer. So I'll have to wait until Craig comes and sorts it out for me. Anyway love the box instructions instructions Michele, thanks for sending them to Sandra. I'll wait until I'm with Sandra before I have a go at doing one as I'm awful with instructions.

    1. Hi Pat, So pleased you had a meet up with Sandra, sorry Sue could not join you, hopefully next time. xx

  14. Evening everyone, thank you all for liking the card I started at the work shop and finished off at home :-)
    Pat- I hope your printer will be fixed, so annoying when things don't work. Have you found the style for the wedding card you making ? Pinterest have some wonderful cards, that might help to have a look or I'm sure Sandra will be able to help when you see her soon. Wishing Sue better so she can join you.
    Anne- do you travel for woman open golf ? I watched a bit of the Open today. It was a nice day up where they playing, have you played there ?
    Margaret- hope the chiropractor was kind and that it is helping you.
    Brenda- how did the school run go, did they come back to your place after. The children off for the summer soon I believe. Will you be looking after them at all ?
    Littlelamb, missing you. Hope you are ok.
    Lynda- hope you had a better day. Is Annie doing better with the new meds. and how is it to look after another little one ?
    My day started ok went downhill and then better again so now just waiting for Mr Sandman but no more glitter needed as I tipped a small pot and jees it does go everywhere as I'm sure you all know Lol.
    Have a good night everyone xoxo

    1. Hello Maria, We take the children back to their own home, feed them, make sure Ciara has a bath and washes her hair (she has swimming after school- so it has to be washed) We return home When Mum comes home from work.
      Hope you have a good sleep tonight. xxx

  15. Hello everyone SANDRA glad you had a nose day with Pat but shame Sue was unwell. MARIA your card is STUNNING I love it did you make any more at the workshop. Was it with Julia again.
    Not a very exciting day for me a pile of ironing this morning then after lunch Tesco. Well just going to watch a film so see you later xx Love Lynda xx

    1. What film are you watching ? hope you enjoyed it.
      Usually we make 3 cards unless it is a masterclass in something then it is just play and a lot of trial and loads more error Lol. take it easy until you get your strength back, hugs xxx

  16. Lovely card Maria. I am ok just seem to be constantly busy and by the time I get here most people, except you and me, seem to have gone to bed. Take care Maria. Hope you are feeling better now. Hugsx

    1. Hi, glad you like it. Good that you are busy but remember to have some Me time from time to time so you not burn yourself out. Take care and hugs xxx
