
Tuesday 12 July 2016

Change to advertised viewing.....Michele's Pop up card!

Good Morning Ladies,

Now, as you can see, this is not my challenge card!, that in actual fact is still sat unfinished on my desk.  I got some new dies and got distracted, ooopps!  But I couldn't keep today's card to myself any longer!!

Today's amazing card  has been designed and created by our Michele, I think this is up there with your best cards, if not THE Best !
Michele was asked by a colleague to make a "pop-up" card for her sisters 65th birthday. The only information that Michele was given was 'she thought her sister liked green....!'
Michele made the gift box as the lady wanted a matching box for the jewellery she had bought her sisters present. It matches the card perfectly Michele.
Your card is just a perfect 'celebration' card, given the little information you were given I think you hit the nail on the head! Who wouldn't be blown away with that card?!, Balloons and stars were the perfect choice!
The lady has ordered another 'pop up' card, I cannot wait to see that card too, thank you so much Michele for sharing your card with us, I hope that this is the start of many more orders! (Can you handle the stress)?!! Hahaha xx

Well I had better get grafting today, so much to do, but fortunately its all craft stuff, so not a chore at all, it will take me an hour to uncover my desk before I start though! Why can't I just put things away as I go? Am I the only one?!

Please letvme have your Craft Shopping photos, I have a couple but I know that you ladies must have bought something in the past three weeks!

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and huggles,


  1. Margaret Palmer12 July 2016 at 06:38

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I didn't get in yesterday was not home much. The challenge looks interesting hope to have a go but will be later in week. Look forward to seeing your interpretation of
    Cheryl well done to fantastic amount raised & lovely to see Teigan helping. Hope you are having a well earned
    Out all day with boule today tournament this afternoon son arriving about 6pm so must make sure meal is prepared before I go out at 9am so must go & have shower.
    Hugs on way to all who need them especially Lynda have you seen Dr yet? love Margaret xxx

    1. Good luck at the tournament Mum. I hope the weather is kind to you, not that very much stops you playing 😃 Enjoy yourself. Love you xx

    2. Good luck today Margaret and have a good time.
      Love Valxx

    3. Good luck in the tournament today Margaret, play well and enjoy!

    4. Good Luck Margaret, Enjoy your boule tournament, hope the weather keeps fine for you. Love Brenda xx

    5. Good luck with the tournament Margaret.

    6. Good luck with the Boule tournament Margaret, hope you have a good day xx

    7. Hi, hope the competition going well and you are winning

  2. Morning Everyone
    WOW Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh MICHELE what a fantastic pop up card. I'm in awe and a gift box to match. Now you just do not get that in a card shop every!!
    Your colours and subject is just beautiful and given the information you were you really pulled something out of the bag. I've never tried to do one of these pop ups. I've looked at them and wanted to and then caved. I'm such a baby at something like this. Your lady must be over the moon. Good luck with the other ordered one. I cannot wait to see your creation.

    We didn't bring any wood home yesterday but did see some which will do the job but of course the fence and door hadn't been drawn to plan and nothing gets built in this house unless this has been done. It much be something to do with the star sign Virgo!. Anyway plan has now been drawn up and we're calling in the wood place this morning as we're going to the big monthly market. I'm determined that this gate and fence are going to be built before we have to leave so someone has to get his skates on.

    I'm hoping to get some crafty bits from the market this morning and then I can photograph my purchases and get them sent off to our Leader. I haven't even thought of this week's CC so I've got that to do as well.

    The Café is looking good and the display boards are full to bursting with glorious creations so please come on in and have a look and a chat. We do not bite honest we don't.

    Hugs should have arrived for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope you get to buy some lovely Crafty bits at the market today, and we get to see them soon. I also hope Jim is happy with the wood purchase this morning. Pop and Chris are just the same as Jim when DIYing but I bet your new gate and fence will be perfectly made and will last a very long time so we can't complain can we x

    2. Hi Janet. I think Virg's are supposed to be perfectionists and obviously Jim is. You know you'll get a fantastic job done.
      Enjoy the market and look forward to you crafty buys.
      Love Valxx

    3. Crikey Janet, Pete sounds so like Pete and no wonder as they're both born under the Virgo sign. Pete loses his keys but it's only usually in his pockets. He has so many of them in his shorts, he has to hunt for them.

    4. Hello Janet, Enjoy your market, hope you find lots of crafty items. My OH is a Leo. But perfection is his middle name! He will draw things to scale before embarking on a project. The perfection continues into every aspect of his life, wardrobes, drawers, and in his shed - Well .... everything has to be cleaned before being put away, How he has put up with me all these years I'll never know!!!!! Enjoy your day xx

    5. Hi , hope you're enjoying the market, and having a lovely day.

  3. Morning Ladies

    I only had a few days notice to make the "pop up" card & not much information re colour/style. It's nice to be asked to make cards but I wish people realised it cantankerous days for an idea to form in my head then I have to find the time to make it!! I have an anniversary card & an 80th birthday card to make for another colleague but got plenty of notice for them.

    Well, we finally booked our holiday-6 days in Washington DC, later in the year. I'm glad we've finally booked something as I was starting to get a bit stressed.

    Right-off toget ready for work. Another busy day no doubt. We had a bed shortage again over the weekend so they opened up the day ward so we were met by chaos yesterday morning. Fingers crossed it will have calmed down by today.


    1. Ha-that should read "it can take days"!!!!!!!!


    2. Hi Michele. Ha ha . This predictive text can be so funny.
      Just love your pop up box and gift box. It's very clever and I just love all the balloons and the way you've stamped happy birthday on the outside of the box. The lady will be delighted with it I know. Does it fold flat enough to put in an envelope without getting squashed or have you made a box for it?
      Great news about your holiday. Something lovely to look forward to.
      Hope today is a calmer day in work.
      Love Valxx

    3. Hi Michele
      Great news about your holiday. Try not to get to stressed at work easier said than done I know when your so busy.

    4. Hi Michele. What a wonderful pop up box card. You have done the lady that ordered it proud, and with a matching gift box too, her sister will love it. I hope work is a bit calmer today for you x

    5. Wonderful pop up box Michele, you didn't have much to go on so well done. Like the balloons. Your holiday booked as well, it sound like a great destination. Have you been before ? Take care at work xx

    6. Great pop up box Michele, did you do the measuring, or do you have template, would love to make one these for my Oscar who will be 6yrs in Nov.

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Love the pop-up box Michele! They are a bit tricky to make but look super when done, I'm sure the lady will be delighted.
    Well I had a lovely day and got lots of knitting done , the curry was very tasty ( but I would have liked more sauce, seems that's the way they make it? ) but enjoyed the meal being made for all 14 of us and some left over and put in the freezer, so can add more sauce later lol!
    So Pardeep his son Sidart and Ed go home today so just leaves Mandy and two children ,easier to cope with at mealtimes.
    9 holes of golf this morning are on the agenda so hopefully it stays dry.
    Janet, I hope Jim gets all his supplies for the gate and fence and you have some lucky finds at the market, cafe looking lovely and very inviting.
    Lynda and Maria I hope you both feel better soon xo.
    Kids ready for their breakfast so I'd better get it dished out.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. I'm glad you enjoyed the curry, I like to have plenty of sauce with mine too. Have a good time at golf, fingers crossed the weather stays dry for you x

    2. I blame you now because we ended up having a Indian last night too tihi very nice but not from scratch. Hope it stays dry for you today xx

    3. Hi Anne
      I hope it stays nice for your golf. It's been raining here this morning. So the children couldn't go out to play.

    4. Hi hope the weather is ok for your golf, very showery here , but I guess as were at opposite ends of the country ,will be different.

  5. Hi Michele
    Love the pop up box it's simply stunning. The lady liked it so much she's ordered another. Hopefully it will bring in some more orders for you. I'm still pondering over the wedding card I have to make.
    Now you know me Sandra, I always put my crafting stuff away after me. So much so I usually ring Sandra to see if I've left it behind or to see if she's borrowed it. The answer is usually no, and I have to hunt it down. Finding things is such obscure places. That's why my craft room is in such a mess.
    Lynda, Maria I hope your both feeling a bit better today. Gentle hugs to all who need one today. Off to school again this morning.

    1. Hi Pat. You and me both seem to have black holes in our homes where craft bits vanish into don't we 😃 Have a good day at school. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow x

    2. The Borrowers have 'borrowed' it. That's where all my missing bits go too x

  6. Good Morning Sandra and all, I have commented on the way down.
    Don't the weeks fly by. I can't believe its Tai Chi day again. It certainly doesn't feel like a week since I was last there.
    Helens GP is trying to get here an earlier appointment but can't give her any higher dose of pain patches. Whilst she's waiting to see the the Neurologist she's been refered to a pain control doctor. I've never heard of one of those. She really doesn't like fussing but I think she's ready to go to A+E now. She'll have to go out of her area into Chester as that is the hospital with the Neurologist.
    Sandra I have to tidy my d
    esk every time I go in the craft room. Like you I have good intentions of doing it after I've crafted but it never gets done.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val. Sorry to hear Helen is still waiting to be seen. Pain control clinics in our area. haven't been much use to me, or Sandra, but hopefully they will be able to help Helen. Enjoy yourself at Tai Chi x

    2. Hope Helen gets some help soon. The pain clinic has not done me any good either but must help someone. Enjoy the Tai Chi today xx

    3. Hi Val I do hope Helen get seen soon. Enjoy Tai Chi.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Michele LOVE the pop up card, I'm sure the lady will be delighted with it. I have never made pop up card - really must have a go. They are so effective. Thank you for sharing. xx

    About to go out as I have a blood test this morning, then a little shopping in town, we will get lunch out, then hopefully home to craft.

    Hope everyone has a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope the blood test goes well and you have a nice lunch out x

    2. Have a nice day Brenda and hope they not bruise you to much taking the blood test.xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. Michele, I love your pop up card and box :-) It's fabulous, and I can't wait to see your other creations. Glad you booked your holiday, something to look forward too :-)
    Good luck with the boules tournament, Margaret :-)
    Enjoy the market Janet. Hope you manage to get some crafty bits :-)
    Brenda, hope you're blood test is ok and enjoy your shopping and lunch out :-)
    I used to hate having blood tests and injections, the fear of me fainting when I had my BCG injection at school always sent me into a panic! Thankfully I have now gotten over that!
    Sandra, enjoy your day crafting :-)
    I hope everyone is keeping well. Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Im not quite as bad as I used to be about injections, having to have so many over the years. Have a good day x

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Third time lucky, my comments keep vanishing when I try and scroll back up to check whatI have written, Im not going to check again so excuse anything that doesn't make sense.
    CHERYL. I must say how sorry I am for not saying congratulations yesterday on raising £95 at the fete. I'm not surprised though as your stall looked so inviting with all of your gorgeous goodies displayed beautifully, and Tiegans teddys too. She has a lovely smile, isn't she growing up into a gorgeous young lady 😃 x
    Sandra, Im nor surprised you just had to share Michele's lovely pop up box card, I bet the lady and her sister both loved it.
    I will be making my cc when we meet tomorrow as I just don't seem to have any other time to craft at the moment. Looking forward to seeing you and Pat tomorrow, it's been too long hasn't it. Have a good day crafting my lovely x
    Lynda, did you go to sleep in your chair last night? I hope you slept, doesnt matter where does it. Sending gentle hugs x
    Maria, it sounds like you had a good day shopping yesterday. Take it easy today though x
    Wishing you all a good day with sunny weather. Sending love and hugs with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Never made a pop up box but after seeing yours today Michele I hope to make one soon. I still got the triple die card to make up,sorry I'm so bad Lynda and after all the help you gave me but I must be in the right mind and that's not today. Have a good time Janet at the market, wonder what Jim comes up with for the new gate. My dad is very handy and can do almost anything but I married someone who never done much in DIY so it's safer for all around to get someone in :-) Will have a mug,second tea bag used and just sit here until the pain killers have cleared my fuzz brain a bit so I can do something this pm. have a nice day everyone ! Love and hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope the pain killers kick in soon.

    2. Hi Maria, hope the pain killers soon make you feel better,
      My o/h was a civil servant for 41yrs, desk job, so as he puts give him a form to fill and he's your man, but no serious diy

  11. Well here at last ,Hello all, had so many interruptions today, so only now managed to post.

    Yesterday was a horrendous day, first thing had an email from the owner of the cottage we are renting for our to say our booking for Friday was cancelled, took the whole day sorting out with the agents and trip advisor and the owner, you never really know when you book with trip advisor who really owns the cottages, still I think it's all ok, just hope we don't get to Matlock at 5pm and can't get in, still owner assures me its all ok , so am going with that.
    Have a good day all, Lynda hope you are feeling a bit better. Hugs Lilian

  12. Beautiful card MICHELE I've not made one of these either - have you already answered and I've missed it Did you do all the measuring or use a template?
    I hope HELEN gets some help VALPain Management can sometimes be brilliant or totally useless!
    I need to craft but am soooo tired so snooze first I think

  13. Evening Ladies

    My pop up card was made using the Spellbinders die but it's just as easy to use an A4 piece of card and follow a template. The advantage of using A4 card is you can alter the depth of the box/length of the flaps.

    If anyone wants a copy in the instructions & a template then I can easily post them out . Just leave a reply here or email me. Once you get the hang of them, they're really easy.


    1. Hi Michele, I would love to have a template as written instructions is gooblegook for me so please if that's ok ? xx

  14. Hello Everyone,
    Have had a little time in craft room this afternoon. Blood test OK but Warfarin dose has been increased. Another blood test has been booked for a weeks time, so we see how we get on then. Enjoyed our lunch out came home and sat down with a cup of tea and fell asleep for an hour. So not as much achieve as I had hoped, but ha ho - tomorrow is another day !!
    Enjoy your evening everyone love Brenda XXX

  15. Hi all,
    Thank you for all your good wishes today, unfortunately I did not win anything but enjoyed taking part. It was good to see people win that had not won before, it started at 1pm, we had ordinary club meeting this morning, it stayed dry until they went to play the final then the heavens opened for about 20 mins then sun came out again. I think bed will be calling soon. Hugs on way love Margaret xxx

  16. Hello. Have not moved much today. Has not been a good day so can't say I'm sorry to see the end of it. Tomorrow is nearly here.
    Good your Cottage is alright for Friday Lilian, not nice to be told it's cancelled so close to your holiday. Tripadvisor is normally good. We use them a lot for hotels etc.
    Never mind you didn't win Margaret, at least you had fun even with the showers. Wonder if we get to see a blue sky again soon. Have a good night all, especially Lynda. xxx
