
Monday 11 July 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge & Cheryl's Success

A little Inspiration

This Weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies

A simple sketch for you this week, you can choose whether you die cut your flower image or stamp it, you can use a cluster of flowers too if you prefer.

I have included a card to give you a little inspiration, I will make mine today to share with you tomorrow, as I was busy all day making a card for a lady on Facebook that had a specific idea in mind,it was a little out of my comfort zone, but I got therein the end !! I will share that card with you all later in the week.

Now on to Our Cheryl's Charity Fete that took place on Saturday, Cheryl spent weeks and weeks putting together an incredible range of Crafts for her Stall, from Gift Baskets to her amazing 'Teacup Candles', for those of you that weren't with us last year Cheryl filled her entire stall with Teacup Candles, all beautifully gift wrapped in cellophane and ribbon. Cheryl had a few of those this time with lots of other craft items too, things for all budgets.  Teigan was also helping out, selling a lovely range of cuddly toys.

Cheryl's Teacup Candles Last year!

The Charity that Cheryl supports is Cardiomyopathy, a charity close to her heart, this weekend Cheryl raised £95 for the Cardiomyopathy charity, to add to the on going total, as this is just one of the events Cheryl takes part in, I know there is a Charity Darts match too later in the year.  You will have to give us an idea of the total amount you have raised for Cardiomyopathy UK Cheryl, you did amazingly well once again, thank you so much for allowing me to share your news with everyone. Xxx

I hope you all enjoy the challenge ladies, although last weeks success will be hard to beat! 
Have a lovely day,
Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Your Stand looked perfect and so inviting and it looks as though the weather gods were kind too. Again WELL DONE and I know that Cardiomyopathy appreciates all you do.

    We're off this morning to buy wood so Jim can make a new back gate. The one we have is on a metal frame with open criss cross wire for the middle. It was here 18yrs ago when we bought Marigny and so we have decided that it's time is went into retirement and having looked at the prices of ready made one it has been decided that one can be made for far less and made exactly as we want and of course it just may keep someone out of mischief whilst making it lol.

    Love this week's Challenge Sandra. I'll be putting my hat on and see what I can create.

    PAT - you asked last evening how Jim could throw the car keys into the compost heap - it's really easy for him to do this and his excuse was that he had his hands full with the coffee pot filters and the keys just went with them! It's a good thing that our compost is in the open in the corner behind the garage and that it's not full as Daniel used it for the veggie patch earlier in the year. I have told him either I put the keys on a piece of string which will be threaded through his sleeves like we had mittens when children or I put a bell on them so that they make a noise. I'm waiting for his reply hehehe

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way. The Café is open for business and has clean table cloths with small pots of Sweet Williams in them. Dobbie says thank you for the Lemon Drizzle Cake yesterday. xxxx

    1. What a fantastic idea re the keys Janet. Make sure the ribbon is long enough so he can start the car with them threaded through his sleeves.
      Good luck with the gate.

  2. Morning Ladies

    This weeks sketch challenge will test me as I don't often use flowers on cards. Will it be made using dies or my craft cd's....? Not too sure yet.

    Cheryl-your stall looked fabulous & very well done raising so much money. I hope the weather was kind to you on Saturday.

    It's wet & very windy here today-it would be the perfect day to play in my craft room but unfortunately I have full week at work which will probably be very busy , at least it makes the days go quickly.


    1. Try not to work to hard Michele this week.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, drizzle here today.

    Cheryl your stall looks amazing, well done on raising such a lot of money, don't know this charity will have to google it.

    Sandra great challenge card today, I nearly always use flowers so should be easy, but every time I think that it takes me forever.

    Quick post today, cleaner day.

    Hope you all have a lovely day.

    Hugs Lilian

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,,
    Many congratulations Cheryl on raising so much money for your charity. Your stall looks so lovely and inviting and the weather looks as though it stayed good for you.
    This is another great challenge Sandra. Will have to have a look around to see what I've got in the way of flowers.
    JANET you did make me laugh with the saga of the keys although it must have been so stressful at the time for you. Can't believe they were found in the compost heap of all places.
    LYNDA so sorry you're still suffering with your cough and not sleeping so good. Do hope you make an appontment with the GP and get your self sorted.
    I really enjoyed my time in the craft room yesterday. I was batch making my own personal Christmas cards. Managed to make 13. These are just ordinary ones not for family or special friends.
    Well off for a shower.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Wow 13 Christmas cards in one day how on earth did you manage it Val?.

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    A Big Congratulations to Cheryl on raising another £95 to her cardiomyopathy charity, your stall looks so wonderful I'm sure people couldn't buying resist your wonderful crafts, and also to Teigan for helping out her gran, she looks such a lovely girl!
    Sandra , this challenge card looks deceptively simple ! famous last words ha ha!
    Well, I have Torridon craft day today I only take some knitting as it's easy to take and I can have a good blether with the other ladies at the same time, I would much rather make cards but it's too difficult to think what all I would need, I must try and resist eating too many goodies when I'm there today as Mandy's friend Perdip ( he is Indian) has made us all a wonderful curry for tonight , so I'd better not ruin my appetite.
    Very misty here at the moment but it's to clear and the sun is forecast for later.
    Don't work too hard Michele!
    Have a great day, love and hugs to all xoxo

  6. Well done CHERYL The sketch is interesting SANDRA ... Like you ANNE I take knitting to my little craft club I'd rather take card making but it's remembering to take all the bits In fact I have sparked a couple of the ladies interest to take up knitting again
    The key saga made me smile I just know that of OH did that it'd still be my fault lol!
    Have a great day ladies and hope you achieve all you want whether it's pain relief,problems sorted or just having fun

    1. Same here Karen re the keys. Even if I was out of the country it would still be my fault.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I have just spent a wonderful hour looking at all of the gorgeous challenge cards from yesterday and catching up with what you all have been up to over the weekend. All I can say is WOW. So many cards, each and every one different and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing them with us Sandra, it must have taken you ages to write up the blog for yesterday, even with this many cards there were only a couple that you didn't know the name of the dies that had been used! Your memory for the names of them, and all other items used in crafting is phenomenal my lovely. I hope you had a good weekend, I'm so looking forward to meeting up with you and Pat this week x
    I did leave a quick comment on Saturday just after 6am but I see that it has vanished so must say again how beautiful the mixed craft items were, thank you for sharing them Cheryl, Lynda and Janet x
    Lynda, my dear friend, I'm sorry that your cough is still hanging on. I will join the others and say please see the doctor. Enjoy your dog sitting, sorry can't remember her name, thank goodness she is house trained x
    Maria, I hope you are feeling well, or as well as possible dear friend. If you are able I would love to know the name of the die that you used to make your 4th challenge card, please. Enjoy your walk today if you get out, you will be blown along the pavement if it as windy as it is here at the momentent though! X
    Mum, I hope the funeral goes as well as it can and good luck for tomorrow's tournament. Love you xx
    Well, I had a wonderful day out on Saturday with the Beavers at Paultons Park. It makes me so happy to see them all enjoying themselves on the different rides etc. It is the reason that I still take them and makes the pain more bearable. Yesterday afternoon and evening was spent sleeping after sending them all home very tired but happy. I don't think I have to tell you that today is going to be a very lazy one for me.
    I hope you all have a good day, take care when out in the wind as it is really gusting here, the sort that can knock you off balance if you're not careful.
    Janet, you should be safe though. I bet you could do with a little of the wind to help cool you down, 30 degrees is a bit too hot for me I must admit. I'm so glad Jim found the car keys, your comments did have me laughing out loud though and again this morning about putting the keys on a ribbon threaded through Jim's sleeves : ) x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Cheryl, your stall looks fabulous :-) Well done on the fantastic amount raised!
    Great sketch Sandra, looking forward to taking part :-)
    Janet, you made me smile with the options for Jim keeping the keys safe! ;-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all.
    Well done Cheryl ! You worked so hard, a great amount raised for the charity. The table look wonderful and you had a good little helper in Tiegan. You looking good girl.
    The cc looking easy enough, who am I kidding hihi promise do to get one together. Sue, the die I used for my 4th card came from the Spellbinders Nestabilities Label 46 Decorative Elements. Have a restful day after the hectic weekend.
    Lynda- hope you night was some better or promise to see the doctors.hugs!
    Lilian- hope you got the duvet cover back on alright but don't do the shaking as long as I said please or you would defiantly have no more arms hihi (minutes !!)
    Thank you Janet for setting up the cafe' so nicely. Hopefully people looking in ,stop for a chat. Going in to town so that's pretty much for this morning. Have a good day all. love and hugs, Maria xxx

  10. Good morning SANDRA & friends
    Thank you all for your best wishes & Hug' for me I did have a better sleep last night in my recliner chair as not laying flat.
    A BIG CONGRATULATIONS CHERYL on the amazing amount of £95 you made Saturday. Your stall looked lovely with all your hand made goods & Tigan your beautiful granddaughter she is a lovely young lady helping you.
    JANET you did make me smile with Jim loosing his keys. A good few years ago now we went to visit my son when he lived in Portland Dorset We pulled into a car park on way home off Terry went to see if he could get some of the pretty Rock plants that covered a good mile strech On his return he asked for keys I said you had them well he went back over to look for them hour later came back still without keys. He put them down on the ground it was like finding a needle in a hay stack. we had to leave our car in car park all night we put a sticker on it saying it wasn't abandoned.we borrowed my sons car drove all the way home for spare key & all the way back to Dorset a round trip that's about 10 hours driving. We went back to my sons had a sleep as another 5hours home again.
    I was not amused I now keep a spare with me.
    Very windy this morning but still warm. Not upto much today I have a sympathy card to make & have a think for The cc. May have another walk up the park if it stays dry. Oh is putting a new unit together for my craft room.not going very well yet Have a good day everyone see you bit later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. If not have you made an appointment to see the Dr. Hope Terry manages to finish the unit for you.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone who comes into the Coffee Shop today,

    Another interesting challenge Sandra, Thinking Cap is on - watch this space!

    CHERYL, your stall looks so inviting, congratulations on raising all that money, a brilliant result on your part. Tigan has her a lovely selection of soft toys and a big grin that would welcome any buyer to her table.

    LINDA, Hope you are feeling better today, if not, you should be seeing your doctor. LOL

    MARIA, l hope you are OK

    MARGARET Hope the dentist is gentle with you! Also with your purse!

    Will stop by later, for now sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Cheryl how lovely and inviting your stalls looked. I say looked, as it was probably empty by the end of the day. You also raised a wonderful amount of money for your charity. Lovely of Teigan to help as well, such a lovely smile she had for your customers as well. Hope the sun is shining wherever you are.

  13. Hi all. hope your day has been as good as it could be. It has been pretty muggy and a lot of heavy showers here so got a headache this afternoon, now better after some pills. Our venture in to town was good and we came back with a set of pots and pans for my step-son, seeing him in his new home this weekend, and tea/ coffee caddies for us. Mr hoover came out for a play but only did down stairs, upstairs tomorrow if will comes or it might be some crafting instead. Wish you all a good night, especially our friend Lynda. Make sure Terry turned the clock off, hugs to all. xoxo
