
Monday 25 July 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My challenge card

This Weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I managed to get a sketch up and a quick card made before dashing off to the hospital yesterday! 

As always you can add your own flare to the basic challenge card shape! 

I use Ultimate Crafts Magnolia Lane papers for my card, fussy cutting the flowers from the papers to embellish my card, a few pearls and some lace was the only thing I added. 
I hope it gives you a little inspiration.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & an interesting sketch for us this week. I hope Matt was OK when you went to the hospital & is starting to improve health wise.

    My boss is on holiday for 2 weeks so things should be "interesting " without her. There's no-one else that's full tim or trained to cover so I always end up with 2-3 Pharmacists covering!


    1. Hi Michele, hope things don't become too "interesting" over the next couple of weeks.
      Take care. Valxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- I hope you find Matt improving today and that he will be home soon. Hugs for you all.

    You're an absolute STAR - getting the CC for the week and then getting one done for inspiration. I love the sketch and I think I can ay 'it's right up my street'.
    Have done my Mini Challenge but I feel a cheat - you will see when you post them later this week.

    MARIA- good luck today for both of you. Well done on the weight loss.
    PAT- I hope you're hop skip and jumping up and down those corridors and getting nearer to the exit for home. Do you work on the principle that the nearer your bed gets to the door on the ward the nearer you are to going home. I used to do that until they created 'bays' and then it didn't

    BRENDA- It looks as though you have another very busy start to the week. What will you do after Wednesday lol.

    Our hot weather seems to have returned so it will be an early start on jobs this morning before it gets too hot later.

    Having seen the pics of Dover and reading about the traffic jams I cannot imagine sitting in the car for 14hrs/overnight. Those going on holiday for only a week must just feel like turning round (when they can) and going home. Having said all that I really do appreciate and understand the need for Security. There isn't a day when I turn this laptop on and the heading is that someone has gone berserk and killed. I really do not know what this world is coming to.

    I see Marigny Dobbie has done his job again and opened the Café so come on everyone step inside and have a look see. You'll always find something to your taste.
    Hugs are on their way for everyone.
    SANDRA- I've sent extra hugs for Matt and you of course.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    SANDRA. Do hope Matt is a lot better today.

    MARIA Well done on losing so much weight. Very impressive. Hope everything goes well for you both today.

    PAT Hope you had a comfortable night any you're managing to move around better.

    SANDRA really like todays cc. I wasn't expecting one so thank you for making time.

    Like Janet I feel so sorry for all those people sitting waiting for so long at Dover. It must be a nightmare but can also see that all the security is needed. Some terrible things happening at the moment and every day another one. When will it end.
    well ladies must away for my shower. Have a good day everyone.
    Special thoughts for Lynda.
    Love Valxxx

  4. Morning I've obviously missed some news from yesterday I' ll go back and have a read later Takw care SANDRA and hope Matt is ok

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Thank you for taking the time to do a challenge for us, and your beautiful card. I hope Matt is on the road to recovery and will be home soon. Sending hugs to you all xx
    Michele, I hope work isn't too hectic for you over the next couple of week!
    Val, how did it go with the cleaning lady yesterday - did she get the job?
    Pat, I hope you're recovering well and will be home soon xx
    Maria, well done on your weight loss :-) Hope yours and your OH appointments go well today xx
    Hope everyone has a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Good morning SANDRA & everyone
    I didn't exspect to see a challenge card this morning SANDRA I love your card lovely papers so pretty your a star for doing one.
    SANDRA I hope Matt had a good nights sleep & is feeling better this morning sending big Hug's to you all.
    WOW MARIA what a wonderful weight loss you have done so well you have put me to shame 😫 what Diet are you doing ? Hope OH gets on ok with his test & you with Jed Clampet hihi.
    A lovely day again after houswork im going to do the ironing befor it gets too hot
    Then after lunch ( I'm not having any I have tapped my mouth up 😐) we are going for a walk with dogs I still have two foster goes home Wednesday & the other one goes home on Saturday ( will miss her had her for three weeks) then Bambie will be on her own she is already missing Annie just hope she dose't pine to much.
    Terry has put my ironing board up so better get a wiggle on pop back later.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer625 July 2016 at 11:36

    Hi Sandra all in cafe,
    Sandra you are very much in my thoughts, I hope Matt is responding to treatment & is feeling better. Love & hugs to you
    The challenge looks interesting this week will have to put thinking cap on.
    I have just come of phone from POST office travel insurance regarding my cancelled holiday. They gave me a telephone interview & he was satisfied that I would not need to send any paperwork to them & all being well would be in my bank account in 7 - 10 days, I am very impressed with their service & will certainly use them again.
    Maria well done on your weight lose, I went to WW about 15 years ago & lost 35lb & have only ever put on at the most 7lbs since, keep it up. Hope OH gets on ok & they do not squeeze you too
    Pat hope you are getting about abit, you could well be home now, take
    Lynda hope the meds help
    Sending hugs to all who need in particular ro Sandra & family love

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sandra, Im so sorry to hear that Matt is in hospital with a kidney infection. My mobile phone has been dead since Sat eve and due to another migraine I didnt even look at the laptop until just now so had no idea. Please give him my love and a gentle hug, I hope he is starting to feel better now. I know how much the blog means to you (and us all) but don't go pushing yourself too hard. Everyone will keep on popping in everyday, and I will when I can see the keys! Your challenge card is gorgeous, your fussy cut flowers are beautifully cut and look wonderful decoupaged. Sending you all my love and gentle hugs my lovely xx
    Pat, I hope you are managing to walk a little further each day. I am so glad you didn't feel as bad as you did last time, thank goodness. Are you home today or tomorrow? Sending you lots of gentle get better soon hugs x
    Maria, I hope OH test went/goes well today. Well done on your diet, eating a little more will help lose some more, daft isn't it, but true as your body goes into "grab every single calorie that comes in" after a while so upping your intake will help. Good luck. I must lose some weight but after so many years of being so thin I sort of find it nice to be like nearly everyone other woman, as being so underweight is no fun at all either, believe me!
    Lynda, I hope you get on well with the new meds. Hope you manage to crush them up small enough to get into a tiny gap in the tape you have put over your mouth (see, I did go back and read all of the comments over the weekend : ))
    I hope everyone else is ok in the cooler weather, it is really windy here today and much cooler that it has been.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Matt, Pat and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Oh Sandra what a star you are, I don't know how you managed to come up with a challenge with all you have on your plate. I hope by now you're starting to get more positive news about Matt and they can sort out his medication quickly. Sending both Matt and do you gentle hugs, is in the best place and hopefully they will sort him out quickly.

    Pat, I hope you will be home soon, don't go rushing about doing things, just take it steady day at a time. LOL

    Linda, hope you're beginning to feel better and your medication has started to help. LOL

    Maria, I hope your OH tests went well and everything is fine with him. Good luck with your screening its horrible isn't it but only last seconds. A big well done actual weight loss. XX

    We are here in Kenley now until Wednesday afternoon. Once Ciara was washed and dressed this morning it was grandma what can I do ? She wanted to know who ihad birthdays coming up, so she's been on a mission made a birthday cards for Grandpa and Aunty Anne, and an anniversary card for mum and dad. Then we both tried to make a pop-up boxes (cards ) we got there eventually, only kept them plain, next time we will make something and it will be decorated. I hadn't thought to bring any fine wires with me. But now I've got the idea, I think there is hope!!!!!!!

    Its time I started thinking about dinner, so I'll get a result on now. Sending love and hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, have a nice time with Ciara and the others. Don't forget to take a photo of the cards she made,love to see them. She is a little marvel making cards for everyone. Hope you are around on the 4th of August so we can see you in Watford. Have a nice evening,hugs xx

  10. Hello Sandra And All who pop in.
    Sandra you are a marvel, getting challenge card done and it's lovely, hope to get mine done on time this week
    How is Matt doing hope he's feeling a bit better by now.

    Pat hope you are making speedy progress towards home.

    Maria hope the test went ok and also your visit to the big snapper. Well done on loosing so much weight, now how difficult it is.

    Lynda hope the medicine is suiting you and are beginning to feel a bit better, although I guess it takes time.

    Back to work today, so feeling a bit shattered, still the money helps.

    Hope everyone has a good evening, see you tomorrow,Lilian

  11. Me again to say I had my lace and metal embellishments parcel from the craft channel, not much lace so am a little disappointed. Would anyone like some metal owls? I have several packets and I'm not into owls, so if anyone would like some I'll post them on, no charge, Lilian

    1. Please Lilian may I have some owls, I love them.
      E mail me with an account so I can send the money to you and for the postage. Have a nice evening and rest,hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all.
    I hope Matt is alright and back home soon ,also to our Pat I hope you getting around a bit easier for every day, hugs
    Lovely card Sandra and all that from a sketch you found.
    Have so much decopage papers and a lot already made up but not on to cards yet so that should be my next job to keep myself busy and not think about chocolate ,cakes and food.:-) Thank you all, I'm not gone yet far from it and it will take a long time til goal but you know this have helped me because the sugar was on the border line and now down to normal. Margaret ,you did fantastic and to kept it off, well done! Hope you see the money back soon.
    Good to see you Sue, sorry you been so poorly with constant migraine's. Being underweight must be a pain too, lets have some real food on the 4th so we don't disappear totally :-)
    Lynda- Bambie being on her own again,she will miss the others for a while but hope she be alright and you too. Sending hugs to you and Terry. Oh they were Clamped alright and it hurt but only for a moment, the worst bit was actually the way you have to stand in different positions Lol Janet- hope your day was not too bad, here it has cooled down so it feel a bit nicer. They talking about heavy showers but nothing here so far so will have to water the pots soon. Michele- have a bit quiet time at work the next fortnight, hope you feeling better today.
    Val- hope it is not too hot for you in Spain and too many tourists. Are there many ex pats in your area ?
    I hope you all had a good day. We were pretty busy and now have to wait 3/4 weeks for results but I believe everything is fine. To our missing friends I hope you are alright and be back to the bosom of this family soon.
    Have a good evening, love and hugs Maria xoxo
