
Sunday 24 July 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

An older Challenge card of mine

Brenda L Challenge Card

Janet Challenge card 1

Janet Challenge card 2

Karen's Challenge card

Lynda Challenge card

Margaret Challenge card

Maria's Challenge card

Michele's Challenge Card

Michele's 2nd card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Sue's old Challenge card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Another assortment of amazing challenge cards from all of you again this week.

Brenda, your stunning card has been created by using the Spanish Border die as the background, it works so well with the hammered card you have used.  You have finished your card beautifully with those pretty handmade flowers and ribbon.  thank you so much for taking part xxx

Janet, 2 beautiful cards from you this week, the first card has been made using Creative Expressions Embroidered Striplet die and the second using the Delphinus Gemini die, both embellished beautifully too, with lace and mdf embellishments on the first card and a resin fan and ribbon on the second, thank you so much for taking part Janet xxx

karen you have used Creative Expressions Mini Snowflake Striplet and Snowflake to create your amazing Christmas card, you ladies are all going to be so organised this year, thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge xxx

Lynda you have created a stunning, super sparkly Christmas card with the Creative Expressions Eternal Rings Striplet, studded with sparkly stones! Thank you so much for taking part Lynda xxx

Margaret, a gorgeous Christmas card from you this week, I love those die cut snowflakes creating that perfect background with out actually using a stiplet style die, very resourceful, using what you have to make something, proving that we crafters can all make the most of our stash.  I love the way you have used a bauble shaped sentiment too, a fabulous Christmas card Margaret, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Maria a stunning card from you this week, you have used Creative Expressions Bevelled Glass Striplet and Melbourne Die from the Australian collection, they work so well together, embellished with that pretty ribbon, a gorgeous card that you could use for different occasions, thank you so much for taking part Maria xxx

Michele you have created a gorgeous Christmas card using the Eternal Rings Striplet Die and a pretty snowflake, with that lovely ribbon! 
Your second card has been made using decorative christmas paper, a pretty filigree bauble to embellish Your SW Pierced Flag sentiment!  Your mojo returned just in time and was on top form! Thank you for being patient enough to take part this week my lovely xxx

Sonia, I love your card, using Spellbinders Mary Border Strip die to create your background and a complimentary Spellbinder die for the centre, I love how you raised the centre of the background die cuts up to give a little dimension, those pretty pearls give the card an elegant finish, thank you so much for taking part Sonia xxx

Sue, such a pretty card created by you some time ago, using ribbon to create the stripped background effect and that pretty topper that you have decoupaged and trimmed with lace as well, I have added this one is as I you were suffering with a migraine again at the end of the week you may not have got yours finished, although there is still time! thank you Sue xxx

Val, such a gorgeous christmas card from you this week, your have used the Quilted Blocks Striplet die for the background and the new Ornate Holly Framed Peace die (both by Creative Expressions) to create your card, using sumptous gold card and vellum to create your stunning poinsettia is a real exquisite touch, the gorgeous ribbon is the perfect finishing touch, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Well ladies, what an incredible array of cards once again this week, you have once again blown me away, I am so very proud to share your cards.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    It is always a wonderful moment when I open up on a Sunday morning and see such beautiful cards. I love all of them and a usual I cannot pick a favourite although I do love the Seasonal ones. There are also one or two tips I have seen that I just might borrow if I may. I can see we're going to have to have yet another larger display board in the Café so we can see these beautiful cards longer. Will have to see what Dobbie can do!

    We had a really good day weather wise yesterday with temps in the upper 20s but so much better than last week. We now have a new garden gate although it doesn't fasten as we need a new lock and handles (because when someone went to buy one came back saying 'I'm not paying that for a lock. I only want a simple lock and pair of handles not an all singing and dancing lock'. So we will be bringing one with us when we return from the UK in Autumn I have said that having a lockable gate is a laugh as anyone can jump over the garden fence in the back lane and of course if anyone wanted they could climb over both front and back gates. I've got my fingers crossed that fence and gate might get painted today.

    So pleased that all the tartlets and ice cream went down well so I'll stock up tomorrow. Everything is on the boil and just waiting for you all.
    Have a good Sunday whatever you're going to do. Hugs to you all.

    PAT - I hope you're feeling OK, pain free and now a wiz on those crutches. I bet you're ready for home and your own bed. Gentle hugs xxxx

    1. Your comment about your OH and prices made me smile Mine's usual remark is "how much?" meaning that's far too expensive I have to remind him that things go up in price over the years

    2. It must be a man thing, although mine is a yorkshire man too, short arms and deep pockets!! Lol, he cxan be very 'make do and mend'! I can't complain too much as he never complians about me buying My craft stuff!
      Janet I also think that if somebody is determined to get in they will, however secure you make the gate!
      I hope the Calais Border delays get resolved before you sail home, the queues were horrendous yesterday!
      There is always some drama this time of year, when traffic is at its heaviest, anyone would think its done on purpose!!
      Enjoy your day Janet,

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  2. Sorry it's me again - thank you all so much for your kind comments yesterday on my Heart Plaque. It's always lovely to know that someone likes the results of my crafting. xxxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and All, dull here again , we had a little rain yesterday.

    The challenge cards are all beautiful, I'm sorry I did not get mine finished, yesterday, will do better next time, I think my mojo went on its hols and hasn't come back.

    Pat I hope you are getting over the effects of the op and are starting on your crutches, not sure if you have them with hip op , I only had a new knee, I expect you will be home shortly, as they don't keep you in long these days.

    Not sure what we are doing today, R is playing at a different church this morning, as the usual organist has broken her arm.

    Janet my O/H is very similar to yours , I have heard that phrase so many times, more as we get older, I tell him to double any thoughts on what something might cost.

    Have a lovely Sunday all, I'm going to try and get my Challenge Card finished.
    Hugs all round, gentle squeeze for Pat. Lilian

  4. Morning Ladies

    What beautiful cards today for the challenge.

    Just sat down to my breakfast & there was a terrific crash-Mrs Blackbird had flown into a window. She upright but still stunned so am watching her as there's a couple of cats that have recently appeared.

    I made a second challenge card but it must have detached itself from the email I sent you Sandra-I have re-sent it. I also completed the midweek challenge card yesterday. It was a real struggle & i can't say I enjoyed making any of the cards. Not sure what's going on it my craft room is on the outside corner of the house facing the sun. I'm also starting with hot flushes do that doesn't help!!!!!

    Best go & get dressed so I can put my washing out before the predicted rain arrives.


    1. Hope Mrs Blacbird is ok My craft area is really hot too and my table is by the window to get all the natural light I can and that's not helping the mojo

    2. Oh Michele, hormone heatwaves are bad enough without having them during a heatwave!!!
      I still can't believe you had no craft mojo but managed to create two fantastic Christmas cards!
      Thank you so much for going to the trouble!
      I hope Mrs Blackbird is recovering well xxx

  5. Stunning cards on show again today I am in awe of all of them but I have to give SUE's a special mention - to use lace ribbon as the panels is pure genius
    We're all (Oscar too) going to a Salsa function this afternoon I like the afternoon events because it is more family orientated Lots of talking and catching up Not a lot of dancing as it'll be too hot
    Gentle hugs PAT xx

    1. Have a lovely time this afternoon Karen, even more fun when you can take Oscar too!
      Enjoy xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all.
    Another Sunday morning with lovely cards on display (mine so wrong, why didn't I think of that moment). Got to look for some x-mas papers and start on them, so many wonderful ones here this morning. Well done girls.
    Pat- hope you are alright and pain free this morning, gentle hugs coming your way.
    Sandra - just watched the queues down to the ferry ports in Dover, to be stuck for so many hours.I really hope they are dissolved by the time you go away.
    Karen- have a great time this afternoon. Oscar will do the moves early :-)
    Overcast this morning and so much better then yesterday, didn't feel good at all with the heat but my pain was better so... Michele- not funny with hot flushes, had them for years, hope you be ok. Going out for the day, must keep OH busy ,he going for some test tomorrow morning so no more food after 9 this morning. Oh dear, and I go for breast screening myself in the afternoon and our old painter/decorator coming tomorrow as well so a busy day ahead. Must get a wiggle on,the scales are waiting so I wish you all a good day ! love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  7. Morning Ladies,

    Another stunning array of cards, I really look forward to Sundays to see what everyone has done.

    Our trip to Dartmouth on Thursday was such a long journey, the bus driver took so many back roads there was a complaint by the organiser that one of the passengers was feeling very ill through travel sickness and he requested a quicker route on the return trip. So when we finally got to Dartmouth we only had time for a quick lunch before back on the coach to visit the Naval College. A lovely lady called Nicola took charge of our side of the coach and the tour lasted 2 1/2 hours. Such a rich and varied history that was so enjoyable to learn. Unfortunately we could not take any photos of the staff or young sailors on their exercises due to the attack on the sailor in Norfolk. Sorry Janet, could not bring one home either. lol
    Yesterday we had an early morning visitor, Alexia, who stayed all day until Mum picked her up around 8.30pm. She and Joseph spent quite a while painting smooth stones for their mums. Lovely to see them so engrossed in using paints, pearl drops, glitter glues etc. for their creations. Have took photo of Joseph and sent to Sandra to show sometime.
    Today it is raining, so all plans gone astray, we are relaxing instead.
    Love & hugs to Pat and wishing you a speedy recovery from your recent hip op.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. Gorgeous selection of cards again today, all so beautiful :-) Enjoyed this sketch, so will be using it again. Thank you Sandra X
    Hope everyone is well, a lot cooler today so a relief for many of us.
    Pat, I hope you're doing well x
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi ladies,
    Just want to let you know that Challenge card may be delayed until Tuesday, as my son has been admitted into hospital with an acute kidney infection this morning, he was in Redditch with his Girlfriend overnight, he had seen doctor yesterday and was given strong Antibiotics and strong pain relief but despite this has continued to deteriorate overnight. I am so worried about him, he takes some pretty nasty drugs for his arthritis which leaves his bodies immune system very low, which I guess is why he has deteriorated so fast.
    I will keep you updated.
    I will endeavor to keep things running as normal ladies, so please stick with me

    1. Hello Sandra
      Don't worry at all about the Café or any Challege. Just concentrate on Matt. Family always comes first. Always. Thinking of you all with lots of hugs and love xxxx

    2. Sandra please don't worry about cafe or challenge card, you must concentrate on Matt. Take care lots of love & hugs.Margaret xxx

    3. Oh Sandra. So sorry about yor son. He's in the best place. Thinking of you.
      Lots of love Valxxx

    4. Oh Sandra, sorry to hear about Matt. Please don't worry about the blog, as Janet says family always comes first. Thinking of you all and sending love and hugs xxx

    5. So sorry Sandra to hear that Matt is so ill, were are all with you and here for you, love Lilian

    6. Sorry Sandra to hear Matt so ill, no worries about anything just hope he gets better soon. hugs xxx

    7. Oh Sandra, So sorry to hear Matt has been admitted to hospital. I hope and pray they can stabilise him quickly. Please do not worry about the challenge - your family must come first. Sending gentle hugs for you all. xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    What a lovely selection of cards on display this morning. Well done to you
    It is cloudy here but seems to be warming up again at least I have a quieter day today. I am looking for inspiration for mini challenge, at least I have sorted through my dies & stamps & now have the in one place, it is so easy to get in a muddle.
    Pat thinking of you I am sure they have had you out & walking by now, hope you are painted, sending hugs xxx
    Well must get some lunch sending hugs to all who need them love

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  12. Hi Sandra & friends
    Wow gorgeous cards on display again they are all stunning xx
    Sandra so sorry to hear about Matt how worring for you & Paul. He is in the best place hope they sort him out soon. Don't worry about the blog or challenge cards Matt comes first we are not going anywhere. Sending him gental Hug's xx
    We have had a lazy day went for a walk this morning Terry cut the he is 💤💤💤 . I have been in craft room doing another MDF tag not finished yet better clear up my mess I think. Haha
    MARIA I hope OH's test goes well tomorrow,& your Breast screening I have just had a letter for mine for the first of the month. Hope the scale were kind to you how much have you lost. Your very good. I have been very bad but must get my mind into diet big time.Help.
    Well I'm going to start dinner now so see you later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. What we women have to go through to keep well. Thanks to WW ones again I have lost 25 pounds to date. Keep being told I'm not eating enough and drinking to little so a take out and a couple of bottles could sit nicely tihi but don't won't make OH jealous as he can't have anything, he just finished 2 litres of yucky stuff, bless him Lol
      Dragon's Den and then a early night perhaps...
      Good night everyone xxx

  13. Pat I hope your feeling ok after your opperation. Take care baby steps to start with sendig love & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lovely display of cards you have for us today. Ladies you certainly have done Sandra proud.

    Had a busy day today, after church came home and went into the garden and have worked out there most of the day. Only came in because I needed to put the dinner on.
    We are going back to daughters in the morning to look after the children, will stay there until Wednesday when they go on holiday. John will take them to Gatwick, when he returns we will then come home.

    Hope you have all had a good day. Sandra I hope you get good news about Matt soon. Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx
