
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Lilian's Challenge card & Joseph's stone for his mum


Joseph's Stone for his Mum

Good Morning ladies,

Firstly I will give you a quick update on Matt, he is still in hospital, he seems to be starting to respond to the IV antibiotics, but his temperature is still a little erratic.  I can't remember if I mentioned but he takes complex meds for his arthritis that are designed to reduce his body's immunity, I think that this is why this Infection has developed so quickly and is so severe.  It is always so incredibly painful to see your children in pain, it doesn't matter how old they are, hopefully he will have a good day today and will be able to come home, although I would prefer he stayed put until he is fully recovered.
Thank you all so very much for your wonderfully supportive message, this is what makes our blog so unique, I could not wish for a lovelier group of friends xxx

Now onto today's gorgeous card, I has been designed and created by our Lilian for last week's challenge.
Lilian has used Creative Expressions Petite Striplet 'Jubilee' to create the background of her card,
I believe one of the Spellbinders Blossom dies has been used to place that gorgeous stamped image on, Lilian has also added stamped pretty detail all around the edge of the card too. I love your card Lilian, thank you so much for taking part, despite not getting home until the weekend. I hope you have managed to unwind after your journey home xxx

Cheryl kindly sent me a photo of Joseph and the lovely stone he painted for his Mum, such a lovely thoughtful young man.  
Joseph your stone is fantastic, I can see that you have used paint, glitter glue and pearl drops to decorate your stone, your writing is so neat too, its really hard to write with those pearl drops too, you have done an amazing job, I bet your Mum was over the moon,  thank you Cheryl for sharing yourt's photo's with us xxx

That's all for today ladies, thank your for your love and support, it means the world xx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    LILIAN- I love your CC. You have chosen one of my favourite colour set -blue/white-. I haven't seen that striplet die before but it really looks well. Is the middle a die or have you stamped it? I hope you're all straight at home now and beck into your routine.

    CHERYL-thank you so much for letting us see Joseph's painted stone. It is so well painted and his use of pearl drops is just wonderful. I love it and I know it will be kept for years and years and brought out on occasions to show and I suppose much to his embarrassment when he is grown.

    SANDRA-thank you for the update on Matt. Thank goodness he is responding to IV anti thingys and fingers crossed he will be home soon.

    It's a dull start to the day here not like the last few days but we shall see how it goes. The fence and gate are 99.9% finished. We (well Jim)ran out of paint for the final coat on the gate but at least it has been painted and just needs the final coating and of course it needs a new lock of which will be done when we next come. So now it's Chimney Sweeping day. I hate this job as it means having to move everything in the kitchen as far away from the chimney as possible and then it's fingers crossed time that the brushes go straight up the liner of the chimney first time. So fun and games so if anyone would like to visit today to help out you're more than welcome. Once everything has been moved I shall be in the veranda trying to do a little crafting and keeping out of the way but I know it will be 'J can you just come and............'.

    Having just seen some pics of the chaos at Dover I'm hoping that it might be better travelling from this side this week-end. We're sailing from Dunkirk as usual so will miss Calais port but of course still have to contend with the traffic in Dover and the A2/M25.

    I see the Café is open for business so come on in and have a cuppa and a chat. Hugs have been sent on their way across the Channel so they should arrive very soon.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-your card is beautiful, love it & it's my favourite colour combination. You got that made quickly once you were back from your holiday.

    Cheryl-I love the stone that Joshua decorated , very clever and such neat writing.

    Sandra-glad Matt is responding to the IV antibiotics. I hope you're ok and are managing to sleep during this worrying time.

    Yesterday wasn't too bad at work but today is going to be much busier so let's see what happens later..!!!


  3. Gorgeous card again today Sandra, loved yesterdays too.
    Hope your boy is home soon, xxx

  4. Hello Sandra, and Friends, dull here but dry.

    Sandra so glad your Matt is responding to his antibiotics,and that he will be home soon, but not too soon as these days that seems to be the way .
    Cheryl love the picture of Joshua( great name) and the stone he created, bet his mum loved it, I am wondering if I can do this with my grandson although he is only 5 yrs so maybe a bit young.

    My card is made using stamping up papers and night of navy card and ink.
    I fussy cut the inside piece of the striplet as I wanted a border of the plain card stock. Sandra has the dies right , the flower is cut from the patterned paper.
    Fairly quick card, but the thinking took forever, that's why I was late. Thanks Sandra for showing.

    I did a quick up date on my parcel of lace and metal embellishments, yesterday, very disappointing, in case you didn't read if you want some metal owls give me a shout, Maria I will post today hopefully.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian your card is stunning.
      Thank you for your wishes for me last night.
      Sorry your parcel from the craft wasn't very good. I get my lace & bronze metal embellishments from Ebay they have all been very good.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    SANDRA so glad to hear that Matt is responding to treatment. Hope there's a big improvement today and he's allowed home soon. I don't think it matters how old your child iss when they're ill or in pain you feel every bit of it with them. That's when being a mum is I suppose.
    LILIAN Just love your card. One of my favourite colours as well.
    CHERYL ah, what a lovely decorated stone made by Joseph. So well done. I bet his mum will treasure it.
    SONIA the cleaning lady left a message on my answer phone on Sunday to say she couldn't make it as she was in the hospital with her husband and she'll get in touch. At least my house is very clean and tidy ha ha.
    MARIA I love the heat. I like one of those plants who love to live in a hothouse. I thrive on it. I just hate the winter and really it's cold but not UK cold but I still don't like it. If I could afford it I'd live here for the summer then move to the likes of Australia in Spains winter which is obviously their summer. When I win the lottery ha ha.
    Well a lazy morning the the last bingo for a while so would be good if I went out with a bang.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Special wishes for Pat and Lynda.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val now you have been on a winning streak so you may well win the Lottery good luck with that. Thanks for you special wishes
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra I'm so sorry to read your son Matt has been so ill and receiving treatment in hospital, but good to know he is now responding and might get home soon, such a worrying time for you and the family.xo
    I have been so busy with visitors and the new puppy I'm dead on my feet , but have a few days now before Mandy and the children return on Friday, I couldn't even be bothered to go to golf this morning and decided doing my hair colour instead would make me feel better, Tollie our puppy is gorgeous but a lot of work at the moment , we have never had a dog or pet of any kind before so it does take a bit of getting used to!
    Lillian your card is beautiful and so classy looking.
    Joseph , I love your painted stone, a real treasure for your mum to keep!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh Anne you sound like such a busy lady. Try and have a rest until the family arrives.
      Tollie sounds so cute and would love to see photos.
      Puppies are hard work at first but so worth it.
      Take care.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Anne I hope you manage to charge your battery's before your family arrives Arrrr your puppy will give you so much love.The puppy training pads are brilliant.We had them when we got Annie as a pup she went on them straight away.& just kept putting it nearer the door.enjoy her Tollie is a lovely name what breed is she.
      Hug's xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Lilian, I too love the colour together.The little striplet is lovely and the flowers are so pretty.
    Thank you Cheryl for showing Joseph's stone for mum. it's so sweet of him and something his mum will treasure for many years. I still got some of my sons earlier works in art, can't let them go.
    Sending Matt well wishes, good he responding to the treatments and hope he soon back to his old self.
    Janet- good luck with the chimney sweep, fingers crossed it wont make to much mess and no birds nest sitting at the top. Still dreadful delays and queues at Dover but hopefully you should be fine just take your time and drive carefully.
    Val- I too love to win the lottery but for other reasons Lol. I like the weather medium like, not too wet and cold but not too hot either so not sure what country would suit me best.
    Have a nice day all, love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, hope everything is good with you and you're enjoying your new kitchen.
      I can't think which country would be ideal for you. Probably best to stay where you are. Ha ha. Better the devil you know.
      Have a good day.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      I still have a paperweight of a Norse man's helmet that my son Robin made me in pottery class when he was about 12 ish, also a pendant made from the air dry clay he did in Playschool or Primary school. Mementoes to keep certainly. x

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sandra, thank goodness Matt is responding to the meds. Let's hope they keep him in until they are sure he is recovering well. It's always hard to see your children suffering, it certainly doesn't matter how old they are. As Val said its what being a parent is all about. Sending gentle hugs to you all x
    Pat, I hope you are managing to walk a little further each day. I hope we can get to see you tomorrow, either at the hospital or at home. sending gentle hugs x
    Lilian, I love your card, it is so pretty and you can't go wrong with a blue/white combo. The flower topper is beautiful. I'm so glad we got to see it. You say you are thinking of decorating stones with your five year old grandson after seeing Joshuas beautiful gift. Go for it.I have done this with 3 year olds and over many times and they love doing it. Obviously the little ones can't write much but give them poster paints and glitter glues and they will have a great time. A coat of varnish afterwards, done by you, will seal everything in to make a treasured gift for anyone (just varnishing stones can bring out beautiful colours and patterns, my grand daughters love watering the stones first to see which ones look prettiest). Going together for a walk and selecting stones and pebbles is part of the fun, if you have time. I hope you and your grandson give it a go : ) x
    Cheryl, Joshuas decorated stone is a beautiful gift for his Mum, one that will be treasured, that's for sure. What a lovely lad he is : ) x
    Maria, I'm glad the tests are done for you and OH. Have a good day, relaxing I hope x
    Janet, good luck with the chimney sweeping. I will be happy to help in any way. I wonder how much crafting you will manage to do before you are called to help Jim? Our men are all the same it seems, bless them : ) x
    Val, good luck with the Bingo today, fingers crossed that you win a game. Enjoy x
    I'm hoping to sort out some more of my craft stash today, it's all in a muddle and driving me mad.
    It is not too hot here today and quite windy so better for working in, unlike the heat last week. Oh dear, we are never happy with the weather are we!
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs with extras for Sandra, Matt, Pat and Lynda and all in need. Take care x

    1. Hi Sue glad your feeling better x did you manage to sort your craft room out. Mine never stays tidy as I can never remember where I put them.HaHa.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Ooh JOSHUA your stone is ace I just know your mum will have lived it - Thank you CHERYL I' m so glad MATT is responding and will be home soon I love your card LILIAN and what a shame you were disappointed wiv your Craft Channel booty I'll go back and read your up date from yesterday
    Cafe is looking lovely JANET
    Enjoy your Bingo VAL and don't work too hard MICHELE xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased to hear Matt is responding to treatment, hope they do not send him out too soon. Take care sending hugs to you &
    Lilian what a lovely card love the colours & the
    Cheryl thank you for sending Joseph's photo of his lovely painted stone, his will treasure
    Pat hope you are recovering maybe at home by now, please don't do anything silly take it
    Anne enjoy your peace & quiet while you
    The weather today is lovely, nice breeze & not too hot, enjoyed boule this morning even though lost 3 games, it's the company that counts.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Afternoon Sandra & ladies,

    Good news to hear about Matt's recovery, Sandra, let's hope they keep him in until his treatments are finished.

    Yesterday's walk was started at Burnham's Apex Park, a lovely, gorgeous place to while away a few hours just walking, feeding the numerous water birds on the rather largish pond that seems to go on forever, playing in the Adventure park or having a picnic underneath one of the numerous shady trees.
    Anyhows, we wandered through the park and picked up the trail leading onto the promenade and thence onto the coffee shop. The tide was just coming in with gentle waves rolling one after the other. Lovely lunch at The Admiral's Table, just off M5 J24 then a spot of shopping in Matalan where I have kitted myself out with 3 pairs loose light jersey trousers and 5 new tops for my holidays. I have had to go up a size or two as these new puppies of mine seem to get bigger day by day. My last bra fitting earlier this year was an EE cup! Why do they grow as you age? I liked them better when they were a far more manageable size, although Pete did like the improvements, lol
    BP was back to a normal reading this morning so no panic over changing meds and won't get the results of the Creatinine BT needed for my latest CT Scan with contrast until next Monday's Hospital appt. If all is ok with my remaining kidney, further treatments will just be ultra sounds. Five years ago this month I was dealt with the devastating news that cancer had destroyed the left one and I needed an op. Whew, well I weathered that storm and will do others as they occur.

    Good news, Jamie moved in on Sunday. It is lovely to have some company again, you don't realise how alone you are until someone moves in. Thank goodness I haven't noticed it so much as I have this lovely blog full of the friendliest people on this earth keeping me company with their daily news and my love of crafting to stay busy.

    Love & hugs to one and all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Wow Cheryl you really sound as though you've been through a lot in the last few years. How wonderful that you got a normal reading this morning and hopefully next Mondays results will be just as positive.
      You sound all set clotheswise for your holidays. Where are you off to?
      As usual I love the desciptive way you have of telling us about you walks and what a lovely place to lunch.
      Take care.
      Love Valxx

    2. Cheryl you have achieved so much in the last few years, well done. Hope Mondays results are

    3. Hi CHERYL oooo your walk sounded are in the gorgeous part of the country as all your walks are amazing. Glad Jamie has moved in now must be nice for you having him around.
      Joseph's Stone is really lovely I bet his mum loved it well done Joseph xx
      CHERYL you have done so well in the last five years give yourself a pat on the back my dear. Hope Monday's test results are good.
      Oh Cheryl you can join the droopy bit's club now with me HaHa.
      Not long now for your wonderfull holiday glad you managed to get some new holiday cloths too.
      Love Lynda xx

  13. Thank yo all for your lovely comments on Joseph's stone. He will be so chuffed when I show him today's page when he comes this weekend.
    Love your card Lilian and 'No' your grandson is not too young to start crafting with his Nanny/Granny. All my grandchildren were very young when they started to use all my crafting items. I have numerous pictures that I treasure and they treasured and remember the times they spent with me crafting. xxx

  14. I forgot to say earlier that I love your card LILIAN How rude of me I hope I'm not too late I was so excited to see some craft by a young man (I daren't say child I don't want to offend JOSHUA) I used to pick out stones from the garden and used clear nail varnish to make them glossy I cannot wait to do messy crafting with Oscar!
    Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on 4th Aug Annual leave booked and ok'd by boss

  15. Evening all, hope you all have had a good day. Michele, hope you are ok and it wasn't to busy. Cheryl- lovely walk once again, how many are you usually ? Nice new clothes for your holiday, you must be so excited to what's coming.
    You probably right Val that I stay where I am for now tihi my dream has always been do to move to Mallorca one day but maybe just have a little flat would be nice.It's a special place for me :-) Hope you win at the Bingo. Our lovely painter have now been here for two day's but we left him to it for three hours today because ,he is a chatter box so the job goes slower and we paying him per day hihi We went to Waitrose so we got free coffee and sat there reading the daily papers. OH could't help himself but just had to have a portion of their chunky chips, oh they looked good :-)
    Have a painting that need have it's frame fixed back on so need to find someone for that. Could probably do it myself but it is an old one so better have someone who know what he's doing.
    Margaret, you so right. It not always the winning that's important, it is the company and friendship.
    Anne- you will have so much fun with Tollie but it takes some time to get used to another little one in the house.
    Hope she not making to many puddles inside :-) Have a nice rest until the family coming back, take care.
    Time for Vikings on planner and some CSI so I'm settled for the night. Have a nice evening all and I see you tomorrow sometime, going out with a friend for a walk and it might be a garden centre at the end hihi xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I have crept into the cafe very quietly as I'm sure some of you are asleep by now, had another day part crafting and later did a little gardening, John helped we tidied up the front garden flower bed and the then John edged some of the lawn (to much to do in one day) it looks nice and tidy now when you come up the drive. Tomorrow after lunch the family are off on holiday, they fly from Gatwick which is only about half an hour away. After that we will return home for two weeks.

    Sandra, the news about Matt sounds as if they are starting to get him stabilised, I hope and pray he continues to improve.

    Lillian love your card, also your choice of colour would make this card suitable for everyone. xx

    Cherryl, please tell Joseph I love his stone as I'm sure his mum does. Many years ago I asked John to go to the garden centre and get a bag of stones for the children to paint, we set up a table in the garden and they were able to craft away and no one was bothered about any mess, they all loved painting them, some have stood the test of time and are still around the garden. It's a great activity for all ages.

    Will say night night to you all, sleep well. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, sound like a nice day even with the gardening. Hope the others have a lovely holiday.
      Have a good night, hugs xx

  17. Hello Sandra & friends
    Glad Matt is responding to his medication now hope he will be home soon.
    I started this at 8pm lost two posts they are floating in cyber space somewhere beyond. I have commented on way down.
    We went for our walk then home for lunch salad for me then I have been cutting lots of flowers out & foliage for two cards I have to make next month.
    So I can get started tomorrow with the challenge card first.
    MARIA hope you enjoyed your Vikings & CSI programs. I have started on slimming world diet which I have all the books from before so hopefully I can soon be a swan & not a Hippopotamus HAHA.
    Take care everyone I'm off for my cupper love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi my friend. Good luck with SW, I used to do that and I liked it then but went on holiday and lost it but you will do it. The saddle bags were a bit sore today but just throw them over the shoulders and continue the day hihi Oh have forgot to send Sandra the mini cc must do that before bed or I will forget it again, pea brain. Do Hippos have small brains ? The Vikings is great, really enjoyed that but then I watched Corrie instead. Having a weak mug of tea but then I think it will be bed but feeling really awake so maybe not, will be tired tomorrow do, Oh well wish you a good night and hope the meds. are working for you, hugs xxx
