
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Michele's Man Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Two fabulous 'Man' cards designed by Our Michele for her Brother in Law, Michele chose the first card and Michele's Husband Phil chose the second card as his brother discovered the taste of whiskey while he was over here, therefore the second card is the perfect choice!
I love both of these cards Michele, are they made using CD roms? You really do have the knack of getting the best out of cd roms, I also like that 'Happy Birthday' die that you have used.
Thank you for allowing me to share your cards xxx

I am not sure what's happening today as Sue is taking Gemma for hospital appointment, so won't make it, I hope everything goes well for Gemma  Sue xx
Hopefully Pat and I will get together either today or tomorrow as I have almost forgotten what she looks like its been so long (well 3 weeks)! hahaha

I am so pleased that our dear Janet has got her hospital date, it will come round so fast, I wish you well and a super speedy recovery so that we can organise a meet up for us all in the Autumn (those that want too I mean), there are so many of you that I cannot wait to meet and others that I can't wait to see again.
Lynda, I hope you are feeling better my lovely and that you have your internet sorted too! xxx

I hope you all have a fantastic day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Everyone

    Well this is the second time of trying to get to you. The Gremlins are certainly playing nicely this morning.
    MICHELE - you are definitely the expert on CDs and your creations are always so clever and so appropriate to the recipient. I love them all.

    SANDRA- fingers crossed that you and Pat can get together today and if not then perhaps The Three Graces can meet up tomorrow to catch up and put the world to rights.

    We had a glorious day here yesterday so much so that Jim spent all morning in the garden pruning bushes etc and I managed to get one or two tall weeds out of the boarders. I'm not sure what's happening today other than we need to pop out to the shops for one or two bits. That will be this morning and then perhaps I can get my CC copied and sent to Sandra.

    Have a really good day everyone. Your hugs are on their way to you all. The Café is waiting for you all to pop in. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope you have another lovely day. Do you craft outside over there? Our back garden is a wind trap so it has to be a really still day for me to even think of taking g everything outside. Good luck with your CC x

    2. Hello Dear Friend Lynda - no because like you we get breezes all around the garden but we have a nice big Veranda and in the summer I craft in that. In winter it's on the kitchen table. Hugs xxxx

    3. hello it's me again - I've really lost my marbles. SORRY SORRY SUE CALLING YOU LYNDA. WHAT AM I DOING!!!!! xxxx

    4. Hi Janet. Hope you have a nice day with some crafting later on. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Thank you Sandra for showing my cards. The first one was made using a Little Claire topper & backing paper. The second one was using the free CD-ROM with Making Cards in May--it's a brilliant cd.
    I took my recent makes into work yesterday & someone bought 5 cards! I now need to make a few more female birthday cards as I see to have made men's cards recently. I started my challenge card last night but didn't manage to get it finished. I have a card order from a colleague-65th birthday card for her sister, needed next week!! I'm sure people don't realise how long it takes to think about making a card etc!

    My meeting yesterday wasn't too bad but it put me back work wise all afternoon. We have a very busy morning today & another new patient has been added to the list-found out at 4.30 last night. We then have the planning officer coming at 2pm to go through the alterations/plans. He's bringing a ventilation expert with him-I hope I understand what he'll be talking about...ha ha.
    Hubby already left to play in a golf competition so I hope the weather stays fine for them all.


    1. Hi Michele, I love both cards. You really have the knack, especially with men's cards, they are always an inspiration. Thanks for sharing them. I hope you manage to catch up work wise x

    2. Hi Michele. Two fabulous men cards. Love the stripy paper on the first one. You making some great men cards which is a real inspiration for us all. Hope your day at work is fine.xx

    3. Great cards Michele, always good to have ideas for men's cards.

  3. Good Morning all.

    Just love your cards today Michele. The background of the first one is striking. Is it an actual paper or have you paper pieced it? Whatever it is I just love it. I don't use my cd's often enough becausecas you've shown there's great images on them.
    Janet, so glad you had a good day in the garden yesterday. Your mind must be more settled now you've finally got a date for your op.
    Lilian reallyglad you got on ok at the dentist yesterday. I really don't know how they got away with charging so much.
    My poor DIL Helen is still in so much pain. She can hardly walk and spends most of her time in the bedroom as its difficult getting up and down the stairs. Well her appointment with the Neurologist finally came through yesterday - 10th October. How ridiculous. I've told her to see her GP and see if she can do anything. Considering this is supposedly caused by an injection she got in the hospital you'd think they'd want to prove or disprove it asap.
    Sandra, have a lovely time with Pat if you manage to meet up if not all the more to look forward to tomorrow.
    I'm off to play crib this afternoon. Only managed a drawer last week so an extra effort is needed today.
    Do hope you'll soon be feeling ok Lynda.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'm so sorry to hear that your DIL is still in so much pain. Having to wait until October is disgusting. As you say you would think the hospital would want to get it sorted ASAP! I wonder how quickly she would be seen if she mentioned that she was considering taking legal action against them? A friend has a ten year old daughter, they were told over three years ago that she needed to have her tonsils removed as she was missing so much school because of them. Her op kept being postponed until, out of desperation her father told them in writing that he would be going to the local and national press and TV unless she had the op within a month. She had the op 8 days later! It's such a shame that it often seems to be the only way to be seen, what a sad state of affairs. Any way, soap box put away. Have a good day and good luck at Crib x

    2. Hi Val. I feel for your DIL that is horrid to have to wait so long. I hope she goes back to her GP and can get a quicker referral. You have a good day and happy cribbing xx

    3. Hi Ladies. Helen is actually a PA to a solicitor so it might be worth dropping names. It obviously worked for your friends daughter Sue.

  4. I meant draw not drawrer haha

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Gosh you were all in a chatty mood yesterday, I never checked back to the blog as my grandson Sandy had commandeered my iPad ,he's at the playing games stage and I don't get a chance, ( have to say I don't really agree with it and would rather see him outside playing , I'll have to start hiding it lol! )
    Anyway, I did play well at golf yesterday and won the tie so that's me through to the next round ( it must have been all your good wishes that did it ! ) thank you.
    Michele your male cards are great! I think the whisky image would be very useful, I keep looking for a stamp with a bottle of whisky and 2 crystal glasses on it, so if anyone knows of one like that please let me know.
    Sandra enjoy your day with Pat I'm sure you will both have lots of catching up to do, and of course lots of crafting too!
    Janet it sounds like you and Jim are solar powered with all the work you both managed to do in the sunshine yesterday, you get a great feeling of satisfaction afterwards, I think you both earned a nice glass of something chilled!
    Val, what a dreadful time your DIL Helen is having and not due to any of her fault , it's so unfair she has to wait so long for treatment, I hope her own doctor can hurry things along.
    It's Wednesday walk today ( good forecast for the morning but rain coming in at lunchtime ) so maybe it'll just be a short one ? I must check and see if Abi and Amber want to come, Abi usually comes with us when she is on holiday but Amber has never joined us yet.( she is more an indoor type of girl) .
    I find I have been watching more of the Craft Channel and Hotchanda as they both show more stamping and techniques which I enjoy.
    Well, best make a move and get the picnic lunch made up.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Congratulations on winning at golf and good luck for the next round. I hope you have a lovely walk, and don't get wet! Hiding your iPad sounds like a good idea, it's a shame when the children could be outside playing isn't it. I hardly ever watch C and C now and still haven't had a look at the Craft Channel. I think C and C will have to up their game slot to keep their viewers. Better get on now. Have a good day x

    2. Hello Anne, congratulations on winning at golf and best wishes for the next round. Have a good day XX

    3. Hi Ann. Congrats winning the golf and going to next round. I had a look at "craftsuprint" but that's not stamps and no luck searching for whisky bottle and glasses, all other funny stuff came up ;-) Have a lovely walk, what do you see on the way ? xx

    4. Hi Anne, well done you on getting through to the next round in golf. Hope you enjoyed your walk.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous cards by Michele. I bet your Brother in law loved them :-)
    Hope you and Pat manage to get together for a good catch up.
    Oh my goodness Val, your poor daughter in law. That's a long time to wait for her appointment :-( Fingers crossed she can get one sooner.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I hope you manage to have a good day. How is the sunburn feeling today? Not too sore I hope x

    2. Hi Sue. Thank you. Sunburn not too sore - but my nose is quite red, lol!
      Hope you manage to have a good day too. Hugs xxx

    3. I too have a red nose today hihi, not so good but wasn't lovely to have some sunshine at last. Have a nice day xx

    4. Lol Maria, what are we like? Glad it's not just me ;-) Note to self - keep sun cream in handbag just in case!! Hugs xxx

    5. Hi Sonia, good idea to keep the suncream in your bag. You never know when you'll need it.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra and Pat, I will miss seeing you this week. Have a lovely time catching up if you do meet up.
    Maria, I hope you had a lovely time with your relatives yesterday. I hope the weather is as good with you as it is here, if you have been for your walk you wouldn't have needed to worry about getting wet, for a change! Have a good day x
    Lynda, I hope you are feeling better today, good luck with getting the internet sorted, it's so annoying when it goes wrong isn't it x
    Brenda, I hope you got the car back minus scratch! Have a good day x
    Lilian, I'm glad that you didn't need an injection yesterday but your bank balance will need an injection of cash once you've paid the dentist. Goodness me, what a lot of money for work that only takes a few minutes! At least you can relax now for a while x
    See you later Mum xx
    Better get on now. Have a good day and enjoy the sun, if you have it, it is a lovely day here: ) Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care x

    1. Hi Sue, yes we got the scratch sorted - well almost. The car is silver and the colour is not the same. SO someone is going to come here and try and match it in. We also paid extra when we bought the car for a protective coating, and that can't go on for a couple of weeks - think the paint has to set or something!
      Hope your day goes well. XX

    2. Hi Sue, yes thank you. My SIL is a bit nutty but love her to bits hihi. Hope Gemma is alright. Huge hug to mamma when you see her later :-) Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Michele Love your man cards, I know quite a few men who would love the whiskey one (I have just had a laugh, predictive text put 'bottle' yes they would like that also) You really do seem to have a gift for making fantastic men cards, thank you for the inspiration. LOL

    Lillian, pleased you got away without an injection yesterday, Big OUCH for the cost of treatment though. xx

    Sonia, hope the sunburn is not to painful. xx

    Sandra and Pat, hope you manage to get together, big hugs to you both. xx

    Lynda, technology is great when it works - we just get on with it, but when it goes wrong.- Speaking for myself I am lost. Hope you get yours sorted soon. xx

    Hope you are all having a good day. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda. Not too sore today, just a red nose!
      Hope you have a good day too. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Brenda. Hope they can match the colour up ok for the car or they have to respray the area.It's so annoying when you know something is there and not right, even a little scratch. Have a good day xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. I hope the sun is shining for you all as is does here. It is a lovely day so this morning we walked over to Ikea for a breakfast as one do hihi.
    Love The cards Michele made, thanks for sharing them with us. Lynda, hope you are ok. Did you manage to get the list I sent you by e-mail ? let me know or I send you one by post. I hope Pat and Sandra are able to meet up. We had not seen my SIL for 9 weeks so we had a bit of withdraw symptoms hihi It was lovely to see them and we had a meal out and then coffee in the garden of Frost in the sunshine (therefore a bit of a Rudolph nose today) They left just after ten pm and I was totally shattered so went soon to bed and had a good sleep for ones. I hope you all have a nice day and put some of that sun cream on if going out, memo to myself too. love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, sounds as though you had a lovely day with your SIL and really good that you managed a good nights sleep. Like Sonia, you'll have to keep a tube of sun tan lotion in your handbag for emergencies.

  10. Hi everyone again, just back from crib and glad to say I won 4-1. Luck was definitely on my side today. Feeling so tired, ready to dose off watching Tipping Point.
    Many thanks for advice re DIL. I'll pass it on later.
    Enjoy your evening everyone. I'll bewatching the footie tonight. I'm not Welsh but with a surname like Jones I have to show my support don't I?
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

  11. Hello Everyone, sorry to be a bit late, but my boss called earlier to say she will call in to pick up my work tomorrow to save Roger having to deliver next week before we go on hols, so have had to get them packed ready, at least I've managed128 hoods for her, so she should be pleased.

    Going to have a craft day tomorrow with friends so that should be good.

    Hope you all are having a good day and you have nice weather, it's hot here but cloudy.
    Have a good evening all , hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have had a good catch up with
    Sue came for a couple of hours & showed me how Sandra made her card, so simple when you know how!!!xxx
    Michele love your cards especially the whisky one, thank you for showing
    Played boule this morning in the warm sunshine, made a lovely change.
    Brenda hope you have your car sorted & you got your eye test
    Must get on cooking tea so will send hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  13. Hi all. well the football nearly over. Wander what OH will find to do instead.:-)
    Tickets for Ally Pally are released, it's gone up a £1 I believe.Watched a bit of Hochanda, do any know that the dark haired sweet girl is leaving. She is so excited about everything.
    I'm sleepy so I wish you all a Good Night, Special hugs to our missing friends
    Take care everyone, many hugs Xxxx
