
Thursday 7 July 2016

Stunning Lily Card from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

Whatever plans I had about the content of todays blog post stopped and got re-sscheduled for another day, as soon as I saw this absolutely stunning card that has been designed and created by our very own floral card genius Janet.
Now to be perfectly honest I have no idea about the dies that Janet has used, or whether Janet has created those absolutely realistic looking Lillies herself or whether they are silk flowers.  All I can say about the card is that I love it, I have never seen anything like it either, despite the many hours I spend scouring Pinterest on a Sunday.
Wouldn't this card be absolutely perfect for somebody in hospital, with the new rules about not taking fresh flowers in to your loved ones, to brighten their stay?!
I know that all of you will want to know everything about how Janet came up with this absolutely gorgeous card, so please Janet, if you have time while Jim is fetching the breakfast, let us know all the details.  Thanks in advance and thank you so much for sending me this stunning card to share xxx

I am looking forward to seeing my lovely friend and 'partner in craft' Pat, whos is coming over today, to craft and catch up.  Sue is not able to make it at all this week so it will just be the two of us xxx

Anne I hope the weather stayed fine for your walk yesterday and that you have an enjoyable stroll and picnic, Congratulations on making it through to the next round at golf Anne, you must have been so pleased to win the tie! xxx

Sue, I hope all went well with Gemma's appointment yesterday, hopefully the results will give the answers needed so that the doctors can help with Gem's pain, sending hugs to you both xxx

Michele, I hope that you had a more productive day and that the planning meeting answered some of the questions you had, those meetings can be so frustrating at times, hopefully the understood the nature of your work so that you didn't spend too much time explaining everything.  I also hope that you didn't get any more last minute additions to your patient lists! Do they pay you overtime if you end up staying late for things like that?  if its NHS I am guessing not, but we can dream! haha xxx

Val, Congratulations on the Crib victory!!! your back at the top! hahaha, I am sorry to hear that your DIL is still suffering so much pain, I hope that she managed to get a DR appointment so that maybe they could hurry things along, although having been through similar situation myself and seeing Pat and Janet both suffering and having to wait weeks I somehow doubt it, but fingers crossed, my other suggestion would be to go to A&E and just explain how terrible the pain is, maybe they could get things moving faster, nobody should have to suffer that much pain these days, hugs coming your way xxx

Right, that's it from me ladies, I will leave you in peace, I have a last minute, rush card to make for a colleage of my daughter Becca's, they want a 'You are leaving to have a baby ' card, so I best get my thinking cap on!!

Love and Hugs to all of you


  1. Morning Everyone
    Sandra you're going to have to stop doing this to me when .
    I first look into the Café in a morning lol. It was really a shock to see this card and believe me it is the most simplest of cards to make. BELIEVE ME IT IS.

    The die is a Desire one from Crafters Companion (they do one in a circle as well as this square). You cut two or as many as you want because they all can be joined together giving a more dramatic card. The square in the middle is already attached to the outer frame so once you have your pieces you're ready to decorate and then join them together. I use a little brad as I don't trust glue because of the movement the card has. The sentiment is one I got years ago -they came on an A4 sheet and I cannot remember where I got them from. The lilies are also a topper and from a Crafters Companion Hunkey Dorey kit again years ago.(sorry about the spelling)lol.

    I feel so guilty after that wonderful build up Sandra has given me when as I say it is the most simple card and really only took half an hour to make. If you have this die you can use it for this week's Challenge Card!

    SANDRA-Have a good day crafting and chatting.
    MICHELE- Hope the planning meeting went well.
    VAL- Top of the list for Crib this week. Well Done. I used to play way back in the 60s (not in a club)just for fun and really enjoyed the game.
    BRENDA- Hope you have the car back looking beautiful and whole again.

    OK everything looks good in the Café this morning so yes I'm off for my breakfast. See you all later. Hugs should arrive shortly. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I though the die was from Crafters Companion. Looks good though doesn't it.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-WOW!!!! What a truly stunning card. Sandra is right when she says it would be perfect instead of flowers to cheer someone up.

    My day was OK yesterday-planning officer & other bloke were quite helpful so now we wait to see when the work can start.

    I still haven't finished my challenge card as I decided to ring my Uncle last night & was in the phone for 90 minutes . We'd eaten late as we had a builder come round to quote for boarding the loft, altering the access & putting in a loft ladder. Hopefully he'll be anti do that in October-after we've been away. No decision made on our holiday yet-left hubby with that task today.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm glad that work was ok yesterday and the quote for the loft work isn't too much if a shock! Chris boarded our lift when we moved in and it is full to bursting. I keep threatening to get up there and have a massive sort out..... one day : /
      Have a good day x

    2. Good luck with boarding the loft. Lucky Sue being able to get into it. I'd never get up into ours as its so small. Plus I don't like ladders.

  3. Hello All, dull again here today, supposed to be fine later.

    JANET this really is a WOW card, saw these dies on C&C ,but you really make them come alive, so pretty.

    Short post today, we have electrician comming at 8am, mind you he has been supposed to be comming on 4 previous times, but didn't show, so really hoping he comes today.

    Have to battle the traffic today, we have loads of tourist here already, dreading when the school holidays start, hope it's sunny then they will be all on the beach.

    Sandra and Pat have a lovely day crafting.

    Hope everyone has a super day, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian. I hope the electrician turns up this time! X

    2. Hope your electrician turned up Lilian. How awful that he hasn't turned up on 4 previous occasions.

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    JANET this is definitely a wow card however easy you say it was to make. I haven't seen this dies, must investigate. The flowers are beautiful and remind me of a kit I had a few years ago. I'd be over the moon to receive this one.
    SANDRA many thanks for you comments. Helen has an appointment with her GP on Monday so see what happens. Thanks also for mentioning my crib win. It's a lot of luck really. My dad taught me crib and chess when I was a little girl (before we had a tele. C an anyone remember that time?) and its stayed with me all this time. I like playing cos it keeps the old grey cells working.
    Nothing much on today. A bit of housework then finish my cc card which I'm not really impressed with.
    Sad about Wales last night but they did well getting so far.
    Enjoy your day ladies whatever you're up to.
    Hope Sandra and Pat have a lovey get together.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Congratulations on winning at Crib. Like you my Dad taught me to play it, and lots of other games too, as a child and I love playing it. It about the only card game that Chris isn't so keen so don't get a chance much these days. We taught our children and they are/will doing the same, which is so nice in this age of computers etc.
      I'm sure your cc will be wonderful, we are our own worst critics aren't we sometimes? Have a good day x

    2. Had a lovely day Val thanks very much. Congratulations on winning the crib. I also used to play many moons ago.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, Janet your card is stunning. Love the beautiful lilies, they look so real :-)
    Have a lovely day with Pat today, and hoping everyone else has a good day too whatever you may be doing :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Wow, what a gorgeous card to brighten our day.
    Janet this card is beautiful, the lilies are stunning. The card base may be easy to make but selecting the right papers, embelisents etc. is where your talent comes in, they are all perfect. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us x
    Sandra, I'm not surprised that you just has to share this beautiful card with us, and as you have said, it would be ideal for someone in hospital. Gems test went well, she has to wait about ten weeks before the final results come in, but nothing obvious was seen yesterday so the doc was happy. Gem says thank you for the lovely hug : ) Have fun today with Pat. I've got so many little jobs to do before the weekend, not sure where to start first though! One important job that needs sorting is the problems we are having with both Gems and my mobile phones, and also the printer, just when we need them the most. Oh, what fun!!!!!
    Wishing you all a good day.
    Sending my love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Wow Janet ,this is a gorgeous card and it doesn't matter how easy it was to make because it is the papers and everything about it that makes the card and you have made a faboules job. I hope anyone working today having a good day and for the ones not working having a nice day too :-) Pat and Sandra , have a great day natting and crafting ! Lilian, hope the electrician turning up today. Really annoying when they don't and you have waiting in for them. Having a friend around for coffee so must go but hope to see you all later. Take care, love and hugs Maria Xoxo

  8. Good morning Ladies,
    It really is a beautiful card Janet and even all the more so as you tell us it was so easy to make.
    We had a hill walk yesterday to Tollie Pimple ( overlooking Loch Maree) and the weather was very kind as it didn't rain until we were almost back to the car , about 2pm, so we thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Today is baking day before they all arrive on Saturday, tomorrow housework, Saturday we have another golf game to play so if I'm organised enough I will manage to go.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      What a lovely name for a hillTollie Pimple. Hope you manage to play golf on Saturday.

  9. Hello Ladies Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday Had nails done which was lovely because ai go with my daughter and Oscar I can't believe he's now 10 weeks old I promise I will send SANDRA a photo
    I echo SANDRA's thoughts re all of you ladies that are having difficult time with your own health and relative's health To top things off my great niece is in hosp with suspected appendicitis Awaiting a second scan result She's never had to stay in and as she's 16 had to be admitted to an adult ward so mum couldn't stay
    JANET your card is amazing I have seen these when CC were on C&C but nothing as pretty as yours
    VAL my dad taught me cribbage I taught him chess - we learnt at school And do you remember 3's and 5's in dominoes
    Hope you had a great day crafting with PAT Lot's to catch up on
    Off to have another go at Sketch card as not sure about first

    1. How lovely Karen to see Oscar. And is it really 10 weeks ago we were sat in Ally Pally wondering when he was going to be born.

    2. Hi Karen, many hugs to your great niece. Hope she be ok staying in hospital and they can help her asap. Oh it seem such a long time since we saw eachother, love to see baby Oscar even if it just a photo for now. hugs xxx

  10. Hi Karen, so sorry to hear your great niece is in hospital. Poor girl. Its sad her mum cant stay. Shes only young. Do hope everything is ok with her scan.
    We play 3's and 5's for a while after crib. I really love it. Another game to make you think. Good luck with your sketch card.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Well yesterday seemed to pass me by and I missed commenting on Michele's cards. Which are so lovely Michele. Thanks once again for sending me some of the whisky toppers.
    Janet what can I say about your card, it's gorgeous, and as Sand a says just right for someone whose in hospital. Had a very productive day over at Sandra's today. I'm in the throws are trying to put together a wedding card. Wish I'd hear about the date for my op Janet. Why do they take so long to send them out I wonder.

  12. Hello Sandra & friends
    As you can see my internet is back Yaay. Gosh what did we do years ago with out any internet & computers & mobile phones. I did have withdrawal symptoms.
    I'm still full of cold even after a week started coughing now sneezing lost my voice OH is pleased about that lol. I have a headache so hope that doesn't get any worse & I have a really tight chest have used my angina spray just in case. Still waiting for appointment for the angiogram.
    WOW Janet your card is Gorgeous its so pretty love it. ( did you get my EMail )
    SANDRA hope you & PAT had a good catch up & some crafting today.🎨✂️
    I have done my challenge card today Sandra is there a minni Challeng sorry I haven't cought up on the week's posts but MICHELE your man cards were great I must get my cd 's out I have loads.Sandra that could be a challenge making a card from a cd what do you think.
    Karen sorry your great nice is unwell & in Hospital it's a shame they put the youngsters in the adult ward.sending her a Big Hug.
    SUE glad Gem's test's went well but that's a long wait for the results.Hope you got your mobiles & printer sorted. Well done Val on your win.your on a roll x
    Well I will try & pop in later
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Sorry to hear your full of cold. I see Terry's please you've virtually lost your voice. Only joking. Take care and I hope you get your appointment in the post soon. Not to sure why hospitals take so long sending out appointments. It's always good to have some idea when you can go, even if it's a good while in advance.

    2. Hi Lynda, wishing you better my friend from the cold. Hope the fall you had wasn't to bad, you are danger to yourself you are tihi Sending you the papers over the weekend, hope that's ok ? How is Annie doing ? Take care, many hugs to you all xxx

    3. Hi Pat thank you I can't believe I have got another cold so much for the flu jab I think it's more flu than a cold. I'm glad you had a lovely holiday your photos were beautiful. Hope you had good day with Sandra. Love Lynda xxx

    4. Hello MARIA thank you my friend yes I'm danger elephant 🐘 well I'm not a mouse 🐭 haha.Maria how many pounds have you lost I haven't been very good at all Thank you for sending me the list whenever you have time. I appreciate it.I'm not sure why some attachments work & the ones like you sent doesn't.
      I want one of your hot water tap.
      Take care love Lynda xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you & Pat had a lovely catch up. Thank you for showing Janet's card it is lovely, thank you to Janet for sending it
    Karen sorry about your great niece hope they sort it out
    Lynda good to see you back, sorry you are still feeling poorly, please look after your self, sending hugs xxx
    Val well done on your
    Lilian hope your electrician turned up today, also hope you didn't get too held up in
    I have spent most of today at 90 year old friends, the one I took to A & E last Sat, she got in a bit of a panic this morning, she had lost some tablets & called me. Any way after a visit from Dr & somebody to organise help in the mornings to give her a shower, plus tabs found at back of cupboard when I left she was much happier. She has always been independent & finds it very hard to ask for help but unfortunately needs it at the moment.Sorry for ramble it's been a long day.
    Maria hope you are enjoying showing your kitchen off, take
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Hi Margaret. As you know I'm not a showy person but it's nice when my friends like what new in my home. The hot tap went down very well :-) What a sweet old lady you met up with today, hope she be alright. Have a good night and rest for another day to come, xxx

    2. Hi MARGARET thank you for the Hug's I need the moment I'm getting fed up of feeling unwell so much for the flu jab not worth having. Love Lynda xx

  14. Just a quick update, although you are probably all in the land of nod, the electrician did not come and no phone call either!!!!
    Traffic was very heavy comming home 35 miles most of it at about 30miles per hour.

    Lynda lovely to see you are up and running re Internet, know what you mean about being without it. Do hope you will feel better soon it's a horrible recurring virus that seems to have been doing the rounds go ages, big softy hugs to you.

    Maria have I missed something about a hot water tap, is it one of those that replaces your kettle, if so I'm very envious.

    Well time to say good ladies, sleep tight, see you in the morning. Lilian
