
Tuesday 5 July 2016

My Sketch Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well and that your week I'd off to a good start.

I sat and made my Sketch Challenge card yesterday and I have to say that making a card using a complete die set is both fun and relatively easy!
I chose the Creative Expressions 'Santorini' die from their 'Greek Collection', I quite like this range as they all look like they are designed around foliage wreaths (that may just be my crazy mind)! 
I used the outer die to make my card base, (placing the die so that it just hangs over the fold of your card and running through your Die cutting machine) you will then need to cut another piece with the outer die and place it over the cards base, I then used the next die to cur a piece of aqua card, and continued through the layers alternating the colours.  I stamped 'Thanks' onto a small piece of card and die cut with the smallest (central) die. I
I added a few AB crystals around the card and finished with a triple narrow ribbon bow, topped with a pretty acrylic flower. 
I hope you like it and that it gives you a little inspiration.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- Oh I love love your Inspiration Card for this week's Challenge. The Greek dies are lovely to work with and you have shown them at their best. Your colours are so relaxing and soft I just love them.

    Well I had a great crafting day yesterday in that I got my CC done but having seen Sandra's this morning I just might have another go. I also got my Lace Caddy (Fernli Designs) put together.
    Don't ask where I found the energy from but perhaps it came from getting my dates for Hospital. I have Pre-Admission Clinic on 11th August and Admission on 24th for the Op on that day. So now we know what's happening we can get some more of the jobs ticked off the list here. Well Jim can hehehe.
    We're sailing back to the UK on 1st August so that I can recover from the travel and get myself sorted and ready.

    I see that the Café door and windows are open for business and inviting everyone in so have a good day. Hugs are on their normal routes to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, so pleased you've got your op date. Hope you can now just relax and enjoy your holiday. Looking forward to seeing your lace caddy.
      Enjoy your day.

    2. Hi Janet, really good news. well not that you need an operation but you know what I mean. Now enjoy the whole month of July watching Jim doing some work hihi hugs to you both, Maria xx

    3. Hi Janet. I'm so glad that you have the date for your op, at least you can get organised now. It sounds like you had a good day crafting yesterday : ) The Cafe is looking so welcoming, thank you for teaching Dobbie so well. Have a good day x

    4. Hi Janet,
      So pleased you have a date, nothing worse than not knowing, please relax & enjoy the next few weeks, hope the sun is

    5. So pleased you have the dates At least now you can relax and enjoy the rest of your stay

    6. Hi Janet
      I'm so glad you've had your appointment through, now you can relax and enjoy the rest of your holiday. I'm still waiting for my appointment to come through,

    7. Hi Janet. Pleased to hear you have got your date for hospital. Enjoy the rest of your holiday :-)
      Hugs xxx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra ! I love the colour and die you have used and thank you for explaining how to make it, I found it tricky doing my version.
    Janet ,that's great news you have your hospital appointment and you can plan accordingly and can now relax and enjoy your holiday .
    I have a golf tie to play this morning, I'm not really looking forward to it as the weather forecast is showers and I don't like playing in the rain , but I'll be happy to get it over with .
    Managed to get two cards made yesterday , I have ordered Leonie's spotted heart EF it looked so pretty.
    I'm off to the cafe for some sustenance ( need something for energy) !
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, hope the rain stays off for your golf this morning and that you win of course.
      Leonie' EF sounds lovely.
      Have a lovely day.

    2. Hi Anne. I hope the rain holds off for golf, good luck anyway. Have a good day x

    3. Hi Anne. The weather looks a bit dodgy down here too. Hope it stays away so you can play golf.
      Leonie have some nice things, I have played with some at the work shop with Julia W. but not bought any,yet. Have a good day,hugs xx

    4. Hi Anne hope the golf went well & the rain held

    5. Hope the golf went well and you were able to dodge the showers

    6. Hope the golf went well and your managed to dodge the showers and you won.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra. I ran out of time yesterday & didn't manage to start my challenge card.. Tonight I need to ring my Uncle (Mums brother) as I've not spoken to him for s few weeks. Tomorrow evening we have a builder coming round to quote for the work we still need doing. Thursday is shopping night so it looks like I'll be last minute again with the challenge card.,

    I have a 2 hour meeting by video link up this morning (11am-1pm) which will be dull so I hope I stay awake!


    1. Hi Michele. It must be hard when you're staring at a screen listening to something boring, good luck on staying awake.
      What work do you have planned on the house? Have as good a day as possible x

    2. Hi Michele. Two hours meeting sound really boring, yawn. Bless you, hope it's not to bad. What work are you planning next ? Take care xx

    3. Hi Michele hope the video call was not too boring. xxx

    4. WAKE UP MICHELE the meeting's over Hope it went OK

    5. Hi Michele
      Hope the video call wasn't to boring. I always felt like going to sleep in meetings, especially when software people told us this new update would work and didn't believe me when I said it wouldn't. But never apologised for wasting our time by making us try to implement it.

  4. Oh Michele, a 2 hour video link? Do hope they make it interested so you don't fall asleep. Sit at the back then if you do hopefully no one will notice ha ha.
    It sounds as though your in for a busy week. Would love to know what work you're planning on your house now.

  5. Hello All, dull and rainy here today, will Summer ever come !!!!!

    Sandra love your card, beautiful colours, love Aqua.

    Have Dentist to day, as my dentist is on holiday,this appointment is with another dentist who I haven't met, I'm a nervous wreck already, while am I so childish when it comes to the dentist? still have to go.

    Janet so pleased you have your hospital appointment come through, very quick compared to down here, where waiting time is anything up to a year.

    Have a good day all , hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, oh I do feel for you going to the dentist. I have the same fear as you. I'll be with you in spirit and hope it goes quickly.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Lilian, we are all with you and holding your hand while some hold your legs hihi ,it will all go well and the dentist will be lovely, just say that to yourself a few times. Do tell how it went, many hugs xx

    3. Hi Lilian. I'm sending hugs and will be holding your hand while you are at the dentist. I don't mind the dentist, unless I need an injection! We can't help our fears and phobias can we. I can't do heights, anything over standing on a chair and I'm a quivering wreck! Try and concentrate on what you might treat yourself to after you have been to the dentist, you will deserve it : ) x

    4. Hi Lilian,
      Hope the dentist is or was not too painful, I can vouch for the fact that Sue hates injections plus her fear of heights which she gets from her Dad, it is not a nice thing to suffer with, so sympathise with

    5. Hi Lilian,
      I promise you I am more of a baby when it comes to the dentist than you, firstly, you actually go, I don't, i do take care of my teeth, last year I HAD to go as an emergency and believe Paul had to drag me in, I was crying like a baby, absolutely terrified!! Luckily I had a sinus infection and there was nothing wrong with my teeth! So you have my full sympathy, I am sending you a huge hug xxxx

    6. Hi Lilian
      I also hate the dentist. Hope yours went well seeing as your having to see another dentist,

  6. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra just love your cc card. It's so delicate and I love the colour and the bow.
    I looked through my dies last night and could only find one that I think would make a card. I'll have a go tonight and see how it turns out.
    I have a confession to make. A few weeks ag when Sue brought out her new Chrstmas dies I commented with hand on heart that I didn't need any more Christmas dies and I was going to make do with what I had. WELL, that didn't last long did it? When I was feeling a bit down a couple of weeks ago I gave in and ordered two. They were in my post box this morning. I feel pretty guilty. I did say I haven't any will power.
    Well, its Tai Chi, lunch then bingo today so I'll go and get ready and catch up with you all later.
    Enjoy your day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Please stop feeling guilty, haven't we all said and done exactly the same thing! Tell yourself that the dies are an investment as you will be able to use them every year : )
      I hope Tai Chi and Bingo are enjoyable today x

    2. Hi Val, so easily done especially if feeling a bit low hihi. Hope you make some nice cards with them. Have a good time with everything you do today, perhaps you win some more euros. hugs xx

    3. Hi Val,
      I know what you mean, I have been looking & wondering which do I need, being a relative newcomer to the craft I am still building my stock up, well that's my excuse any way! Hope you enjoy Tai chi, lunch &

    4. I think we're all the same I said exactly the same I have a few Christmas dies from last year that I haven't used yet But as we've just been paid I think there'll be a few I accidentally buy -probably tonight as OH will be at work!

    5. Hi Val
      I think us crafters are all the same. I say I don't need card, but still buy more. No willpower, that's my trouble.

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    A flying visit this morning, wanted to say Sandra your card is just beautiful.

    We are off to the opticians and then we have to return in the car for the third time to Vauxhall. They managed to scratch it when it went in for its service, it was returned to them yesterday and when John went to pick it up so his complaint haven't been dealt with. But we needed it this morning and they can have it back again afterwards.
    I would look in later and see what everyone has been up to. Love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. How infuriating that the garage are messing you around so much! Too many people let garages etc. get away with bad service so good for you for making them sort out their faults. I hope the car is sorted properly this time. Is the Optician's visit going to be a painful one for your purse, I hope it's not too bad x

    2. Hi Brenda, what a nuisance. You should ask for a hire car so they can fix yours today. OH got his car scratch too having the petrol cap changed. Hope it goes alright at the optician. hugs to you both xx

    3. Hi Brenda,
      Sorry to hear you are having garage problems, hope you get better treatment today & they sort it out, good for you for chasing them. xxx

    4. How frustrating And so so annoying My (future) son in law would be mortified at their carelessness It should never have happened

    5. Thank you Brenda, I hope that you got your car sorted, there is nothing more frustrating than having to keep toing and froing with your car, especially when its not your fault!
      Sending hugs xxxx

    6. Hi Brenda
      I do hope the garage do a good job. But how on earth did they manage to scratch it in the first place,

  8. Morning Sandra and everyone. Love your card Sandra and the colour is beautiful. I can see the leaves holding hands, a very pretty die. I haven't got any of them so will have a look. Just been for my walk so soon having a shower and brekkie. Having SIL and hubby coming to us today so need to tidy up a bit in the kitchen, made a bit of a mess yesterday using glitter on a card. I wish you all a good day and hope the sun will come out soon. Love and hugs to all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. Goodness me, you must have been up and out early today. Good luck with clearing up the glitter, it gets everywhere doesn't it! Enjoy having your SIL and hubby to visit. Take care x

    2. Hi Maria,
      Sounds as if you had fun with the glitter yesterday hope you managed to clear it up before your visitors arrived. Hope you have a lovely

    3. Hi Maria
      Glitter gets everywhere. Good luchpk with trying to clear it up. About 4 yrs ago two of our grandchildren had glittery Halloween costumes. My dining room chairs still have that glitter on them.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    This is a beautiful card to inspire us, love the colour too. I hope to make a start on mine later on.
    The weather isn't good here but the forecast for the next few days is looking much better. I wonder if it will turn out to be right?
    A busy day today so I had better get on. I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Hope you get your card done today. Please take it steady doesn't sound as if you have stopped much for the last few days. See you tomorrow pm. Love Mum xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card today is lovely, such a beautiful shade as
    I played boule until coffee time then sat & watched as I felt weary, good to be out though. Sounds as if they had a good time in France lovely games with the locals who wined & dined them. Mind several came back with mosquito bites so perhaps it's a good thing I didn't go.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret Dear Friend
      Where in France did your Team play? I'm so pleased they were 'wined and dined' and that they had a good time. Hoping you're back to A1 fitness now. hugs xxxx

    2. Margaret Palmer5 July 2016 at 19:56

      Hi Janet,
      They played twice against Chinon where Thursday evening they had sausage & chips cooked for them & wine flowed.On Wed evening they played at Savigny en Veron where again the had a barbeque & wibe. Mostly they played mixed english & french teams which was good fun, & at least for some to be on a winning team. I feel alit better again today thank you so hope that is it, mind it is making me abit nervous of being out in the garden.
      Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Hugs to you xxx

  11. Ooh pretty card SANDRA Just cut mine out and looks a bit lame next to yours I might have another go later
    Dentist today as I'd broken a tooth so I sympathise with you LILIAN Also had hygienist appointment She was lovely but it felt like I was being attacked with a saw not dental floss!
    Occasionally I tune into The Craft Channel - I avoid DB shows but I'm amazed at all of the names going there -Dave, Nigel, Lizxie, Rosella, Jodie Don't think I'll be renewing my membership to C&C now

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry my message was a bit rushed this morning, we were both going for an eye test, got there and the receptionist said I've been trying to phone you the optician is off sick. She is about four months pregnant and is having problems, I just hope all is well with her. We have now got appointments for tomorrow afternoon- that's if she's well enough to work.
    Had lunch out which was very nice, then John had an appointment this afternoon at the ENT clinic, no major problems there they will see him again in six months.
    Now he has gone to pick up the car, I hope and pray there will be no more problems with that.

    Sandra I've just looked back at your card, it really is beautiful I love the colour you have chosen. I'm struggling with mine, have got one basic shape cutout, but just sure if I can make it work. It certainly isn't in the same class as yours.

    That's my news up-to-date, hope you all have a lovely evening.

    Love and gentle hugs to all who need them, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      whats not working with your card? which die are you going for? your cards are always gorgeous Brenda. I will say that you always have to cut another single die cut to place on top of the card base as you don't always get the full die cut when you use it to cut a base card.
      I can't wait to see your finished card.
      fingers crossed that you get optician sorted out tomorrow, I hate messing about! But atleast you got a nice lunch out.

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry I'm late popping in, did have a quick look this morning but unable to stop. Sandra your card is beautiful. Love the die and your colours. Not had a chance to look to see what I can come up with, but hopefully over the next couple of days will get a chance to make a start :-)
    Did a quick shopping trip this morning for a client, then had to take Luke to play a football game with the new Academy team. I stayed to watch, and unfortunately for them they lost, and for me as I got sunburnt on my forehead and on top of my head where my parting is :-( Didn't realise til I we got home. It wasn't even that sunny - lots of cloud and windy. Had some good views of the planes flying over at Farnborough air show though :-)
    Well I hope alls well and everyone has had a good day. Enjoy the evening. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      ouch your sunburn will hurt when you dry your hair! The things we do as Mum's!! I have spent too many hours watching football with my girls, I have to say more in the pouring rain than the sun!
      Thanks for your kind words about my card

    2. Hi Sandra. Had to wash and dry hair this evening as well. In fact it was more painful washing it than drying. My nose is rather red too, luckily I didn't have my sunglasses on all the time or I'd have an outline of them too, lol :-) Oh well, it was a nice change not to be in the rain!!
      Hugs xxx

  14. Hello again, well your good wishes really helped, the dentist managed to fill the cracked tooth with no pain relief, so no injection. She thinks the tooth will need the old filling re done, which will need to be done when I get back from holiday.
    £55 today, and an estimate for another £150 to have the tooth redone.

    Have a good evening , everyone, hugs . Lilian

    1. Well done Lilian,
      you are so brave!! Like you, the injection is the worst part, I have bought the gum numbing cream on line to use just in case! It really does numb you too!
      Don't you hate spending all that money on dentist?! Think of the craft stash you could buy with that!!
      You will sleep easier tonight my lovely

    2. Just think of all the goodies you could buy with the money Lilian you pay out in dentist fees. On second thoughts don't as it might make you cry.

  15. Hi Sandra
    A bit late I know but today we took Doreen to the Churchill to the Urology dept as she had had some blood in her urine. We then decided to go out for lunch as we had to be over at Faringdon for the 6th form school leaving play of Romilly. So we've only just got back.
