
Thursday 16 June 2016

The Big Reveal

Good Morning Ladies,

Well here it is, my big reveal,I have been working on this card for a few days, after Ben at SET craft said that people were struggling with ideas on how to use this gorgeous die and asked if I could come up with something.  So this is my first idea, a pretty summer garden gate, my arm ached after die cutting all of that foliage, believe me, but I did enjoy this challenge.
The fabulous die is Sue Wilson's stunning Special Occasion Collection- Arbour Gate Die, bought to you by Creative Expressions.

Below is the link to SET Craft should you wish to buy this die £11.75 or any of Sue's new Festive Die launch.

I used Cosmic Shimmer Colour C!ouds - Summer Sky and Basil Leaf, to colour the background of my card, I used Creative Expressions Delicate Fronds die for some of the Foliage and Impression Obsession Leafy Branch for rest, I had an old punch that I used for the tiny butterflies. Although yoiu have to hunt for them!
I hope that you like my project and that it gives you all a bit of an idea for the die, I have another couple of ideas up my sleeve, so watch this space!

Pat, bon voyage, have a wonderful holiday in Germany, looking forward to the photos, missing you already xxx

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Good morning everyone,

    WOW! Sandra a delightful card upon which to feast my eyes on today's dull start. Love the arbour, I have some of the SB gates so might do similar using these.

    Jamie still fine, ribs hurting just a tad where the seat belt dug is as he span around. Lucky he didn't suffer anything serious.
    He and Mum, daughter Giorgina, came for lunch yesterday, such a lovely surprize. I haven't seen her since Milly-May's birthday party last month. She is kept busy at the Nursing Home she works in, cooking all meals for the residents so our paths cross very infrequently. They how have another cook and she has gone onto shifts which is another reason we don't meet up as our free time overlaps with each other's busy periods. Such is life. It is always a pleasure when we do hook up.
    Still lagging behind on my stall itenms so a big burst on the dreaded house work will taken this morning which will leave me the weekend free to finish and wrap, get everything else out of the cupboards and stowed away insde the storage boxes, put them out of the way in the dining room, then I might have some free time to myself.
    It's been raining and thundery all week so no grdening done and me bottom lawn has turned into a jungle again! Hey ho, at least I don't have to water the plants.

    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sorry Cheryl you must have got in as I was typing, glad Jamie has no serious after effects, but I expect still shook up.
      Have a good day with getting all your things ready for your stall. Hugs.

    2. Morning Cheryl - you were very quiet coming into the Café this morning while I was filling the kettles etc as I though I was on my own when I started my post. I'm so pleased that you saw Jamie yesterday and that he is OK after his awful experience with the accident. I'm sure you will rest a little easier having seen him. Don't do too much Housework Dear Friend. xxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl , so glad to hear Jamie is not seriously hurt, what a worry for you.
      Sounds like you have a busy time ahead getting items ready for your stall, hope you don't get yourself stressed out over it.
      Hope the globe die cuts arrived ok?

    4. OOH Cheryl, what a fright. I'm glad to hear that he wasn't seriously injured

    5. Hi Cheryl, good to hear Jamie is alright. Take care, wish you a sell out and everything goes well.
      hugs xx

    6. Hi Anne,
      Sorry, I didn't check where my post had gone thanking you for the dies. They arrived just in time for Father's Day card for my Dad. You are so kind, thank yo again. xxx

    7. Hi Cheryl so glad Jamie is alright it must have been very frightening for him. Now my dear don't get stressed getting the things ready for your sure your stall will look amazing please take a picture of it set up & one of your sell out. Love Lynda xx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and All, dry but cloudy here today, hope it stays that way as have a mountain of washing to do.

    Sandra your card is beautiful, would make a lovely wedding card, love all the little roses and the butterflies, the background is also fabulous, is there some stamping or I'd that shadow. Lovely die but for now not spending any more on craft this month.
    Still not feeling up to par, but we are going to London to see the family tomorrow,
    leaving at the crack of dawn well around 6am, as Oscar has tea for Grandparents at school, so have to be at my Sons by lunchtime (OH has a meeting tonight so that's why we're going so early.
    Not sure I'll get the challenge card done Sandra, have a lot to get ready today, but I'll try this evening, it'll take my mind of travelling which I hate.( silly I know ).
    We are home again on Sunday, hope to call and see my friend at Oxford on the way, she seems to be managing quite well at the moment at home.

    Just black coffee and toast this morning please, no cake or buns as even virtual goodies seem to be making me put on weight at the moment.
    Have a good day all, hugs all round, think a group hug might be good, wonder how many miles would be involved, would LOVE to meet some of my virtual friends one day. Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian - you're another who crept into the Café while I was filling and getting things ready this morning. I was on my own when I started my post and I turned around and there you and Cheryl were having a lovely chat in the corner. Have a restful day Dear Friend in preparation for your journey tomorrow. It will be well worth it seeing Oscar at the end of it. xxxx

    2. Hi Lilian, have a safe journey tomorrow morning.
      If we could arrange something for a meet up, would Oxford or around be a good spot for you ? I might have asked before but have a very short memory these days :-) hugs xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - you have created a piece of art not a card. What a fantastic garden gate and one that lures you into a very special walled garden.
    No wonder your arms, hands and fingers ached after creating so many tiny flowers and cuttings.
    I cannot wait to see some of your other ideas for this die. Thank you so much for starting my day with a big smile.

    Michele must be having a late morning after her very busy day yesterday and who can blame her after all she is on holiday.

    PAT- have a super holiday and I hope the weather and crossings are kind. You both need a good rest.

    I managed to get my CC card off to Sandra yesterday and made a start on my craft box which travels with me. I'm not taking any of my Seasonal dies as I know we're not staying as long as usual. I usually make a good start on my December cards over the summer at Marigny. I know someone who will be happy that Yvette will not be bowed down with crafty things only gently

    All's well here in the Café and her doors are open and inviting so come on in and have a chat. Hugs are on their merry way to you all with extra for Dear Friends not feeling too good. xxxx

    1. Ah bless Yvette she has a lot to take care of and very special cargo on her way going to Marigny. You are good starting you x-mas cards so early, I bought a stamp yesterday that I think will be the one for me this year but knowing me, anything can happen hihi. Have a good day, hugs xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-STUNNING!! That's one amazing card, really lovely.

    Janet-I've been up a while but been blog hopping & looking st the BBC news.
    Yesterday I managed to clean the greenhouse-it was filthy in there, then did some weeding and planted out the last few plants we bought on Saturday. No obvious reason for the bluebottles in the greenhouse but at least I know there's nothing nasty lurking in there now.
    Today we're planning on a trip into Liverpool-at the moment the sun is shining but the forecast was for heavy rain, hope it's wrong.


    1. Well done on doing such a horrible chore, but I bet you feel so good now that it's done, enjoy your trip to Liverpool!

    2. Hi Michele, hope your day in Liverpool was good and you managed to stay dry. It's more like April showers and dull then a nice summer, hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, such a beautiful card - love it :-) All the foliage and pretty little roses are gorgeous and frame the gate perfectly.
    Cheryl, so sorry to hear about Jamie's accident :-( Glad he didn't suffer anything more serious.
    Pat, hope you have a lovely holiday :-)
    Must dash as I'm running late this morning! Have a great day everyone and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, hope you having a good day. hugs xx

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra your card is stunning ! I love all the little roses and the foliage it's all very delicate and pretty, no wonder your fingers were sore!
    I plan on spending my day in the craft room as the weather is not warm enough for the garden ( good excuse ) so looking forward to a good long play.
    Pat , I hope you have a wonderful holiday, have fun!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, love to see what you been making today. Hope you had fun, hugs xx

    2. Hi ANNE hope you had a good day in your craft room & got lots done .
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a beautiful card Sandra, I hope Ben appreciates the fantastic results to his request, We certainly do. I'm not surprised your fingers were sore, so many tiny flowers and fine foliage. I think it was Janet who said it was a work of art, I totally agree with her. Something like this would cost a mint in one of those boutique shops if it was framed. Can't wait to see what other ideas you have - that's if your poor fingers can still work!

    Cheryl sorry to read about Jamie's accident. Thank goodness he wasn't seriously hurt.

    Today is school run day, only doing one day this week. Will pack my bag in case Ciara is up for the challenge. She has swimming after school today, so time will be limited.

    Hope everyone is OK. Sending love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, have a nice time with Ciara. Do you think she will come with you to AP in Sept. now she got the crafting bug ? ;-) Take care, hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda have a good time crafting with Ciara hope you both do the cc hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a beautiful card, you feel as if you want to open the gate & go through. It amazes me how you can make those tiny roses my fingers would not let me, a truly beautiful card, look forward to seeing what else you
    Cheryl it's good Jamie not feeling to many after effects, just take care & don't knock yourself
    Lilian hope you feel better for spending time with
    Janet try not to wear yourself out packing, we want you fit &
    Pat have a lovely holiday you deserve
    Val thinking of you sending
    Sun shining hope it continues playing boule in a while.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope your boule went well. Do you do competitions sometimes ? hugs to you and pop :-)xx

    2. Hi Maria,

      Yes in fact we have a mixed doubles tournament next Tuesday, they are only amongst the members, 16 of us are going to France on 26th for 6 days & have some matches against the locals,so should be fun.I am leaving Pop at home!!
      We have the thunder & rain now. Take care love xxx

    3. Hi MARGARET glad you enjoyed your Boules. Hope the thunder has gone now Have a good day tomorrow with Sue.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. WOWSER SANDRA! It really is a work of art. I am still trying to master making roses and never, ever ones that tiny! Hoping to finish sketch card later and send photo - that'll probably be tomorrow so that I can photo it in daylight. I've got diabetic clinic this afternoon which I'm not looking forward to Hopefully it won't be as bad as I anticipate
    Take care everyone

    1. Hi Karen, Hope you have been good so the sugar was not to high. You must take care. Will try give you a call tonight. hugs xx

    2. Good luck at Diabeties clinic Karen.are you on medication
      I have it too but mine is diet controlled but have been very bad latly.
      Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all , hope your day been fine so far.
    Wow Sandra your card is absolutely fantastic, all the foliage and your pretty little flowers, no wonder your fingers were hurting , they are lovely. Also love your colouring in so it looks like the 'Secret Garden' behind the gorgeous gate. Really hope Ben likes it too or he need to go to Spectsavers, sorry I'm in a silly mood at the moment. Another sleepless night and some extra painkillers can do things.... Hope Rebacca had a nice day, she is Beautiful. I have comment on the way down and given you all some hugs but I sending some special ones to our Val and hope all is well.
    I needed some new trainers so OH dropped me of this morning at Brantanos. and then I walked back. That was about 2 miles and it got sticky so glad the thunder and rain is here to clear the air. Back in my fleecy once again. Lynda- just had to look back at your Grandson, he is adorable and makes me smile every time :-) When I do my walks they are around 2-5 miles, it differs where we going or if it is for exercise or just a stroll. How is your Healthy Eating going ? Lilian, I'm glad these cakes are not real too, I just putting weight on thinking of it :-( do fancy a take away tonight, pretty bored with 'ping' meals hihi so we'll see what it be. Having the electric cut tomorrow for some work that's need doing but will try to pop in before they do it. Have a good evening everyone, love and hugs Maria Xoxo

    1. Hello Sandra & friends
      WOW WOW WOW Sandra your card is stunning love all your tiny roses
      Sweet little Butterflys. Ben should be over the moon with this card.
      You will have to do a tutorial on your roses no pressure HAHA.
      Don't know where today went. Did housework then had my hair dresser at 12am it's a bit shorter than I normally have it think she was a bit scissers happy hihi. Then we went up the park for a walk took dogs back home & then went to Tesco's I hate putting the shopping away felt shattered by then had a bit of shut eyes. Cooked dinner & here I am. I haven't read comments yet will do that in a minute.
      Tomorrow I am going to Clarity open day with my friend MARGARET. As she is a Gold member she was sent two tickets so looking forward to that. Don't think I will buy much as Barbara Grey products are a bit pricey. If I do will show on guilty secrets lol.
      Well I'm going to read comments love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi MARIA not sure why it didn't go under your post.your very good walking for 2.5 miles I wish I could hopfully when I get to see the doctor at Hospital about my feet & legs. They are burning & acheing like mad at the moment I just hope they know what's causing it. Doing my head in.😱 I'm glad Harry makes you smile 😀I look at it when I'm a bit low & he makes me smile too.😍 love him so much.
      Big hug's Lynda xxx (diet not going very well.)😫

    3. Hi, Sorry you are in so much pain Lynda. Hope the doctors can help you with some pain relief that actually work. I'm in pain as you know but think it is important I keep moving even if it's hell sometimes. I love hiking but lately it got shorter and shorter. 2 miles or 5 miles, my son and I used to go off during the holidays on treks over 10/15 miles but then of course some breaks for weak tea and sandwiches tihi Hope you have a good night, hugs xx

    4. Hi Lynda and Maria. Sorry you are both in pain. Nit nice story all so hope things improve for you. I don't expect this wet weather helps at all. No doubt Lynda is in bed and aslerp now but as Maria has only just posted I am sure she is still awake. Hi Maria. Don't go to bed too late. I keep trying to go earlier but it doesn't happen. When you are crafting and enjoying yourself you don't was to stop just to go to bed. Hope you sleep well. I will be around for a little while yet.

  11. Hi everyone. We are also having the thunderstorm Maria. Not too happy about that. Sandra your card is gorgeous. Am sure Ben will like it. Cheryl, glad that Jamie is ok and you have seen him. Hope you manage to get all your things done for the craft fair. Hope it goes well. You never know these days whether it will be good or bad. A lot of people just want yo pay a Jumble Sale prices and think these things, because they are homemade, cost pence to make. Well best get on. Hope everyone else is ok and Pat got off ok on her holiday. Hood she had good weather.

    1. Hi, the thunder went for about 2 hours in this area and so much rain and some hailstones but not the size they had during the match on Tv, they looked like golf balls ouch! hope you ok ,hugs xx

  12. Thank you so much Sandra for accepting my little challenge and for producing something that has obviously been a labour of love. It perfectly captures the beauty of the die design but you have enhanced this with the delicate roses and foliage and the lovely little butterflies too. I am sure that it will inspire our ladies who had bought the die but didn't know what to do with it. They certainly do now!

  13. Wow Sandra this is fabulous! Thank you for sharing x
