
Wednesday 15 June 2016

Harry's Birthday card and photos

 Harry's Card

 Grandma's Gorgeous Boy

 Harry's Special Birthday Gift

Happy Harry !!

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly I would like to wish my absolutely beautiful Daughter Becca a very Happy 22nd Birthday xxx
My Beautiful Baby Girl xx

A very special post today, its all about little Harry, I can't believe he's two already!!
Now for those of you who don't know Harry is our lovely Lynda's Grandson.

Lynda's birthday card for Harry is just so fantastic, Lynda has found the perfect image for Harry, he clearly loves motorbikes! Lynda has coloured it perfectly and used Creative Expressions Pierced Rectangles to frame the image perfectly, it looks like a picture that Harry could put in his bedroom!  Its a lovely card lynda, I am sure Harry will treasure it for years, thank you so much for allowing me to share Harry's card. Xxx
I love the photo of you and Harry, you both look so very happy, he clearly loves you very much xx

I would love to have seen Harry's Face when he opened that motorbike, what an incredible gift, Lynda told me that Harry absolutely loves motorbikes so this is the perfect gift, it looks huge though! You'll have to send us a photo of him riding it!!

This last photo is just so gorgeous, Harry looks so, so happy, naturally happy too, what an amazing photo to keep! Its been an absolute privilege to share your family photos Lynda, thank you so much for sharing them xxx

Lovely day today as Sue and Pat are coming over, Pat may not stay long as she is preparing for her holidays, but hopefully she will stay for a cuppa and a catch up, we still need to solve the EU issues!! Hahaha,  We will have to party quietly tomorrow though as our bedroom is next to the lounge and Paul will be sleeping off night shift and he is on nights again tonight, not that we are noisy crafter's!

I hope you all have a good day, I hope that all of you feeling poorly are on the mend xxx

Sending love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy 21st Birthday Becca-hope you have a fantastic day.

    Lynda-brilliant card for Harry, lovely photos of him. The bike looks huge on the photo-I'm sure Harry will liove using it.

    I didn't get too wet yesterday, got most of my shopping done. Lady on the till at M&S explained that as my top was over £40 (Ii had some vouchers to use up) that I qualified for a box worth £120 was only £10 so I said yes, I'd have one. Well...15 minutes later and no signs of the till actually working, the assistant said she couldn't process the sale and that was it!!! I asked her what she was going to do about it and her only suggestions were a) go back in the afternoon or b) go online and order it all myself. I chose option B which wasn't without its problems but my order will be ready to pickup (yes, I have to go back) after midday on Thursday.
    We're going to see the relatives this afternoon-B in L has taken his daughter tithe Harry Potter studios tour today so we need to do something that we can walk to. Then tomorrow we're off into Liverpool with them. But first I have a horrible job of cleaning out the greenhouse...its full of bluebottles so I need to be brave and drag most things out and sweep up in there.


    1. Oops-Happy 22nd Birthday Becca !!!!


    2. Hi Michele. I hope you manage to get rid of the blue bottles! Not a nice job for you. What a palaver you had at M&S, so annoying when computers can't be overridden. Have a lovely day with the relatives, fingers crossed the weather is good for you x

    3. Hi Michelle
      I don't envy you the job of clearing the greenhouse of blue bottles. Yuk.

    4. Hi Michele, hope you get the bluebottles out of the green house (horrid things) Do you still get the beauty pack when ordering the top on-line ? Have a nice day with the family xx

    5. Hi MICHELE thank you for your lovey comments on Harry's card & his pictures he loves his bike it's battery powered he is bike mad but I hope he doesn't get a reel one when he's older.
      Ooo I hope you have got all the blue bottles out of the green house what a horrible job hope they didn't attack you. Xxx

  2. Good morning Ladies, sorry about yesterday ,
    Happy Birthday Harry! What a gorgeous little boy you are no wonder your granny Lynda is so proud and has made you a very special card to go with your fantastic motorbike , hope you all enjoy your birthday ! Xoxo
    Also Happy Birthday to Becca ! Sandra your daughter looks beautiful ( like a model) I hope you all enjoy her Special Day! Xoxo
    Pat , I had written yesterday how stunning your card is, I thought it had been made by Sue herself , it is so perfect, the lattice die is one of my most favourites and the colour teal looks wonderful! I'm sure it will be treasured, I hope you get good news today xo.
    Sandra I had also mentioned how worthwhile your time spent finding a better price for the ferry was ( although still a huge jump from last year) , and how I'm looking forward to your creation with all your tiny roses?
    Brenda, Maria and Val sorry to read you've all been feeling down or not so good, I hope you feel brighter today xo.
    I was so frustrated yesterday morning between losing my comment ( which had taken me ages, as I'm so slow at printing ) and my Freesat box has broken down again , which means I have lost my saved programs for the 3rd time , this is the second box and now we have had to order another one , also Iain thought the cooker had broken down ( but it ok it was just Iain not doing it correctly lol! )
    Thank goodness!
    Well I'm going to stop now and hope this publishes before I loose it, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Sorry to hear you are having to get a new freeway box, how annoying that you have lost some recorded programmes. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Anne
      How awful that your Freeview box has broken and you need to replace it once again and you've lost all your recordings. I think our hard drive is playing up as it keeps freezing up. No new news re my hip I'm afraid. The long and short of it is I need a new hip.m

    3. Hi Anne, hope you day gets better today. How annoying first losing the post then the recordings. Glad the cooker is still working, men hihi Take care. Feeling a lot better thanks. hugs xx

    4. Hi ANNE thank you fo your comment on Harry's card & pictures. Sorry you lost your post it's very annoying when that happens as I have lost a good few of mine.Sorry about your Freeview box & loosing your recordings. Hope you had a better day.xx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and All, wet and soggy here today.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA, hope you have a lovely day whatever you are doing.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY, not sure when it was. Lynda your card is great.
    Harry looks a real sweetie pie, bet he loved that motorbike, know my grandson would love it, not sureI would be allowed to buy , as I have to check , when I want to give my grand children pressies, with their Mum, to make sure they are suitable!!!!!!
    Have lovely crafty day Sandra and crew, don't know how you'll keep quiet, while you debate EU ? !!!!'

    Hope everyone's day is great, weather forecast not good for today, hope it's better where you are, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I hope the weather improves for you, I'll send some sun down to you : ) Have a good day x

    2. Hi Lilian, hope your day is fine even if the weather isn't. We have overcast and quite warm winds, sure it will rain later. I had to do the same thing when my niece was little reg. presents. Take care xx

    3. Hi Lillian thank you for your lovely comments on Harry's card & pictures. He was 2 on Sunday he did love his bike that's his favourite word at the moment,his mum said he was saying Bike in his sleep bless him. Get my son to take some pictures with of him on it. Xx

  4. Morning Everyone - at last we have a dry though very dull morning but oh what a Pleasure it was to open up this morning and find gorgeous little Harry smiling at me. How can anyone feel miserable when such a gorgeous smile is there right in front of you.
    LYNDA- your card for Harry really does fit the bill and will look lovely framed on his bedroom wall. Brilliant choice Dear Friend.

    Happy Birthday Becca -- hoping you're having a wonderful holiday and that the sun is shining for you today.

    MICHELE- by the time you have to go back to work next week you'll need to go just for a
    rest (haha)after such a busy holiday week. Enjoy today and I hope the rain stays away for you.
    ANNE- it's so frustrating isn't it when something flies off into cyberspace. These are the times that Jim reverts to his 'see nothing like that happens when you use pen and paper' lol.
    SANDRA- have a really good day with Sue and Pat. If you sort out the EU situation please let us know hahaha

    I've really got to get going today and finish off two birthday cards which need to be left here for posting. The washer is already churning away and it will be dried via tumble dryer today and then I must send this week's CC to Sandra. When I went to photograph it yesterday the camera shouted at me saying it needed new batteries. After all that I'll be shattered. I just don't have enough hours in the day at the moment so if anyone has any to spare may I please buy

    As usual everything is up and running in the Café. Hugs are on their way Dear Friends. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you opening the Cafe up, it all looks wonderful as usual. I'm afraid I don't have any spare hours to send you, the days just seem to fly by, but I hope you manage to get your cards finished today. Drying the clothes in the drier cuts down on ironing so that will save you some time so I hope you do manage to get a bit if time to relax today x

    2. Hi Janet
      I haven't any hours to spare either Janet, I could do with some extra myself. Sounds like you had a full on day. Special hugs are on the way.

    3. Hi Janet. Thank you for opening up as usual, you are a trooper. Got some lovely Danish pastries and some scones, I've put them in the cabinet so help yourself. Sorry no extra hours to spare, I have been up since 6am and I feel half the day gone already. Why do the day go so quick when you get older, months and years too ? Take care xx

    4. Oh JANET thank you so much for your Lovely comment on my card & Harry's pictures He dose have the most beautiful smile if I feel a bit Low I look at his picture & I have to smile so good therapy. Sorry I haven't got any extra hours either. Please take it easy my friend Big Hug's xx

  5. Your daughter is a stunner SANDRA and Happy 22nd birthday to her
    Little HARRY IS gorgeous That beautiful curly hair is divine Is this what I've let myself in for now I'm a Nanny? I'll probably have to buy Spurs stuff or something to do with cars - his dad is a car mechanic Like (ooh I've forgotten who said it) that we'll have to meet the approval of mum first especially if it's a big purchase Off to work then meeting my daughter and little Oscar - the perfect end to a miserable day in the office!

    1. Hi Karen. Yes, this is the joy of being a Granny/Nanny, having your heart melted time and time again when you get those wonderful smiles and cuddles : )
      I hope your working day flies by and then your time with daughter and Oscar goes really slowly x

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope you have a lovely time with your daughter and Oscar.

    3. Hi Karen. Have a good day at work and then some wonderful time with Charlotte and baby Oscar ! Lots of cuddles xx

    4. Hi Karren thank you for your kind comments Harry's hair is quite long & just springs back.My son had the same curly hair he hated it when he got older & now has it shaved.
      Hope you enjoyed you day with Charlotte & Oscar. You love your own Children unconditional but a Grandchild is such a joy & i feel blessed in haveing 3 Gorgouse Grandsons & 2 step granddaughters.
      Love Lynda xx

    5. Sorry Karen I left you a post last night on how you get photos from your phone not sure if you saw it. Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Happy Birthday to Becca - hope you have a lovely day and are enjoying your holiday :-) Sandra, that's a lovely photo of Becca, you have a beautiful looking daughter.
    Little Harry looks like he had a lovely Birthday. Great card you made for him Lynda :-)
    Hope you have a lovely day Sandra with Sue and Pat, and manage to get some crafting done whilst discussing the EU!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. If only we could sort out the whole EU for ourselves, I'm sure we could make a much better job of it! Hope you have a good day x

    2. Hi Sonia. Hope you have a nice day whatever you are up too. Good luck to both your boys. xx

    3. Thank you Sonia for your lovely comment. He is a lovely little boy then I'm biased love him too bit's, xxx

  7. Morning ladies,

    Happy Birthday Becca, I hope your day is a lovely as you are.
    Happy Birthday to Harry, I'm sure your love of motorbikes will get you riding yours before too long. My dear heart Lynda, you look as proud as punch with Harry and the love shining in your eyes shows us all how much yo adore him.

    Monday's walk at Uphill didn't happen this week. I woke up early because I forgot to get some milk, went to paper shop for the daily, came home to make a cup tea and a short read of the news before getting ready. I stoppe dreading when my eyes became blurred, got up to get ready and had to sit down again. I felt like I was drunk, so giddy and unsteady on my feet. I rang the others to let them know and we all agreed it was better if I stayed home to recover. It lasted right up until dinner time by which time I felt as though all my energy disappeared. I started to recover after a light lunch and woke yesterday feeling fine.
    Until I heard the news that grandson Jamie had been in an accident and his car is a total write off.
    Luckily he is fine, just shocked. He was coming home from work early yesterday morning, two lorries were in front of him so he pulled out just as one lorry also pulled out to overtake the first one, so naturally he pulled out further to over take them both. Unfortunately the second lorry had ppulled out too far and was straddling the white lines which made Jamie have also pull over and he was then driving on the rumble bars of the central reservation. AT some point he felt the car violently swerve to the right and he hit the wire fence. He spun round a couple fo times before coming to a halt. Both lorry drivers stopped and helped m-him to the hard shoulder, where he found both tyres had burst, probably was the cause of the spin. The police had caught all this on the CCTV cameras and were soon to his aid.
    It's all now in the hands of the insurers and because of that he has had to take out emergency cover on my car until his gets inspected and they provide him with a courtesy car. Luckily he has been given a couple od-f days off work for this.
    The police did drop abit of a bombshell though, because he hit the fence he might be liable to any damage caused to the fence! The Highways Authoriyt wil have to go to inspect it first and if damaged, they will send him abill. What exactly do we pay _Road Tax for if we then have to pay again for repairs? Surely that is what we pay it for in the first place?
    Cuppa is calling me so is the shower, I'l pop in later.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. Sorry to hear you didn't make Mondays walk. I hope you don't get another bad spell, but if you do please do get a check up with the doctor. Thank goodness Jamie escaped injury, that is the important thing, cars and fences can be repaired or replaced, and hopefully he won't end up with a bill. You are so right. Why on earth do we pay road tax? Any thing on or by the road are meant to be covered by our road tax aren't they! Around here the roads, signs and verges are all in a disgusting and sometimes dangerous state so I would be furious if they tried to charge me, that's for sure! Fingers crossed that he doesn't get charged. I hope you have a good day after the stress and strain of the last couple of days x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Sorry you weren't up to your walk on Monday. But at least you were able to rest up.
      So sorry to hear about Jamie's accident but at least he wasn't hurt even if his car was. Hopefully he'll get a courtesy card soon and his repairs won't take to long. I'm not to sure what we pay road tax for either. Our roads are a disgrace, plus the council aren't cutting the verges along side the roads, so on a roundabout you can't see what's coming from the right. Just an accident waiting to happen. Take care my friend.

    3. Hi Cheryl. So glad that Jamie is alright and not hurt but must been so scary ,bless him. You take it easy too and if you get any dizzy spells ,please go and see the doc. gentle hugs xx

    4. hi CHERYL what a shock you. Had I'm so pleased Jamie is ok he was really. Lucky. Thank you for your lovely comment on Harry he is so special im lucky to have three lovely Grandsons.& two step Grandaughter's.. Sorry you missed your walk but glad your feeling Lynda xx

  8. Hi SANDRA & friends I have to go dentist so will come back later thank you SANDRA for showing my pictures Bacca looks a lovely young lady
    See you later xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda. I hope you got on well at the dentist and they have, or can, sort out your new teeth.
      What wonderful of our gorgeous Harry, who has all of those beautiful curls and the most fantastic smile. I hope you have the one of both of you framed, looking at that any time you are feeling down will be better than any meds : ) As Sandra said, please can we see a picture of Harry on his motor bike, it looks great x

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope the dentist can sort out your teeth. I also had problems when I had mine. I wonder why they're never right when you get them?.

    3. Hi Lynda and good luck at the dentist. Ooooh my goodness, Harry is absolutely the cutest ! Some smiles and cuddles from him just make your day so much better. Lovely photo of you two together. His little bike looks huge hihi hope he can ride it soon. The photo with his biggest smile ever is wonderful Lynda, you have a gorgeous little grandson. Have a nice day, hugs to you and Terry xx

    4. Hi Sue Pat & MARIA thank you all for your lovely comments on my Harry I will get my Son to send me some pictures of him on his bike he did take him out on it after we left Sunday. It's battery operated. Darren said he had a job keeping Lynda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I'm looking forward to seeing you both later this morning. Happy Birthday Becca.
    Wow Lynda I love the card you made for Harry. Isn't he a gorgeous boy Lynda, he looks so happy and I love his curls. I bet your a very proud Granny and Granpa. Holidays tomorrow as we're off to Lake Constance in the morning.

    1. Hi Pat. Hope you get some good news before you are off on your holiday from the hospital. Have a lovely time at lake Constance, a real rest and nice weather, good food and drinks. Hmmm maybe we will join you Lol hugs to you and Pete xx

    2. Hi Pat Have a wonderful holiday I think you defently need one after all your running around that you have done. Harry's hair is really long when you pull it down it just springs back.
      You & Pete Have a good holiday love
      Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Happy Birthday Becca, I bet she will have a lovely day, relaxing in the sun I hope. See you later my lovely.
    Maria, I hope you are feeling well today. Have the white goods turned up yet? You will be so glad once it is all over won't you. Have a good day, whatever you end up doing x
    Val, you are in my thoughts at this very sad time. I hope the flight went well. Gentle hugs are wrapped around you x
    I have just noticed the time so had better get a move on, I always love Wednesdays, unless I can't see Sandra and Pat. Sending love and hugs to you all, with extras of course, for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. have a fab time with the other two graces !
      Feeling better thanks and the sun is trying to come out and seeing the smile from Harry this morning has made my day start good. White good should be arriving today with any luck. It starting to get there but yes I can't wait until it is all done and we can start on the hall hihi I hate Dust!! hugs xx

    2. Hi MARIA glad your feeling a little better & that Harry helped with his smile. When I feel down I look at that picture & have too smile. I think you will be pleased when your kitchen is complete I expect it's getting you down with the dust exctra. Some BIG HUG'S for you xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another flying visit as I am off with friends to visit our old boss who lives in Sussex.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Becca, hope you have a great day. Sandra your big daughter is absolutely stunning.
    Lynda love Harry's card, And all the gorgeous pictures of you and him. Now that bike is every little boy's dream. I bet he was over the moon with his present. Xx
    Sorry to dash, will stop by later. Big Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Have a lovely day out with your friend.

    2. Hi Brenda. Have a great day in Sussex with your friends. hugs xx

    3. Hi BRENDA thank you for your kind comments on my card & Harry's pictures. I hope you had a good day with your Lynda xx

  12. Morning Sandra and all.
    Love ,love the photos today of Harry, Lynda and the fabulous card you made for him. He must had a great Birthday when seeing that bike, lucky boy.
    Happy Birthday Rebecca ! Hope you have a wonderful day and doing something fun.
    The three graces- have a super day together, not sure about the EU business. I can't even be voting so how stupid is that, I lived here for 25 years after all.
    Didn't have a good sleep so got up early and went for my walk. It was nice and peaceful, some little bunnies running around and the couple of Swans with their 10 signets in tow. The sun did come out for an hour but now gone back behind some dark clouds so I'm back in my fleecy jacket. I'm better today but tired so want be doing to much ,hope just make some cards up
    Val if you have a chance to pop in , just know that we are thinking of you and the rest of the family, many hugs
    The rest of you I hope you have a nice day whatever you are up to, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hello again MARIA I have commented on all your posts sorry you didn't sleep well again. Glad you enjoyed your walk how long do you walk for.have a good eavening my friend xxx

  13. Quick update I have just had a quick glance at Joanna Sheen's site and there is a Christmas Angel in Sue's collection and a few more than iconuk which I love...

  14. Margaret Palmer15 June 2016 at 13:09

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe
    Happy birthday to Becca hope you have a lovely day. Sandra hope the three of you put the world to rights & do some
    Lynda what a gorgeous photo of Harry & proud Granny, & you can almost hear him laughing in the other one. A lovely card as well & that nike what can I say! Thank you for
    Val my thoughts are with you hugs on
    Pat hope you have news today, enjoy your
    Maria pleased you are feeling better, it must be exciting watching all the goods arriving, I am sure you are eager for it to be
    Janet please don't wear yourself out just do what you can, I know easier said than
    Cheryl take care & see Dr if this happens again, thank goodness Jamie is ok not right that he should get the bill particularly as it wasn't his fault. Take
    Sending hugs to all who nerd them love Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you MARGARET for your lovely comments on my card & my little Man. He loved his Bike. When we arrived at my Son's he came running out grabed my hand & said Nan bike my bike.He even dreams of bikes Sam said he was sound asleep & he was shouting out Bike man bike.HaHa. Have a good day tomorrow Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Hello Everyone, I've had a lovely day with five ex work friends I went to visit our retired Head Teacher (boss) she moved to Sussex about 3 yrs ago so we don't see her as often as we would like.
    She was 87 just last week but still enjoys so many crafts, both she and her friend Brenda (she is also called Brenda. With me that made 3 Brenda's in one room !!!) raise a lot of money for there local church from all their craft activities and groups. For a lady of her age she is amazing.
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  16. Hi SANDRA phew got here at last Wishing BECCAa very Happy Birthday hope she had a good day.& a lovely holiday. Hope you Sue & Pat enjoyed your meet up.Thank you Sandra for showing my card & Harry's ' Pictures .
    Loved our chat last night on messenger Sandra thanks for that.
    Had a nice day round Margaret after dentist. I cut quite a few of Sue's string flowers out & she gave me a set on Barbara Greys brushes & other bits.
    We are going to Clarity's open day on Friday so that should be good.
    BRENDA glad you had a good day with your friends. Val thinking of you xx
    Well I'm off to bed so Good night love
