
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Pat's birthday card for Sophie

Good Morning Ladies,

I don't get to share too many of Pat's cards, so when I do I get quite excited!!
This fabulous card is what Pat designed and created for her lovely Granddaughter Sophie, who will be 18,
I absolutely love the Creative Expressions Lattice Window Striplet Die that Pat has used to create that amazing background, the camera hasn't picked up the Diamond Sprinkles twinkling on that gorgeous teal background card.
The most impressive part about this whole card is that Pat actually remembered how to create the sentiment and print it out!!! HURRAY!! I know this has been frustrating you for some time, we have laughed about it many times, I am hugely impressed, but if I asked you to go and print another one would you remember?!
The Creative Expressions Dainty Rectangular Frame is the perfect finishing touch to Sophie's card, along with a few flat back pearls.  A fabulous card Pat, I am sure that Sophie will be over the moon.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us xxx

I spent the whole day in the Craft Room yesterday, I was making the tiniest rolled roses you have ever seen and cutting a mountain of foliage to create a pretty garden themed card, its part of a challenge I was given a couple of weeks ago, I will reveal all very soon. But needless to say my fingers ache. I also got to use some of my Flower Soft, which I have had for years and not really used that much, I believe that they have stopped manufacturing now, which is a real shame as its a fabulous product for adding centres to flowers or little hints of flowers on tiny foliage.

I also booked the Ferry for our holiday last night, why do things increase in price so much in a year, we have the exact same Ferry Crossings as last year but the price has risen from £137 to £201 !!  The biggest laugh was when I called the Forces Discount Travel Centre, I gave them all of the details and their best price was £238, so the discounted price was £37 more expensive than booking direct, work that one out!!
Booked it anyway (direct) I decided to give the discount a miss! haha, I will have to make sure that I pick up a good few extra coffee stirrers to use in my craft room, I will get my moneys worth!!!

Sending Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies..from a very wet Ainsdale!

    Pat-that is one STUNNING card, really beautiful. Sandra seems very pleased with you for printing out the sentiment. I never print them out even though I use the computer quite a bit .

    I need to pop into Southport this morning and I was hoping to do a walk but not in this heavy rain.
    After lunch I'm calling round to see the American relatives-I was collecting + cutting out things for the children to make Fathers Day cards which should kelp them occupied for a short while this afternoon..
    Hubby is home tonight, probably late but he's off work the rest of the week with me. I'm hoping the weather improves as I'd like us to have a day out somewhere.

    Sandra-your craft project sounds interesting, meant today the video tutorials sounds great although I can't help with ideas.


    1. Thanks Michele
      But I still can't do sentiments on the computer. I cheat. We wanted to come up to Liverpool for a birthday party, but felt really grotty at the weekend so didn't go. We wanted to visit Southport, but was told at the weekend that a Premier Inn is on the seafront. So might do a visit sometime, we also wanted to visit Crosby.

    2. Just been down the pier this afternoon. The premier in is right by the pier , perfect central location for a stay in Southport.


  2. Me again... Meant to mention Sue's new Christmas dies. There's a few that seem to be on my wish list even though I bought 3 Christmas dies at the craft show last week!


    1. Hi Michele. Sue's new dies look fabulous don't they? There's a couple definitely on my wish list too :-) Hugs xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all.
    Oh Pat, what a wonderful card and with my favourite striplet in my favourite colour. I might copy this if you dont mind. I bet Sophie absolutely loved it. I know I would (hint hint)
    Sandra, how exciting that you've booked the ferry for your hols. Where is it that you go to? Prices have really rocketed in all forms of transport this year but 50% more is silly. Looking forward to seeing whatever project you're making with your tiny flowers. Like you I have a box full of flowersoft someone at the back of a drawer and never think of using it.
    I've just looked at Craft World at Sues new Christmas dies and stamps. So many lovely ones that I'd like but I'm going to try my best to resist the temptation to buy and stick to the adequate ones I've got. Well thats the plan at the moment but it is only June.
    Well off to water the garden before I make the dreaded phone call to the vets.
    Good luck today Pat
    Hope you're feeling ok today Maria and everyone else not feeling so good
    Have a great day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, sending a huge hug to wrap around you while you make that call xxx
      We drive down to a little town called Pals, it is about an hour over the border from France, the nearest city is Girona which is 30 miles in land, we are about 82 miles from Barcelona, we have been going to the same place for many years, in fact Matt And Becca were both pre school when we first went, they are now 22 and 24 !!
      We did have a break and did package holidays to Majorca for a few years but it was so expensive, the last time we did that was when Sophie and Lucy were 2, we flew to Alcudia, Majorca for two weeks, half board (out of main season) I think it was in June, it cost us £3,700, it then rained a few days and there was just nothing to do to entertain 4 bored children, as the whole place was geared up for sunshine, the only thing the rep could suggest was an amusement arcade! So we went home and had a big rethink, then decided to go back to camping holidays, we went to France a few times, had mixed weather, then bought a new big tent and set off for Spain, we generally go for 3 weeks in August with Ferry crossing and fuel and overnight hotel it still comes to just over £1000 for up to 6, which for August 20/21 nights!
      Our campsite is actually on the beach, has a very nice pool, a very well priced Supermarket, so after we arrive a set up the car only needs to move if we decide to go sight seeing or do a 'big shop'! Because we drive we take everything we need, my kids have always loved board games/cards, so evenings are usually spent sitting together playing a game or watching a show maybe, we NEVER take a TV and they have their phones switched off! Its amazing how much more conversation you have without the distractions!

    2. Hi Val
      By all means copy my card. It's quite easy to do. Must go and look at Sue's new dies. Good luck with the phone call to the vet. I'm still waiting to hear with regards to my hip.

  4. Morning Everyone
    PAT - Wow what a beautiful 18th card and I just know that Sophie will keep it forever and ever. I love that striplet and your colour choice is just A1. Love it

    MICHELE- hope the rain stops and you manage a walk. Have a good week with Hubby and I hope you get out somewhere special for a day.
    VAL- I too am not buying any new seasonal dies as I've quite a few and as they only get used once a year I really cannot justify buying new ones.
    I'm thinking of you Dear Friend when you ring the vet. Chin up.

    Well it's raining buckets and has been all night so I'm definitely staying in today. I managed this week's CC so I have to take a pic and send it off to Sandra and then I have some sorting out re crafty things to take to Marigny next week if all goes well. We're not booking anything until the very last minute just in case the hospital has a cancelation. I can see my 'Mr Organised' being really unfazed as you all know he likes to have everything booked, sorted and ready well in advance lol.

    The Café is open for business so please call in and have a cuppa and perhaps leave a little note or two. Everyone is welcome. Hugs have been despatched. I hope all Dear Friends who are under par are feeling a little better today. xxxx

    1. Thanks Janet. Not to sure whether to say gave a lovely time in Marigny or to say hope you have a cancellation. I'm still waiting to hear from the Consultant.

  5. I've just lost a big long comment and am now so annoyed BAH! I'll come back later when I've cooled down xo

    1. Anne, this used to happen to me all the time, so after I finished typing I copied my message, then if it disappeared I could just 'paste' it back in!
      Give it a try xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow Pat, your card is beautiful. Love everything about it, and I'm sure Sophie will treasure it :-)
    Looking forward to seeing your garden themed card Sandra. Any tips on making your roses? Many times I've tried to make my own, but never seem happy with the final results! Perhaps that could be one of your video tutorials :-)
    Where are you going on your holidays? That's a huge increase in the ferry crossing!
    Is this the last week of Lucy and Sophie's exams? I bet you'll all be relieved when they are finished. Good luck to them in their final few. My James has his mocks next week, not that he's done much revision!
    Saw the new release of Sue's festive collection last night. So excited to see her creations with them, there's already a couple of favourites for me ;-)
    Well I best get ready for work. Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      Yes its the girls last free days of school, they have Philosophy and Physics tomorrow, then Maths and another one on Friday! Then that's them finished!!!
      They have their 6th Form induction days on 29/30th June, stupidly they have booked the induction days on the same day as their prom!!
      We drive down to Spain for holiday!
      I think that they don't understand the importance of mocks until the results come in! The girls school treated their mocks with the same importance as the actual exams, putting way too much pressure on the students! I so wish they would do away with league tables and statistics and get down to grass roots education! They children would benefit more.
      The other hugely frustrating thing is their constant need to change things, when Matt and Becca did sixth form, they had exams at the end of each year so A s levels and then then A2's as final exams.
      This coming year that Sophie & Lucy will start in September they have decided to scrap the exams at the end of first year, so all of the pressure will be on at their final exams, which will be longer and a lot more stressful as their future plans will depend on the results of this one day!!! Ridiculous in my opinion. What do you think? How old are your children Sonia?

    2. Hi Sandra. I agree with you, I think there is way too much pressure on students. Every year they seem to change the exam process, it gets so confusing and stressful for students and parents! Some of James' GCSE exams next year are being graded from 1 - 9. Why change something that everyone has been use to? Both my boys - Luke, 16 and James, 14 - seem to have taken their education in their stride, doing the bare minimum to get them through. ( From talking to friends and family, I think it's a boy thing!) I've spent many a time pleading with them to revise, do homework etc, etc! Don't get me wrong, they do what they have to and there haven't been any complaints from the school, although James does get the odd detention now and again for late homework. I know they do the best they can when it comes down to it and that's all we can hope for. My complaint this year has been with Luke in their secondary school 6 th form. A lot of his lessons have been cancelled and students (and some of the teachers) just don't bother turning up! He has been doing a 2 year Btec level 3 in sport. He is just finishing year 1 and is on target for a Merit, but in the last couple of weeks has been offered a place at a football academy, so he is leaving 6th form and starting there in September. He's doing the same Btec and is happy to start it over again as they combine it with football training and games. It's also Mon - Fri, 10am - 3pm so at least I know he will be there all the time. As for James, he will have the decision to make from September about where he wants to go after his GCSE's. I definitely won't be encouraging him to stay on at their 6th form! It'll be a difficult one as he's not really sure what he wants to do and go on to achieve. Luke always knew he wanted to do something sporty.
      Your holiday sounds great, I bet you're all looking forward to it, will be lovely for you to get away after the stress of the exams and to recharge before it all starts again in September.
      Hugs xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all today in the cafe'.
    Pat- I love your card. Sophie will be thrilled for getting this wonderful card.
    Val- sending you some hugs and hope all being well.
    Janet- oh dear I can see him not being to happy if you not having the car packed up in time :-) Good luck.
    Dreadful increase in ferry, train and flights since last year but that is just silly. Your camping site sound great so close to the sea. Will Angela be there at the same time too ?
    Still raining here so have made some cutting outs for some ideas for the CC so will have a play after some breakfast and a mug of tea. Take care and have a good day everyone. If you looking in do come and have a chat and some calorie free cake, they are the best and so are the woman holding this place open every day. love and hugs,
    Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. Thanks for your comments last night. By the time I read it it was too late to reply and thought you would have finished watching the show and gone to bed. I was still awake at 3am. Yes I know it is a difficult weekend for lots of people but what, I think, makes it worse for us is that Fathers Day was the last day we saw my OH. He passed away early the next morning before we could get to the Hospice. He was so poorly that that Fathers Day will always be on my mind and that I didn't get a chance to say Goodbye. I am sure Cheryl knows what I mean. Scarlett loves crafty and we do do quite a bit but the most chance we get is weekends if they are not going out. She stays to after school clubs on three days a week (her choice) and has other activities the other nights so a very busy girl . Perhaps we will have more chance in the holidays to do the Challenge card. Hope your kitchen gets finished soon.

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you liked the card. All the girls keep the cards I make, which is nice. Hope your kitchen s still on track.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for showing my card for Sophie. She loved it and said it must have taken you ages Nanny. Now Sabdra has credited me with at long last knowing how to create a sentiment on the computer. Now Amy has shown me but I still can't create one from scratch. So I've cheated. I kept the original one that Amy helped me with. Opened that up and just change the colour and words. I'm waiting for the Consultant to ring me with my results.

  9. Good morning SANDRA & Friends
    Pat your card defently has the WOW Factor it's Sunning I love that Striplet Sopnie will love it. We have heavy rain all morning,so going to finish sorting out my Stamps I'm puting them in ring binder folders so hopefully be easyer finding them. I made my CC & sent it to SANDRA last night. I have EYE clinic appointment at 3.20 this afternoon at the hospital I do prefer morning appointments though. Gosh Sandra what a ludicrous increase this year on your ferry cost. It's a good thing once you arrive at your camp site you don't need to spend much.Pat hope your hospital results are good for you today & you can have your opperation asp.sending you Hug's. MARIA I hope your feeling better today. How's the kitchen coming on is Dan the Man there today. Enjoy your crafting my friend.x Val sending you some Big Hug's & hope all is well when you make that vet's call Xx JANET good luck with the packing you must be on tender hooks waiting to see if you get a cancelation appointment.Did they give you some sort of time scale it would normally be for a appointment for your opperation without the cancellation one. Sending you some BIG HUG'S xx
    Still raining heavy so I'm off to my craft room. Will pop back later.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda. Thank you for your comment last night. A bit late to reply when I saw it. Yes Scarlett does live nearer to me now. Can walk there in 5 mins. Before it took 30mins. Before she didn't pass my house on the way to and from school but now she does if they walk so she likes to knock on the way past. She loves crafting but staying to three after school clubs a week we don't get a lot of time. She doesn't need to stay to the clubs but likes what they do and a couple of them are crafting. Very basic though. She wants to do tie dying now but think we will wait until the holidays. She also wants to learn to use my sewing machine. So much she wants to learn but so little time. Hope you are ok. Take care.

    2. Hi Lynda
      Hope your hospital appointment goes ok this afternoon. I'm still waiting to hear the results of my MRI. His secretary said that today is clinic day so I should hear. But we go away early on Thursday so here's hoping. Your very organised Lynda putting your stamps in ring binders. Mine are just put in a box. Sophie loved her card thank you very much.

    3. Hello Lynda - hope all went well this afternoon for you.

      the time scale is August/early Sept if no cancelation that's for the op but of course there's Pre Admission Clinic to go through first. Great Big Gentle Hugs for you Dear Friend. xxxx

  10. Lovely card today Pat. I too like that die. Sue and John have used it such a lot that I just had to have it. Made a sympathy card with it at one time as it looked like church windows in black. Love the colour you have used. Congratulations on the sentiment. Well done. Hope you get a good result today. Thinking of you. Must fly as loads to do and have to go to the library as books due back today and have renewed them 4 times via Internet. They are craft books so I am not a slow reader😀 just like to refer to them.

    1. Thanks Brenda
      Sophie did love her card in her favourite colour. I hope I do hear re my hip today as were on holiday from Thurs morning.

  11. Hi Ladies, I'm so happy, we brought Babe home. So amazed. The drip over night cleaned all the toxins out of her blood for the time beiing so we've come back armed with tablets, special diet food and supplements. The vet reiterated this is only a temporary reprieve and it might only be a week, a month until it happens again in fact we take her back Saturday for another blood test to see how she is getting on. In the meantime we'll just enjoy her.
    Thank you so much for all your kind wishes. I'm sure I've had more than my fair share of your love and hugs in the past couple of months with Pauls mum, my niece, my DIL in hospital and now my cat. I'm hoping thats the lot and things will go along happily from now on.
    Sandra your camping holiday sounds wonderful and your choice of destination lovely. We always went in our tent for many years until the children grew to big to come with us and then we bought a touring caravan. We mostly went either to Anglesey or Pembrook but did go to Brittany a couple of times with a trailer with the tent and equipment in it. Such wonderful happy memories.
    Well I dont know if I'll get the chance to get on the internet over the next few days but I'll do my best to stay in touch.
    Keep well everyone.
    with love Val xxx

    1. Hi Val I'm glad you were able to bring Babe home. A bit of goodish news for a change. Even if is only a reprieve for a short time.

    2. Hi Val I so pleased for you bring Babe home I bet your spoiling her with lots of cuddls. Safe journey tomorrow
      Love & Hug's on there way xxx

    3. Hi Val. I have left a comment for you, but on yesterday! I will say again that you are in my thoughts, you really are going through the mill at the moment aren't you. Our love and support are limitless, it's just very sad that you have had such a bad time lately. We will always be here, no matter what. I know that Babe is going to be a very pampered puss, how lovely that you have some more time with her. Wishing you a trouble free journey tomorrow and I hope that all goes as well as it can. Sending you live and gentle hugs. Take care x

    4. Hi Val. Nice to see Babe is ok for now and you will have her for a bit longer. You are in my thoughts for the next few days and hope everything goes as well as it can be, take care and hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra

    Its shocking how much your ferry has gone up. I don't see how they can justify putting it up that much. I always wonder as well about special discounts as a lot of them are dearer than the original thing you can buy elsewhere.

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you have booked the ferry, sorry it's gone up so much, that does seem alot. When do you go? Good luck to girls in their final exams. Sounds as if you have been busy with your
    Janet good luck with packing, what a position to be in wanting to go to France but also wanting the phone to ring with cancellation! Fingers crossed for
    Val pleased to hear you brought the cat home, hope all goes well the next couple of
    Pat hope you get phone call with your results. Lovely card for Sophie, can see why she loved
    Brenda LL hugs on way to
    Got to make a couple of cakes then hope to have a go at CC.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry this will have to be a quick comment as I have to go into town, have spent all morning doing accounts for my sister, so getting out will do me good (I mean in the fresh air)

    Pat, I love the card you made for Sophie's 18th birthday it's beautiful, this one could have been made by Sue herself. The colour is absolutely gorgeous.

    Haven't had a chance to read the comments which is when I get back, take care everyone. Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  15. Hello All, just don't know where today has gone. Still feeling tired but at least I've finished those awful capsules and Sandra's tablets work.

    Pat your card for Sophie is stunning, love everything about it.
    Very showery here today have washing in and out, so I watching for another down pour.

    Love Sue's new dies but am not thinking of buying any.
    Val good news about your little cat at least for the time being.
    Shocking increase in the ferry price Sandra, still I'm sure it's worth it, must admit never tried camping , don't think it's my style, like my creature comforts too much, and am slightly lazy and camping always seems like hard word.
    As I didn't do anything last night I'd better go and do my ironing. Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  16. Hi Sandra
    Just to let you know that me results are in. However, Mr Taylor went into surgery before they arrived. His secretary has left him a note to say they're in his in tray so hopefully I should know the results before I go away.

  17. Hi everyone I'm home from hospital for the Glucoma clinic all ok the presure in my right hasn't got any worse so pleased about that just got to keep useing the drops at night. I had over an hour wait before I went in so annoying I could have been crafting for that waisted hour haha so now it's two hours all told. Oh well haven't got to go for another 6months. Tomorrow morning I have dentist only to sort my dentures as they bang on bottom teeth.( horribal things 😁). Going round Margaret's after wards for a couple of hours.
    I had email from craft world showing Sue's new dies some of them I like I did say I wouldn't buy anymore Chritmas dies but I do like a couple so they are on my list. Well I'm going back in my craft room for a while to finish doing my stamp sorting.Love Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Hello Quick call PAT that's amazing both the card and the where with all to have saved the sentiment even you think you couldn't create one from the start That's why ai like Serif I create a simple rectangle measuring the same size as my die and then type text and re-size it to fit
    VAL so pleased Babe has improved
    Intrigued to find out what all of the flowers are for SANDRA and agree with SONIA perhaps a tutorial I try to make them but I'm never 100% pleased Enjoy your hols when they come
    I looked on icon at SUE'S dies and perhaps they're all not on there I'm not keen The only one I liked is the poinsettia and holly Gemini die ai don't do snow globes and I couldn't see a Christmas angel I must admit I don't resent buying Christmas dies as it's the most cards I ever make for my family and friends but I have ones I bought last year that I haven't used yet Do unless I see some fantastic demos that I fall in love with I think I will be passing
    Off to have a play at doing the sketch card now

  19. Thanks for sharing the beautiful card ... FlowerSoft merged with KatySue Designs and I recently found it on

  20. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Didn't manage to get in yesterday as was sat in hospital, with no internet access, for nearly nine hours with Gem, who had been off work for the last two weeks with a stomach upset and very bad pain. Her GP told her to go to A and E yesterday if she was no better after seeing her last Friday. She is now on the road to recovery and hopes to be able to get back to work on Thursday, fingers crossed.
    I am in the middle of making my cc so hope to send it to you later on Sandra. I have several cards still to do, mostly mens,so may make most of them in this weeks challenge style.
    I have tried to catch up with comments but didn't take notes so will say that I hope everyone is as well as possible and not getting too wet! What is the weather doing? It goes from one extreme to another doesn't it! Sending G love and hugs to all with extras for all in need, especially Val. Take care xx

  21. Pat, I'm sorry, I know I saw this beautiful card last week but it is lovely to see it again. I'm not surprised that Sophie loved it : ) I hope you get to hear fromr Taylor tomorrow. Love and hugs x

  22. Hi all, well up at the crack of dawn to gat to the Airport for 4 am. I should have said last night hope you get good news today Pat and have a wonderful holiday.
    Thank you so much Sue and everyone else for your lovely thoughts.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx
