
Monday 13 June 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

Where did the weekend go, I have looked everywhere, even under the mountain of craft stuff that needs tidying away on my desk, but no, its over!!
So here we are, its Monday Sketch challenge time again, now I am going to apologise first off for the 'Sketch', I couldn't find what I wanted so I had to create my own design, so I cobbled together a Black and White card layout.  I think it works! You can see the basic idea.

What in wanted was a sketch that could be used for Fathers Day (next week), as well as cards for any occasion for any of you that don't have to make a fathers day card.
The three boxes could be circles or Stars or flowers or hearts, whatever you fancy, it could say ,  I ❤ U, or just have pictures or embellishments in. 
I would like you to make a 'Man' card though, that is the general theme!

I filmed my first You Tube Video yesterday, it was a 'box opening' video, I received a wonderful parcel of beautiful things from my friend Amanda, so I wanted to share it so that everyone can see the gorgeous things she makes.  
I am hoping to do short tutorial style videos on different card making/paper craft techniques, just for fun really, I hope to link them to my blog like Sue does so that its easier for you to watch.  
What do you think, is there anything you would like me to include? 

Have fun with the Sketch ladies, I can't wait to see your cards!

Lots of love and hugs,


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Love your Father's Day card Sandra and I think your sketch idea is a great one!
    Your idea of doing a videos sounds good too but be careful you don't take on too much and put yourself under pressure as these I imagine would take longer than you think to make.
    We had a wonderful day yesterday , I went to the service in the morning in the village hall and it was full to bursting, lovely uplifting service celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday and tea afterwards, after lunch we visited 3 gardens , each totally different from each other and they were fabulous , the 1st one was full of little planted areas between beautiful shrubs and trees ( and surprises ) going down to the beach , like a fairy wonderland! ( with tea and cake) .
    The 2nd had a stunning setting overlooking the water and over to the little village of Badachro, it was mostly natural rock which had been exposed and used as features with a lovely winding path and steps leadind down to the water with a wooden summerhouse with veranda ( must have cost a fortune) it was delightful with careful planting dotted here and there, very tasteful.
    The 3rd garden was way in the back of beyond in farmland and was filled with flowers and the most beautiful lawn I have ever seen, it was the husbands " pride and joy" not a weed to be seen and looked like velvet , all the flower beds were curved shapes set into it , behind the flower garden was his vegetable garden which had 10 raised beds 10' x 5' and he grows prize veg in them which looked amazing, lessons to be learned there for us lol! So a great day!
    This morning we have craft day in Torridon so I'll go and get a move on as I have a card to finish for one of the girls.
    It's heavy rain here at the moment, so I think our wonderful spell of weather is well and truly over .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Morning Anne - your garden tour yesterday sounds delightful. I love to see any garden which has been created. They always bring a smile to my face and I have to say a little bit of green in my eyes as gardening these days for me is a little potter around dead heading etc. Have a good morning crafting.xxxx

    2. Sounds like you had a fantastic day Anne Although we live in a "garden city" I don't recall being able to do this As it was raining hard with rumbles of thunder we stayed at home and just chilled

    3. Hi Anne. Sounds like you had a full on lovely day yesterday. Glad the gardens were more pleasing - they sound wonderful. Enjoy your craft day today. Hugs xx

    4. Good morning Anne,
      Thanks for your kind comments about my card, the videos will only be short and sweet, but I need to summon the confidence first, am I the only person that cringes at the sound of their own voice!?!
      The open gardens sounded amazing, the best ones to go to by us are in Burford, stunning little Cotswold cottages with the most adorable gardens, one of them had painted their garden sheds like beach huts and the garden in front were covered in a mixture of pebbles and small boulders to look like a beach, various grasses were added to give the sand dune effect, I was totally blown away by how authentic they looked ! Open Gardens are a great source of inspiration, I love the ones that sell plants too, as you can pick up some bargains, the icing on the cake though is definitely the ones that have the home made cakes !
      I hope you enjoy crafting day today Anne, I am excited to see what you create!
      Sandra xxx

    5. Hi Anne
      Sounds like you had a great day with super gardens to look round. Unlike Saturday's gardens. It was also raining quite hard here as well, although it's let up at the moment.

    6. Hi Anne. Oh that sounded much better then the ones on Saturday and with tea and cake, what not to
      like :-) Hope you have a nice day. xx

    7. Hi Anne yesterday sounds lovely with the service and visiting such beautiful gardens. It sounds such a civilised way to spend a Sunday.
      Enjoy your craft day. Xx

    8. Hi ANNE glad you enjoyed yesterdays gardens & with tea & Cake too much better than Saturday. Have a good evening.Xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great card Sandra & a useful sketch challenge. I've made both Fathers Day cards but I need to make them both a birthday card so this is perfect timing.
    The weekend certainly did go quickly-we managed to get some weeding done & put the bedding plants in before it started to rain, boy did it rain. Glad really as the garden needed it.
    For once I don't mind the weekend went quickly as I have a whole week off!!!!! I'm meeting a friend at 10am for coffee at a new coffee/macaron shop that's opened up in the village. At the moment we have 4 coffee shops, 4 bars/pubs, and 4 restaurants -all in a small village. We also have a Pontins which keeps the shops etc busy over summer & the holidays.
    After meeting my friend I'm going to take 4 bags to the charity shop then back to have a play in my craft room.


    1. Morning Michele - have a really good week off work and have some much needed ME time doing just what you want to do. Enjoy your visit to the new coffee shop xxxx

    2. Woo hoo Enjoy your day/week...? Your village sounds like a real hive of activity

    3. Hi Michele. Enjoy your week off :-) Hugs xxx

    4. Morning Michele,
      Have a lovely week off, I hope you get some quality time with Phil as well as the extended family!
      It sounds like you aren't stuck for choice for places to get food locally Michele, enjoy your Coffee and Macaroni xxxx

    5. Hi Michele
      Your village sounds a hive of activity. I think Witney has 9 or 10 coffee shops plus you can also get coffee in all the pubs. Plenty of them as well plus restaurants.

    6. Hi Michele, have a wonderful week off. Your village sound lovely with some cafe's, hope you had/having a nice time ( you might not be back yet) xx

    7. Hi Michele. Enjoy your well earned week off work. Your village sounds lovely. XX

    8. Hi MICHELE have a lovely week off & have some me time & crafting.xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all, rather dull here, but the rain has stopped for the moment.
    As you say Sandra, the weekend flew buy, don't think my water works are much better despite these awful tablets, get very tired quickly.
    Managed to get tomatoe plants in from the pots I grew them in. I use huge hessian type bags filled with my own mix of soil, think it's probably cheaper to buy them than grow your own.

    Love todays sketch, should suit me , as love doing small, your card Sandra is great, I don't do Father's Day cards any more for obvious reasons, but great for male cards.
    Anne glad you had a good day yesterday, sounded fab.
    Michele enjoy your week off work, think that's what I could do with.

    Have a lovely day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian - please go back to the Drs if you're not getting any better. These kind of infections really bring you down and you certainly don't need to be there. Please go. xxxx

    2. Hi Lilian. We too have grown our own tomatoes in the past. I agree that it's probably cheaper to buy from the shop, but homegrown tastes so much nicer. I hope you get a good crop :-)
      Hope your infection clears up soon. Hugs xxx

    3. I'm so sorry to hear that your Uti, is no better, the antibiotics you are taking are awful, I know as I've had to take them a couple of times! I felt sick and generally drained, Optibac (a prebiotic tablet) did help sort my tummy out, they have a coating that is guaranteed to stay intact until it reaches your stomach, I was just taking the pro biotic yoghurts but the Health Shop adviser explained that the antibiotics can kill off the good bacteria in the yoghurts, but capsules are designed to withstand the antibiotics, making sure your good bacteria arrive safely!
      I totally agree with you about tomato plants, by the time you have nurtured them, bought the right feed etc, your might just as well go buy them!
      I have had to watch a couple of You tube videos showing how to successfully 'pinch out' tomato plants, because the past couple of years the plants have gotten so big that they taken over thee polytunnel, with not much in the way of fruit!! So I am being harsh with my nipping out, you are supposed to do it to Pepper plants too, which was news to me!
      Do you grow potatoes in bags too Lilian, they do sell grown in sacks too. Our main problem is lack of space, we have 1\2 plot, the frustrating thing is, there are some older folk that can barely manage to lift a fork, but they have two,sometimes three plots, despite their only being 2 of them to feed.
      They decided about 7 years ago that every plot that became vacant would be divided up into two to try and get the waiting list down, there were 60 + people waiting, mainly because of all the new houses being built around here that have little or no garden what so ever! Anyway rant over!
      I hope you turn that corner soon sweetheart and start feeling better.
      Love and hugs

    4. Hello Lillian, sorry you are not feeling much better, I hope those nasty pills start to work soon. xx
      I agree it probably is cheaper to buy your own tomatoes, but when you grow your own the taste is so much better, The shop bought ones cannot compare to the taste of home grown. OH goes up to the greenhouse and picks them, gives them a quick rub and gulp it's gone! I picked quite a few strawberries yesterday, will make them into jam, our Essex grandsons really love homemade Strawberry jam.

    5. Hi Lilian I do hope your feeling a bit better this afternoon, if not go back to the Drs. Pete is getting quite a few infections now and they make him grumpier than ever.
      We also grow our own tomatoes. I use the word we very loosely as that's Petes domain. They can be cheaper in the shops but not nearly as nice. We also have cucumbers on the go as well.

    6. Hi Lilian, sorry you are still suffering. Do like the other saying and see the doc. again so you get help. Wish you better and sending some hugs. Have grown tomatoes in the bags once and we had so many so had to give to the neighbours but also bugs enjoyed them xx

    7. Hi Lilian, sorry you're not feeling so well. Do hope the tablets, however horrid they are, begin to work soon. XX

    8. Hi Lillian sorry your still suffering if your no better tomorrow please go back to the doctors & get it sorted.
      Sending you some (((((Hug's))))) xx

  4. Morning Everyone from a very damp, dull and wet Sheffield. We had rain yesterday and it look's as thouugh it will continue today.

    SANDRA- your sketch this week has come when I need to get two men cards done so thank you for the inspiration. I'll try and get it done early as this week is going to be hectic - well as hectic as I can be at the moment and I think my temper may just be on a very short fuse at times lol.

    Everything is up and running and just waiting for you all to pop in and say hello. Anyone peeping through the window please take the first step and come inside and have a cuppa with us.
    I've sent my hugs by first class post so they should all arrive very shortly. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Hope you get through the week ok without it being too hectic!
      Sorry to hear about your upcoming op - fingers crossed for a cancellation. Take care. Hugs xxx

    2. Morning Janet,
      Im so glad the sketch works for your cards this week, can't wait too see what you make!
      Its a damp, dull! Start here too, girls are home revising, Paul's at work, I need to go and find my desk!! You may need to send in search and rescue later! Yes its that bad !!
      I can't imagine you having a short fuse Janet !
      Try and stay calm, are you getting packed for Marigny?
      Sandra xxx

    3. Hi Janet
      Hope your week isn't to hectic, and your fuse isn't to short.

    4. Please Janet, try to stay calm through your hectic week. Hopefully it wan't be to bad. hugs xx

    5. Hi Janet. Hope the week is less hectic than you're thinking. Otherwisea good scream will make you feel so good ha ha. It always works with me anyway. xx

    6. Hi JANET hopeing your week is less stressful. I agree with Val have a good scream it dose work wonders.
      Sending some stress free ((((((Hug's))))) xxxx

  5. Great sketch and you've made a great job of "posting" your own sketch Bit of a double whammy - new layout and male (Father's Day card already done I have a couple of men cards that I need to do so this will help hugely Now where's my Serif! Looking forward to seeing your video As to ideas - my minds gone blank Have a great day ladies whatever you're up to I needed that coffee JANET Now off to work

    1. Hi Karen. Made my Father's Day cards too, but Sandra's sketch will help me too for making those difficult to make mens cards ;-) Have a good day. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Karen,
      Its lovely to have you back, thank you for your kind words about my sketch and card, I think I need to book you for a day to give me Serif guidance! Looking forward to seeing your man cards!
      How's that gorgeous wee grandson of yours?

    3. Hi Karen, i have all the serif equipment but for the life of me can't get to grips with it. Can I book in as well with Sandra.
      Good luck with card. XX

    4. Hi Karen is Serif a graphic program not very computer savvy I use My Craft Studio it's very easy ( it's simple for my pea brain )but haven't used it for some time same with craft CD's got so many of them. Have a good week.Xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous card and great sketch. I have to admit, I do struggle with making men's cards and they're not my favourite to do, so this will definitely be a challenge for me! Have day off so will probably make a start on it today.
    Great idea to do some video tutorials, can't wait to see what you do :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone and sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      This is a fairly straightforward sketch, I don't doubt that you will comne up with another stunning card, I think we all struggle with men's cards, one of the reasons is that they aren't easy to embellish, we can't really use flowers, ribbon and pearls and that's frustrating, you tend to be stuck with buttons.
      Looking forward to seeing your card

    2. Thank you Sandra. Yes, I love the sketch, it's just the 'masculine' element I know I'll struggle with. As you say it's always the embellishing that's the tricky bit. Having a think and looking at my stash, so hopefully will come up with something. Have a lovely day. Hugs xxx

  7. Good morning SANDRA & Friends
    Great sketch Challenge today sadly I don't need a fathers day card's but have my Son & Brother's card's to make. Sandra your card is great & look forward to your first YouTube video.I had a lovely day yesterday with my little Man Harry it was his 2nd Birthday got lots of pictures love him to bit's.He is so funny.Hope it's not too long before we see him again. Not a lot going on today usual housework washing's out on the line OH doing a couple of rubbish runs. A bit of a dull day weather wise very humid. Hope to go for walk later if rain holds off.
    Hug's to everyone will pop in laterXx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad you had a lovely day with Harry. Hope Terry doesn't throw himself in a bin along with the rubbishy. Hope you enjoy your walk if you get to go.

    2. Hi Lynda, love to see little Harry so if you want mind sending Sandra so we can see him again. Glad he had a great 2nd Birthday, don't seem yesterday he arrived :-) Hope you managed a walk in between the showers ,hugs xx

    3. Hi Pat HAHA Terry managed just to throw the rubbish & not himself in the bin. Didn't get a walk as the heavens opened.
      Hope your MRI results are ok tomorrow Pat. Xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in today,
    When I first looked at this sketch I thought that's too difficult. But looking back on it now I think I can manage this one. I don't need a Father's Day card, but it is SILs birthday (Ciara's daddy) at the weekend.I had already begun to think about his card, but looking at your sketch I'm sure I could make this work. Oops hope I haven't spoken to soon!
    BIG well done! On creating your own sketch. And now you're telling us you going to make a YouTube video. I am seriously impressed Sandra, what a journey you have taken these last few years. LOL xx

    I'm going to get my coffee now, sit by the window and see who passes by, you never know we might have some new friends stop by. If you're thinking of dropping in, please do, and don't forget to leave a little message, it's always lovely to welcome a new face.

    Wishing everyone a good day, love and hugs and extra for those who need them, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      You'll come up with a great card as will Caira for her dad.

    2. Hi Brenda, you always making such wonderful cards so I'm sure you will make a grand one for your SIL.
      Hope your day been good. xx

    3. Hi BRENDA I'm sure you'll manage the challenge card your cards are always lovely if I can do one any one can 😊 Xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all, just popping in and not read comments yet. What a week this has been. Just got back from vets with our eldest cat Babe. She was really ill yesterday and passed out when we got up this morning. Vet took blood and she has acute renal failure. Nothing they can do cos its so severe. She has agreed to put her on a dripfor 24 hours and then see but doesn't hold out any hope. I think its inevitable I know but I have to give her a chance.
    Will come back later and catch up with you all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Oh no Val, so sorry to hear about your cat :-( Sending hugs xxx

    2. Oh dear Val I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Hope the drip helps.

    3. Hi Val,
      So sorry to hear more bad news you really are going through it at the moment, it is hard when we have to make a decision regarding a pet, my thoughts are with you sending you gentle hugs. Any news of DIL yet? We are here for

    4. Hi Val. You not having the best time at the moment do you. We/ I'm here for you whenever you need to talk. If you were closer I would give you a real big hug ,sending some by speed ex. The doors in the cafe is always open xx

    5. Hi Val so sorry about more sad news your having a really bad time at the moment & now with the added worry of poor Babe,hope she picks up on the drip that's all you can do your giving her the best chance
      It's very hard when it comes to our pets I have been through it so many times. Love Lynda xx

    6. Hi Val. Oh dear, you are having an awful time at the moment. I'm so sorry to hear about Babe. At least you are giving her a chance. So sorry to her about your poor DIL too. I hope the docs can help her make a full recovery. You are in my/our thoughts as you get ready to fly over. Wishing you a trouble free trip and may the funeral goes as well as it can. Sending you big gentle hugs. Take care x

  10. Hi Sandra
    Hope you've recovered from your journey to Luton Airport. Reminds me of Lorraine Chase as that was her saying. Like your sketch challenge but unusually I won't be able to take part as I don't need a Dads card, and I'm busy sorting clothes for holiday. Do you ever I hear you all say. Well, I did once. Hehe. No excuse I know. I'm not at school tomorrow as my class if off to Bristol Zoo for the day.

    1. Oh Pat, weak excuse hihi you can always make a little one for Pete. Hope you get the clothes sorted, shorts and tee's or long trousers and thick jumpers ? Take care and hugs xxx

    2. Hi Pat I'm of an age when I remember Lorraine and her Luton Airport. Ican still hear her voice.
      Good luck with the hospital tomorrow xx

    3. Hi Pat I can also remember Larraine Chase & her voice.Good luck with packing & Hospital tomorrow Xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra not sure about challenge this week will have to see what I can come up with. Well done you, making your first video there is no end to your talent these days, look forward to a
    Anne sounds as if you had a lovely day yesterday.x x
    Michele enjoy your week off, get plenty of me time.x x
    Janet hope your week is not too hectic for you hope you manage to relax sometime, hugs on way xxx.
    Lilian sorry you are still feeling poorly sending you
    Lynda sounds as if you had a lovely time with Harry look forward to seeing
    Had dentist for checkup this morning, no problem then went shopping, out to book club tonight, all or nothing isn't it.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret. Have a nice time at book club. Funny that, some days absolutely nothing to do and then other days it's non stop. Take care xx

    2. Hi Margaret, glad you got on well at the dentist. Enjoy your book club tonight xx

    3. Hi MARGARET glad dentist went ok. Hope you enjoyed your book club. I did send SANDRA a photo of Harry so hope she shows it.
      Take care Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra an all, lovely sketch Sandra. I've done all the Fathers day cards that I need to but I always need mens cards so I'll do my best to get one made.
    The doc saw my DIL this morning and finally after 1 week have said it isnt meningitis yeh. They still havent said what it is mind you. She has really bad pains in her back as well as other problems and they did say this morning they think they maY have damaged a nerve when they gave her an injection. Words fail me.
    Been getting things ready to take in my case to UK on Wednesday. I dont need to take much for three days but surprisingly my small case is full. We are on a 6.30 am flight so have to leave here at 4am. Not really worth going to bed. Wish I could sleep on the plane but I can't.
    Anyway ladies, I'll read what you've all been up to now.
    Have a good evening and see you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer13 June 2016 at 22:49

      Safe journey Val hope funeral goes as well as it can. Hugs on wa

  13. Have read through and now can't remember what to say! I really must take notes on the way down! Just to say SANDRA little Oscar is now 7 weeks old! To say he's adorable is an understatement His baby acne is also clearing up now He's loving his swimming lessons too I will try and send piccies when I've worked out how to download off WhatsApp and Messenger I have some on camera - that's easy to do - but I don't have many on camera

    1. Hi Karren your WatsApp pic if you find the pic you want up top right there are three dots going down press on that comes up with a list press share then another list I always send mine email just put email address into box & press the envelope at top & it goes to your inbox hope that makes sence but lots of other options just press the one you want & follow what it comes up with.
      Hope that helps Xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all, have comment on the way down but taken a long time. I have one of my 'days' and not having a very good one but shall not complain because there are a lot of people who have it worst so.
    Love the sketch and the card you have made Sandra, will give it a go tomorrow hopefully. Sounds interesting if you brave to make a you tube video, you are not alone to not liking your voice on recordings. I sound like a trapped animal .The weather is horrible and so don't feel so guilty if doing some crafting instead for WEEDING !! Seem to be more then usual. OH is watching Football and Cricket so hogging the Tv, hope he can watch some of the matches tonight on the little one so I can get to see some of my recordings. Also very surprised of the ones leaving C&C not going to Hochanda, I must be in a bubble but never heard of the Craft channel but if DB is on there then no loss. Have a good evening everyone, love and hugs Maria Xoxo

    1. Hi MARIA I did send SANDRA a picture of me with Harry yesterday
      Hope she received it. Sorry your not feeling so good my friend,enjoy your crafting & hope OH let's you watch your recordings.
      Take care Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Maria, so sorry you haven't felt so good today. Tomorrows a new day and lets hope you wake up feeling fit nd well. Do hope you got to watch your craft programmes tonight. XX

    3. Yay, football over for today and OH has gone to bed. Now it's my time but only one as I'm tired out for today. Feeling better and always happy ,tomorrow is a new day. Hugs to you my friends xx

  15. Hello All, been raining here most of the day, have taken my last antibiotic, and have bought some of the probiotic capsules tha Sandra recommended, so hopefully I'll feel better soon.
    I see Sue has a new set of Christmas dies out the end of the month, quite a lot, some are very nice but not sure if I'll buy any, maybe if they are on Hochanda I might be more tempted.
    Going to have a look at doing this weeks sketch, shortly, have a good evening all.

  16. Well it's been a dry day here but very overcast and was expecting rain at anytime. Didn't think I was seeing Scarlett today as she has gymnastics after school but she knocked on her way home. She was so pleased to see me and wanted to know if I was going to her house so what could I do but go. Not sure whether I will get the sketch card made this week. Will try but not an easy weekend ahead. Too many memories for me and my children. Hope you will feel better soon Lillian. These things do seem to hang on. Being on my own I dread being unwell. Still there a lot like me on their own. Don't think any of us like it. Pst is it this week you go to the hospital. Hope you get good news and you can have your operation and be without pain. Have a good holiday. I agree about the tomato plants and every year I tell myself not to buy any plants but I just don't listen and buy more and I am not very good at growing them but love eating them. Tend to eat them most days. Maria hope your kitchen is soon finished. They started on my friends kitchen last week but it is taking longer than they thought. Had a job getting the tiles off the wall and other problems so we won't be able to meet this week. She has to stay home as her cat is very timid and doesn't like strangers. It has taken her a long time to get used to me and even now she is a bit wary. Didn't think I was that frightening. 😀 Been helping Scarlett with her Father's Day card but we couldn't find the foam tape so I have had to bring it home to finish it off for her. Better get in with it. Take care everyone.

    1. Hi Littlelamb, sweet of Scarlett came around to see you. She is a lovely girl. Perhaps she like to make a challenge card together with you. It's coming up to a hard weekend for many who have lost their dad's or OH's. I'm sending you a cuddle, hope it helps a little bit. The kitchen coming along ,very slowly but he is good the man who putting it all together. Our white goods has been delayed, not sure why and the cooker hood is still missing. Tomorrow they coming to measure up for the quartz worktop and the brackets for draws are getting done, the 2 pairs of S-shaped to pull out from two cupboards so you don't have to be on your knees to reach all came to the store already with crack in them so not very good haha it's all I can do. Friday the 24th is the day we been told it's all going to be finished. I can't wait so we can do a proper clean of the whole downstairs. never know so much dust ! Take care and I see you around xx

  17. Hi BRENDA hope the weekend is not too sad for you try & think of the good memories. Nice for you seeing Scarlett unexpectedly dose she live quite close to you. It's lovely she is still crafting do you have craft sessions with her a lot.
    Take care love Lynda xx

  18. Hi Again SANDRA
    Didn't manage our walk as it started raining heavily,so I went in craft room & made my challenge card will send now. I have commented on way down as DIDNT do it this morning
    See you all tomorrow Love Lynda xx

    1. You wonder woman, already made the CC ! Lol
      looking forward to see the photos of Harry, ok of you too with DB and all tihi Try to have a good night. Big hug xx

  19. "Craft World " now have Sue's new collection of dies on pre-order . They are lovely as usual but not sure if I can buy any yet. There are some other ones I like to have first. What do you think of them ?
