
Sunday 12 June 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

 My Challenge Card
The Sketch

Anne's Challenge Card

 Brenda's Challenge Card

Ciara's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Card

 Karen's Challenge Card

 Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge card

Margaret's Challenge card

 Maria's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card

 Sonia's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I am going to keep today's post as brief as possible after yesterday's epic post, we also ended up having to drive to Luton on a last minute mercy dash as my daughter, her boyfriend, his father and sister were due to fly out to Majorca at 9pm last night, but they had forgotten to book airport parking, needless to say the last minute parking charge was extortionate, £150 + for 7 days!! So we got the "Daaaad, what are you doing today" phone call that I am sure you are all familiar with, I decided to go too as Paul only had the 1 day off this weekend and I wanted to spend it with him, I will pay for it pain wise but I wouldn't have seen him for 5 hours of the day otherwise.  I do also like to see them run off into the airport all excited!  

Right lets talk about this weeks challenge, firstly I would like to say that Ciara was first past the post, you must have seen the challenge and got right down to work Ciara, thank you so much for taking part, your card is amzing as always, I love the way you have inked through the die to shade your topper, perfect shading, making it match beautifully with the rest of your card.xx

Sue, Sonia and Margaret, you have all created amazing Christmas cards, Sonia, love your paper choice as always! Sue did you decorate the tree yourself? Margaret, I love the sentiment and the papers you have used, thank you all for taking part again this week xxx

Michele and Maria you have both chosen cute animals for your cards this week, Owls are always a great choice Maria, love the branch you have sat him on too, great Idea!! Michele, a cute little kitty on your card, I love the fun sentiment too, thank you both for taking part xxx

Anne, love your girly card, its nice to see some bright, cheerful colours too, perfect teen card, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Janet and Lynda, beautiful ribbon and lace on your cards ladies, pretty butterflies on yours Janet and Birds are the perfect focal point on your card Lynda, thank you both very much for taking part xxx

Brenda, what a pretty bunch of roses on your card this week, you have matched your ribbon perfectly once again and that little flower is all that is needed for embellishment, thank you so much xxx

Karen, I love your retirement card, Serif is always a great tool to fall back on when your stumped for an idea, mind you I have it but can't master it, i need techno lessons! its so nice to be able to share one of your cards this week, thank you so much xxx

Lilian, a typical Cornish scene on your challenge card this week, Lighthouses are quite often seen on fathers day cards, I think it maybe the "protection" link, thank you so much for taking part, I do hope you are feelng a little better today xxx

I was surprised to read the news that Nigel May, Dave Bradford and Jacqui Joseph are all leaving Create and Craft and moving to the Craft Channel (the one with Dawn Bibby), I didnt think anyone watched that channel!! People seem to be leaving C & C in droves, I am surprised that they are moving to that channel, I could have understood Hochanda as that seems to be on the up! What do you all think?

Well as you are reading this I will be planning tomorrows sketch, thank you for your continued support, I am so very grateful.

Have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Another wonderful array of cards and they are all beautiful , I love your colour scheme Sonia so pretty and unusual!
    Hope you don't suffer too much after your long jaunt yesterday Sandra, but the airport charges were ridiculous !
    Well girls, the gardens we visited yesterday were very nice but not overly exciting ( lots of wild meadow) and not much colour and NO home bakes, so hoping for better things today, I hope to go to the service for the Queen being held in the village hall this morning and do some more gardens in the afternoon.
    Hope you all enjoy your day, love and hugs xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, how disappointing when you were expecting so much from the gardens. Hopefully todays will be wonderful.Do enjoy the service for the Queen today. I watched the Trooping Of The Colours highlights last night. The Queen looked as lovely as ever but I thought Prince Phillip looked frail. Then again he is 95.
      Enjoy your day Valxx

    2. Hi Anbe
      Sorry to hear the gardens weren't that special yesterday. Hopefully today's will be better. Enjoy your celebrations for the Queen. The home where Ellis is had a Garden Party with Morris Dancers in attendance.

    3. Hi ANNE sorry the gardens weren't up to much yesterday . Hope today's are better & with some home baking. Enjoy your day.xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another great collection of challenge cards. I had absolutely no inspiration when I made mine so it's a very basic card. I still can't summon up any crafting oomph at the moment-I blame the weather, it's still too warm!
    We saw the American relatives on Friday evening and again yesterday afternoon-we went to the Indian restaurant in the village last night and finally got home around 9pm. We'd been out in the morning to buy some plants which we're going to deal with today. We also red todo some weeding behind the shed & greenhouse as its awful up there. Let's hope it stays cooler.

    PS Anne-sent you an email thanking you for the golf images.

    1. Hi Michele, hoe lovely to meet up with your American relatives. I bet there was so much to talk about.
      Enjoy your gardening today.

    2. Another beautiful array of cards Like MICHELE my card making mojo has really taken a back seat I'm blaming the weather too
      I use Serif a lot but am no expert Knowing I'd been asked to do a retirement card was stumping me so the sketch helped It is a channel card which I will do again but use smaller flowers
      You should have popped in for a cuppa SANDRA I'm not far from Luton We're lucky for that and try and fly from there or Heathrow which if need be we can get a Greenline from our estate to either airport
      I totally agree with you SANDRA re the people moving I am surprised they're going to The Craft Channel but they're all ex QVC aren't they...,? Hochanda is fast becoming my first choice for viewing I can't remember the last time I watched either C&C or The Craft Channel Wet and miserable here so I'll be doing the ironing - how exciting!

    3. I'm glad you had a lovely time with your relatives Michele. Love the roses background and the stamp you've used on your card.

    4. Yes, thanks Michele I got it.

  3. Morning Everyone
    What gorgeous delights we have today and what a mixture of themes too. I love them all but have tosay that this week Lilian you have won my heart for your Lighthouse and boats. It's a beautiful seaside image. I managed to see some of Leonne's show this week and she was featuring stemps featuring the seaside -lighthouse, boats, shells everything and it left me wishing for a visit to the coast.

    I'm also surprised Sandra that the three men are leaving C&C and going to the Craft Channel. I cannot say about the lady as I don't know anything about her. I've never seen the channel and have to say I've not heard very much about it. The most person I'm surprised about is Nigel May. I thought he was always well in with SW. I have to say that I haven't looked at C&C for well over a year now well since Hochanda and before that.

    We have a dull start to the day here but it isn't raining at the moment. We're going out for lunch today so I don't have to cook. Don't know where yet though.

    Have a good day everyone and please pop into the Café all who look through the window. There's always a welcome and we don't bite honest.
    Your hugs should have arrived by now. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Hope you gave a lovely lunch today. I do like the fancy die you've used on your card. It's raining here also.

  4. HI Sandra and all. What a lovely display of cards today. Everyone of them unique. Lovely to see so many Christmas cards.
    What a long journey for you yesterday Sandra. Hope you can relax and take it easy today.
    So sorry to read you have to have an op. Janet. Lets hope they have a cancellation and you can get it over with quickly. Will you still be able to go to France for a while?
    Pat, MRI scans aren't the nicest things to have. Thank goodness that bits over with. Do hope the results are positive on Tuesday.
    Well I managed to get a black cardigan yesterday. It was quite difficult as all the shops had their bright summer clothes in but good old C+A, they had 1 left and in my size phew.
    I watched the England match last night. They must be devastated with Russia scoring in the dying minute. Its such a shame that a small element of so called fans have to go on the rampage.
    I'm like you Sandra , I don't watch The Craft Chanel and even with Nigel going to them it still wont induce me to. I don't watch anything with Dawn Bibby on. She really brings out the worse in me. I think Hochanda is the up and coming chanel and I'm really surprised they haven't moved there. I think it does show that C+C are on their way out though.
    Anyway, my house for some reason looks like a bombs hit it. So a lot of tidying up to do.
    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you decide to do.
    Love Valxxx

    1. I also don't watch the Craft Channel either, even if I could get it I wouldn't. Dawn Bibby always seemed to treat us like idiots, I didn't like her stuff anyway as its so old fashioned new. Apparently she's still doing the same sort of thing.

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Well, I'll try again, I literally do not know what is happening with Google. I wrote a long comment earlier and it has posted to yesterday's page. This is the third time now I have written posts and they have vanished to elsewhere. Google Chrome keeps wanting me to install but since that problem last year, I have steered clear of it and stick to Microsoft Edge which came with Windows 10.
    Perhaps that is the problem, because my bog, Pinterest and email account are all on my google account?

    Thank you all very much for your lovely comments on my caddies. I thought I would let the pretty papers do all the talking, I have since taken advice from an old friend and added flowers to them, not OTT, just a couple.
    Lovely gardens ladies, I would love to sit in them a while, and Janet's book is simply sumptuous.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Again, brain salad seems to be addling me this morning. Lovely array of Challenge cards ladies, all so delightful xxx

    1. Perhaps the problem is with Windows 10 Cheryl. Craig's partner changed to it and still can't figure out something, and she's quite computer savvy. So I have no chance.

    2. Hi Pat, I don't believe the problem is windows, I'm sure it is Google trying to take over with Chrome. They are very aggressive on line according to others, they want you to use Chrome rather than anything else. I posted a big complaint on Windows 10 FB page and someone contacted me from there to sort my W10 problems, nothing wrong with it since. Mind you they didn't sort out all the glitches before they launched it which is why so many problems did occur. Hope your friend gets hers sorted, there's nothing so annoying than a PC, tablet etc. not doing what is says on the tin! x

  7. Hi Sandra
    I assume that everyone got off ok today. Hope they paid for Pauls petrol.
    Lovely lovely challenge cards today. Caira must have done hers straight away Sandra if hers was first in. Love them all especially the cute animal ones and the lighthouse. I also see that cards are being made for Christmas. Sophie loved her card and said it must have taken ages to do. We're all off to Karen's for a birthday meal later on today. Looks like it might be inside, instead of outside today as its raining here at the moment. The family plus Amy's boyfriend went for a meal on Friday which was her birthday day. That was a change of plan as Sophie was going out with friends on Friday. She changed her mind and they went out on Sat instead. Otherwise we all would have gone out for a meal on Friday.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lovely selection of cards, I am always surprised how different they all are, each and everyone so inspiring. Thank you Sandra, for setting the challenge each week. I hope you are not suffering today, after spending five
    hours + in the car yesterday. Try to take things easy today, let the family look after you. Hope Becca, boyfriend and family have a lovely week. I agree airport charges are extortionate. But it's great they have you and Paul to come to the

    We have a very wet start to the day, I had hoped to get out into the garden today, at the moment it is definitely out of the question, as it's pouring down.

    Hope you all have a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, sat and caught up with the comments then got called to help Chris with something and didn't come back in to comment. Anyone would think that my memory is bad, wouldn't they : )
    Janet, sorry that you will be having major surgery but at least it will be well worth it. I assume you won't be going to France yet. I am keeping my fingers etc. tightly crossed that a cancellation comes up very soon for you. I love your card today too x
    Lilian and Michele, beautiful plants and gardens. You do have a long, but beautiful, walk to water your tomato plants, don't you Michele!
    Cheryl, I love the caddies, beautifully decorated, with some additions since I hear. I would be very surprised if you have any left by the end of the fete, they will fly off of your stall : ) x
    There are so many wonderful c cards today, I love having them to look at for insipration. Thank you all for sharing them, especially our Ciara. Ciara. I showed Chris, my husband, all of the cards today and he wouldn't believe me when I told him your age, he thought your card was beautiful, and he said you would be able to teach ladies how to make lovely cards : ) x
    Sandra, I hope your not too sore after the airport run my lovely. I hope you can choose the sketch quite quickly today, I know how hard you try and make it suitable for all of us, we really do appreciate your live and care xx
    After a day crafting yesterday when I manage d to finish one card we went to a friend's 50th birthday party last night and had a lovely time. Today is another crafting day as I have a lot of birthdays etc. this month.
    I hope you all have a good day, it's raining here and is meant to be for the next few days but at least it's still quite warm. Live and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, THANK YOU for the lovely comment on Ciara's card. She will be tickled pink! xxx

  10. Margaret Palmer12 June 2016 at 12:12

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you are not in too much pain. A lovely selection of cards again this week I love Ciara's well
    We have had rain but brighter at the moment, good excuse to make couple of cards I need. Hope you all have a good Sunday hugs on way to all who need them, love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone. A lovely selection of challenge cards from everyone :-) Love Ciara's with the LOTV image. For mine I used Kraft card and a paper from the Shabby Christmas Paper Bloc from Joy Crafts. I love the colours - a mixture of blues, pinks and grey.
    Hope you're having a relaxing day today Sandra after your long trip to the airport yesterday. I'm astounded by what they charge at these car parks, it's a wonder that anyone uses them!
    We have just got back from Luke's football tournament. Thought I had better go as it was dry when we left. Of course the rain started before their first game, so spent the next two and a half hours wet and cold. Unfortunately for them they didn't get through to the knockout stages (Am I bad Mother for being relieved as it meant we could come home earlier!? Lol) So I am now sitting here in my big woolly jumper and fluffy socks trying to warm up, and this is supposed to be summer! Yes, I know I was moaning about it being too hot and humid earlier in the week, but it just seems to go from one extreme to another, lol ;-)
    Anyways I hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend. Have a good rest of the day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  12. Hi Sonia
    I'm sorry Luke got knocked out of the football. But I know how you feel. My hair husband was a referee and ran a football team as well. I've spent hours watching boys football and getting soaking wet. I was quite happy when it was called off sometimes as well. Good job I read this back as it read hair band instead of husband.

    1. Hi Pat. Glad it's not just me being relieved! Have spent many cold, wet, early starts on a weekend to go and watch and then spent the rest of the day trying to get warm :-( Its something we do though to show our support. I admire your husband for being a referee and running a team. Think the refs get a lot of stick from some players and spectators. There was a grown man arguing with a younger ref this morning on another game. Couldn't believe the way the grown man was speaking to him - I felt like saying to him it's only a youth football tournament, not the World Cup!! I guess people take these things more seriously than others, all the trouble at the Euros at the moment is proof of that :-(
      Hope you're having a lovely day.
      Hugs xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Hope you not in to much pain now after your Marathon sit in the car. That's the problem with not booking airport parking early. The later you leave it the more they charge. Especially trying to book the day before no wonder it was so high.

  14. Hello again Guess what - yes the football is on - was going to go and craft but instead I think I will knit Just wanted to give CIARA a special mention - her card making skills are amazing and her imagination is lovely - can I have some of her mojo please
    JANET I hadn't realised you have to have major surgery Take care sweetheart

  15. Hi Sandra and all on the cafe' today.
    Talking about funny weather, rain here too, brrr!
    Have spent the morning in town with some shopping and a hair cut. Looking for some colour for the kitchen and also for the hall/stairs and landing but not sure what we like yet. Have made me a tea and sitting here and looking back and forth to our wonderful card for this weeks CC. Ciara must have a special mention because you are just brilliant in making the cards up, well done.
    Lilian - love the lighthouse and the boats. Beautiful x-mas cards too and wonderful flower ones. Wonder what we up for, for tomorrow ? What a journey you and Paul had to make last night,ouch ,really hope you not in to much pain today because of it. Parking for us there is normally between £40-£70 for a week but then we have booked way ahead. Any thoughts about a date for a meet-up ladies ? Karen - when are you free next ?
    Anne - hope your garden visits were better today and some yummy cakes around. Shame about yesterdays outing.
    Michele - hope you enjoyed having the American visitors, how long are they staying for ?
    Janet - hope you had a nice lunch, where did you end up ?
    Val - did you manage to do any tidying or did the crafting win ? Thought you might have a problem to find a black cardi. so glad you got hold of one at C&A of all places. never understood why they shut in the UK, we always bought a lot from them.
    Sue - happy crafting. The weather is so dull and yes it seem to be for a few days so I too will try to make some cards but the mojo is a bit temperamental so will see...
    Cheryl - glad you meant the blog and not the bog haha, make sure to have some Me time in-between all your crafting. Hope you all had a nice Sunday and a nice evening to come. love and hugs to you all. Maria Xoxo

  16. Hi All sorry to be late in today, not up to much today.
    Loved all of the challenge cards, think I strayed a bit from the sketch, put it down to not being well
    Ciara, think your card is fab great inking, you are much better at that than I am.
    Waiting to see what Sandra has for us tomorrow.
    Having roast chicken for tea, so better go and do my onions as we do love roast onions with chicken..
    Was surprised to read that the three presenters are leaving C&C, wondering who will replace them.
    Enjoy the rest of Sunday, see you tomorrow, hugs Lilian.

  17. Hello SANDRA & friends
    I did comment about 11am before we left for Harry's birthday but it seems to have vanished GRRR.Anyway we had a lovely time Harry was a little star I can't believe he is now 2 I have sent SANDRA a picture of me & my little man he is holding the card I made him & a picture of his electric motor bike we went halfway with Darren. He is bike mad. He also got a trampoline Darren has just sent me a little clip on my phone of him jumping on it.
    Todays CC are all lovely again especially Ciara's card it's really lovely much better than mine. Look forward to tomorrow's sketch.& if we have a minni one too will look forward as well. Sandra hope your not in too much pain after your trip to the airport, can't believe the charges for has just come over very dark I think we might have a storm coming it's so muggy.
    Sandra I was shocked in your post today about Nigel & Dave leaving C&C they have been there for quite a few years Jackie is a fairly new presenter. But why the craft channel I have only watched it once & DB was on can't stand her & her style of crafting hasn't changed since QVC. Still don't think I will watch.
    Hochanda is definitely the better one.
    Have a good evening everyone love &Hug's Lynda xx
