
Saturday 11 June 2016

Mixed Up Saturday....Crafts and Gardens

 Lilian's Stunning Clematis

Another gorgeous view

and now........
A Walk in Michele's Garden

 Phil's Lovely Striped Lawn

 A perfect place for a nice glass of wine

 A beautifully maintained border

The shed and Greenhouse and wild garden beyond

Next we have Janet's Breathtakingly Beautiful 
Lace Sewing Book
 The Front Cover

The Back

The whole cover

 Page 1

 Page 2
Page 3

 Page 4

The Last page

Cheryl's Lace Caddy's

Good Morning Ladies,

We have a slightly different "Mixed Up Saturday" this week as I wanted to share with you some crafts as well as showing you some of the photos of gardens that you have been sending in.  So without further a do, here we go......

First up we have Lilian's absolutely stunning Clematis Montana, it is huge and so full of flowers, what a stunning backdrop to your patio Lilian, it must be so beautiful sitting out there in the sunshine, thank you so very much for capturing your Clematis at its best!! xxx

Now its time to take a 'long' stroll down Michele's beautiful garden, Michele we can now appreciate how much time it takes you to just 'water your tomatoes' in the mornings! I'd need a packed lunch and a toilet break before I got to the greenhouse! hahaha,  your borders look like they are perfectly maintained, not a weed in sight!  Please compliment Phil on his perfect striped lawn, you could have a game of bowls on that perfect lawn!  I was surpised to see how high your garden banks up on the right hand side, that must make keeping the stripes straight a little bit tricky. Thank you so much for sharing your stunning garden with us Michele, you should be very proud xxx

and now for something crafty........

I can't tell you how excited I have been to share Janet's exquisite Lace Sewing Book with you, it all started with Janet ordering a Bespoke Lace Book Kit from Amanda (Scrimpy's Lace Closet) (Facebook shop),
the rest is Janet's amazing talent and incredible skill, I honestly gasped when I opened these photographs!
As you can see the front cover is Satin, covered with different Laces and decorated with a pretty fabric  and a Lace Butterfly, a pretty rosetter trim covers the spine of the book and the back cover is as beautiful as the front, the first place shows the pretty tassels that Janet has used for the closure of the book and the 1st page that has a lace pocket with two beautiful stick pins, the next page has a pretty doilly with a Resin Fan in the centre and on the opposite side it has a lace pocket with a handmade tag holding some vintage buttons, we now turn the page to see another pretty little doilly and a heart shaped pin cushon, holding 3 more amazing stick pins.  The next page is decorated with a tape measure ribbon and then some essential sewing items, needles, cottons and scissors, all neatly housed.  Another pretty doilly and some beautiful lace finish the last page of the book.  Janet, I have no words, you have made something so incredibly beautiful, are you keeping it for yourself?, I don't think I could bare to part with it.  Thank you so much for sharing your stunning work with us, I apologise for the overuse of  'beautiful' and 'stunning', i couldn't find any other words! 
Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Our Cheryl has been busy making things for her Annual Stall, this year along with her beautiful Celebration Rings, she has been making up and decorating some of Fernli Designs Caddies, as you can see they all all decorated differently to cover all tasted, the first one has beautiful paper covering it and has been finished perfectly with the layered hessian ribbon, the next one is a little more girly, exquisitely finished with box pleat lace trimmed with pearls, this would work well for so many different things, from holding make up on a dressing table, or your craft goodies, even a posh holder for your mail, I could also see it filled with nail varnish, remover, files etc.  I have one with my smoothies in too!  Last but not least we have one perfect for the man in your life, (Father's day), really handy for when they empty their pockets at the end of the day!
Or for their make up, we live in a modern society you know!  (I will point out that no man in my house wears make up)!
Cheryl you have decorated these Fernli Caddies perfectly, I think that they will fly off of your stall, thank you so much for sharing your makes with us xxx

Phew!! this post has taken me ages, I'm sorry if you fall asleep before you get to the end!

More gardens to follow soon,

Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-your clematis is stunning, it looks really beautiful.
    Janet-your lace book is so pretty, really lovely.
    Cheryl-I love what you have done with your caddy, so pretty.

    The garden doesn't look quite so nice now as we've had no rain for a couple of weeks. The garden is approx 200 ft by 90 ft and the border to the right hand side is in a bank which is approx 4 ft higher than the rest of the garden, it sweeps round to the stone steps and in front of the shed. Behind the shed & greenhouse is a wildfire area which is about 10ft in length, I think that's where hedgehog appears from. There was nothing much in the garden when we moved in over 7 years ago & it was quite overgrown as the house was empty.
    I hope you've enjoyed the tour!


    1. Wow MICHELE your garden is amazing it's like a park haha.
      It must take a lot of time keeping it so neat & tidy it's beautiful.
      Thank you for sharing xx

    2. Love your garden Michele, ours is mostly put down to veg I'm afraid. Heaven knows why as it only needs to feed two of us and the rest gets given away. It's a hobby for Pete and keeps him out of mischief.

    3. Michele, your garden looks wonderful. If only mine looked like that. Mine is a home to several foxes and they dig holes everywhere.

  2. Good morning ladies,
    Gosh I don't know where to start this morning , all today's photos are Stunning!
    Firstly , very pretty card yesterday Cheryl and lots of wonderful stash, I look forward to seeing all the results !
    Lillian , what a wonderful Montana Clematis, I used to have well over 20 varieties of clematis in our previous garden but up here I can only grow a few types as its a very windy climate .
    Michele your garden looks enormous , just as well most of it is lawn I bet Phil has a sit on mower ( a mans toy as all men seem to want one lol! ) your borders look immaculate , do you grow all your own plants from seed? I hope you have time to sit on the pretty patio and enjoy it all, it looks so peaceful!
    Janet, I'm lost for words at your stunningly beautiful book, I can imagine you got hours of pleasure from creating something sooo gorgeous, definitely a showstopper!
    Cheryl , I love your caddies , and all the different styles you have decorated them, I'm sure they'll sell like hot cakes as they are so useful in lots of ways, I must go and have a look at the Fernli site, see what you have started Sandra ha ha !
    Well, today and tomorrow we have 7 open gardens in our area to visit so I'm going to really enjoy that, also all the lovely tea, coffee and home baking that goes along with it , all proceeds go to refurbishing our museum , so a really worthwhile cause.
    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend doing what they enjoy , Love and hugs xoxo

    1. Hi ANNE enjoy going round all the gardens sounds enjoyable especially with the home baking. Hope they make lots of money for the museum.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Anne
      Sound like your going to have a lovely day tomorrow visiting all those gardens.

    3. Enjoy visiting the gardens Anne. I love visiting gardens.

    4. Anne can I come with you? LOL

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, such a lovely selection of pictures this morning. Lilian's Clematis looks beautiful around the patio. Looks lovely to sit out and relax in the sun :-) Michele your garden looks stunning, and so big too. Looks like you and your husband have put a lot of time and effort into it and you have done a wonderful job :-) I have to admit our garden gets rather neglected, everything is a little overgrown at the moment and needs a good tidy up :-( A few years ago my brothers came and took up our patio and relaid it with decking for my 40th Birthday present, if I can find the photos I'll send them in.
    Wow Janet, I love your lace book, it's gorgeous. You are very talented to come up with something so beautiful :-) Cheryl your caddies are beautifully decorated and I'm sure will be a sell out :-)
    Well the rain came down early yesterday evening and gave the gardens a much needed watering after the last hot and humid week. Still feels a bit muggy this morning, but I think more rain is forecast. I'm planning on spending the day crafting and catching up with the washing, although I don't think I'll be hanging it out on the line!
    Sorry Sandra, I didn't get round to sending my challenge card last night, will do it now :-) Hope all are well and have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia have a good day with your crafting is it for something or someone special or just general crafting enjoy it.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda. Been making Fathers Day cards and a Birthday card :-) Hope you're having a good day.
      Hugs xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Wow what an absolutely beautiful morning it is too.
    Lilian, your Clematis is stunning and so many flowers !
    Michele, your garden is BIG with a well cut lawn like something you see at a open house. It's all Beautiful !
    Janet- wow ! your book is something I never seen before.
    It is stunning inside and out, it must have taken you ages to make.
    Cheryl- love your Caddies ! So useful for a lot of items.
    Off for a work shop with Julia today so best get ready.
    I wish you all a nice day and extra hugs to all who not feeling so good or who just want one, I have plenty to give. love and hugs ,Maria xxxx

    1. Hi MARIA enjoy your work shop with Julia hope you make some lovely cards take pictures of them I would love to see them.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    Lilian what a sight to behold. Your clematis is magnificent. What a wonderful wall covering.
    Michele, what a beatiful large garden, so well kept and the tramlines are amazing. I bet its a lot of work but wow what a result.
    Jant, what a beautiful book inside and out. I hope its fr your own use as I couldn't bear to part with it.
    Cheryl, all three caddies are lovely. All so different. Bet they sell so well on your stall.
    Do hope both Janet and Pat got on well at the hospital yesterday.
    I'm off to thecshops this morning to try and buy a longish black cardigan. Buying a coat would be a bit of a waste of money as it wouldn't be used again. I'll wear that with my black trousers and hope its suitable. I'm of that age when I think its respectful to wear black to a funeral although it doesn't seem to be the thing these days.
    Maria, enjoy your craft time with Julia.
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val good luck finding a black cardigan , I agree about buying a coat it is a waste of money if your not getting the ware from it.
      Have a good day. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val
      Yes, I had my MRI scan yesterday and I'll know the results on Tuesday, Good luck finding a black cardigan. It is a waste to buy a coat, but I have a couple of black cardigans but I still look to find a normal black cardigan.

  6. Good morning SANDRA & Friends
    Wow what a beautiful gardens we have this morning MICHELE yours is breathtaking.
    Lillian your garden is also beautiful your clematis is gorgeous & so full of flowers love how it flows round the walls.
    JANET WOW WOW your lace book is amazing I love every page in it all made with beautiful lace from Scrimpy's your very talented I did comment on it on FB.
    You should be so proud of yourself.Xx
    CHERYL you have decorated your caddy's so beautifully I love all of them.I think the will sell like hot cakes. I must get one for my Scrimpy lace. Xx
    I have just finished all the ironing & going round with Mr Dyson in a minute then clean out yes you guessed S...t legs 🐦 😷 Then get ready for our walk up the park. Will pop back later Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope you managed to get to the park. It's a really funny day here. Spitting with rain and then not. Very odd.

  7. Afternoon Everyone
    It really does seem so odd saying Afternoon instead of Morning. First please accept my apologies for not being on duty yesterday or even popping.
    I was completely shattered after being to the hospital and pulled from pillar to post or that's what it seemed like after being examined etc and I didn't do a thing when I got back other than sit in my wonderful relaxing chair to recover. I don't feel too bad today but my body definitely doesn't like being attacked. lol.
    Well the result was that I shall be having a major op sometime in August/early Sept or possibly before if there is a cancellation. It wasn't unexpected news but it will put me off my feet for a little while but after that I hope it will be full steam ahead lol or something of the sort. Jessops Hospital for Women is a fantastic Hospital and as far as I know still the only one in the Country which specializes just for Women so I know I shall be looked after and still on the NHS.

    Thank you Margaret for opening up yesterday. I've put some Butterfly Buns, Muffins and Scones behind the counter so please help yourselves this afternoon.

    LILIAN- I'm so envious of your beautiful Clamatis (one of my most favourite climbing flowers). It is truly stunning.
    MICHELE- What a fantastic and beautiful garden you have. You both must work so very hard to keep it in tip top condition and I think it would excel in any 'Open Gardens' Days etc.
    Thank you both for letting me see your beautiful green gardens.
    CHERYL- Ohhhhhhhhhhhh how I love your Caddies. They are just gorgeous and you have really excelled in decorating making them so very fitting for all genders. I have just bought my first Caddy from Fernli so will be looking at yours for ideas when I get round to starting on mine. THAT IS IF YOU DON'T MIND.

    OK I'm off now to have a cuppa and relax in my chair for the afternoon. I have to send an email to our lovely leader and then that's all my tasks for today.
    I hope your hugs arrive well before tea time xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer11 June 2016 at 15:18

      Hi Janet,
      Sorry you have to have major surgery, the sooner it's done the quicker you can recover. Please don't worry about the cafe we can do it between us. Just take care of yourself, special hugs pn the way xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm sorry to hear your to have major surgery. However, the sooner it's done the better. At least you don't have to wait to long and might be even sooner if a cancellation comes up. Gentle hugs on the way to you. Take care my friend.

    3. Hi JANET so sorry your hospital appointment wasn't good news & you have to have a major opperation I hope you get a cancelation so you don't have a long wait. Sending you some Gental ((((Hug's))))
      Take care my friend love Lynda xx

    4. Janet your book is wonderful. Thank you for showing us. Sorry to hear you have to have an operation. Hope all goes well.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Totally missed yesterday, I'm not to sure where it went to. Sophie's 18th birthday yesterday as well. Had my MR I scan yesterday and I'll know the results on Tuesday. He's told me to use a stick but that's easier said that done sometimes. Off to a Garden Party in aid of the Queens Birthday in Cassington at 2.00.
    Love your Clematis Lilian, and what a little very garden Michele, I thought our garden was big at 150ft long. Janet was a stunning book, I'm in awe of your talent.
    Cheryl your caddies are lovely wouldn't mind owning one of these myself. These will sell like hot cakes.

    1. Hello Pat I hope your MRI results are good for you on Tusday it's horribal haveing to wait for results isn't it. Hope you enjoyed your garden party, very posh Do I have to curtsy when I see you at AP Ha Ha. Take it easy my friend sending you some (((( Hug's)))) love Lynda xx

  9. Margaret Palmer11 June 2016 at 15:57

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandrathank you for showing thebeautiful gardens & lovely crafts, & your description must have taken you ages to do, thank
    Lilian your clematis is beautiful, hope you are feeling better, hugs on way.xx
    Michele what a lovely garden you can see you spend alot of time on it, hope you get to enjoy it as
    Janet your book is lovely must have taken alot of time, thank you for
    Cheryl I am sure you will have no trouble selling your caddies they are gorgeous, thank you for
    Just going to make a banana, date & cherry loaf, not made one before so hope it turns out ok.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. I expect your cake will be delicious Margaret as usual.

  10. Hello All, Michele wow what a beautiful garden, must take a lot of time to keep it looking so good.
    Janet your book is truly sumptuous, all that hand sewing.
    Also sorry to hear you need a major opp, seems a long time to wait.
    Cheryl your caddies are lovely, I'm sure they will sell out and you will be taking orders for more.

    My clematis came from Morrisons a few years ago, cost all of £1.99 ,I think it did well this year because of all the rain we had in the spring, we rarely get chance to sit out on the patio as it's always covered in plants getting ready to go out in the front garden, o/h loves bedding plants, and grows all his own.

    Enjoy the rest of Saturday, hugs Lilian

    1. What a wonderful garden Lillian and your clematis is stunning. Enjoy.

  11. Hi all, hope you had a good day. My day was fun but very messy hihi Had a stamping work shop (my hands are still coloured) so have now a few bit and pieces to make into cards so when that's done I will show them to you Lynda. Hope Freddy behaved himself having the s--t removed and you got a nice walk in the park. Sorry to see Janet that you will need an operation. Only hope it want spoil your time in Marigny. Pat- how was it in the MRI machine ? hugs to you and Pete. Anne- have a nice day tomorrow, hope the rain stays away. So many are having street party's so would be a shame if they got washed out.
    Sending some special hugs to you Val at this sad time, hope you are ok and will find a black cardigan for the day. feeling pretty tired so will just read a bit while OH is watching the football and hope for a earlier night then yesterday .Have a nice evening everyone Xoxo

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry to be so late spent the morning watching trooping of the colour really enjoyed that. After we had lunch, I thought OMG I haven't made a challenge card, so put my mind to it. After a lot of dithering I did get there, and have sent it to you Sandra.
    Michele and Lillian your gardens are really beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Cheryl, your caddies will certainly sell. You are really catering for all tastes, love them.
    Janet, WOW your book is so beautiful, I'm sure you will treasure it forever. Sorry to hear you have to have an operation. I hope you get a cancellation and get it over ASAP. Then you can get on with your life. xxx

    Take care dear friends, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  13. Cheryl love your caddies. Would love to get some but haven't any room for anything else at the moment. I hope you do well at the Fete.

  14. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Beautiful challenge cards which have reminded me I didn't do it again this week! Will find time today.

    A lovely surprize to see my caddies on show this morning. I was going to leave them simple & pretty and let the papers do the work, but since have taken advice from a longstanding friend who suggested I appeal more to the younger set who like their bling and usually come with their parents, so I have added extra adornments. I hope this works as I don't usually do OTT stuff and still do not do the shabby chic effects that I would like to attain.
    A very busy week again that has just flown past. Have got off to a cracking start on finishing off some stall items since the prepping stage. Joseph surprized me by coming to stay on Friday night, and all day yesterday, we spent an enjoyable time shopping and making a pincushion mug for his Mum. He has no sewing skills at all and pricked his fingers quite a lot but he finally got the pincushion part done! He was very determined he was going to take an active part rather than just pick the fabrics trims etc. and watch me. Fair play to him, he did a fantastic job on the cushion but did draw the line at the thought of using the hot glue gun. He's seen my blistered fingers!, which happened when the gun stand broke and I grabbed the gun before it could reach the carpet. Ouch indeed!

    That swear word (housework) is getting in the way of crafting. Although everywhere is tidy, I can see the glimmers of dust, so I have shut the doors so I don't have see it, crafting is more important at the moment.

    Finished one pincushion already this morning, 3 more to go before elevenses so I'll pop in later to see what you all are up to today.
    Extra big ((((HUGS)))) for all of you who need one, they are in the basket by the door, please help yourself as you pass by.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  15. My goodness me, I must have brain salad this morning, I totally forgot to mention Michele's gorgeous garden. It is stunning! I could get lost in your garden Michele.

    And Janet's stupendous book is divine. So sumptuous and detailed, I love it. xxxxx
