
Friday 10 June 2016

This Weeks Craft Shopping

Cheryl's Card

 Janet's Craft Shopping

Lynda's Craft Shopping

Michele's Craft Show Shopping

Michele's Birthday Money Buys

My SET Craft buys

My Fernli Haul (1)




Good Morning Ladies,

So today we have one of Cheryl's Challenge cards to look at, although I can't remember which week its from as Cheryl sat and made them all in one go and sent them to me, I was so touched that she had taken the time to catch up with all of the past challenges, so I will make sure I get to show every one of them.

Cheryl thank you so much for taking the time to make this beautiful Floral card, I love the sentiment you have used, the pretty arrangement of flowers in the corner of your card give the perfect finishing touch.

Now onto this weeks Craft Shopping:

Janet popped to The Range and these are the things that just jumped into her basket, some Lovely Knitting wool, I wonder what for??  Janet also got some double sided adhesive, some Jars and Paper Mache boxes to Alter (I suspect)! I love those beautiful pink Roses Janet, our Range didn't have any of those :(, I love the Mulberry Kisses paper pad, it has a range of textures and finishes all in one pad, they are a good price too!
I can't wait to see what you create with all of your new goodies Janet, thank you so much for photographing your things to share with us xxx

Lynda has been doing a little Hochanda shopping I think, Leonie's New range of Stamps and Masks have been so popular, you have chosen some lovely stamps Lynda, I can see you making some fantastic background designs with those stamps and that fantastic Stencil Set, I am looking forward to seeing your cards, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Michele you were very good at the Craft Show, you got some good bargains, looks like you are all ready to start your Christmas cards!  Those  little stamps look really pretty too.

Your birthday buys are fab, I watched a video tutorial of Sue Wilson using the Happy Birthday Set and it was brilliant, really good die for guy cards, the combinations are endless I think! The Christmas Striplet is a pretty one too, now that Scribble Spiral flower is fan, where did you buy it?? I saw loads of cards on pinterest made with this die, it looks really pretty when cut, you made some great buys this week Michele, thanks for sharing xxx 

Now onto my haul, I have loved some of the background effects made with these two Creative Expressions Striplet Dies, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on them, SET Craft had them in stock at a great price so I just had to order them.  
The rest of my shopping came from Fernli Designs, I can't recommend them highly enough, you will not be able to find better prices anywhere.
In the first photo is the Lace Storage Shelf and Lace Caddy, I bought three of the shelves.
In the second photo I bought the Dress Form and Frame (the rest where free gifts)!! The birds are just so fabulous, I asked Lou @ Fernli if they had any Birds as I was so traumatised at paying £8.99 for 14 small birds recently, (I hadn't realised the price at the time of purchase) Fernli's would be less that 1/2 of that price for more birds!
In the third photo are some more of the gorgeous frames and MDF Bobbins for the ribbon storage shelves and also some ATC's, I am quite excited about trying to make some ATC's, I would love to do it for a challenge one week, they are small and cheap to post so we could swap them with each other maybe.
Photo four has 1of the 2 A4 paper trays that I bought, they stack perfectly.

Fernli Designs have storage ideas for almost anything in your craft room, some fabulous decorative items too, from letters to Birthday Plaques, Birdhouses to Butterflies, please pop over and have a look! 

I have some beautiful Garden and Plant photo's to share with you as well as some Mixed Crafts, so I am not sure which you will see this week!

Janet, I hope all goes well for you today, I will be thinking about you xxx

Pat, I hope your MRI passed quickly, your ears will probably still be ringing from your E L O Concert last night, so you may not be bothered too much by the noisy MRI scanner!! xxx

Val, I hope you have had some positive news about your DIL, hugs on route to you xxx

Hugs to each and every one of you 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl- lovely card, very pretty.

    Great photos of everyone's craft stash.
    Sandra-I sent two photos of my new purchases, I'll resend them in se you want to add them to the blog.

    Dull day & it's threatening rain according to the forecast- I hope I'd does as our garden is looking very dry & dusty.

    Am hoping today is drama free & i can clear my desk by 5pm so I have no worries next week.


    1. Margaret Palmer10 June 2016 at 10:39

      Just seen your buys look vwry useful. Enjoy your week with

    2. Fabulous selection of craft buys :-) Sue's Happy perspective die is great, so versatile. Have fun :-) xx

  2. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Some lovely new shopping on show this morning. gorgeous papers. dies,knitting wool and MDF's. Looking forward to all the makes you all going to make.
    Lovely card from our Cheryl, thanks for sharing.
    Wish you all have a good day. Hugs to all , Maria Xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful card from Cheryl, love the pretty papers and flowers. Fabulous that you've gone back and made them all. The sketches are a great resource when Crafter's block sets in, and I have saved them all and will definitely be referring back to them :-)
    Fabulous selection of craft goodies this week, looking forward to seeing what you all create. Had a quick look at Fernli Designs website, some lovely things on there and great prices.
    Off to work this morning, then my own housework to do this afternoon! After that hopefully time to craft. Finished my challenge card last night, so will send that in later.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing. Sending hugs to all xxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    no news re Helen yet. Still doing tests but ruling nothing out.
    Love your pretty card Cheryl. I can remember this challenge a few weeks ago.
    Just love all your purchases. Makes me so jealous. I haven't bought anything for ages. What are you planning to knit Janet? Looking forward to seeing all your makes with such lovely goodies.
    Craft Club today. To be honest it will be good to do something I normally do. I've not done any crafting this week. Sorry Sandra, no card as yet. I will be niceto sit with crafting friends , have a laugh and as you three ladies say, put the world to fight. The UK leaving the EU is a bit topic here as if UK leave we in Spain and in other countries have an uncertain future. Nobody, even Downing Street cant tell us what our future holds mainly regarding our health cover which at the moment is reciprical between Spain and UK. If its stopped theres going to be thousands of expats returning to Uk. Anyway lots to talk about today.
    Hope your tests are ok Janet and things go well for you today Pat.
    With love Valxxx

  5. Good Morning Ladies, I have just added Michele's craft buys to the list above, be suee to pop back and have vav look!
    Love and hugs

  6. Margaret Palmer10 June 2016 at 10:36

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely lot of goodies from Fernli who I understand from Sue are in Swindon, will have a look.xx
    Janet is the wool for the handbag for your daughter? The Range is a terrible place I went in to buy sone sheets
    ts & a thick card pad slipped in my basket plus a couple of other bits. Hope all goes well at Dr's for you. Tables all set up, coffee pot on & lemon drizzle ready for later.xx
    Cheryl very pretty card well done you for catching up.xx
    Hopefully see Sue today, sun not out yet more pleasant for getting about.
    Pat hope mri goes well & you get result soon.xx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer10 June 2016 at 10:44

    Lynda sorry forgot to mention your buys hope you have fun with

    1. Thank,you MARGARET have a good day with Sue xxx

  8. Hello All, sorry not been for a day or two, A/F decided to have another episode, took one of the pills, but somehow, although stopped the heart racing had not gone back into a regular rhythm, so O/H decided I should see the doc. Didn't have any trouble getting appointment,just phoned first thing and saw nice new lady doctor this morning no questions asked !!!!! She says I have a urinary infection and that is making the A/F worse, so much for taking cranberry tablets .
    Anyway probably too much info, I'm sure antibiotics will soon clear it up.

    Cheryl your card is lovely, such pretty papers.
    Ladies your shopping haul looks great, have a few things bought with my C&C vouchers, had £20 as renewed my subs, have another one just come by email, think it will be the last one.will send picture to Sandra for next week.
    Hope to do my challenge card this afternoon if I can find some energy.

    Janet's hope your results are OK.
    Pat hope they can sort out your pain ,now they have done mri scan.

    Wishing you all a good day, it's been raining and much cooler here.
    Hugs as usual Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian sorry you have a water infection they are not nice hope antibiotics kick in soon.Take it easy & rest as much as possible
      Sending Healing Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Margaret Palmer10 June 2016 at 14:17

      Lilian hope you feel better soon take care hugs on

    3. Lillian, Sorry you have a water infection, they are horrible, I remember MIL having one and being admitted to hospital, she was very poorly.
      AF is an absolute pain, I have to live with it. Had two cardio versions and my heart went back to AF each time. The pills keep me going.!!
      LOL xxx

  9. Good morning SANDRA & friends
    Wow CHERYL stunning card from you today & well done on doing all the CC at once. Very good purchases today MICHELE you have got some great buys.Mine well I'm hopeing I can make mine look as good as Leonie's 😳.
    JANET you have some lovely buys from the Range. SANDRA wow lots frome you this week love the dies you bought & lots from Fernli the lace caddy is that the large size? I think I need one but not sure what size to buy.Love all the bits & bobs & storage you had a good spend all so usefull.
    Not much on the cards today Terry not feeling too good today I hope he's not getting Man flu. So I might escape the groaning & syeing.HAHA😱
    I have got to finish Harry's birthday card he is made on bikes so I downloaded a picture to make the card. If it turns out ok I will send it to Sandra.
    I think I will clean out S..T legs now as OH has gone back to sleep.
    JANET hope all goes well at hospital for you.
    PAT hope your MRI goes ok for you too.
    VAL have a good time at your craft class.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda, Hope Terry isn't getting ManFlu And the nap sorts him out.
      Enjoy cleaning Freddy, tell him you will put him in nappies if he keeps this up!!!
      Hope you are feeling OK now. Big Hugs xx

  10. Morning Ladies,

    All agog with excitement this morning....B&M have opened their latest store here in Bridgwater.
    Went to have a gander and came out with a trolley full of goodies. Well one does, doesn't one? Haul as follows .....
    4 Really Useful boxes (cheaper than the Range)..... 2 lovely tall black plastic flower pots, one of which will be planted with a rose called 'My Darling Husband' which my parents bought for me a while ago..... 3 delightful wooden trays (sale price £2.99), which I shall bling up as Nail Bars for the fete.....2 bags potting compost....10 bars of soft nougat......mmmm, I wonder where did they come from???.....1 bag of clear glass pebbles.....3 stone candle stands for displaying the smaller caddies (shall bling them up).....3 packs of 3 facecloths for my toiletry items. I went into the loft before I left home and found 3 bin liners full of wicker baskets! Oh so handy for doing 'Hazel' baskets with the facecloths and toiletries. Surprizing what you can find in your loft!

    Loved all the hauls on this morning's post. Well done Sandra, Lynda and Michele.

    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my catch-up challenge card. The cardstock was off-cuts from a Hunkydory pack I bought years ago and I found the dinky flowers in either the Range or Works. Although I have dies this small, they are pesky little things to use when my fingers playing with Mr. Arthur Ritus. Sandra's challenges are ideal for using up all my 'bit box' pieces.

    Almost lunchtime, I'll pop back later to see who is around.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. A lovely card CHERYL and the buys all look gorgeous I must get the the Range and visit Fernli I always intend to visit them when on laptop,get sidetracked, shut computer down AND then remember! I hope everyone's test go ok Worrying times for you Sometimes it's the not knowing is worse (not always)
    MICHELE I have that HAPPY die and love it I have done one of SW's examples Will try the others soon I did a sketch card using some of the dies It is a handy die set I bought it at AP along with the SMILE one which I haven't tried yet

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Cheryl what a beautiful card, I love the colours they tone beautifully. Some serious shopping has been happening this week.
    Sandra, I think you are the prize shopper. What a great collection you have.
    Michele, love your birthday money spends, you also did well at the craft show. Lynda, love those Leonie stamps and mask.
    Janet, that looks quite a haul, it looks as though you are going to be one busy lady
    I have been busy today, setting up a new printer, my old one was playing up, it was ghosting, I have had it quite a few years, and as I use my printer a lot I though I would invest in a new one. New one is all set up and working fine I'm pleased to say.

    I hope you' are all having a good day, sending love and hugs, and extra ones for those who need them. Love Brenda XXX

  13. Late again. Sorry. Must try to do better but what I need is mire time. Cheryl love your card. Love all the things people have bought this week. Well yesterday I had the dentist in the morning but was just a check up and nothing needed doing. In the afternoon I had an appointment at our surgery for the Minor Ops Clinic. I have a spot of mole on my face and it was getting quite crusty. Tried lots of cream but did t work so mentioned it yo the Dr. She gave me a steroid cream and referred me to the Minor Ops Clinic. In the meantime the steroid cream worked so sold the receptionist that I didn't think I needed to go to the clinic. Anyway she thought it was still best to go and let the Dr decide. He looked yesterday and said there is scar tissue there and it was a good thing to have it checked as have had cancer three times on my face. He decided not to do anything but I am to see him in two months time and he will look again as it could come back. Today I went to the a Opticians for an eye test. Hardly any change so don't need new glasses. So a relatively good week. Had craft club this afternoon and then after that went to watch Scarlett having her skiing lesson. So busy day again. Tomorrow is our local carnival and Scarlett's school are represented in the procession and she has volunteered to take part. Wants me to go and see her. Hope it's not too hot a day. Lillian hope you feel better soon and also anyone else not feeling too good today.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Cheryl, your card is beautiful. The colours are so soft and pretty. Well done on catching up with all of the challenge cards : )
    Sandra, Lynda, Michele and Janet, you have got some great stash this week. I must look at Fernli site soon and decide just what I NEED, that always sounds better than what I would like : )
    Pat, I hope your MRI went well and that you enjoyed the ELO concert last night x
    Janet, I do hope the doc has given you a date really soon x
    I'm off to bed after a lovely day with Mum and Pop. Have a good nights sleep and see you in the morning. Love and hugs and as ever, extras for all in need. Take care xx
