
Friday 17 June 2016

Pretty treat from Pat xx

Good Morning Ladies,

Just like the proverbial bus, you wait for months for a card from our Pat and then two or even three come along at once!!
So here is another of Pat's fantastic cards, I love the colour combination Pat has used, I love green and pink, the combination of dies works well too, the stunning Melbourne die from the Creative Expressions Australian Collection and the Scalloped Lattice Buckle Bar from their Finishing Touches Collection, both dies were designed by the lovely Sue Wilson. Pat also did the trick that i discovered by mistake, that is running the buckle bar back through the machine with the embossing sandwich with the green card attached to the back, this pushes the green card through the scallops, it looks fab!
The background stamp that Pat has used is so pretty too, I believe it is from Creative Expressions, but I need Pat to confirm that either way Pat has coloured and stamped it perfectly (Pat is a natural stamper)!
All in all a beautiful card Pat, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

I must apologise as I haven't organised an extra challenge this week, I have been too busy rolling mini roses and being a study buddy!
Its the girls last exam tomorrow and therefore their very last day of school, goodness me I feel old, on the plus say we have 10 have at home together now.......anyone want a lodger?????

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning campers, Sandra and all.
    I love the card our Pat have made, it is so pretty and the idea to run the buckle through again it's genius !
    I hope you have a lovely holiday Pat and Pete.
    Littlelamb you were right ,I was still up and have been most of the night so got downstairs in the end at 5.30 . Sat up for the day in the cafe so shouldn't be to much more to do. Hope we get some new customers in.
    Candy, it was nice to see you the other day so hope you have time to come back and have a little chat.
    Good luck to the girls, give them a big hug from me. What day is their prom ?
    Lynda, I hope you feeling some better today. Just take it easy, if you can.
    Karen- how did it go at the clinic ? hope you ok.
    Hope to make some cards today as the electricity will be off for quite a while so no compute or Tv :-( Think what we did manage to do when these items didn't exist. I was mostly on the swings, skipping and hanging up side down somewhere Lol. Also loved being in the 'snug' with hammer and nails, so many times I got a nail or glass in my feet because I didn't like wearing the clogs when playing outside. hihi this was many years ago, wish I could hang up side down today just to get the knots out of the back.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up too, hope to see you later. Val -I'll be thinking of you, hugs.
    love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I often wonder what we did before all this technology - like you I was playing outside in the park or roller skating and riding my bike up and down the lane, those were the days ;-) Enjoy your day crafting. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Maria. I hope you managed to get some cards made while the electric was off. Like you and Sonia my time was spent out my Rollerblades souch that when I took them off it felt really odd, and also when spending time in Pops shed with him with bits of wood, nails and paint. I lost count of the times that something was done and Pop would say "Don't tell your mother" I have recently found out that Chris said exactly the same to our three at times! It was probably best that she/I didn't know....good times : )
      I hope you have less pain over the weekend dear friend x

    3. That should be Rollerskates, not Rollerblades, they hadn't been invented when I was a child! X

    4. Hi Maria how did the card making go hope you managed some.
      I used to play Hop Scotch & skipping I wasn't any good on roller skates & broke by arm never went on them again. We had a swing park just down the road from our house.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-another beautiful card.

    We had torrential rain last night then a power cut, the power failed while I was on the phone to Dad and it hadn't affected us then but it did just after that. It was only off for s few minutes luckily & Dad had ring Scottish Power who were already working on the problem.
    It's a dull start to the day-I'm off to collect my M&S order. Yes, I did manage to order the £10 beauty box so I'm only going to M&S then getting some veg etc in Morrisons which is where I park usually. We're off outfit a family meal tonight-in laws, Americans and M inL's daughter, partner and 2 children. Luckily it's a Carvery or we'd be there all evening.


    1. Hi Michele. Have a lovely day and enjoy your meal out tonight. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Michele. I hope the beauty box was worth the trip. Have a wonderful time with the family. Carvery are great so you can all get what you want and at the same time. Have fun x

    3. Hi MICHELE glad you got your beauty box ok & it's worth all the hassle. Enjoy your family meal. Xx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Pat, love your stunning card. Fabulous technique running the die back through to emboss with the different paper. Thought you had cut it again and paper pieced all the tiny cut out bits back in.
    Good luck to Sophie and Lucy in their final exams. Such a relief when they're all done.
    Hopefully you made it out of your poly tunnel without getting too wet Sandra. Still have that vision of you paddling in your homemade plant pot boat ;-)
    Have a lovely day everyone and sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia that's what I thought Pat had done I could imagine Pat putting all those little pieces back in the die cut,glad I'm not the only one HaHa.Xx

    2. Hi Sonia. Have you sat and stuck all of those little bits on? I certainly wouldn't have the patience! It's hard to see just how effective the twice through the machine is. Give it a try : ) x

    3. Lynda, glad it wasn't just me too, lol :-)
      Oh no Sue, I haven't done it and like you don't think I'd have the patience ;-) Good tip though for future reference.
      Hugs xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I'm late -must be payback for me saying Michele must have had a lay in yesterday- my alarm didn't go off and it's a morning when I needed to be up early to get some things done before we go off for the day to visit Christina and Robert out in Derbyshire. I shall be seeing the Winter Goddess and Mr Peacock in life for the first time since they were finished.

    PAT- what a glorious card. Love your colour choice and what a fantastic idea about running the die through the EF. I would never have thought of that one but will be keeping it in mind for future use. Have a wonderful time and safe journey Dear Friend.
    MARIA- thank you for opening up. Everything looks lovely and so inviting.
    Now you have me intrigued Maria and I hope you don't think I'm being nosey (well not really lol) but you said the other day that you couldn't vote and yet you'd been over here for 25years and then this morning you mention that you didn't like wearing clogs as a child outside. Do I get the hint that you are Dutch?
    Hope you don't mind me asking.
    MICHELE- Have a really good day as it's the last day of your week of work. When do your Americans go back?

    SANDRA- congratulations I see you have attracted another two crafters to this wonderful blog. They will have a ball and we welcome everyone.

    CHERYL- hoping you're OK now after your horrible day on Monday and that Jamie is recovering from the accident. No doubt the bruising will still be coming out and he'll still be feeling very sore.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're all doing. Hugs should have arrived by now. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet

      American relatives are going up to Scotland tomorrow for a week then back to Southport for 4 days then they return home.

      Hope you have a great day out, it will be lovely to see the sculptures in their "homes".


    2. Hi Janet. I hope you are having a lovely time with Christina and Robert. I bet you get a big surge of motherly pride when you see Mr Peacock and the Winter Goddess in place : ) take care x

    3. Hello JANET hope you had a lovely day with Chistina& Robert. It will be to see the Winter Godess & Mr Peacock in the pride of place in all thier glory. Big Hug's love Lynda xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Hope you are all having a good day, Janet enjoy your trip to Derbyshire, hope you will take photos of Mr Peacock and the Winter Goddess for us to see. xx

    Pat, love your card and the colours you have used. Now I looked at the picture of your card and thought OMG what patients she has to sit all those little green bits in the buckle strap, then I read on, now Sandra that is a really useful tip.
    NOW How often do we discover new things by making a mistake?
    Hope you and Pete are enjoying your holiday, you have both really earned this break. xx
    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope the school run went well and that our Ciara isn't too tired to take part in the challenge, but of course she knows we understand that she may not be able to join in each week, we just love seeing her wonderful cards. Just wondering if her teacher has seen any of her beautiful creations? If not I bet she/he would love to see Ciara creations. I know Phoebe's teacher asked to see some of her art work from home last year after noticing how good she was at art. Anyway, I hope you are having a good day. Take care x

    2. Hi Brenda I also thought Pat had spent hours putting all those little pieces back in. How did she think of that its brilliant.
      Have a good evening Hug's xxxx

  6. Hi Brenda. I thought the same thing too about Pat's card. It's only when we see or hear these tips that we wonder why we didn't think of that! ;-) Have a lovely day. Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the girls last exam goes well, you are not old just a young Mum!xxx
    Pat your card is lovely we should see more of them, hope the holiday is going
    Sun out at moment had some rain, will probably nip to town after lunch,Sue not coming today, I need several bits ready for trip to France in 9 days.
    Janet enjoy your trip to Derbyshire, hope weather is
    Must get some lunch now, sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. So sorry I didn't make it today, hope you got everything you wanted in town, and at least you have got your phone all sorted now : ) love you xx

  8. What a beautiful card Pat has made and what a good idea with the embossing.
    Well was very gloomy but when we left Craft Group about an hour a go the sun was out and it was quite warm. Has been a miserable week till then. Maria I hope you get some cards done today . I would be lost without the computer now. We have had one for a very long time, since home computers first came out. The first one we had was a Dragon because we were waiting for the BBC one to be released. Well I must go and transfer dome plants into larger pots. Will try and come back later.

    1. Hi littlelamb. I'm glad the weather has changed for you. It really warm here now, much better than this morning, still getting showers of rain. You will be in my thoughts over this weekend. Take care x

  9. Very pretty, lovely colours.

    1. Hi Lynn welcome to the Cafe' hope you can pop in again
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynn. It's good to see you in the Cafe. Help yourself to a drink and a calorie free cake. We are all slightly mad here but very friendly. Take care and hope to see you in here again soon x

    3. Hi Lynn. It's good to see you in the Cafe. Help yourself to a drink and a calorie free cake. We are all slightly mad here but very friendly. Take care and hope to see you in here again soon x

  10. Smashing card PAT and like the rest I thought you'd paper pieced it. I must have a go at that.
    I got on fine at diabetic clinic, thanks MARIA I don't know why I get so nervous.
    Like LYNDA I couldn't get on with roller skates. Don't laugh but our local rink did lessons with a family session straight afterwards SO I learnt to roller skate when I was about 35! We played hopscotch, built "camps", skipped with a huge rope that went right across the road (not much traffic then) and "What's the Time Mr Wolf"
    Hope the girls last exam went OK Now the long wait for the results
    I hope you weren't too long without electricity MARIA
    Going to email my sketch card now Take care everyone

    1. Hi Karen. I'm glad that your diabetic clinic check went well. You may have already told us so sorry but how long have you had it? It sounds like you deal with it well. Take care x

  11. Oooh I meant to ask, when doing this technique PAT do you cut the strip of card that you're going to emboss to size and stick down before you emboss OR emboss it first and then lay/stick cut out on top after and then trim...?

  12. Good evening SANDRA & everyone Welcome Lynn to the cafe' hope you come back. PATyour card is stunning lovely colours you have used. Hope you & Pete have a lovely holiday Hug'sLynda.
    Well I had a lovely day at Clarity Stamps ( Barbara Grey) I went with my friend Margaret she picked me up at 8 o'clock & didn't get there till 11o'clock.couldn't get the Sat Nav working & went the wrong way but found it in the end. MARGARET was looking at groovi plates so I said I would go & look at the stencils as I haven't got the groovi board. Well when she found me she had bought me the Groovi starter kit for my birthday I couldn't believe it,she is so kind. So I got a butterfly & Poppy groovi plate's. I just hope I can do them.
    We arrived home at 6o'clock I'm very tired now.just had dinner & get cleared up after this. So I won't be late in bed tonight my eyes keep shutting now.
    Ooo Terry has just made me a cuppa so will go & drink it . Try & call in a bit later
    Love & Hug'SLynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I'm glad you had a good day and what a lovely gift. The Groovi plates are easy to use, if I can do it anyone can. The only problem is that you won't have enough time in the day to do both Groovi things and cards! I bet you are tucked up in bed by now after your busy day. Take care x

    2. Hi Lynda. How lovely of your friend to buy you the Groovi starter kit. Looking forward to seeing your creations with it :-)
      Hugs xxx

  13. Sorry SANDRA hope girls last exam went well today. They can now give thier brains a rest.😚 😫xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    Pat, you have done yourself proud again with this beautiful card. I hope you had a good journey and are relaxing and just enjoying the scenery, with not much walking please x
    Sandra, now the girls can relax, or as much as they can until result day. I see that Ben was delighted with your gorgeous card. I wonder how many of those dies will be sold now, thanks to you : )
    Didn't manage to get to Mums but he day still flew by. I hope you all had a good day. Love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  15. Hello All from London, had a good trip up today, went to see Oscar at school, you should have seen his face when all the grandparents filed into his class room and he saw we were there, worth getting up at 5-30am for.
    Not read everybody's news yet thought I'd better write and read after as its late.
    Hope everyone is ok , will catch up in the morning.
    Goodnight, hugs, Lilian.
