
Saturday 18 June 2016

More Gardens and Craft

Val's Beautiful Bougainvillea

 Anne's Stunning Border

Maria's Immaculate Back Garden

Maria's Pretty Border

Maria's Fabulous Clematis

Lynda's Amazing Altered Box

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to another 'Mixed Up Saturday', I have some more beautiful gardens to share with you, a long with a little craft.

Val explained that she doesn't really have a garden, but she wanted to share her beautiful Bougainvillea plant,
it is such a beautiful colour Val and so full of blossoms, you don't need a garden if you can have containers filled like this around your terrace, is it scented? 
Thank you so much for photographing and sharing your plant with us xxx

Anne your Border looks like one you would see in a National Trust House or stately home, it is so perfectly maintained, so full of colour and plants of different heights and different textures, the perfect mixed border, you are clearly a very keen gardener, thank you so much for sharing your Border with us xxx

Maria, what a well kept back garden, its all so very neat and tidy, a beautiful selection of Roses and shrubs in your borders, your lawn looks perfect too, you have a lovely size patio area, I bet it looks lovely when all of your pots are full of flowers too, it looks like you have the perfect mix of sunny spots and shade in your garden, which makes a huge difference in the summer (well, if we get one)!!  
Your Clematis looks amazing, the flowers look huge and such a pretty colour too.  
Thank you so much for taking photographs of your garden and sharing them with us xxx

Now it wouldn't be Saturday without a little Craft ..........

Lynda has really become hooked on Altered Art, this stunning Box that she has created shows that she really has got the hang of it too, a stunning mix of Flowers and Butterflies, I love the mix of paper flowers and metal  embellishments, it works so well, the pretty lace around the edge of the box finishes it off perfectly.
I am looking forward to seeing your next project already, thank you so much for allowing me to share your Beautiful box. xxx

The girls final exam went well, I think that Sophie's body must have been keeping going until the very last moment as she has come down with a terrible flu bug, fever, chills the works bless her. I dosed her up last night so hopefully she will be better today, never a dull moment in our house.

Looking forward to seeing your fabulous cards tomorrow!

Special hugs to all of you going through a tough time xxx

Have a good weekend ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Can you believe it I forgot to comment yesterday ! I looked at Pat's card in the morning, which I thought was beautiful and was so impressed with the embossing trick, I must have got sidetracked and just forgot, sorry.
    Sandra , such a shame Sophie is not keeping good after doing so well in her exams , here's hoping she makes a quick recovery.
    Val, I love Bougainvillia and all the different colours, I think that's part of the pleasure of going to other countries and seeing all the fantastic unusual flowers.
    Maria , your garden looks so neat and tidy and the Clmatis is stunning it's one of my favourite flowers, I used to have over twenty varieties in our previous garden but can only grow smaller flower types up here because of the winds.
    This border in our garden runs up the right hand side of the drive and probably is the most colourful part but I will send you more photos of the rest of it.
    I enjoyed crafting yesterday with my new Inkylicious stamps and making different backgrounds ( real playtime) and did manage to make a card for our DIL which I was happy with.
    Also my big news- my new Freesat box arrived ! ( isn't that so sad lol!) but I really missed not being able to record programs and just watch the bits I'm interested in.
    Have a great weekend and love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne you have a lovely long border & you can see you spend alot of time on it, it's

  2. Morning Ladies

    Val, Anne & Maria-stunning plants and gardens. It's like going on a virtual tour of beautiful gardens adding in a quick trip to Spain.

    Sandra-I hope Sophie soon feels better, perhaps after a day resting & relaxing she will pick up.

    I have a friend coming over this morning (the one I usually meet in Dobbies cafe) as she wants to see the bathroom. I baked done chocolate chip "fairy cakes " yesterday afternoon but hubby seems to have found them already! I also started making cards yesterday, was quite into my crafting when I realised I needed to get ready for the meal.
    Everyone had the Carvery which made it much easier-there was 13 of us in total-5the service was quite slow. The two 3year olds were nearly hysterical waiting for their "bubblegum " flavour ice cream!!! We all waved off the Americans as they're off to Scotland today and return to Southport next Sunday.

    Best get ready as hubby has ordered something from Amazon which could be delivered anytime from 7am to 10PM!!!!


  3. Morning Everyone
    What gorgeous gardens we have this dull grey morning and because of them I now have a smile on my face. You all must spend hours and hours tending your beautiful flowers and plants but you get wonderful results.
    LYNDA- I love love love your Box. Such beautiful colours and yep you really have got the hang of this altering bug. Isn't it so easy to get drawn into the altering/upcycling world.

    We had a lovely day yesterday having our usual lunch in Bakewell and then spending the Afternoon and evening with Christina. It was 21.00hrs when we arrived back and so a long day. Usual shopping trip this morning; some packing this afternoon and hopefully a nice glass of red wine this evening.

    Everything is ready for you all today in the Café. I've put some Sweet Williams on the tables this morning so the tables look very pretty with colour. Have a good day whatever you're all up to and I've sent your hugs via first class Dobbie Post lol.

    1. Thank you JANET for your kind comment on my box i have just sent Sandra a picture of another one i have done. Your altered art are in a differant leage to mine & much better.
      Pleased you had a lovely day with Christina & did a lot of catching up.
      Hug's lynda xxx

  4. Beautiful gardens VAL, ANN and MARIA I love flowers, pretty gardens but neither OH or me have green fingers so I really appreciate all of the hard work that goes into gardening
    I hope SOPHIE gets well quickly, she'll want to be out celebrating
    LYNDA What an addiction! Stunning box
    MRS B asked how long I've been diabetic Actually it's my 50th anniversary this month People used to get a telegram from the Queen years ago I don't think they do this any more. I've used all of the methods of delivering insulin from glass syringes with harpoon like needles through to an insulin pump
    LYNDA I am very envious of you What a lovely friend Margaret is and a fab gift I'd live to have a go
    LILIAN What a lovely idea to have a "do" for grandparents I hope my Oscar will have something similar when he's old enough When my kids were at Junior school because of space the children were sometimes only allowed one "ticket"
    See you later

    1. Thank you Karren yes i am hooked as you say it's an addiction but i love doing them.
      HUG'S lYNDA XX

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies. I'm so sorry to have been missing for a few days. Wednesday and Thursday I couldn't get to the computer and yesterday when I could we'd had the most terrific flash floods and the power lines were all affected. I obviously have so much to catch up on and I will read everything and come back. Sadly our plane was delayed and instead of landing at just after midnight we landed at 3.30am and by the time we got the luggage and the car we got home at 5am. Lynn was up at 8 for work and I did the same, feeding the cats and dragging myself out with Gracie. I am just about to take Babe back to the vets for another blood test as the vet requested but shes sadly not good.
    Right will come back later and catch up on you all.
    Bye for now Love Valxxx

    1. Sorry to hear Babe is not good Take care

    2. Keeping my fingers crossed for Babe. Hugs xxx

    3. HI Val sorry Babe is not very good today vingers 7 toes crossed. love Lynda xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all.
    Val- love your Bougainvillea, it's really coming up nicely and the colour is just wonderful. Sorry to see you got home so late and already up early this morning to take Babe back to the vet bless her,sorry but it doesn't sound good for her. Hope you ok and take it easy today, many hugs x.
    Anne- Love your border, so many different flowers but the poppy is beautiful, very nice.
    Lynda- you really have got the hang of this mixed media, the box is so pretty and with some Butterflies too. :-)
    The photos of our garden is not showing the hill in the grass we got from red ants ,they bite and the corners with weeds I just haven had the time to tackle in between the rain showers :-( I guess it's not looking to bad after 22 years but it has been a lot of trial and error, haven't got any green fingers at all (did not get that after my mum). The little border is made with new plants this year but something is really having a food feast on some of the leaves. Think it might be the daddy long-legs larva but not sure. Horrible things.
    Janet- glad you had a nice time yesterday. Must have been amazing seeing the winter goodness and Mr Peacock in the flesh so to say :-) Take care.
    Michele -have a nice day with you friend. Bubble gum flavoured ice-cream ? tihi hope they enjoyed it when it arrived.
    Karen- glad you diabetes was fine, you usually very good and keeping good care of it. Have a nice day.
    The electric for us wasn't out to long, around 4 hours in the morning but on and off a bit in the afternoon for the other appliances to be connected. I went to my neighbour for doing the washing and we went out for a couple of hours. Did some start on cards but didn't manage to finish anything, yes I can hear you, nothing new there then ,oh be kind ,you should see the postage stamp I got to craft on hihi.
    Off doing some shopping soon and then some housework this afternoon, can't get any worse hopefully so next week should be better.
    Have a nice Saturday all, nice to see some new people in the cafe' do come back when you can and have a little chat and a coffee/tea with us. love and hugs Maria Xoxx

    1. Thank you Maria,your very kind.Now you know I have to have a butterfly or two,
      Maria your garden is Gorgeous & so very neat & tidy
      you must spend quit a lot of time looking after it.
      enjoy your crafting. Big Huug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Well, I am loving seeing everyone's wonderful gardens, plants and flowers. They are so beautifully kept and show how much time and effort you've all put into them :-)
    Lynda, your altered box is gorgeous - love the flowers and the colours are beautiful :-)
    I hope Sophie is feeling better soon. Glad their final exam went well, huge sighs of relief all around that they're over.
    Disaster struck this morning when my Big Shot decided it had had enough and stopped cutting :-( Was halfway through a card aswell. Fortunately managed to simplify it to get it finished. Now have the task to decide whether to stick with the Big Shot - and get the larger model - or try another make. Have been happy with my little machine and I have had it years and know all of its sandwich recipes, so will most probably stick with that, but would be interested to know what die cutting machines you all use and your opinions on them, thanks :-)
    Hope everyone having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia for your lovely comment. I'm hooked i find it very relaxing.
      I have the Ebosser i'm very pleased with it. I had the GC first which i was pleased with but when Arthur made my hands worce & came a lot more often was finding that turning the handle made hands ache more.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Thanks Lynda :-) Hubby took my big shot apart as we could see that one side of the bottom roller was lower. Thought he'd fixed it and put it all back together, but unfortunately still wouldn't cut :-( Have since been to the Range and they had the Big Shot Plus for £84, so bought it :-)) Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow!! ;-) Enjoy your evening. Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sonia. I have the Big Shot Plus after 3 GC's handles broke not long after having each one, all within 6 months! I then had an X Cut which was good for a while but then just stopped cutting properly, I then went for the B S P and haven't looked back so hopefully you will be as pleased as I am. I must add that I only actually bought the first GC from Hobbycraft in Swindon, and each time I took them back to get a replacement I couldn't have had better service from all of the staff, they go over and above the service you would expect, apologising for the bother I had had, which wasn't their fault at all as it is the way they are made by Spellbinders! I hope you don't need to put Hobbycraft customer service to the test, but if you do I hope your store is as good as the Swindon one (Sandra also had the same fantastic service there but the Oxford store is another story sadly, as Pat can vouch. Have fun tomorrow : ) x

    4. Hi Sue. I have only ever had the Big Shot and it was my first machine, and lasted a good few years. Had thought about the Grand Calibur in the past (for when the time came to replace) but as I've only ever been used to the big shot, I thought it's best to stick with what I know. So glad I did now after hearing all your problems with the handle, but thank goodness for the customer service you received :-) Have a lovely evening. Hugs xxx

    5. Hi Sonia that was a good price for your big shot plus. I hope you had fun Useing it & it passed with flying colours.
      Hug's xxx

  8. Hello Everyone, I'm having a day to myself at my daughters, they have gone to the tennis, and hubby has meeting in Leeds, so am going to flob out and watch the tennis.
    Sandra so sorry Sophie has come down with the awful virus which does seem reluctant to go this year.
    Ladies your gardens and flowers look lovely, so neat and tidy, we have a jungle approach loads of plants to cover the weeds !!!!
    Have a good day , the weather doesn't look great here, hope it's better where you are. Hugs Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone.
    I have been commenting on down it takes a long time.
    Sandra i hope Sophie is feeling a lot better
    we have just finished cleaning the upstairs & changing bed.all done now. This morning i put two sauspans of spag bowl sauce on as run out. I do a batch of it.Then i did all the ironing OH did put it away for me so thats good.
    now upstairs is all done i can take it easy as feeling worn out.Terry is making me a cup of tea.
    Will Try & pop in later love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, sorry for not mentioning your box, I think it is beautiful, is this one for yourself, must have taken ages to do.

    2. Thank you Lillian for your very kind comment. At the moment I have it in my craft room. I have sent SANDRA a picture of another box I have just finished. I hope you had a nice day by yourself.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. What a beautiful collection of garden pictures for us all today, and Lynda's box is gorgeous, you have taken to altered art like a duck to water Lynda. Thank you for sharing it with us. We're waiting to see the next one, please : ) x
    Val, such a gorgeous plant and the colour is beautiful. You can enjoy it without having to tire yourself out with cutting grass, weeding etc.
    I am so sorry to hear that Babe wasn't responding. Sending you big gentle hugs x
    Anne, your garden is beautiful, so many wonderful plants, very different to my garden! X
    Maria, your garden is another stunner, so neat and tidy with so many beautiful plants, something to look at which ever way you look. Glad to hear the electric being off wasn't too bad. The weeks are ticking by so you haven't got too long to wait until it is all finished, then we want to see the pictures, please x
    Sandra, sorry to hear that Sophie isn't well, bless her. At least she can relax now, I hope it was just a reaction to finishing her exams, I have seen just how hard both Sophie and Lucy have worked over the last few months in preparation for the exams. I know you and Paul are rightly proud of them both, no matter what the results are. I hope you have a nice relaxed family weekend to start their holidays.
    Karen, thanks for answering my question about the diabetes. You must have seen a massive change over the years in treatment. At least the NHS is finally getting around to using pumps, a friend who's 18 year old son has been diabetic since he was 2 had American friends who were absolutely horrified when they saw her injecting him daily at such a young age rather than having a pump fitted! I bet you were over the moon when you got one. Take care x
    We have had little Chris today, he is such fun now, he is just over 16 months, very cheeky, always on the go and chatting away, some of which we can understand. Simply a real time waster, you just sit and watch him and time flies past : )
    Sending hugs to all with extras for all in need and special supportive ones for our dear Val. Take care Must go now and get on with some cards needed for this week!

    1. Thank you Sue for your lovely comment on my box
      Glad you had a lovely day with Chris they are so lovely at that age.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing us the lovely gardens. Hope Sophie is recovering at least they can relax now, & you & Paul xxx.
    Val your bougainvillea is beautiful & love the colour. So sorry you were delayed on your flight home & for the news on Babe sending you special gentle
    Maria your garden looks so neat & tidy it is lovely, shows you spend time on it. Ours has been neglected this year but luckily it was designed to look after
    Lynda your box is beautiful so much patience needed. You are clever I wouldn't know where to
    I spent best part of today with a good friend, it is her birthday Wed so decided to take her out for lunch then we had a mooch round shops, it's nice to do things on spur of moment.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Val love Margaret xxx

  12. Thank you MARGARET your very kind I enjoyed doing it.
    Hug's Lynda xx
