
Sunday 19 June 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Anne's Challenge Card

Brenda's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Card

Karen W Challenge Card

 Lynda's 1St Challenge Card

Lynda's 2nd Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Good Morning My Lovelies,

It's Sunday again and you know what that means that I get to show everyone that peeks in the fabulous cards you have all made following this weeks Sketch.

I think that apart from Anne, Brenda and Margaret you have all made 'Male' Cards, what amazes me is that most of you went for men cards and used the same sketch, yet your cards look so different!

Janet and Michele went for the 'Travel' theme for their cards, Janet I love the stamped sentiments on your card, Michele I love those die cuts you have used, both absolutely fantastic cards. xxx

I love Anne's card it is so pretty, those Spellbinder Edge dies make such a pretty effect, the butterflies finish your girly design so perfectly, Brenda H, the way you have bought that little rainbow of colour into your otherwise Monochrome card is genius and works perfectly, I love the stamped images in the blocks. 
Margaret, I think that your card could be used for either a Man or a ladies card, I love the sentiment mixed with the little stamped bird, lovely papers too! Thank you all xxx

Karen's card is a commission, that she managed to work fantastically in with the challenge, I think that the recipient will be really happy with their card.  xxx

Maria has chosen a Gardening theme for her Man card this week, your design works really well, I love the background that you have created, it works perfectly with your theme. xxx

Sonia, you just can't go wrong with a Lilli Of the Valley image, they are so cute and you have worked the image into the sketch perfectly. xxx

Lynda, I just LOVE those letter tiles that you have used, where they an Ebay purchase? I love both of the background effects that you have used, both the faux leather and the Snake skin work so well with the theme  you have used. xxx

Sue, I guess that everyone will be wondering what your cards says, so I will put them out of their misery, 'Dubs' is the name of a friend of Sue's, and I know that he will love your card. xxx

I decided that as I end up repeating myself over and over again I would save my 'thank you's' until the end,
so I just want to say a huge heartfelt thank you for taking the time to design and make a fantastic card for this weeks challenge, as you are reading this I will be setting to work on the next Sketch ready for Monday morning. (unless you are in before 9am, I won't get started until after 9 !)

I want to send special huge hugs to our dear friend Val, you have had to cope with so much this past month, yesterday must have been so very tough, you are in all of our thoughts, each and every one of us are here for you should you need us xxxx

Pat, I hope you are having a fantastic time in Germany, looking forward to your photos xxx

Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning Sandra and Friends, sunny morning here in Barnes, we are off home today via Oxford to see my friend Olive.
    Firstly I am very sorry I didn't get my challenge card done before I went away, the time just flew by.
    Everyone your cards are amazing, love all the different techniques used, I will try and do better next week.
    Val your are in my thoughts , pets become such a big part of daily life, and when they are gone they leave a large hole in your heart. We are all here for you.
    Have a lovely Sunday all, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads. Lilian

    1. Thank you so much LIlian.I'm feeling so sad at the moment.
      Have a wonderful time with your friend in Oxford. Xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great selection of challenge cards, all so different.
    We have another sunny start to the day, quite breezy though. Once I've put done washing in the machine & hung it out I'm off to see my Dad. Bought him the new Bill Bryson book & a bottle of whisky. Managed to save a few chocolate chip cakes to take for him, will stay for a drink (coffee not the whisky-can't stand the stuff) then I want to do some weeding up by the greenhouse. I was too lazy to get changed yesterday afternoon and start work in the garden so I can't put it off much longer as I'm back to work tomorrow and the garden waste collection is tomorrow.


  3. Morning Sandra & Café Chums,

    Lovely array of cards which reminded me I made Dad's card and forgot to photo it for Sandra. Oh well let's try with this week's coming sketch.

    Another dull start to the day, yesterday it brightened up considerably which gladdened my heart.
    Yesterday was our 28th Wedding Anniversary which left me quite teary all day. Family came round and we popped down to the Church with Pete's favourite lilies and red carnations.
    Jamie insurance company is a nightmare, they will not give him a courtesy car because 'the car is a write off and we only give a car if yours can be repaired' What a load of BS I have ever heard. Have advised him to find a more decent company when his renewal comes up. He is moving in earler so he can continue to borrow mine to get to work. I don't go out at night unless it is in the village, so this will work out fine for both of us. I use the car during the day and he works nights. A good arrangement all round I think.

    Onwards and upwards, I detest that expression 'moving forward' (because if we didn't move forwards we would never get anywhere going backwards) I'm off to clear out his room of all my charity bags so he can sleep later on when he arrives. I must rememerb to be quieter now, I haven't liked silence since Pete died so have dfilled the house with noise just so it feels like someone else is here. Mainly Pink, Lady Antebellum, Pentatonix and afew of Pete's favourite bands... Clapton & Moody Blues.

    Special hugs to Val today, you are in my thoughts.
    And of course gurt big uns to everyone who is feeling not tickety boo. Where did that expression come from I wonder?

    Loe 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, my heart goes out to you . Memories are even stronger on anniversaries or birthdays but its so good to have nice memories. I'm always grateful that I can have lovely memories. Can you imagine if you'd disliked each other and the memories were bad. So I do know it hurts but in a lovely way.
      With Special thoughts to you. Valxxx

    2. Good morning CHERYL your in my thoughts today my dear friend. You must have many many happy memories lots of love.xx
      Sorry Jamie's insurance company won't give him a courtesy car how ridiculous. Good luck for him moving in with his lovely Nan.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    3. Margaret Palmer19 June 2016 at 11:37

      Hi Cheryl,
      Thinking of you today & sending hugs love Margaret xx

    4. Hi Cheryl,
      Sending you a huge hug and wish you have a nice Sunday after all and thinking happy memories of your lovely Pete.
      Our son have slept ok during the kitchen been done but it might be different for Jamie. I'm sure he tells you if you to loud. Take care xxx

    5. Thank you everyone, it is lovely to pop here for tea and sympathy when we are not up to par. xxxxxx

  4. Morning Everyone from a Sunny Sheffield. What a change from all the days this week we have had. Whether it's any warmer out there I don't know yet as I haven't put my nose out of the door.

    What a wonderful display of CCs this week. All again so different and all using the sketch from our fearless Leader lol. I cannot pick a favourite this week as I love them all.

    VAL- Dear Dear Friend - I'm so sorry that you're having to go through yet another loss. I know just how heart breaking it is to loose a wonderful companion. It's already been said but again we're all here for you always. Try and have a lovely day.

    Well we're nearly ready to leave tomorrow morning having just the last minute things to put into the car like meds etc. Fingers crossed that we don't get to Dover and I get an email saying come back as I now want and need at least a couple of weeks to relax to try and concentrate on something other than going into hospital. Does that sound silly - I don't know.

    Anyway everything is up and running and all the windows and door are open as invitation to come on in and have a cuppa with us.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Can someone please open up tomorrow morning and I'll try and pop in when we get to Calais and see what's been going on and of course look at the sketch for the Challenge Card. Hugs have been despatched so should arrive shortly. xxxx ps have a good journey home Lilian

    1. Many thanks Janet, you're very kind.
      Hope the last minute packing goes well and you can sail away tomorrow. Try and put everything hospitally out of your mind for the next couple of weeks and just enjoy being away. Easier said than done I know but try your hardest.
      Enjoy a lovely break. Valxxx

    2. That doesn't sound silly at all Janet I hope you can enjoy your relaxation

    3. Hi JANET it doesn't sound silly at all. Have a good journey too your lovely Little hideaway tomorrow Enjoy & Relax both of you. Hope your packing is going well today. Love & Hug's my friend xxxx

    4. Make sure you got enough pills this time so you don't have to come back to soon, have a nice journey down and just relax when you are there, hugs to you both xxx

  5. Fantastic cards ladies Each week I always end up saying "that's a good idea why didn't I think of that!"
    VAL I am so sorry to hear your sad new As SANDRA said we're all here for you
    Quick question for BRENDA Is that pixie powders you've used?
    It's bright and sunny here OH is still in bed but it is Fathers Day We are supposed to be going dancing this afternoon and I'd like "swing by" Hobbycraft for some red glitter unless any of you can recommend somewhere that sells red and not pink

    1. Many thanks Karen. Enjoy your dancing this afternoon. Valxxx

    2. Hi Karen have a good day & enjoy your dancing later xxx

    3. Hi Karen. No it's not Pixie Powders it is Brusho's. You can use them very similar to pixie powders though. I used wet watercolour paper.

    4. I have a packet I can send to you, can't remember when I last used some of it. I'll pop in the post when back from my walk tomorrow. xxx

  6. Hi Karen. I picked up some tubes of glitter in Tesco a few weeks back. It was in the children's toy aisles. You could try there or maybe Sainsburys if you have them close to you :-) Enjoy your dancing this afternoon. Hugs xxx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    I didn't manage back in yesterday as it was an action packed day , gardening all morning and Captains Day at golf in the afternoon with a meal and prize giving afterwards, when we got home to discover our DIL had gone over her foot and had to have it checked by the doctor ( she thought she had broken it as she heard a crack ) but fotunately it is only badly sprained , but she has to rest it, so after all that I couldn't wait to get to bed I was so tired.
    I just realised when I was catching up on yesterday's comments I hadn't mentioned Lynda's beautiful altered box ( sorry Lynda) it really is lovely and the colours are so pretty!
    Today's cards are a wonderful and varied selection , I'm always amazed how different and interesting they all are, giving us great ideas all from Sandra's sketch card, I always look forward to Mondays to see what she has in store for us.
    Val, sorry to hear your sad news about Babe, sending you big soft ((( hugs))).
    We had a beautiful hot sunny day yesterday but this morning looks like no weather at all, no sun, no rain , no wind? Just a bit overcast.
    Don't really have any plans for today so will just see how it goes.
    Have a safe trip Janet and enjoy your relaxing break.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Many thanks Anne for your hug. Very much appreciated. So sorry to hear about your DIL. Thank goodness it's not a break but a sprain is so painful. Do hope she able to rest it. Val xx

    2. Hi Anne thank you for your lovely comment. Sorry your DIL had a fall on her ankle but good it wasn't broken. Have a good day Hug's Xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. A stunning collection of cards today. They all look fantastic :-)
    Will be off visiting today, then when back Hubby will probably be watching the Grand Prix so I'll be playing with my new bigger Big Shot :-) At least now I can use those larger dies!
    Thinking of you Val and sending hugs.
    Cheryl, thinking of you too, hope you're ok after yesterday.
    Janet, hope you have a lovely holiday and are able to get some rest and relaxation.
    Lilian, I hope you've had a lovely time.
    Have a lovely day everyone and sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, thanks for your kind thoughts. Enjoy playing with your new Big Shot. Valxx

    2. Hi Sonia have fun today using your new toy HaHa hope you love it.
      Hug's xx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and friends.
    Thank you, each and every one of you for your kind wishes and support over this month. You really have kept me going. Hopefully today is the start of good times and as the song says "it can only get better."
    I've been going through the comments for the last 4 day but I apologise here and now if I've missed anything out.
    LYNDA your photos of Harry are so cute. What a lovely little boy, you must be so proud of him. Also your altered box on Friday is so beautiful. What a work of art.
    SANDRA the photo of Becca is lovely. What a beautiful daughter you have. Do hope she had a good birthday.
    CHERYL so sorry to read about your grandson Jamies car accident but so relieved to hear he wasn't badly hurt. Hope he's well on the way to recovery.
    PAT, if your managing to read this, hope you're having a wonderful, relaxing holiday.
    MARIA, how is the new kitchen getting on? Is there much to do still?
    SANDRA just loved your card on Thursday. What amazing roses. So fiddly to do but so pretty.
    JANET guess no cancellation. I read today that your off to France tomorrow. How wonderful. Have a good crossing and enjoy yourself.
    PAT'S card on Friday was fantastic. Just love the paper piecing.
    MICHELE. Hope you've enjoyed your week off work and enjoyed your time with your American relatives.
    Just loved everyones garden and plant photos yesterday. What a lot of green fingers we have on this amazing blog.
    many apologies if I've left anyone out. Please feel free to tell me off ha ha.
    Well the funeral went as well as funerals can. Joanne and her mum Anne both worked together in the offices of the local Tescos. Now I know it didnt happen but it seemed like Tescos had closed for the day as there were literally hundreds of the staff at the Crematorium. Even the driver of the funeral car said hed been doing his job for seven years and never seen a funeral so well attended. It was really amazing to see. Anne and Joanne attended the local church and the lady vicar performed the service which was nice because she knew Jo.
    Afterwards we went back to Annes beautiful home for a few hours. Its sad to meet people who unfortunately I only meet at funerals. Anyway Anne is coming over to stay for a couple of weeks in August. It will be a good break for her. My son wascat the funeral but not my DIL Helen who only came out of hospital on Wednesday. Still don't know what the problem is but shes now got to see a Neurological

  10. Srry my fault. I pressed the wrong button. As I was saying she has to see a specialist. She has terrific pains accross
    her lower Back, up her spine and down both legs. She can hardly walk. Shes on pain patches and a bucketful of tablets. Hope they can sort her out soon.
    Well, I think thats all apart from to say I think most of you know I had to have my lovely cat Babe put to sleep yesterday. I thought I might have had more time with her but she was so ill and It was kinder.
    Wonderful assortment of cards today ladies. What a talented group you are. Every card is beautiful and so different.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    With love Val xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer19 June 2016 at 09:56

      Hi Val,
      Good to see you in as you say "It can only get better". Pleased the funeral went well & soo many people attended, ahows how well liked they both were & are. At least you have Anne's visit to look forward to. Hope Helwn gwts the hwlp she needs soon. Take care hugs on way kove Margaret xx

    2. Val-glad the funeral went well (you know what I mean), lovely that there was such a good turn out.
      I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your cat-pets really are special beings, aren't they?

      Had a lovely week off work, seeing hubby's relatives and a great family meal on Friday.


  11. Margaret Palmer19 June 2016 at 10:03

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra yoy have sone it again, given us an idea for some lovely cards, thank you. They are all lovely.
    Janet hope your journey to France is uneventful & you get the rest you need. Please don't worry one of us will open up for you. Safe journey love & hugs Margaret xxx

  12. Margaret Palmer19 June 2016 at 10:06

    Should read " you have done"
    Signed off to quick.
    Hope you all have a lovely day hugs on way to all in need love Margaret xxx

  13. Thanks for the advice re the glitter It has to be a proper red so I will look in Sainsbury/Tesco I have a red from Pinflair - it is very very old but looks quite pink now

  14. Afternoon Sandra and all in today.
    wow ,what a wonderful display again of CC's. I don't think any of us yet have used the same dies ,papers, stickers/ toppers or colours and every time I see something new and wished I had done it like that instead. If you can Sandra do continue with the CC on a Monday because at least I make one card up properly a week and then have a stash for upcoming events/ birthdays so I'm sorry if you recognise the card you might receive one day hihi.
    Lilian -have a nice day with your friend and good journey home.
    Sonia -have fun playing with your new cutting machine, pretty good price you paid for it.
    Littlelamb - sending you a special hug for today my friend, take care.
    Val - sending you a special hug too, yes hopefully it can only get better from now on, take care. All the best for Helen and she will get some answers when seeing the Doc.
    Karen -have a good afternoon dancing. Margaret - hope you having a nice day, Sue coming around to see pops ?
    Didn't have a good morning and the weigh-in was no better so came back home at noon and spent two hours cleaning out the new cupboards and draws, dust !! The day is cloudy and humid so now having a sit down and thinking of giving my mum a call in SWEDEN Janet hihi we had wooden clogs too as kids and they were easy to wear but damaged my big toenails forever :-( Having the floor in tomorrow and the worktop on Tuesday, Painter has been delayed at another job so can't come until week on Monday but I can now see it nearly finished ,yay :-) Love and hugs to you all , Maria xxxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, I was helping our daughter who was having all the family visit today.
    I tried to get my CC completed but it didn't get finished until this morning, I made it into a birthday card for SIL and needed it for today.

    Ladies I love all of your cards today, they are all so inspiring. What a talented group you are. xx

    VAL, hope you are getting through all the painful events that are happening in your life. Sometimes I wonder how much more can life put us through. Sending extra (((hugs))) just for you. xx

    JANET, hope you have a good journey to your beautiful French retreat. Looking forward to our Friday treat!!

    Sandra hope all is well in the Riley household. Has Becca returned from her holiday yet? Are Lucy and Sophie now able to relax after the hectic weeks they have been through.

    Will catch up with you all tomorrow, love Brenda xxx

  16. Hi SANDRA & friends
    Val sorry for your sad news of Babe
    Pleased the funeral went as well as they can such a big turnout
    My thoughts are with you.Thak you for your kind comments on my box
    We have to my Daughters & nice surpriseDarren Sam JANIE & Harrycame as well. Harry had his big bike with him driving up the on the pavement on it& managed to get a picture of him I will send it to SANDRA tomorrow.
    What a lovely show of fantastic cards they are all stunning..
    MARIA have you forgotten how to cook as you have been without a looker for so long HaHa. Almost finished my friend.
    Well I'm off to my bed so good night everyone love Lynda xxx
