
Monday 20 June 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My Sketch Challenge Card

This Weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the start of another week, seems strange as its Monday but theres no Uniform been prepared and Paul didn't need to get up earlier to make the girls packed lunch (yes I know they are spoilt) in my day if you didn't get up and make your own, you went without, mind you it didn't take long, you didn't have quite as much choice, chedse , jam or marmite, or sometimes fish paste (yuk) I can still smell it now, it was 'Bloater paste' I think, what on earth was a 'bloater' ?!!  
Now some days Paul does the girls a salad bowl with dressing in a separate pot, or they have Southern Fried chicken salad wraps, he really does a proper job, if it was me, they would be made the night before and would be the simplest sandwich, as making sandwiches is my pet hate, I'd rather cook a roast dinner! 

Anyway I digressed, its Monday, so here is this weeks Sketch, as you can see I went for a 'male' twist on the original, I think I may to a girly ones today sometime!
I used some old Kanban paper pads that I have had for years and embellished with Spellbinders Sprightly Sprockets Dies, which I used to cut a variety of metallic card to compliment the background.  I used some card candi in the corners, which I embossed +'s on to make the look like screws, no sure if that shows up though.
I used a Fernli off cut from a bag that costs just a £1 and you get loads on interesting shapes to use, I just stuck a piece of matching paper on, sanded the edges to ensure a perfect fit, then inked around it and added peel offs ! 

Now as usual you can pretty much do what you like, as long as you stick roughly to the sketch, colours, shapes across the centre, all up to you, I also used as rectangle rather than a square.

I can't wait to see your designs later in the week, I will be working on a mini challenge as well this week, might be a stamping based challenge I think !

Have a lovely week,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant card Sandra, great sketch. I'll start thinking about it tonight.
    I've been tasked with deciding where we're going on holiday this year-no pressure there then?! Another job for tonight-think I'll be sat in front of the computer a while!

    Getting up so early to the alarm was a shock to my system, wonder what I'll be greeted with when I get into work. Hopefully it will be all tidy & calm-well, I can dream....ha ha.


    1. Hi Michele Hope work went without any problems. Hope you find a lovely holiday
      Take care xx

  2. Morning All Lovely card SANDRA and I like this sketch thinking cap already on I have a couple of cards I need to do for work colleague birthdays so thi will help Dancing was great yesterday, daughter, SIL and Oscar turned up Great excitement as many of the people there were taught by her.
    Good luck at work MICHELE I hate going back after a holiday because I know none of my work will have been done and people will be screaming for their reports
    Weather really miserable today Great excuse to craft after work

    1. Hi Karen, what sort of dancing is it that you do?

    2. Hi Karen glad you had Good time at dancing & with your daughter & Oscar a nice surprise
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. PS SANDRA I remember those days except mine was sardine paste and it was always sandwiches I think that's why I don't eat them very often if at all these days Much rather have a roll or a wrap

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Love todays sketch and your card. Those sprockets look great.
    Hope today goes well for you Michele. I used to hate the first day back at work. People messing with things on my desk. Always took a few days to settle in again.
    Paul made the girls really interesting packed lunches. They sound delicious. I had Dairylea triangles and bread every day for 4 years cos I really disliked soggy sandwiches and still do. I'm also not keen on Dairylea triangles anymore either.
    Hope both girls have a really relaxing summer. They deserve it.
    I'm having a chill out day today. Coffee with a friend later then sittig outside under the umbrella I think.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love today's sketch and got some ideas already in my head :-) Your card is fantastic - great inspiration for a masculine card.
    You've bought back memories of my packed lunches too, also had paste sandwiches! My mum used to put cucumber in with it too, but seem to remember it made the bread go soggy, urgh!
    Raining heavy here, so a day of crafting for me. Am pleased to say the new Big Shot is fab and has had lots of use already.
    Michele, hope you're day back at work isn't too hectic. Have a great day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia glad your pleased with new Big Shot enjoy your evenig
      Hug's xxx

  6. Morning Sandra,

    Great card sketch, very similar to the one I made for my Dad. Great minds think alike!
    I too hated bloater paste.
    I think a bloater is a very full/fat fish!
    Bloated, get it?
    Crafting this morning, we have rain all day for this area and I am beginning to get fed up coming home soaking wet each walk, especially the ones where are further away from home. Not much fun sitting down to have lunch when feeling like a drowned rat.

    love & hugs

    1. Hi Cheryl hope you got some good crafting done this morning.
      It's better than getting soaking wet but shame you missed your walk as know you enjoy it.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  7. So glad you like the Big Shot A4 plus, I bought mine when they first came out and think they are marvellous. I also have the Scan N Cut but find this too laborious for when you just need one or two flowers. xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love your card Sandra and the sketch for this week looks fine so will give it a go.
    Michele - have a good day at work and happy hunting for the holiday. Where do you fancy to go this year ?
    Karen - how nice of Oscar to visit you at the Salsa dancing hihi maybe he joins you in a few years time.
    Val -have a nice day meeting you friend.
    I was lucky in some ways in school because we had lunch cooked for us but of course they were not always the nicest so with the pocket money I could go to the shop or the hot dog stand during the lunch break. Soggy sandwishes is a no no.
    Not up to much today, had wanted to go for a walk but it has not stopped raining since last night so if floor is down early we might pop to Ikea for a look around.
    I wish you all a good day, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria did you get to IKEA what goodies did you buy.
      Hope the kitchen floor is done how much more is there to do
      Do you know when it's going to be finished bet your getting fed up now.
      Some ( (((((((Hug's )))))) for you my friend xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the card looks a good one as always, thank you. Look forward to mini
    It sounds as if we all have the rain, lucky Val sitting under umbrella to get out of sun, hope to have a go at CC this afternoon.
    I have put a lemon cake & fruit cake in cupboard please help yourselves, no flowers on tables this morning too wet to pick any, they all look rather battered. Come in & have a coffee. Hope Janet has a safe journey.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  10. Hi Sandra and all who pop into the cafe today,

    Sandra lovely sketch for us today, love your take on the sketch, now that really is a 'Man' card.

    Hope you all had a good lay in today. If your weather is like ours it doesn't give you any incentive to get up. Rain, rain and more rain! Definitely a craft room day. I need to tidy up in there so that could be the plan for this afternoon.

    Margaret love the sound of those cakes, both are in my favourites list.

    Will pop in later to see how everyone is. Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda we had heavy rain as well so I have been playing with doing a altered picture frame I'm finding it a bit tricky.but will keep at it.
      Have a good evening.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Good afternoon Ladies ,
    I'm a bit later today as it was Pilates this morning, after lunch I went up to the craft room for a wee while and when I came down to get my iPad Sandy was on it playing games so no chance for me!
    He's away down for his dinner so I better comment while I can, Sandra your card is wonderful ! a great mans card and sketch for us to do, must get my thinking cap on.
    Pauls wraps and sandwiches sound mouthwatering, lucky girls, we used to get school lunches which were quite uninteresting and stodgy.
    Have to go , cooker timer is going, love and hugs to all xoxo

  12. Evening all.very quickly here in Calais safe and sound. Horrible journey down to Dover. Constant heavy rain diversion and closed sections of motorway. Calais is snarnled with traffic don't,know why. We you all tomorrow from marigny. Xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, so sorry your journey today has been so awful. Do hope the rest of it is fine and you'll arrive happy in Marigny.
      Drive safely.
      Love Valxxx

  13. Hi JANET sorry you had such a horrible journey for the first part hope tomorrow you arrive in Marigny safly take care my friend.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hello SANDRA we have had morning till night Rain I have, been playing with the altered fram I'm doing. Trying to get craft room tidy but not much tideing but crafting.i should really sort my emails out I have so many,why do they go on my computer my IPad & my phone but they don't deleate all three at same time it drives me mad it takes ages. Pinserest I get so many of them.
    SANDRA your sketch card is brilliant love it. Haven't started mine yet will try tomorrow. We had a lovely day yesterday at my daughter's had lovely roast dinner was special as my Son came too Sam& Harry & Janie.Harry bought his bike I have sent SANDRA a picture of him on it.
    Must get cleared up see you all tomorrow if I don't get back.
    Love Lynda xx

  15. Hello All, just realised that I had for gotten to have a word.
    Sandra love the sketch, and your card is fab, will definitely try and get one done this week.
    Not read what everyone has written, will go back and do so now.
    Well its midsummer day and it's dark !!!!! It should be still light, it's been raining all day and cold.
    Will try and do better tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. I hope this comment stays as yesterday's has vanished, so annoying. Thank goodness they are not real letters stacking up somewhere or they would have caused an avalanche by now : ) I will say again how fantastic the CC's were yesterday, if I were a gambling person I would love to put a bet on for when 2 of us use the same papers etc. on their CC's.
    I love your card today Sandra, the papers and the cogs all look great, perfect for the men. Thank you for setting us this weekly challenge, I'm looking forward to seeing what the mini challenge is this week too. I know you and Paul must have found it very strange not having to see the girls off to school, but I bet Sophie and Lucy loved not having to get up and out didn't they? : )
    Val, I hope you managed to relax in the shade of your umbrella this afternoon. Sending you big gentle hugs x
    Michele, I hope work wasn't as bad as feared it was going to be! X
    Maria, I think I would be even poorer if I lived by an Ikea! Do you buy something every time you go, apart from the food and drink? Did you managed to get rid of most of the he dust, or the first layer anyway? We have yet more houses being g built near to us and by the end of the day there is a layer of sbuilding dust on every window sill etc. I do keep wiping the kitchen and bathroom sill but try and make myself leave the other sills for a weekly clean or else I would be wiping all of the surfaces in every room all day every day! Take care x
    We have had little Chris for the day so I am rather tired now, just about to turn in, he and his mum Gemma are staying here until Wed eve as RJ is in London for a few days on a course.
    It has been a long day literally so I will wish you all a good peaceful nights sleep and will see you in the morning. Love and hugs to you all with extras for dear Val and anyone else in need. Take care x
