
Sunday 26 June 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Anne's Challenge Card

Brenda L Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's 1st Challenge Card

Lynda's 2nd Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I absolutely love this sketch, I enjoyed making my card and it looks like you all enjoyed it too!
Five of you went for Christmas cards for your sketch theme this week, 
Brenda, I love your Christmas card, one of my favourite embossing folders, which you have highlighted with pearls, the Poinsettia's create the perfect festive finishing touch! 
Lynda went for cute Reindeer's to give the finishing touch to her card, which do bring 'joy' to the card. 
Michele has used lace to trim her christmas card, the focal element being that beautiful snowflake, I love the unusual spots and stripes combo on your Christmas card too Michele.
Sue I saw your card in construction, loved it then, love it even more now its finished, those snowflakes look fantastic, love the sentiment on the snowflake too.
Val, you have used my favourite 'quilted' embossing folder too, what where the chances of two of you making a Christmas using the same E folder?! Love the ribbon and Santa and his reindeers too, a fab Christmas card!
Anne you have chosen Fairies for your theme, such pretty images and love the colour theme you have used too.
Janet, what a pretty blue you have used, I love the appliqué trim with ribbon weaved through, its unique and looks amazing.
Lynda, you too have gone for the lace/appliqué style trim across your card with gorgeous pearl and silver embellishments, so pretty!
Margaret, not sure whether you'll get to see this before you set off ton France but I love your 'New Home' card, those papers are so pretty, I imagine that it must almost be in Canada by now! Have a lovely trip x
Maria, Omg! I love your card, the papers you have used, the flowers, the tag and pretty butterflies, I love all of it, so pretty!!
Sonia, like Maria, you have used stunning papers, that colour is just gorgeous! The flowers you have made work perfectly too, amazing card.

To save boring you all with repetition I will thank you all now, from the bottom of my heart for taking part each week. Xxx

Ciara, I can't wait to share your amazing stamped 'mini challenge' card on Thursday this week, your stamping is incredible xxx

We are off on Colchester to see my Mum today as it will be her birthday on Tuesday, we can't go then as its the day before the girls Prom and I'm sure we will be in a state of chaos, although we are totally organised so far! Becca is taking my two 'lily white' babies to have their first spray tan on Tuesday, I am a little apprehensive about the whole thing, fingers crossed they don't look like they have been tango'd !

 I hope you're all ready for the new Sketch Challenge tomorrow, I had a panic yesterday as I usually prepare the sketch and my card on Sunday and obviously this wasn't going to be possible this week, so I had a mad dash to do it last night before dinner! Hope you like it x

Enjoy your Sunday,
Love and hugs to each and every one of you,


  1. Morning Everyone
    After a very dull and cool day yesterday we have the sunshine back and it looks glorious outside.

    Well what a display of gorgousness we have this week and so many wonderful ideas for Seasonal Cards. So much so that I'm stashing them in a folder so that when I come to make mine this year I will have lots of ideas to choose from. That is with your permission Dear Friends.
    I have to say that all the others are just beautiful and I'll get Marigny Dobbie to leave them up on the display board a little longer this week so that they can be admired by all who pop in or those who just look through the window.
    I cannot wait to see the Mini Challenge results later this week.

    MARGARET- hoping your journey across the Channel is a good one and that you enjoy your Boule Trip. Is it a competition or just a relaxing one?

    We're off to a little village not far from us -Pazy- who are having their annual Vide Grenier. It will be our first of 2016 so I'm hoping that I can find one or two little bargains or even some little items that can be turned into crafting. As I've now got this 'Altering' under my belt I can look out for anything. I'm not sure what Jim will think about that hehehe.

    The Café is just waiting for you all to pop in. I've sent one or two eclairs so I hope they have made it to the chill box. They should number 12 so hopefully Dobbie hasn't had one or two.

    Have a good day everyone and SANDRA - take care going to Colchester and I hope you have an easy journey. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Late start for me-had a lie then I've been blog hopping & nipped onto Facebook. A friend has just put in there that he proposed to his girlfriend last night at Glastonbury & she said yes!!! How lovely.
    Back to the cards- what a great selection. I'm still surprised to see what very different cards we all make from the same sketch. I've done one card for the midweek challenge but I'm not too happy with it & would like to get back into the craft room later today. Will have to see how long the housework takes me as I really should do some more weeding but it looks cold & it's windy here. Maybe it will rain then I won't feel guilty...!!!


  3. Good Morning All, dull and cloudy here rain forecast for later.

    What a beautiful selection of cards today, I was late sending mine so glad it's picture made it.

    Hoping to get out in the garden again today, if it doesn't rain too much.

    Tried mini challenge last night, ended in the bin, hope to have another go tonight.

    Will pop in later to have one of Janet's eclairs, I'm sure they are yummy.
    Have a lovely Sunday all, safe journey Sandra and family. Hugs Lilian

  4. Wonderful selection of cards I just ran out of time this week Hope your trip to Colcheter is not as bad as your last one SANDRA Off to buy rail ticket to London for an appt I have on Wed but just wanted to say that you talented ladies amaze me with your skills

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have a trouble free journey to Colchester. I am in cafe as I have not gone to France, I have an infected insect bite on my leg, I spent 3 hours at Out of Hours Dr's yesterday, have to see Dr again in morning. Because I attended Dr my insurance would not be valid either plus I react to antibiotics, oh well no good moaning.
    The cards are all lovely again this week.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, Sorry about your Boules trip, but then you can't take chances.Take care with that insect bite. I hope it heals up quickly. xx

    2. Hi Margaret So sorry to hear that you will not be able to go to France, take care those bites are nasty, hope yours gets better very quickly.

    3. Hi Margaret. Hope your legs heals soon and you don't react too badly to the antibiotics. Hugs xx

    4. Sorry you weren't able to go on your trip. Hope you feel better soon.


    5. Hugs coming flying over to you and wish you insect bite away. love xx

    6. Hi Margaret so you had to cancel your trip to France but very sensible with the bite on your leg. Hope it heals very soon & you feel better.
      Take care love Lynda xx

    7. That should be sorry you not so you x

    8. Hi Margaret, that's a shame you didn't manage to go on your boules trip but better safe than sorry, I hope it heals up quickly. Xoxo

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a gorgeous selection of cards we have today, all so different, beautiful and inspiring. It's amazing how we all come up with a different design, it's one of the things that makes the challenge so interesting.

    Sandra I hope you have a good journey down to Colchester and you don't have any horrible traffic queues. Wish your Mum Happy Birthday for Tuesday. I'm sure she is going to love spending the day with all the family.

    We had a heavy shower about ten minutes ago, now the sun has come out and it's lovely and warm, think I will go and spend some time in the garden, there is always another job to be done out there.
    Sending gentle hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda enjoy being in the garden. Look out for the hale stones we have just had them big as golf balls & thunder lightning & heavy rain but now the sun is shining again. What crazy weather we have lately.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. A beautiful selection of cards to greet us today. They are all lovely, and think I shall have a closer look whilst tucking into one of Janet's delicious eclairs ;-)
    Have a lovely day Sandra with your Mum. Hope she has a lovely Birthday on Tuesday.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

  8. Margaret Palmer26 June 2016 at 15:08

    Just had a message from Sue she has a migraine again, she had one yesterday as well, she will read comments later. Thank you for your best wishes to

    1. Hi Margaret wish Sue better for me sending her some ((((( Hug's))))
      & some ((((Hug's)))) for you too.

    2. Hello Margaret, Sending Sue a very gentle hug. Migraine headaches are the worst kind, and can leave you feeling washed out days later. I hope she is able to rest .LOL xx

  9. Hi SANDRA hope your having a nice time with your mum. Please wish her a Happy birthday for Tuesday. hope you had a good journey going & a good journey home un like the last time you went.
    We have just got back from the park the sun is shining now not like this morning of rain thunder lightning hale Stones. Well I must say what a wonderful show of cc today they are all amazing well done ladies.looking forward to the Mini c cards. I must go & see if the leg of lamb is cooked it's smelling good
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone.
    Hope your journey to Colchester was alright and you not in to much pain after sitting so long in the car. Happy Birthday to you mum for Tuesday, wish her a lovely day.
    It's so much fun to come in here on a Sunday and see the board with the most loveliest of cards. I love them all ! Thanks Sandra for liking mine but personally I was not happy and it nearly went in the bin. Love so many have made them into x-mas cards too and that give me the idea to try to make some more and use the sketches you have given us over the months. Had a play this morning to make some background for the mini challenge before the weigh-in, after we went for some breakfast at Costa and sat talking for an hour and half hihi times fly when you having fun but back home to the mess again and some more boxes to empty the day has nearly gone. Having a little break and having one of the yummy eclairs that Janet brought in. Very funny weather around so couldn't hang the washing out so that is hanging around the house and it smells like a launderette, not easy with the queen size sheets and duvet covers but just had to do it but so much nicer when you can hang it out in the sunshine. Oh well maybe some sun tomorrow . Wishing you better Sue, just take it easy. Sending you a special hug and the same to anyone who not feeling to good. Hope Val have a nice time in the UK. have a nice Sunday evening , love and hugs Maria xoxo

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Hope you had a good visit to your Mum my lovely. Sending big hugs to Mum, blooming insect bites, poor you, such a shame xxxx
    Just wanted to say hello to you all and what a wonderful selection of cards. I am hoping to be back to normal tomorrow. Love and hugs xx

  12. Good evening Ladies, I was so busy doing my mini challenge card this morning I forgot I hadn't commented , the cards are all wonderful in a variety of ways in design and colours and also all the beautiful embellishments.
    Sandra , I hope you have enjoyed your day at Colchester visiting your mum and family, and are not too tired or sore in the morning.
    We have been out at a friends house all afternoon for dinner and then we played cards , we are just home so after I write this I'm off to get my pjs on, I could go one of Janet's eclairs if there's any left with a wee cup of tea, heavenly!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo
