
Monday 27 June 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and had a lovely weekend, we had a busy one, so today will be a resting day, that journey seems longer every time we make it, don't get me wrong I love going to see my mum, but boy I wished she lived closer!!
Anyway the start of a new week, a busy, very exciting week in our house as I get to see my babies dress up as princesses !! I may need a handkerchief!!

Now onto this weeks Sketch, a fairly straight forward and simple sketch, quite a blank canvas for you all to add your magic to.

My card was made with the Creative Expressions original paper pads, designed by Theresa Collins, I have had it a few years but decided to quit hoarding and start using it, I quite like the outcome, the only die I used was the Spellbinders Amazing Paper Grace Swallowtail Tags Die. 
I edged the horizontal panel with irredescent ric-rac ribbon and added tiny pearls on thee edge of the paper.
I hope it gives you a little inspiration.

However you decide to create your challenge card, have fun!

Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Very pretty card Sandra. Glad you had a good day yesterday & good to hear it's going to be a "rest day"- you'll be shattered.

    I'm expecting toot one crazy busy at work then I have a few items to post(sold some stuff on EBay) then we're off out with the Americans for dinner.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope your working day isn't too crazy. At least you have a lovely family dinner to look forward to : ) take care x

    2. Hi Michele enjoy your meal later hope work isn't to tiering xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    This is the second time of trying to comment. I've just lost a complete post somewhere.
    We failed yesterday at the Vide Grenier and didn't spend a penny nor a cent but we enjoyed our walk around the village looking at some of the houses.
    After lunch I managed to get my bedding plants into their new homes. Jim did all the carrying and lifting for me so that's a task ticked off my list.
    Today Jim will be in the garden trying to get the better of all the brambles and creepers coming through out fences from the empty house next door. It's like fighting a losing battle as no-one comes to see that everything is OK. The roof hasn't been repaired since the storms at Easter and as they've had a lot of rain over the last weeks the weeds have just gone rampant. Their land joins ours on three sides and so the flower borders get attacked. We do our best to keep the garden looking nice even when we're not here but unfortunately there's nothing we can do about next door.
    Sorry for the moan - step put back in the corner.

    Everything looks nice and cherry in the Café and everything is ready for you all to pop in.
    Have a good Day.
    MARGARET - I'm so sorry you couldn't get across with your Friends but you are definitely in the best place. I hope those bites are getting better. If not off you go to the Drs or A&E to get them looked at. Gentle hugs xxxx

    I'll be in later to see what's happening. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you for making sure the Cafe is always looking and smelling so good. Dobbie is doing his usual excellent job too : ) What a shame you and Jim gave to spend time in the garden cutting back brambles etc that aren't growing in your own garden, how annoying.
      Poor Mum, Margaret, was seen on Friday by a nurse and Saturday at hospital walk in clinic and sees doc again today. She gets a nasty reaction to any bites and also bad unpredictable reactions to many antibiotics, sometimes days later. She always ends up at the hospital, no matter how careful she is, bless her. Such a shame it had to happen this weekend.
      I hope you have a lovely day, I bet your weather is better than the rain that we have today! Take care x

    2. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for your best wishes. I saw Dr this morning & it is looking better, the antibiotics make me feel guilty that's the problem.
      Enjoy your

    3. Margaret Palmer27 June 2016 at 14:11

      That should read yucky not guilty!!

    4. Hi Mum. Did wonder why you would feel guilty when you haven't done anything wrong xxx

  3. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Like the CC Sandra will see what I can cook up :-)
    For anyone working I hope you have a good day. Janet- have a lovely day in Marigny. hope you have the sun shining because we haven't hihi I'm so fed up with all this raining but will have my Monday walk and see if I feel better after a outdoor shower and then one indoors to warm up. Haven't had any shut eye so feeling like a zombie but will have a play later while the painter in the kitchen finishing off. Wish you all a nice day whatever you are up too, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I really must put my glasses on before reading the comments as I thought you had written that you were going to have a play with the painter after your walk, hi hi : ) I hope you don't get too wet, we have had enough of the rain now haven't we, but then we shouldn't complain should we as at least we haven't been flooded out like so many have. When are we going to see some pictures of your new kitchen? Not much longer now is it? Have a good day. Take care x

    2. Have a good walk MARIA but leave the painter alone when you have a play. HaHa enjoy your day. Hug's Xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all, cloudy here today, but at the moment dry.

    Sandra glad you had a good day yesterday, and that you and the girls have a lovely time dressing up, lots of pics please.

    The sketch looks a good one, love your card the papers you have used are lovely, have to do the mini challenge first.

    A lot of work to do this , dread to think what they will give me when I tell them I'm having a week away !!!

    We'll have a lovely day whatever you are doing, hugs Lilian.

    By the way Janet the eclairs were delicious, made me put on 2lbs !!!!'

    1. Hi Lilian. I hope the clouds have vanished leaving you with the sun. It is sunny here but rather windy so it doesn't feel very warm, but a brilliant drying day, got my second line full out : ) I hope you don't get given too much work. Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous sketch, and I love your card. Great choice in papers - love them too :-)
    Glad you had a lovely day yesterday with your Mum. Hope you have a more relaxing day today before all the excitement of the prom. Looking forward to seeing the photos.
    Hope everyone is keeping well, and have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Hope you are having a good day. Take care x

  6. Morning The week end turned out to be a hectic one for me But at least I got to see little Oscar on both days! Went to BBQ Saturday and lunch with MIL yesterday I will send a piccie of Oscar to Sandra Honest
    MARGARET I hope the leg is healing What a huge disappointment for you Something similar happened to me Fortunately not because of an injury but that's another long story! Can't wait to see the girls in their prom attire Hoping to get to pick out some new specs this week Got to take daughter with me to help choose as I can't see a thing without glasses and these new fangled photo machine thingies don't help me!
    Today's sketch looks good I will try to do one for this week Have a good day whatever you're up to

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you for your best wishes. It is going down slowly trouble is antibiotics make me feel horrible.
      Look forward to seeing photo of Oscar maybe with Gran/

    2. Hi Karen
      Glad you got to see Oscar over weekend hope you had lots of cuddles xx

    3. Hi Karen. No wonder you had a lovely weekend, getting to see Oscar both days : ) Good luck with the new glasses. Chris has the same problem, he is as blind as a bat without his glasses so I usually have to go with him to help him choose new ones. Looking forward to seeing young Oscar very soon. I must get some up to date shots of our three and send them to Sandra too! Take care x

  7. Good morning Ladies, I was very late with my comment last night as we were out all afternoon and evening, but we had a lovely time.
    Sandra , I love the tag on your card it is so pretty and the papers are very delicate, will try and get a card made when I get home from Pilates this morning .Janet, I sympathise with you having all those weeds to contend with, we have fields all around us and the grass seeds etc are awful, it's a constant battle!
    Maria, you must be so frustrated by now and can't wait to see an end to your kitchen transformation , but the end is in sight now and you will soon have your beautiful kitchen to cook in and enjoy, have a good walk and "blow the cobwebs away " as they say , and hopefully you will feel lots better , big ((( hugs))) xo
    Margaret I hope your leg feels as though it's on the mend, such a shame you had to miss your trip xo.
    Breakfast is calling, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne,
      Thank you yes it is improving I think the antibiotics make me feel worse.x xx

    2. Hi Anne. It's good to hear that you had a lovely time yesterday. I hope you have a good day today too. Take care x

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I hope your not suffering too much today Sandra after being in The car yesterday for such a long time, just be gentle with yourself, no high expectations today. Ha ha
    I can images the excitement in the Riley household is pretty high as the Prom and all the preparations looms closer. Sandra enjoy every moment with your girls as they prepare for this exciting event. How are they going to get there? That is often another special treat?

    MARGARET, I hope your leg is responding to treatment, not good that you are allergic to antibiotics. Please take care. xx

    MARIA, You are nearly there, one more day, one more sleep (and please try and sleep tonight) then yippee we will be able to see your beautiful new kitchen. xx

    SUE, hope you are feeling better today, take it easy.

    Nearly forgot- Sandra like the challenge, Love your card and choice of papers. OK thinking cap on !!!!!!!

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your thoughts, yes it is going down. After having a nasty reaction to penicillin & finishing up in hospital for 3 days as you can imagine I am very wary about taking any antibiotics.
      Take care xxx

    2. Hi Brenda. Thank you for your kind words. I'm feeling a lot better today, haven't had two migraines in two days for a very long time. Had got very good at knowing the warning signs but they gave changed recently so get caught out! Having an easy day today getting the drugs out of my system
      I hope you had a good weekend. I'm sure you will come up with a beautiful cc, will Ciara manage to join in this week? Take care x

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am pleased you had a good day with Mum, wish her happy birthday tomorrow, hope you are not in too much pain.
    Looking forward to seeing photos of the girls. The challenge looks good this week, I hope to have a go later in week at the moment antibiotics are making me sleepy & more dozy than
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Hi Mum. Glad to hear the bite is responding. My fingers are firmly crossed that you manage to finish the course of meds with no nasty side effects. Love you xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all,
    really did try to comment late last night but when I pressed published everything disappeared and by then I'd run out of my alloted time.
    Just loved all the cc's yestderday and got so many ideas. Love todays challenge as well Sandra. Glad you had a lovely day with your mum yesterday and enjoy relaxing today ready for the girls exciting big day.
    Margaret so sorry you weren't able to go on your trip. Lets hope the medicine works quickly for you.
    Maria, hope its not too much longer until your kitchen is fully completed and then you can just enjoy it. I'm sittiing in the Foyer of the local cinema waiting to go in to see the new 3D Independence Day then off to Frankie a
    nd Benny's for a late lunch. The cases are bulging and can't get another thing in and it's raining hard so what better way to spend an afternoon.
    Back home tomorrow so I'll see you all then. Hope everyone else is ok.
    Love Val xxx

    1. Hi Val. I think you will still be in the cinema, hope you enjoyed the 3d screen. It sounds like you have had a very good shopping spree, looking forward to seeing the pics of your goodies. Wishing you a safe and trouble free journey home. Take care x

  11. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Glad you had a nice day with you mum yesterday. Hope your resting today after that long journey in the car.REST did you here that haha.
    I can imagine the girls will look like beautiful Princesses,so looking forward seeing them. Not up to much today just going for walk up the park well that's if Oh gets ready soon he went up for shower over an hour & half ago.
    I Could have done the ironing as he said he would only be 5 minutes should have known Grrrr.
    MARGARET hope you feel better soon rest your leg.
    Sue hope your Migrain is better horribl things they are i sympathise with you. Take care Hug's xx
    SANDRA love your card & this week's cc.looks fine have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Thank you for your kind words. Yes migraines are the worst aren't they. It makes me laugh when people say they have a migraine but just keep on going. As you know, if anyone has a proper migraine you don't get a choice but you just have to lie down in a dark room and wait for it to go. Must admit that I hate being on my own when I have one, just like to know there is someone around, even though I don't want to talk, be touched or hear too much noise! I hope you managed to get out for your walk, in the end, today : ) Take care x

    2. I really feel for you suffering with migraines & totally agree with your comments. I have at least 3 colleagues who claim to get migraines but can drive to work etc!! I've only ever had one true migraine and I wanted to chop my own head off because I felt so awful. Luckily I now only get Opthalmic migraines-so just the visual disturbances.


  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra, I hope you aren't in too much pain today after a lovely time with your Mum. Are the girls getting g excited yet? Or just nervous? Get the tissues ready, you will need them on Wed as they go off to the prom. I hope you are resting today, your sketch card is beautiful, the die and the papers are gorgeous. I will have to have a think about this one, after I have done my mini cc that is.
    Wishing you all a good day. love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  13. Hi everyone.
    Glad you feeling better Sue, migraine is a horrid thing to have and if people saying they got one and still sitting in front a computer for ex. than I don't think it is to bad. Rest when you can. Love to see some new photos of you grand children, they must have gotten so big since last. Jason the painter is very nice by the way and he coming back for more in the morning hihi.
    Lynda, how is Terry doing after his fall ? Had he gone for a nap this afternoon ? hope you feeling better in yourself my friend. This weather do no one any good.
    Lilian, how are you poor fingers doing ? Can't be easy doing all does hoods when you are in pain, take care.
    Margaret, glad your insect bite is getting better but you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. They probably lose the boule because you could't go, only joking. Wish you better and hugs.
    Wow Val, your suitcase sound packed to the rims hihi Can't wait to see what you bought, good trip back home.
    Karen, how lovely to see baby Oscar over the weekend and I hope you had a lot of cuddles. Good luck in buying new frames, I find that always a chore.
    Michele, hope you having a nice meal out and that work was alright so you not napping in between the courses.
    Sonia, hope you had a good day. Love the colour scheme on all your cards, will have a bloghop while Eng. playing Iceland so see you later.
    Cheryl, when is the fair or have you already had it ? Had a look again at the ribbon flowers and what a job to fold and hold it all together but sure is beautiful. Well done you to make some. Have you got any walks this week ?
    Littlelamb, hope you are just busy and will be back again soon and Hazel, thought you would come back after your holiday and tell us all about the trip. Missing you.
    Anne, I did managed to blow the cobwebs away alright and I looked like a drenched cat coming back home hihi but I did feel better until I sat and did a mini cc and the back is now sore ,knees and hips creaking and shoulders burning but otherwise ok Lol. Brenda, hope your day was good and yes, not long til you get to see my new kitchen. You have all seen a bit of the old one when we did our crafting space. Will take some soon and send them to Sandra. Can feel all the excitement for the girls prom coming up and I wish them both a fabulous time, don't forget to take lots of photos and yes do have plenty of tissues, we think you will need it .
    Have a good evening all, hugs xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer27 June 2016 at 22:51

      Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your best dishes. Sorry you got wet on your walk. Looking forward to seeing your kitchen. Take care hugs to you love Margaret xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer27 June 2016 at 22:55

      Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your best wishes. Sorry you got wet on your walk. Looking forward to seeing your kitchen. Take care hugs to you love Margaret xxx
