
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Pretty Vintage Floral Treat from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

What a breath of fresh air to have something beautiful and positive to share about Europe!!
Janet's amazing card has winged it's way across the channel from France (well the image has)! I think your French cards are usually slightly different to your Yorkshire cards Janet, I don't know whether it's the the different materials that you use in France, or whether you are more relaxed, maybe your view inspires you!, I think that they are more floral and vintage, it may just be my imagination though, either way I LOVE your cards!
You have used your Floral Muse Paper on this card, I'm not sure whether the back paper is Vintage Notes by Papermania, I love how you have rolled the paper in to the centre of the card, placing doillies behind, the benefit of this is that you get to see both sides of the paper you have used, it's usually a tough choice which side of the paper to go with, particularly this paper range as you have the lovely handwritten postcard images on one side and gorgeous roses and butterflies on the other.
Your flower spray looks so pretty Janet, I love the resin bows that you have used in the corners and I REALLY love those pretty resin leaf sprays on the doilies and the hearts in the other corners.  Woe, somebody's birthday is going to be brightened when they open this card!  Thank you so much for sending this card over for me to share with our lovely friends. XXX

Margaret, I was so sorry to read about your insect bite, I saw it late on Saturday night but i had already posted Sundays blog, I hope that the antibiotics have gotten to work and that you haven't reacted badly, I totally understand why you didn't want to risk going, even if you hadn't reacted to the antibiotics you wouldn't have been able to relax and enjoy your trip. Isn't it frustrating that you look forward to something for so long and something happens last minute to spoil it!  I am sure Alan was happy to have you home instead and it means we get to see you in here too, so every cloud has a silver lining!  I hope your team are successful too! Xxx

Pat, I hope your journey home was a smooth one, I am looking forward to hearing all about your holiday, I have received the rest  of your photos and I thought I would post them when you are back so that you could explain about them better than I could xxx

Val, I hope that you and Lynn have had a lovely weekend shopping, I hope that you squeezed him some craft shopping too, looking forward to seeing your haul!!

I'm sending love and hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful card, so very pretty.

    We had a lovely meal (Indian) last night with the American relatives although Max hadn't had an afternoon nap so he was quite irritable so we left around 8pm. They wanted to know when we're next going over to Florida so I had to explain that we are planning some more work I the house & if, big if we went it certainly wouldn't be just to Florida & it would have to be a two centre holiday (to stop me getting bored) .

    Another busy day expected artwork but I have the joys of a meeting first thing(another one tomorrow)!! I'm recording Julia Watts on Hochanda so I can sit & watch them all tonight as hubby is away.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Well that was a surprise when I looked in this morning to check if everything had been done.
    I have decided that this card is to be Christina/Robert's WA card this year. I've always used red/white as those were the colours they had but have decided that after 7years it is time for a change.
    As you say Sandra the papers are Floral Muse and as these are single sided I had to stick two together. The backing paper is Mulberry Kisses by Linda Wood. the resin leaves and bows etc are from Buddly Crafts on Ebay (I would recommend having a look at this site). The flowers are from my stash and as you all know I buy these. I hope you all like it.

    PAT-I hope you had a safe journey home and are having a restful day today.
    VAL- I also hope your journey back was uneventful and I cannot wait to see what you have brought back in that suitcase. Did you get stopped at Customs?
    LILIAN- I hope you're not overloaded with work so that you can get down to some packing for your hols. Just remember take your time everything will be done.

    It's a dull start and somewhat cooler this morning. It has rained in the night so the garden will not want watering later.

    OK I'm off now to have my breakfast as Jim has just got back. See you all later. Hugs should be arriving soon. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I bet Christina and Robert will be over the moon to receive this card. I'm back home now after an uneventful journey home. The hotel was lovely right on the shores of the lake. I had a lovely rest while the rest of the group had a guided tour of the island we were on.

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Beautiful card Janet ! so pretty and unusual , I'm sure Christina and Robert will be delighted with it, I hope you can deliver it personally as it could be tricky to post.
    Spent yesterday afternoon in the craft room with not much to show for it as I was experimenting a bit, but I enjoyed playing, golf this morning if the weather holds up ,but I think I might be back in the craft room to see if I can finally put some cards together this afternoon .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet, what a wonderful card, it is gorgeous, such pretty papers and embellishments, and I love the unusual style of the card. All in all a real beauty, thank you for sharing it with us all : ) By the way Dobbie has opened up with his usual care, it's looking and smelling wonderful. I can't decide what to have for breakfast today : )
    Sandra, wishing your Mum many happy returns. I hope you are feeling a little easier today. Are you going with Becka, Sophie and Lucy when they go for their pre prom spray tans? I hope they enjoy it. Try and relax today as tomorrow afternoon/evening is going to be an emotional one for you all : )
    Mum, I hope the bite is continuing to improve and the antibiotics are not making you feel any worse than yesterday! Love you xx
    Maria, have fun with your painter today hi hi : )
    Val, wishing you a safe and trouble free journey home today. Dont go hurting your back lugging that heavy suitcase around! : )
    Pat, I hope you and Pete are back home safe and sound. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics : )
    Cheryl, did you get out for your walk yesterday? I hope you are getting on well with the goodies for the stall, dont forget to show us some pics, please.
    Well, I hope everyone has woken up to same beautiful clear blue sky as we have here. If the forecast is to be believed then by 9am it will be replaced by clouds then rain! I will be busy finishing some cards off which need to go in the post this afternoon then must do the ironing so that I don't end up with a mountain again! Sending my love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      I have a mountain of ironing to do after Pete or at least the washing machine did.

  5. Beautiful card JANET I must have a go at this style of colouring Hope the meeting goes well MICHELE How's the leg MARGARET Is the kitchen just about finished now MARIA Caught a glimpse of the new dies on offer by Tattered Lace - Disney Did my eyes deceive me- the price... criminal in my opinion

  6. Good morning Ladies,

    Such a gorgeous card Janet, really inspiring. I have turned down one corner on a couple of special cards and not thought of doing two corners like you have.

    We enjoyed our walk yesterday along the canal path from Maunsel Lock Canal Centre near North Newton, towards Bridgwater. Strangely enough, the unfortunate gentleman who decided to swim the route instead of walking it last time, also turned up but this time he stayed on the well-trodden route! No swans, herons or boaters this time to be met but a couple of very polite cyclists who actually thanked us for moving to one side to allow them to pass us by. And the bonus was no doggy doos anywhere to be seen. Whoever looks after the canal path has certainly made it clear that this is a no no.
    The sun was shining brightly with bees, dragonflies and other such insects busy flying about doing their daily business. The hedges were quite high which sheltered us and gave us a bit of shade and occasionally we had a whiff of a gentle breeze to cool us down when we stopped at a beautiful little turn-table bridge for our catch-up meet (some of our group like to amble instead of keeping up with the group), which must be quite frustrating at times for the organizers. Maureen and I were just chatting quietly when one walker mention that there a beautiful church just 200 metres away so we joined them for a look-see. And what a beauty she was, nothing too fancy, and surprisingly, a square tower which immediately reminded me of a history lesson years ago at school about the Normans. I did enquire of David 'was this a Norman church?' to which he replied 'Well done for spotting that' and he explained that the original church did not have a tower or a spire and the tower had been added on at a later date when the Normans came to England. So now our walks have evolved into a history course for us, not knowing much about the many villages further out from our own and finding the answers by the simple form of conversations. No mobiles to look up on Google like the yougsters do. There is always a treasure just off the beaten track if you go looking for them.
    A lovely walk back to partake of much needed refreshments in the Riverside CafĂ© whwere we discussed where we might go for lunch. We were undedcided and drove along until I spotted a banner proclaiming Early Bird lunches at The Walnut Tree in North Petherton. As my car had decided she was going into the car park our decisiosn was made up for us. And what a delicious meal we had! Two courses + a small glass of wine or a soft drink for £15. Price wise not bad at all. Started off with Duck Pate & Port Parfait with a cherry & fig chutney and toasted Brioche, then Roast Chicken Breast on a bed of seasonal veg and new potates. Sublime, whoever the chef is, I could bring him home to cook for me any day. He certainly knows his food.
    A leisurely amble around our new B&M shop where we all bought some much needed items then home to relax, unpack the shopping and another much needed cuppa before tea.
    Bedtime was upon me before I knew it and by then I was so tired from all the fresh air.
    Today is tidy-up time in the craftroom, I bought some more Really Useful boxes at B&M, so no more excuses for having a craft floor as well as a craft room. THuis afternoon a spot of light weeding, the finish off the items for my stall. I am now back on track although I have left some Fernli items unfinished for a later sale.

    See you all later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Your walks sound wonderful Cheryl. Wish my hip would allow me to go on some walks. Also your meal sounds great to. But apart from spending the morning helping the children at school with their reading, and going to the hospital with Pete I've done nothing today.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card Janet, it's beautiful. I'm sure it will be treasured by the lucky couple :-)
    Cheryl, your walk sounds lovely yesterday and finished off nicely with that delicious sounding meal.
    Spent yesterday playing with my stamps for the mini challenge. Had great fun, and was a good distraction from watching the embarrassment of the England football team being knocked out!! Oh well, why am I surprised? Fortunately for James, he picked Iceland in his classes sweepstake, so think he was quite pleased ;-) That said, I got some cards made as I've found this challenge very addictive, so thanking you Sandra for the inspiration :-))
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Janet, what beautiful and different card you have made for Christina and Robert's wedding anniversary, I'm sure they will love this, it is so different to anything else I have seen, what are clever lady you are.

    Sandra, sending very happy birthday wishes for your mum, I hope she has a lovely day.

    How is the excitement level in your house ? I hope your girls will be able to sleep tonight. It's lovely Becca has got involved with the preparations, Will she be coming around tomorrow to help the girls get dressed ? I'm sure if I were in her shoes I want to see my little sisters in all their finery. I do hope they will allow you to show us a photograph of them all dressed up ......... Please

    Cheryl, your walk yesterday sounds lovely, so pleased the weather kept fine for you and you and enjoyed your meal.

    Margaret, hope the leg is responding to the antibiotics and you haven't got any side-effects.

    Have enjoyed sitting here with my coffee now it's time to think about doing something, I have one birthday card to make and a mini C also CC right, quick tidy round the house and then to the craft room, I think is the order of the day.

    Love and gentle hugs for those who need them, hope everyone is having a good day, love Brenda XXX

  9. Margaret Palmer28 June 2016 at 11:46

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for your thoughts, I must admit I was gutted but there was no way I could risk it. The antibiotics make me feel horrible but bite is going down thankfully. Hope the girls look lovely after their tan session. Happy birthday to your Mum today. Hope you feel more rested
    Janet I love your card the papers are beautiful with the lovely flowers. Enjoy your
    Thank you all for your best wishes they have really helped
    Cheryl your walk sounded lovely with a mouthwatering lunch, there are as you said some lovely villages around you, before the M4 was built we used to travel through alot on our way to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      I'm sorry you have a bad leg. I do hope your feeling better soon.

  10. Hi Sandra and all. Just got home. I've picked up an excited Gracie, unpacked and feel shattered. We we're delayed again. The French Air Traffic Controllers were on strike again so we sat in the plane on the runway for a couple of hours. Tempers were fraying I'm afraid.
    Anyway we have a lovely time, lots of shopping and looking forward to properly
    looking at all the things I've bought.
    Janet, I just love your card. The papers you've used are beautiful as is the shape and such pretty flowers. You're very clever.
    M.argaret so glad to read your bite is going down.How painful for you and also how disapponting not going on your trip.
    Sorry its such a short comment. I'll catch up on everyone tomorrow. Really need a shower, something to eat and an early night.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Val xxx

  11. Hello All, Janet your card is stunning, love the double fold back, and the papers are just my style.
    Been pouring down today and very chilly, so back to cardigans again.ery

    Margaret glad your leg is getting better.
    Sandra hope Mum had a lovely birthday, and the girls tanning went well.
    Looking forward to seeing them in their dresses.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, must go and get some dinner, fish tonight, with cauliflower cheese and mushy peas.
    Will see you all tomorrow, love Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      It's also been pouring here as well. And as you say it's back to cardigans again. I do hope it brightens up soon and summer returns.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Wow wow wow Janet, what a stunning card or should I say creation you've made. Love the papers, lacy doily buts and flowers. I must say the lucky person who receives this will be over the moon.
    Hospital for me yesterday and I'm on the list for a hip replacement. Had all the pre ops as well, so I'm hoping I won't have to wait the 3 months I was quoted.
    Hospital for Pete as well today and his PSA has gone up from 0.8 to 2, so it's bout led. No panics yet until it keeps doubling which it did before. Holiday washing all done so just the ironing to do. Not my favourite job.

  13. Hi Maria
    I hope your kitchen will soon be finished. Keeping the painter busy are you, or do you wish you can have a play with him. Hehe. I will go and have a look at Sue's dies as well.
