
Wednesday 29 June 2016

A pair of gorgeous cards from Cheryl

Good Morning Ladies,

All that is going through my mind today (and yesterday) is/was eyebrow waxing, dress steaming, plucking preaning, finger nails and toe nail polishing, you get the picture!
Seeing them come home after their first ever spray tan last night was so hilarious, I asked that neither of them came into our room during the night as all I could see was the whites of their eyes! I never realised that there were so many rules after a spray tan, 'only drinking through a straw', they weren't allowed to touch their bodies as they had special lotion on their hands to prevent their palms turning brown too! Luckily I had some dark brown sheets and quilt covers, so that their new ones don't get ruined! I will be more exhausted than them tonight! I am excited to see all of the different elements pulled together for their complete make over later on.  I will take plenty of photos, I can't wait to share them with you all.

Now onto todays stunning cards, they have both been created by our lovely Cheryl, they are both 'Challenge  cards' that Cheryl caught up with and sent me after they challenges had past, but as with every card you send in, I like to make sure that they get their 24 hours on the blog.

The first card is so pretty with the stripey texture on the top half of the card and the smoooth bottom half divided by that pretty floral trim.  The tag, trimmed with that beautfil floral bow gives such an elegant focal point to the card, finished with the little pearls on the corners, a beautiful card for a special birthday xx

I love the vintage feel of the second card, those images are just so pretty, placed upon that pretty, textured, backing paper, trimmed with a delicate ribbon and pretty bow.
Thank you so much Cheryl for taking the time to make and send me your cards to share with our lovely friends here on the blog xxxx

Well, I am off to grab a quick cuppa before the drama starts!  I will catch up with you all later xx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL- two beautiful cards from you today. We are being spoilt by your talent. Each so very individual but both very classic.
    SANDRA- all I can say to you today is Good Luck and I hope everything goes exactly as planned.
    I hope you have your supplies ready and at hand

    a) boxes of tissues
    b_ lots of cups of tea/coffee
    c) lots and lots of patience
    and finally
    d) after those gorgeous Daughters of yours have left for the evening a good strong drink or perhaps a large glass of wine.

    LUCY and SOPHIE - have a fantastic evening and enjoy every minute of it. It will be a memory which will stay with you both forever.

    It's quite a dull start to the day at the moment but dry and
    I'm hoping that it stays that way as I've a load of bedding to dry and I don't have a tumble dryer here.

    Other than that I'm not quite sure what to do first perhaps I really ought to start on this week's CC.

    It looks as though everything is ready for you all in the Café so I'll go and have my breakfast and pop in later. Have a good day everyone. Hugs have been despatched.

    1. I hope it stays fine for you today Janet. It's wet and miserable here today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-two beautiful cards, both really lovely.

    Sandra-hope you survive the day, you'll be shattered by this evening.
    I hope Lucy & Sophie have a fantastic time this evening.

    Cloudy start to the day with more heavy rain forecast, yesterday the rain was so heavy it caused flash floods in places. The garden is looking good for a change & the grass is returning to its normal colour.
    Meeting was only 20 minutes which was a shame as we had lots more to discuss. Busy day after that, today's meeting is about our 2 students/their NVQ progress then another busy day.
    I watch all Julia Watts shows last night which were good but I'm looking forward to seeing Sue Wilson on Hochanda-she's on the 30th, 1st & 2nd according to Facebook.


    1. Hi Michele
      I wonder why meeting are either to short to get decisions made or to long with a lot of waffling.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and All, wet here again today, feel so sorry for all the tourists.
    Cheryl your cards are lovely, such delicate colours.

    Well Sandra the big day has arrived, your baby girls become beautiful princesses, makes me tearful for you, make sure you and Paul have your tissues ready,
    Lucy and Sophie have a wonderful time, enjoy every moment including all the prep.

    Busy with work again today, hoping to contact a new hairdresser, had leaflet through the door, I have been wanting to find a home hairdresser ever since we moved here . I have arthritis in my neck and find the back wash sinks in the salon very painful , still the girl who cuts my hair is good so am not sure about changing, will give them a ring to see what they are like.

    Have a good day all, did anyone see the new Disney dies on c/c, eye watering prices shall not be going down that road, in fact trying not to spend too much on craft till I've used some of my June spends, if only there were more hours in the day.
    Time for me to love you and leave you, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful cards by Cheryl. Love the tag on the first with the little heart edging.
    So excited for you today Sandra to see your beautiful daughters all ready for their prom. Enjoy the moment :-) Hope Lucy and Sophie have a fabulous time :-)
    Working this morning, then must send in my challenge card - looking forward to seeing everyone else's creations too.
    Have a lovely day and hugs to all xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Two beautiful cards Cheryl. Both so pretty and delicate. I just love the die you've used for the first one.
    Sandra, how excited you and the girls must be today. Enjoy every moment. Hope both girls have a wonderful evening.
    Margaret, I hope you're feeling a lot better today.
    Maria, is your kitchen finally finished?
    Lynn and I really enjoyed our shopping trip. I'll take some photos of my stash for Sandra before I go to play crib today. We enjoyed Independence Day especially in 3D but I must say I didnt think it was as good as the original.It was a lovely afternoon out mind you . I thoroughly enjoyed the popcorn and the steak I had at Frankie and Bennys was delicious.
    What terrible news from Turkey today. Those poor people. Nowhere's safe anymore. I was in 2 airports yesterday both here and Liverpool and it just doesn't bear thinking about. My heart goes out to everyone caught up in it.
    Well I can hear the washing machine on its final spin and all my bedding is ready to go in.
    I'll read everyones comments over the last few days later on just to keep me up to date.
    Have a lovely day ladies.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, it sounds as if you enjoyed your trip & got lots of goodies. My leg is improving thank goodness it's the antibiotics I will be glad to finish. Look forward to seeing your

  6. Good morning ladies,

    Yesterday did not go exactly as planned, the craft floor is now visible and I now have another 'bit box'. It contains all the offcuts of fabric, trims, laces and ribbons that I would normally discard as being too small. Using them underneath toppers & sentiments is the perfect way to utilise them.
    My spot of gardening didn't happen because the clouds started crying again. Back to the drawing board on that ideas. Later in the evening we had horrendous winds that have blown over quite a few tall plants in patio pots which are waiting to be planted.
    A very unpleasant experience on my front doorstep with a young man claiming to be an ex army rehabilitation resulted in me complaining to the Police. Our local council do not give out licences to these people they are doing it for themselves.
    The photographic ID piece of paper he gave me was illegible and when I explained that I do not buy or sell on my doorstep, he got quite defensive and when I said 'No thank you, I cannot help you today' his parting shot was 'Nasty Bastard' and 'F*** Off', I warned him that I was now going to report him. Fortunately I was passed over to and spoke with a very lovely lady who informed me that they had already had a number of complaints against him and a Police unit had alredy been dispatched to deal with him.
    This episode quite shook me up and I was in tears, so afraid that he would come back and do damage to either my car or myself. I could understand his frustraion on not being received very well and it takes a lot for someone to bring me to tears as this was very unsettling but there was no need to react the way he did.

    It's so lovely to see my cards on show today and all the lovely comments so far have cheered me up immensely, thank you ladies, each one of you are so special and such a gift to my life. I am happy to report I am fine now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, what an awful experience. I think you did the right thing in reporting him and hopefully with other people complaining as well he'll be removed from your area. Very unseeling for yo and I do hope your feeling ok today.

    2. Oh Cheryl, what a horrible experience, I hope the police catch this despicable person. I can understand your distress, it makes me so cross that any person can stoop so low. Please be careful.
      Sending lots of very gentle (((((hugs))))) LOL xx

    3. Hi Cheryl your two cards are Gorgeous. I love them both.
      Oh what a horrible experience you had Cheryl with that very rude young man. Well done for reporting him & hope the police deal with ASP. I hope your feeling better today my friend.Big Hug's xxx

    4. What a terrible experience for you Cheryl. Hopefully the police managed to catch up with him and read him the riot act. Hope your feeling a bit better now. Gentle hugs are on the way to you my friend.

    5. So sorry you had that terrible experience, we have a lot of these types here, think it's because we have a lot of retirees here.
      Do hope you are feeling better now, take care.
      Loved your cards

  7. Oh Cheryl, so sorry to hear about your experience. Glad you reported it to the police, let's hope with yours and all other complaints that he gets caught. I know too well how upsetting this sort of experience can be :-( Had it with a phone call once, and when I said no I wasn't interested he actually phoned me back after I'd hung up. I was greeted with a load of verbal abuse, swearing and calling me names which I can't repeat on here. Unfortunately the phone number was unattainable so no way to report it. Was worried for a few days after that he'd phone again, but thankfully didn't.
    Sending you hugs xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I can feel the excitement in your household, I hope the girls have a fantastic evening, I know both you and Paul are going to be so proud of them both in all their finery.

    Cheryl your cards are gorgeous, I have left a comment about the lowlife who knocked on your door. I just hope the police remove him from your area.

    I didn't get any cards made yesterday, but did sort out some of the 'mess' for want of a better word in the Craft room. Still not tidy as I would like, but at least I've got a workspace now.

    I will plod on and do a little more, I'm waiting for a parcel to be delivered which should be here in the next hour, and then we are off to B&Q to the garden Department.
    Sending gentle hugs to those who need them, love Brenda XXX

    1. I have a mess that needs sorting out as well in my craft room. I did start before our holiday but it's just as bad again now.

  9. Good morning SANDRA & Ladies
    Sandra what a full day you have with LUCY & SOPHIE getting them ready for their magical evening enjoy every moment Sandra waching your beautiful girls turning into beautiful princess. Have a fantastic evening Lucy & Sophie & enjoy yourselves. So looking forward to the picture SANDRA.
    Not upto much today probably go for a walk if the rain holds off. Then I have to start the CC so craft room calling.
    MARIA hope your kitchen is finally finished.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, I have tried to email you to thank you but its telling me your email doesnt exist. Will get it to go through eventually.
      Enjoy your crafting.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope you managed to have your walk. Hope your feeling better now.

  10. Hi Cheryl.oh what an awful thing to happen for you. Good you contacted the police and hopefully they will get him so he can't do this again to someone else. sending you hugs xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all today.
    Two lovely cards Cheryl, very pretty soft tones.
    Wish Lucy and Sophie a wonderful prom night !
    I hope you all having a good day whatever you are up too, love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  12. How awful for you Cheryl, let's hope the police have caught him & remove him from the area. Your cards today are beautiful, thank you for sending them to Sandra. Take care hugs on way, love Margaret xx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I bet excitement is high in your household today. I hope Lucy & Sophie have a lovely time, looking forward to photos.
    I feel slightly less grotty today & the bite has gone down thank goodness.
    The weather here is awful today pouring with rain, windy & cold not at all like June weather.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret
      I glad your feeling a bit better today.

    2. So glad to hear your abx working and you're feeling better. xxx

  14. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Two lovely cards today Cheryl, so pretty and delicate, what a horrible experience you had , so glad you reported it and that you are ok now.
    Wishing Lucy and Sophie a fantastic night to remember, Sandra I hope you enjoy all the preparations and are not too upset after they leave, can't wait to see the photos.
    Good to hear your leg is healing Margaret.
    We had a lovely walk this morning but we did have rain for a wee while.
    Didn't go to golf yesterday after all but spent the day in the craft room and managed to get eight cards made so I was quite happy, so I think I'll go up now and put the inserts inside them.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  15. Ooh SANDRA that brings back memories and I only had to deal with one! I have one tip for you - after spending a fortune on daughter's dress which had little diamanté shoulder straps with a cowl neck, one of which broke during the evening and nobody had a safety pin She ended up having to tuck it into her strapless bra SO TUCK A SAFETY PIN INTO THEIR BAGS in case of any disasters be it them or their girly friends Make sure the tissues and a strong drink are at the ready for later

  16. Hi Sandra
    Two beautiful cards from Cheryl today. Love both styles Cheryl thanks for sharing.
    Don't envy you at all today Sandra, but I'd love to see pictures of the girls after there spray tans. What a palava though, if they had to sleep in brown sheets. Rather you than me.

  17. Hi Sandra
    Meant to say I hope the girls have a fantastic time this evening.

  18. I forgot to mention your lovely cards CHERYL They are beautiful I must have a go at vintage it looks so pretty

  19. Hi Sandra,
    well I hope the girls are all dressed and off to their prom. It must be a wrench for your little girls to be all grown up. We nurture them for years and then like the butterfly, we have to let them find their wings and fly. Have a fantastic evening girls. x

  20. Hi everyone.
    What a horrid day, it started with rain and it finished with more rain :-( on top of that I had a bad tummy until late afternoon so just had to stay in bed until the meds. had calmed it down. Kitchen finished so have unpacked a few boxes, not sure where to put it all but have taken one cupboard for some crafting stuff as one must do even if OH is not happy, tough ! hihi
    Hope that Lucy and Sophie got away alright, and have lots to tell you back home tonight/ morning ?
    Hope you all had a good day ! Good night all xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer29 June 2016 at 22:54

      Hi Maria,
      Sorry you had a bad tummy again hope tomorrow is better for you. Good luck unpacking the boxes. Higs on way xxx
