
Saturday 25 June 2016

Mixed up Saturday

Cheryl's Kanzashi Flower

Lynda's Tag
Lynda's Vintage tag

Some photos of the pretty areas of Margaret's Garden

Harry on his Birthday present

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have mostly escaped from the worst of the weather, it is so sad to see the devastation that it causes to peoples lives, it must be so heartbreaking, for those little things, like your childrens art work, however simple and naive, it is irreplacable, take our wedding photos as an example, they can't be replaced, there were no digital copies, it just doesn't bare thinking about, we do have them in a high place, not that we are by a river or anything, but neither were friends of ours and they ended up living in a mobile home for 18months while thier home was dried out and rebuilt. So lets hope we have seen the last of the torrential rain for a while.  
I feel for the people that have spent £200 + on tickets for Glastonury too, what a mess, I was watching them all wade through the inches of mud and they had to pitch tents and camp in that, YUK!
I guess I can't get let the day slip by without mentioning the EU Referendum, I have to say I was surprised at the outcome, I'm can't help but wonder what lies ahead, I wonder what the exchange rate will be for my Euros in the next few weeks, hopefully its just panic 'knee jerk' reactions!! What do you all think?

Now onto today's Crafts and gardens.........

First up today is Cheryl's AMAZING Kanzashi Flower, it is just so beautiful, each fold is absolutely perfect,
I thought that it would be impossible to make but after looking on Cheryl's Pinterest page and following a link to a You Tube Tutorial on the flower, I think I might have a go, thank you so much for allowing me to share your flower Cheryl, I can't wait to see all of your finished Crafts for your stall. xxx

Two Crafts from our Lynda next, a stunning tag which Lynda has covered with Gilding Flakes, then stamped a Inkyliscious Stamp on top of the flakes, finishing it off with some pretty lace.
I absolutely love the frame that Lynda has created, decorated beautifully with flowers and some metal embellishments, I love that vintage image too.  I am looking forward to finding out what you have used to create the texture around the frame Lynda, thank you so much for sharing your crafts xxx

Now onto the absolutely gorgeous images of Margaret's Garden, it looks like a wild meadow, which Alan has said was the look he was going for ! If those are the results you get I think I might follow the 'Wild' Garden look from now on, it looks like that Butterfly is enjoying the wild garden too, thank you so much for snapping your beautiful flowers and sharing them with us Margaret, I would also like to say that I hope you have an amazing time in France this coming week with your Boule group xxx

I couldn't resist sharing this adorable photo of Harry on his Birthday present, he looks like he loves it, who got the job of running up and down the road after him, hahaha, thank you for sharing Lynda xxx

We just about finished the Prom shopping, shoes, make up, gel cushions to go under the balls of their feet to prevent slipping, the biggest laugh of all was looking for the 'right' bra !! Lucy's dress is sheer on the shoulders and back, covered in gems but sheer for the most part, so no bra straps or bra back, we were originally looking for these 'stick on' things, which basically looked like strips of tape that wrap your boobs,
at between £10 - £20 for 1 use, I thought 'no', so we carried on looking and came across the perfect solution, a bra that has both a clear and 'normal' back strap and the same for the shoulder straps, you can also wear it strapless, so I thought that you couldn't get anything more versatile so I got them 1 each as Sophie will have to go strapless! I never thought that you could get a 'five-way, clear strapped' bra, which proves that every day is a school day, I was truly amazed, or easily pleased!! 
Believe me, two teenagers and that amount of shopping can and will cause headaches!!

Val, I hope you have a fun weekend away with Lynn xx
Janet, how were your first pastries, oh and what was the gossip in the cafe this week, I wonder if they were talking about Britain leaving the EU?!

Thank for so much to all of todays contributors, I am as always hugely grateful to be able to share your work.

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow Cheryl your flower is a work of art it is sooo beautiful! I have never heard of Kanzashi before ( it's amazing what you can learn on this blog) I must have a look at your Pinterest page to see how you make it, it looks so intricate, just stunning!
    Lynda I love your tag and frame they are glorious and so interesting to look at, I think the gilding flake with stamping on top is very clever and the lace trim is perfect, the frame has an amazing texture and all the embellishments make it so special, Harry's photo on his super duper bike is fabulous , he is a very lucky boy!
    Margaret, the flowers from your garden are gorgeous I'm sure you get great pleasure from them , I have similar in our garden and just love them.
    Sandra as you say regarding leaving the EU we will just have to wait and see what happens now , we don't go on holiday until October but Iain was saying yesterday he wished he had ordered some euros .
    I'm meant to be playing golf this morning but it looks very misty at the moment but hopefully it will clear soon , I feel so sorry for people having to deal with flooding it must be an absolute nightmare, we are lucky up here as we don't get the extremes of weather down south seem to get, we just have the midges to contend with!
    Well I'll go now and have some tea and toast, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Thank you ANNE for your lovely comment on my fram & tag oh & Harry on his bike. He loves it but Dad has to run after him as he can't steer it 😀 xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-your "flower " is stunning, can't wait to hear how you made it.

    Lynda-two more great pieces of altered art.

    Margaret-lovely to see your garden, it looks really pretty.

    Great photo of Harry on his BIL.

    I have an appointment at the hairdressers at 9.30 for a cut/colour today but nothing else planned so I think I'd better look at starting some challenge cards. I've been so busy st work & it's been so hot here that I haven't done any crafting-too tired.


    1. That's meant to say "great photo of Harry on his BIKE"!!!

    2. Thank you MICHELE for your kind comments.
      Hope your hair appointment was a success & your pleased. Xx

    3. We're trying different colours-gone for red & dark blonde as just blonde seems to be looking a bit "brassy"!! Need it colouring as I'm quite grey -my natural colour is mid to dark brown do the grey really shows!
      Had a play in my craft room this afternoon then got a card order . Football themed for 31st July so will get thinking about that tomorrow!


  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a dull start to the day here in Marigny but still in the 20s so I'm not goig to complain. My heart also goes out to those who are suffering through flooding. It is one of the most horrendous things to have to go through seeing all your possessions ruined believe me it is heartbreaking.

    CHERYL - Ooooooooooooooh how I love love love your flower and yes I went over to have a look at the tutorial. Guess what it is a DEFINITE TO DO item on my list. I just cannot resist the challenge. Fingers crossed it may look something like when I've done it.
    LYNDA- Your tags are just fantastic and you have given me some inspiration for a couple I have so Please may I borrow some ideas from you PLEASE
    MARGARET- A wild and free garden is so beautiful and all the bees and butterflies really appreciate all the hard work you have put in to give them as much space as they need
    Thank you so much everyone for allowing Sandra to show your beautiful creations.

    The market was very busy but of course tourists are starting to arrive including people with second homes in the Morvan. The café too was very busy and for the first time this year we sat outside so we could people watch as they came down the market. All the regulars were there so you can imagine the noise level as the windows were open to the street and so the sound travels like it does in a cavern. Lovely to hear though.

    Our pastries were as usual delightful and so we started by having simple but oh so delicious creations of
    a) a must gorgeous Apricot tart - apricots sat on a bed of pastry crème anglais inside a very light short crust case. and
    b) a confection of Strawberry Mousse sat on a base of strawberry sponge and crispy bits (sorry I just cannot remember the name) finished with a beautiful glaze and strawberries on the top.
    A lovely way to finish as meal of Tuna Salad.

    I have some bedding plants to see to this morning bought yesterday from the market. They are for my tubs and so I can fill those ss I can stand the tubs on Jim's bench.

    Hope everyone is feeling well and that you have received your hugs for the day. Dobbie has done well for his first week so he will be staying on. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thank you for liking my altered are & you are welcome to use the ideas for your project no worries. I have just put two pounds on reading about your pastries they sound delishous.
      Have a lovely day putting your plants in.
      Love Lynda xx

  4. That's meant to say "great photo of Harry on his bike!"


  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    oh Cheryl, what a beautiful flower. I must have a look over on you tube at that as I really can't figure out how its made. So intricate.
    Lynda, your tag and frame are fantastic. The gilding looks beautiful and the flowers in just the right colour look perfect.
    Harrybon his new bike is so cute. He looks so happy and proud of himself. A lovely little boy.
    Margaret your garden flowers look wonderful. What a mass of colour your garden must be. Enjoy your time in France with thee boules group. It will be interesting to hear their take on UK leaving the EU.
    Sandra, so lookig forward to seeing the girls in their prom outfits. They sound so lovely. Bet they're excited.
    I think everyone has there own idea about UK leaving the EU and whatever siide you're on you think you're right. I think were in for a very uncertain future. Hate the thought of the bumbling Boris being in charge. All we need is Donald to get into the White House and God help us all. Then again I bet some people would welcome them both.
    Well I'm off to drop Gracie off with the lovely couple who look after her whilst I'm away. Then it's off to the Airport.
    Have a good weekend everyone. I'll try and pop in when I can. We're staying in a Travel Lodge this time and I only get 30 minutes internet time each day..
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      Look for my Pinterest page, Cheryl Brown, and it is on the board Ribbon Flowers. xxx

    2. Thank you Val for your lovely comment. Have a safe journey & have a lovely time love Lynda xx

  6. Good Morning, Sandra and Friends, well it's dry at the moment but the rain came down in buckets last night, feel so sorry for all those at Glastonbury.

    Cheryl your flower is amazing you must have very nimble fingers, will have a look to see how it's made.
    Lynda your altered arts are beautiful, love the stamping on gilding flakes, what sort of ink did you use? must have a go at that.
    Margaret your garden looks lovely, have a great time in France.
    Val enjoy your time with friends, have a lovely craft spend.

    Harry looks great on his new bike, what a wonderful present for a lovely little boy.

    Sandra what a lot of lovely girly shopping, the girls will be looking superb in their finery, can't wait to see the photos.

    Will try and do challenge cards today, although work is pressing, so not sure how much I'll get done.

    Will keep open mind on EU issue, although I was disappointed with the results.

    Have a good day alll, hope you have some sunshine, Lilian.
    Hope you can read this ,sorry Fingers not working well today

    1. Hi Lillian thank you so much for your lovely comments. Sorry your hands & fingers are not working I feel for you as mine are the same. I picked a cup up of hot tea up this morning & just dropped it lucky it was in kitchen so it didn't go over me. Arthur has a lot to answer for.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Good morning ladies,

    Wow! Lovely to see my flower in the café today. It took me 3 hours to make this one (kept forgetting which way to fold the ribbon!), have since made one in an hour and half. I also made a white one for a Wedding wreath using 1" ribbon, bit more fiddly but well worth the effort.
    The video is on my Pinterest Board, Ribbon Flowers, if you are interested in making some. Look for Cheryl Brown.

    Lynda, I am amazed at how well you do the altered art/mixed media items. They are so lovely and intricately made. Well done you.
    Oh and Harry's photo on his bike just melted my heart. He looks pleased as punch and I bet he's never off it. Pure happiness shines from his handsome little face.

    Margaret's wild meadow borders are divine. So diverse in the planting and grouping of plants. I must take some tips from you.

    Unfortunately my love of gardening took a backseat for 2 years whilst I coped with Pete leaving us to dance with the angels, and the 'wild plants' took over. I'm now more peaceful and will start doing jobs other than mowing the lawn in order to reclaim my borders.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl thank you very much your so kind. I looked at your pinserest page there was some lovely flowere but loved your one. I will need some pearls with holes in. Then I will try.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Beautiful items on show today CHERYL this is someting new to me too I will definitely be visiting your board
    LYNDA I see you're not fighting off your addiction! Truly gorgeous You've inspired me to do a box frame in memory of my mum as I still haven't sorted her bits out I could include a photo re your tag and some of her jewellery I wear her only "expensive" piece The rest is all costume items and it'll be a way of using that too
    Ooh shopping with teenage girls is never easy at the best of times but for Prom must have been a nightmare My daughter wore bras as you described for dancing Some of them had pearls or diamanté across the back for really low and I mean low back tops
    Off to a BBQ later to meet with friends that do this every year Great way of catching up with Salsa friends without shouting across the loud music and of course we'll be showing Oscar off too hee hee!
    HARRY looks so happy on his bike and MARGARET your garden looks beautiful

    1. Thank you Karen for you kind comments. I hope you enjoy the BBQ & your weather is better than mine,we have another thunder storm at the moment. Xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Cheryl, your flower is absolutely stunning. Definitely worth the time it took to make. Will pop over to your Pinterest boards to have a look :-)
    Lynda, your tag and frame are gorgeous. Have never thought of stamping on gilding flakes - what a fantastic idea. I love the sentiment on your frame too :-)
    Margaret, your wild meadow flowers look beautiful in your garden :-)
    Little Harry looks like he's having a great time on his bike - lovely photo of him :-)
    Janet, your pastries sound delicious. I think I'd have trouble choosing between them all, it takes me long enough to decide from the Waitrose counter ;-)
    Karen, what a lovely idea to use some of your Mums jewellery in your box frame. Pleased you got hold of those Memory Box number dies too :-)
    Sandra, can't wait to see photos of the girls ready for their prom - make sure someone takes some of you with them too - proud Mum moment :-))
    Have a lovely day, hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia for your so kind. I wasn't sure if the stamping on the guilding flakes would work I was quite pleased,but think it would show better with a lighter shade of flake I also embossed it.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda. Think it looks fabulous, and you've inspired me to have a go :-) Hugs xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Cheryl WOW your flower is beautiful. I will look on your Pinterest board to see how you made this gorgeous piece of art.

    Lynda, your tags are lovely, you really seem to be enjoying your altered art, as you have shown us some beautiful pieces. You could open your own boutique and sell them there. Great to see Harry out on his bike, he looks so happy. Bet he thinks he is 'King of the Road' xx

    Margaret your beautiful plants look very happy growing as nature intended. Hope your boules trip to France is a great success. Best of luck. xx

    Sandra the shopping sounds fun. I know your girls are going to look fantastic in their beautiful prom dresses.

    Well that's my coffee break over, not intending to do much today. Oops still thinking about CC (don't tell Sandra)

    Love and Hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. I want say a word hihi hope you manage to make something. Wrong word ,hope. You always come up with something Beautiful ! Have fun, hugs xx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oh wow what a wonderful display this Saturday in the cafe'. Cheryl - I too is amazed how you made this amazing flower so will have a look later. It is absolutely wonderful ! Take care if you starting some gardening so you don't hurt your back. Take care !
    oooooh Lynda- you have made two things here that is super duper gorgeous ! Love the gilding flaked with the stamp. Lynda you are our mixed medium pro !
    Harry on his new bike is lovely ! Love his smile !
    Margaret- love your wild flowers in your garden, the butterflies and bees must love it too. So nice to see them in the summer months. Unfortunately the rain is cascading down at the minute so I can continue with my unpacking of boxes and then I will try to make something for the mini challenge. Had a look back at yours Sandra and they are so Beautiful ! Shopping for the girls must have been fun :-) I can't wait to see them in their dresses and hope to see one with you three together as the proud mamma you are.
    Anne- hope you have a good day and the mist lifted for a round of golf, take care.
    Karen- have a nice BBQ just hope you can have it outdoors. Have a nice time do with friends.
    Val- have a great time in the UK, don't spend all the money(in one go)Nice for Gracie to have a little holiday.
    Janet- you did get my mouth dribble hihi the pastries sound soooo good. Have a nice day.
    Michele- have a nice day and hope you happy with the haircut. Had one myself a week ago (shorter for the summer) it's now a bit drafty if going out, tihi
    Lilian- sorry to hear your fingers give you problems,
    wish them better. Take care.
    Sonia- have a nice weekend with the family. Do the boys play football in the rain ? Our neighbours boy just got back from his match and he had to take everything off outside, he looked a bit embarrassed bless him hihi
    I bet get a move on again so much to do but can't put anything on the work top yet as the painter need to have space. Shame he was delayed because of another job but Tuesday it will be done,YES !!
    Littlelamb- hope you are alright ?
    Love and hugs to you all and have a good Saturday,
    Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. Unfortunately, yes they do play in the rain :-( All finished now though for this season, and when Luke starts back in September at the academy most of his games should be during school hours, so we won't get a chance to watch.
      Glad to hear your kitchen nearly finished, looking forward to seeing some pics of it :-)
      Hugs xxx

  12. Margaret Palmer25 June 2016 at 14:55

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing our garden, it was looking it's best then. Alan has worked hard on it in the 12 years we have been here, he said that this year it is happy. Look forward to seeing photos of the girls with Mum.
    At the moment I am sitting in Out of Hours Dr's, 2hr or more wait, I have an insect bite on my thigh which looks angry. As Sandra said I am of to France in morning so thpugjt I should get it checked. Will let you know how I get
    Cheryl your flower is beautiful you must have soo much
    Lynda you have really produced some lovely tags & the picture of Harry is lovely, that will keep his Dad fit. Hope Terry has
    Hope to pop in during the week. Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi MARGARET you snuck in while I was typing. Thank you for your kind comments. Yes Terry is ok now just shook him up.
      Your flower beds are very pretty. Hope you got your insect bite sorted. Have a lovely time in journey. Take care
      Love Lynda xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Maria thank you so much im not sure about the mixed media pro I don't really know what I'm doing I just play & get very messy great fun. Not sure what my next project will be. Wow finished kitchen on Tuesday hope your pleased with it. Looking forward to the photos.
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi SANDRA & Friends
    I have got hear at last been commenting on way down. Thank you all again for your lovely comments on my Tag Frame & Harry's picture he dose love his Bike.
    The tag was just an idear I had in my head ( not much else in there haha)
    I put a double sided sticky sheet on first then used Chocolate box Guilding flakes. The stamp is a Inkylishous ''Isobelle' I used black Arcival ink pad & embossed with clear powder.the House Martin is a Clarity stamp.I was really pleased with it. My Frame I painted it all over with Matt chalk paint Orchid then once dry on both sides I just stamped. The top bottom & sides I used sum grunge past & just sprinkled some different coloured micro beads in the past while still wet so gave it that texture. The flowers I added some white gesso on the pettals to give a antique look added some embellishments. I stamped the verse onto a pice of stamp board & job finished. Yesterday I was very productive I Made two Challenge cards & two of the minni Challenge cards.
    MARGARET I love your pretty flower beds they are Gorgeous xx
    SANDRA when is SOPHIE & LUCY'S prom I can imagine they look so beautiful in their prom dresses Sandra I bet you & Paul are very proud of them. I loved your picture of your three lovely daughter's & you & Paul on F B shame Matt wasen't in it. Well as it's raining here with thunder storm I am going to practise my Groovi board. Have a lovely day everyone love Lynda xx

  15. Hi Sandra
    I'm writing from a very wet Cologne on our west home. I sent Sandra
    Some pictures if she's received them. Had a lovely day in the Minau Gardens but it was very home. Then a gigantic thunderstorm last night. I've never seen white horses on a lake before, the wind was so fierce.
    Lovely mixed craft today ladies. Love the picture of Harry on his bike Lynda. Can't read the comments as its all in some fancy writing.

  16. Well I seem to have written a load of rubbish and I haven't even had a drink yet.
    Should be on our way home, and it was very hot.

  17. Margaret Palmer25 June 2016 at 18:29

    Just a quick update, I am not going to France leg has nasty infection on antibiotics & habe to rest. Will see you tomorrow as usual l xxx

    1. Oh Margaret I just wished you a good time further up but have deleted it after seeing you can't go. So sorry to see the blighters have infected you so badly so you missing out on the trip. Hope you not to upset and will be able to go on another one at a another time. Sending you a big hug and wish you better, take it easy xxx

    2. Sorry to hear about your leg :-( Sending hugs xxx

  18. I know I haven't commented for a couple of weeks but my feet haven't touched the ground for ages !! But that doesn't mean that I haven't been checking in!!!
    Today I just have to leave a comment......Lynda's flower is just amazing, eye catchingly beautiful. Greetings to all from Bath where we are child sitting.

    1. Hi Angela, Nice to see you in the cafe'. Hope you are alright and looking forward to some holiday soon. Sandra never told us you have wings, tihi
      Take care and do pop in when you have a minute xx

  19. Hello.

    Could you please tell me how I find Cheryl's blog so I can track down the video for the AMAZING Kanzashi Flower, it's Stunning. Beautifully done Cheryl. Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Lynn, nice to see you again. To find our Cheryl then go to Pinterest, put Cheryl Brown in the search bar and the look under her Ribbon Flowers. They are wonderful but I think our Cheryl ones is amazing. Loved to try but it does look very fiddly so not sure. Will you have a go or maybe you made some before ? take care xx

  20. Thank you Maria for the information. I don't know if I'm capable of making these Beautiful flowers but will definitely pin them and may have a go, lol. Thanks again.
