
Friday 24 June 2016

Proud Gran Anne and Val's Craft Shopping !!

Abi's Card for her sister Amber's birthday

Val's craft shopping 

Good Morning Ladies,

I feel so priviliged to be able to share something very special with you all today!
Anne sent me a photograph of a card that she was so incredibly proud to share with all of us, yes it is that amazing card above, made be Anne's beautiful Granddaughter Abi for her Sister Amber's 11th Birthday.
Abi managed it all on her own too, Anne just left her to it in the craft room and was so very impressed when she saw that Abi had stamped the flowers and coloured them perfectly, I mean look at that shading, its incredible, Abi decoupaged the flowers exactly where needed too, amazing talent for someone so young. I love the flag with the sentiment, that Abi has inked through the die to match and tie in perfectly with the rest of the card. 
Abi your card is absolutely amazing, your sister will absolutely love it, I can't wait to see some more of your cards, maybe you could join Ciara in having a go at the challenge cards, your Gran can send you a copy maybe, I would love to see what you come up with, thank you so much for allowing me to share your card with your Gran's friends here on the blog, thank you to you too Anne xxxx

Now Val is the only one that owned up to some craft shopping this week, she got some lovely things from Joanna Sheen by the look of it, Creative Expressions Dainty Oval frame die, some lovely card stock, I love that Crafters Companion Classic Edge die, it is so pretty, looking forward to seing what you create with it,
last but not least the Britannia 'Happy' and 'Christmas', perfect for all of those 'seasonal' cards, its great to have a die so that you can match your sentiment to your card colour theme!  Thank you so much for sharing your craft shopping with us Val, although I can't help but think that next weeks will be an even bigger haul after your trip back to UK !! xxxx

I hope that you have all got a good start on challenge cards, I bet none of you had hands as inky as mine, I had to scrub them for ages, but it was good messy fun though, I hope you enjoy it as much.

Have a lovely weekend ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good Morning 0Sandra and ladies. I'm very early this morning as I've been up for hours watching the results. Personally disappointed as I live in Spain and have a very volatile antii British Prime Minister over here who would be happy to cut his nose off to spite his face and would love to get rid of us. We might be meeting up in UK sooner than I thought ha ha.
    Anyway on to today.Abi your card is amazing. I love the flower, the background paper, the bow and the lovely dots down the side. So profesional. I bet Amber was so happy with it.
    I just love Joanna Sheen. Just cant resist buying from her. Haven't use any of my purchases yet. Lookig forward to my shopping trip tomorrow.
    craft class today. Haven't been for a couple of weeks and so looking forward to a good natter and craft of course.
    Enjoy your day all. Will pop back later to read all your comments.
    Love Val xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    ABI - your card is just amazing and I would have loved to see your Sister's face when she opened it. It's just beautiful from start to finish and just shows what a talent you have. I too share Sandra's wishes that you could take part in some of the weekly Challenges.

    We had another very very hot day yesterday and at the moment it looks as though today is going to be the same though the forecast is for it to be a little cooler.
    I've requested and so hopefully my request has been answered that some of this Summer Weather be shared across the Channel so that you all can enjoy it.

    I see everything is OK in the Café and Dobbie is doing well. We're off to Corbigny today as it's Friday and of course that means Market Day together with our Weekly treat of a visit to the cake shop. I'll pop in later to see what's happening. Hugs are on their way with some gentle ones for Terry who I hope is feeling somewhat better today after taking a tumble yesterday. xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Abi -what a fantastic card, I'll bet your sister loved it. I hope you carry on card making & would love to see more of your makes.

    Val-great selection of crafty goodies . Will you be buying a few more items on this trip????
    I only bought the Diecutting magazine with the free Sue Wilson die -forgot to photograph it!

    Still trying to get my head round the fact that we'll be leaving the EU-not sure how I feel about it.


    1. Hi Michele, hope you're ok. I'm taking an empty case so part of it is going to be filled with craft goodies I'm sure. Also getting some summer clothes for my hloiday in September as well as some sandles and an electric can opener from Argos. We don't got many tin s without ringpulls now I know but when I do I just can't turn the handle of the can opener I've got since my shoulder op. and I've never seen them over
      Hope work isnt too busy today and have a good weekend.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Michele, sadly only over for 4 days. Tomorrow until Tuesday but wouldn't that have been grea tto meet up for a craft show? Thanks for thinking of it.
      Love Valxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and All, showery here today.

    Abi love your card for your Sister, beautiful colouring, and fussy cutting.

    Val shopping looks great, I understand your worry about EU results, Cornwall as one of the poorest areas , gets a lot of monetary help from EU so not sure what happens now.
    Work delivery today so I'd better get a move on , have a good day all. Lilian

  5. Morning ladies,

    Well what a momentous decision taken by our populace. We had close ties with the Commonwealth before Ted Heath decided to take us into the EEC, not the EU as it has become. Now it's time for us to set our own quotas, take back our court and laws, and start new trade agreements. I have belief that we will do so. I am more concerned with Dodgy Dave's assertion that 'no matter what we vote, we will still be in the EU because HE is Prime Minister and that it is his wish to see that we remain'. How that can be even loosely called Democracy, I really don't know. He only wants to protect his own skin as it has been apparent all the way through this campaign that he has his eyes set on a plum job as an MEP or financial advisor to on of the big companies, just like Kinnock and Tony Be-a-liar, et al.

    A beautifully stunning card Abi, I'm sure your sister will be thrilled with it. Well crafted my flower.

    Yet another week has passed me by, so much going on and the good news is, Jamie should be picking up his new car today. Not going into finer points but oh my goodness, his insurance company informwd him it would take 28 days to settle the accident claim. REALLY?? In this age of technology it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours typing into a computer. Or am I missing the point some where?

    Love and (((((hugs))))) to all those of you who are feeling good for whatever reason....... my favourite cure, which I am sure I have mentioned before...
    Wrap your arms around your shoulders and squeeze gently, now you have a hug from me.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love Abi's card. The colouring/shading is beautiful :-) Anne, you have a very talented Granddaughter, and hopefully we will be seeing more of her gorgeous creations :-)
    Val, some lovely buys and looking forward to seeing your next purchases! Love the look of the Crafter's Companion edge die - can't wait to see what you make using it :-)
    Hope everyone has a lovely day whatever you are doing. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all visiting the cafe' today.
    Abi- love your card , the colouring in and the beads going down the side. hope that Amber had a nice Birthday. I too love to see more of your cards.
    Val- like your shopping of goodies. Have a good shopping trip to the UK. Any craft show you can go to while here ?
    Michele- What Issue did you get the Pictor die from ? I have looked for it but can't find it. Hope your day at work is not to stressful.
    Janet- have a lovely day at the market and get your taste buds back to the yummy pastries once again. Little sunshine here this morning so it worked ,thank you :-)
    My second washing machine is on and so far no leaking or so and we boiled some eggs on the hob, that was an experience to learn how to work it and so is the oven but so far so good. Painter will be here Monday and Tuesday so I will take some pics. when that's done. As soon the skip gone this morning we are out to do some shopping and then I like to play this afternoon, we will see how messy I can let myself to get still being in the lounge :-)
    Lynda- hope Terry is alright after his fall and not to sore, gentle hugs.
    Wish you all a good day, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, sadly no craft shows on in the Wirral area but I have a visit to The Range planned and also the local craft shop in a garden centre which has lots of things to buy.
      so glad your house especially your kitchen is getting back to normal. I bet it starting to look lovely and great now that you can do some cooking.
      Enjoy your day shopping and playing.
      With love Valxx

    2. Val-there's a DoCrafts demo on 2nd July & crafters companion demo on 16th at Lady Green Garden Centre (Ince woods, near Liverpool ) if you're free those days. The staff are lovely & it's my "local " craft shop. Email me if you're interested in going.


    3. Maria-my die came free with the latest issue of Diecutting Essentials magazine. Most supermarkets keep it plus WHSmiths. Hope this answers your question.


    4. Thank you Michele, have a nice weekend xx

  8. Good morning Ladies,
    I got such a surprise to see Abi's card this morning ( thank you Sandra) and thank you all for the wonderful comments, I will show her when she gets home from school and let you know her reaction! I also hope during the school holidays she might join in the challenges as I am quite amazed at her talent in cardmaking as she hadn't shown too much interest in it before.
    Val, looks like you have a great selection of goodies there to play with and by the time you get back lots more lol! have a lovely time and enjoy yourself.
    Don't know how I feel about the EU result not what I wanted or expected, we will just have to wait and see how it goes now.
    Janet , I'm looking forward to hearing about your delicious mouthwatering cakes today I need something to cheer me up ha ha!
    Amber is having her birthday celebrations with all the family tomorrow so at least we will get some lovely birthday cake then.
    Enjoy your day ladies ,love and hugs to all xoxo

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing the card Abi made it is lovely, well done no wonder Anne wanted us to see it.xx
    Val your goodies look very useful & I am sure you will find plenty to take home with you next week. Enjoy your craft class & safe
    Sun out at the moment washing on line, must get on now Sue will be here soon.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone.

    ABI, your card is beautiful, your focal element stands out, while keeping the background interesting, toned and attractive, but not overwhelming. You really are a very talented young lady. Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm sure your sister was delighted with it.

    Ciara started her challenge card yesterday, her inspiration came from some neon yellow ribbon I had. The background is complete, but she hasn't added any focal element. So I have not taken a picture yet. She said that was it finished - Because she was watching my attempt at the mini challenge and of course had to have a go, mine went in the bin, now hers, considering she had never attempted anything like that before, is worthy of a viewing. But when she had finished she sat back and said I like that. Anyway I will send the picture to Sandra.

    Sorry Sandra I didn't have time yesterday to send you a photo of my latest craft stash. We left home about 9:15 and didn't return until after 10pm. You wouldn't have wanted to see anything at that time of night.

    Val love your crafty buys, I also like to shop with Joanna Sheen. Her delivery is usually very fast, AND free postage if you spend over £10 (that's not difficult) Enjoy your shopping trip. xx

    Hope you all have better weather today, it is dry and sunny here. I have two machine loads of washing out on the line blowing gently. So should be able to get it ironed later.
    This evening we are going to granddaughters school to an art exhibition. All the work of year 12 (I think) we used to call it six lower. - anyway it's their AS level work. Tierney has several pieces displayed that she has painted onto black latex. Apparently they are hanging on wires like wings!!! I will let you know how they all worked out. They did look good when they were spread out on the kitchen table at home.

    Right coffee time over, it was a bit late today as I've had phone calls and interruptions. But then does it matter, NO. I will move myself and get something done hope you're all having a good day, sending extra hugs for those who need them, take care everyone, love Brenda XXX

    1. Lynda, Sorry I meant to say hope Terry is okay today, after his fall.
      Just be gentle with him. LOL to you both xx

  11. Hiya All ABI your card is beautiful What a clever girl you are I've suddenly had a busy and tiring week doing not much really My laptop and camera are not playing ball I'm relying on my iPod to do things I hope TERRY is ok Take care all

  12. Hi again girls,
    Well Abi was quite stunned seeing her card on the blog , she had an extremely big smile on her face while she was reading your comments ( she's a bit shy and quiet) but she said it was so nice to read that others liked her card and she would like to do some challenges, so thanks again girls ! Xoxo
