
Thursday 23 June 2016

Mini Challenge Day

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought that it was about time I gave you another Challenge, well a 'mini' challenge really.  I have been playing about with my new Stamping up Tree Stamps and I had so much fun that I thought that I would base this challenge on stamping.
So I would like you to have a go at making a card or maybe 'some' cards by using stamping alone, no dies!  

This card was created by inking Tea Dye Distress ink
Through a piece of card that I had die cut an oval out of
I then stamped the tree to one side of the oval and the
Sentiment on the other!

This one was simply inked using Basil leaf and Summer Sky
Colour Cloud and Inkyliscious brushes, I then stamped the tree
In the centre, matted and layered up, inked seam binding with same Summer Sky ink and then added the sentiment.

Simply added distress marker to an acrylic stamp block,
Spritzed with water and stamped onto water colour card.
I think stamped the inkyliscious Make a Wish stamp over the
Top of the coloured area, matt and layered.

This card was inked with Tea Dye and Marigold with Inkyliscious
Brushes, I used a die cut circle to create the moon and then swiped the 
Brush across the moon a couple of times to create the whispy cloud effect,
I then stamped all over the card with different Inkyliscious  Stamps.

Now just to explain that it usually takes me a whole day to make one card, mainly due to indecision about what to use and the fact that sitting or standing for any length is painful, so I need to take breaks, the first two cards only took me an hour!! I was amazed and really pleased with the results!  So when Sue came over yesterday I was excited to get her involved too!

So I hope you enjoy the Challenge and I will share your results next Thursday.

Now, I cannot believe that none of you have been doing any craft shopping, so where are the photos of your buys, please get them sent in, I am having withdrawal symptoms from seeing your bargains! 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone from a beautiful sunny and warm day here in Marigny.

    To all Dear Friends in the South East and London areas please take great care in the horrible conditions I have just seen on the news. I now feel guilty that we are having beautiful weather here.

    SANDRA- I will really try to get some Challenge Cards made both the weekly and mini but as yet I haven't unpacked my travelling craft box. I'm hoping to get that done today.

    I see Marigny Dobbie is on top form and that the Café is looking lovely. He's put the clean table cloths on and added some lovely little vases of roses.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you're all going to do. I'll try and pop in later to see who has called in. Hugs should have arrived with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good. xxxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    just love todays challenge. I'm not such a good stamper but have lots of them. I'll really try and get to it today. Love all the different ones youve made Sandra. The trees areall so pretty.
    Crib was enjoyable yesterday. I was losing 2-0 but managed to win 3-2. I know its the taking part that matters but I love to see the mens faces when they lose to a woman. Aren't I wicked.
    Well its ironing and packing for Lynn and my shopping trip to the Uk on Saturday. Not too taxing. I should have lots of goodies to show a.
    week on Saturday.
    Have a good day everyone. For those of you caught up in the thunder storms and flash floods, stay safe.
    love Valxxx

    1. Oh yes Val, Well done, One up for the girls! xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-all your cards look fantastic , not sure what I'll be able to "create" but I'll give it a go. I have quite a collection of stamps, having gained a lot from my crazy friend when she had a clear out. I hate to admit it but I rarely use any stamps so this really is a CHALLENGE for me....!!
    My goodness-work turned out busy yesterday, then just when we were prepping for today we got a request for urgent chemotherapy for a 54year old on Intensive Care-this was at 4.50pm but you can't say no so we all just got on & did what we needed to . The consultant was going with a nurse up to the patient to give the treatment as we left.
    We have another sunny day here, the predicted rain doesn't look likely today but i'l take an umbrella just in case!


  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra ,I love all your cards! I do love the clean and simple look, I have never tried this sort of card but can't wait to give it a go , as you know stamping is my favourite medium, so this mini challenge is "right up my street"" .
    I have bought a few things recently so I must remember to takes photos of them for you.
    It looks a lovely morning here so hope it lasts and I can get out in the garden for a wee while.
    Must also go and vote!
    Well done at crib Val! I hope you have all your packing done now and you can look forward to your break and think about all the goodies you are planning to buy.
    Enjoy your day girls , love and hugs to all xoxo

  5. Hello Sandra and Friends bright and sunny here this morning, I'm off to Hayle today crafting with my friend, only one today as our other friend can't make it today.
    Sandra your cards are a real wow, so arty looking, just my style, although I must admit that I usually use chalk for my backgrounds, will have try with ink but I'm very messy and usually get finger prints when I do inky backgrounds.

    Hope everyone who is in the thundery area keep safe, just the horrendous pictures on the news.

    O/H left early as he is in charge of a polling station, been doing it for years, has the same lady working with him, so they are a team, expecting it to be very busy.

    Will try and send you my pic of my new goodies when I get home Sandra.

    Have a good day , hugs for all, Lilian.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love this mini challenge, and your cards are fabulous. Have nearly finished my sketch challenge card, so once that's done will make a start on this :-)
    Was woken in the night from heavy rain, but think we missed the worse of it as no thunder/lightning.
    Janet, please send some sunshine our way :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    WOW Sandra your cards are FAB, what an inspiring challenge you have set us, I know the clever coffee shop crew will raise to the challenge. I'll do my best, but will have to get my thinking cap on.

    This morning I am off to my hairdresser friend to get my hair coloured and trimmed. Then this afternoon we are on the school run. Have got ahead of myself and made our evening meal, not sure what time do you get back home as daughter has taken the teenager up to Leeds to look at the University.

    Must get a wriggle on, catch up with you later, love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra you already know how much I loved these cards, and it was wonderful to see you enjoying stamping so much. How often have we both sat there stamping and going through so much card as each image was blurred, missing bits etc. Even I managed to get several images stamped first time!!! Your backgrounds turned out so well too. All in all it was a very productive and enjoyable day yesterday trying something new. I hope to get both my sketch and mini challenge cards finished today.
    I hope that you are all safe from the awful weather that parts of the country are having at the moment. It is overcast but warm here today, at the moment anyway.
    Marginal Dobbie is doing you proud, as usual Janet, thank you for the beautiful roses, they smell gorgeous.
    I hope that you all have a good day. Must get on as I have several things to do before Beavers tonight, I hope the weather holds as we made rockets last week and will be testing them tonight. As they are filled with water we need to do it outside. I see some wet children going home afterwards : ) Sending love and hugs to you with extras for Val and all in need
    Take care xx

  9. Good morning SANDRA & friends
    Well at the moment we have some sun after a horrendous night thunder & lightening the rain was heavy too. Apparently we are going to get another storm this afternoon. At least we haven't got any damage.
    Having a bit of trouble with the dog we are looking after she keeps weeing & pooing in doors so I have been putting her out the back every 15 minutes. What with Annie last evening with the shaking & the other dog not settleing we didn't get much sleep. Terry came downstairs with 4oclock. When I got up this morning Terry's face had bad cut's on his nose I thought Freddy had bitten him but he said he opened the front door as water comming through the passage sealing. He said Annie had got out & started running down the road so he run after her & fell over in the road & fell on his face. He said a man run over to help him all he was worried about was Annie the man went & got her for him. He does look like he's had three rounds with Mike Tyson He has gone asleep now as he never got any last night. SANDRA your cards are all gorgeous I will give this challenge a go but I'm not the best of stampers. Sorry I forgot to send my purchases in will take picture later.
    Well must get on try & pop in later love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda - I hope Terry is OK and not hurting too much. It's terrible when you're looking after someone's pet as you definitely don't want anything to happen to them whilst in your care.
      At least there are still some Caring People around who will stop and help though I sometimes think they are few and far apart. Please may I send a hug (gentle of course) to Terry for succeeding in his rescue mission. xxxx

    2. Hi Lynda, sending Terry a gentle hug, so pleased he met a kind Samaritan. As Janet said they are few and far between these days.
      Take care both of you, LOL xx

    3. Hi Lynda, oh howvawful for Terry. You feel even more responsible when its not your pet. Hope the visiting dog has settled down now. I'm sure the toilet habits are just stress but its still not nice for you.
      Do hope Terrys sleep this morning did him some good.

    4. Hi Lynda,
      Sorry to hear of Terry's fall hope he does not feel too sore. Give a big squishy cuddle from me.Hope your lodger is settling

  10. Love the mini challenge I don't stamp. Perhaps if I have time you might accept someting totally flat created in Serif..? Oh Lynda I hope Terry is ok
    We have the most horrendous rain at the mo and it's very dark The rain is coming down so hard it looks like fog! I have taken photos of my recent purchases and now can't find them on laptop!

  11. I love to see clean simple Cards like these. The stamps are lovely and I really like your colouring.

  12. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry being late but this day has just gone passed me totally. We also have had rain on and off all day and it's dark but humid so some thunder would be good to clear the air. Oh I hope Terry is alright ,bless him kissing the ground so early in the morning, soft hug coming his way. :-)
    I like your mini challenge Sandra and your cards are wonderful. Colouring and stamping is from a pro, well done. Did you use the Misti to help with the stamping or did you do it by free hand ? Did someone see Lockwoods program last night ? I like the stamp he used. On my wish list for another day.
    Nice to see you back in Lynn, hope you are well. Will you do the Challenge card with us this week ? Where do you come from ? sorry, I am the nosy one :-)
    Congrats Val for winning at the Bingo, lucky you did go and well done winning the crib. Hugs coming your way.
    Sue, hope all fun at the Beavers. The rockets sound interesting.
    Dobbie have done a great job again today and the roses are so pretty. lovely Janet, if you could send us some rays. Even a hint of a summer would be nice to see again.
    Cheryl and Littlelamb, hope you are ok.
    Lynda, hope the little one is better today with the toilet business, not nice and I saw you just done s--t leg as well hihi. Take care and the same to you all from a tired hippo :-) love and hugs to all, Maria xoxo

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love your cards particularly the last one it is beautiful. I had done a stamped card earlier so will send it in, nothing like as good as yours. Sorry I did not comment yesterday the day just disappeared. Thank you for showing the lovely card of Anne's & Pat's photo, strudel looked
    Enjoy your time in Marigny Janet, soak up the sun will boost you before your op.x xx
    Well done for winning at Bingo & crib Val, about time you had some good luck. Enjoy your trip
    Maria hope you can see end in sight with the kitchen. xxx
    Had a last embroidery class until Sept this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  14. Do we leave, do we remain ??? I'm off to bed, Good Night !
