
Sunday 5 June 2016

Sketch Challenge Card

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Anne's Challenge Card

Brenda Lello's Challenge Card

Cheryl's Challenge Card

 Ciara's Challenge card

 Janet's Challenge Card

 Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge card

Michele's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card
Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Welcome to another Sunday jam packed with fabulous, inspirational cards made by all of my amazingly talented friends.

Anne, I absolutely love the colour scheme of your card, it shouts 'sunshine', so bright cheerful and vibrant, a perfect thank you card. xxx

Brenda L, I know you stepped out of your comfort zone for this card, I would like to add that I think that 'Cool Teenage Cards' are well within your comfort zone! I love this card, the Background you have created is amazing, I also love the grafitti style words, the tag really works on this card too, I love it Brenda, you truly are a 'Cool Grandma' now! haha xxx

Cheryl, you have created such a pretty, feminine card for this weeks Sketch Challenge, such pretty paper, the little floral bow on the tag is just the perfect finishing touch. xxx

Ciara, WOW, what an amazing card from you again this week, you even drew your own pretty border on your card, something I have never managed!  You have cut your own tag and added the pierced detail all around the edge, I cannot believe how much detail you include on your cards Ciara, your friend Iona is going to absolutely love this card, thank you so much for taking part in the challenge this week my lovely xxx

Janet, Oooh what a pretty card, I think that you have used the Floral Muse Papers (so pretty) and a piece of your pretty lace as a border, those little angels on your tag are adorable, are the die cut of mdf ?
A super pretty card, by the way I cannot wait to share the item in the background, its breathtaking! xxx

Lilian, another super pretty card, such beautiful floral papers, Bronte Charm (I believe) from the Range, finished with gorgeous lace border, I also love the swirl/flourish you have used beside your tag. Such a pretty card. xxx

Lynda, Gorgeous card from you again this week, I love that stamp you have used, is it a John Lockwood stamp? that pretty bow trim looks fabulous across that card too, your pretty flowers are the perfect finishing touch xxx

Maria, Oh Maria, I love your card, that pretty design paper with the lace trim is the perfect combination, I love the pearl embellishment in the centre of your flower it's so pretty.  Sssshhh, nobody will notice ;) xxx

Michele, Pretty Paisley on your card this week, trimmed so perfectly with the crocheted lace and your card candi in the corners xxx

Val, You have used my favourite Cherry Lyn Flourish on your card this week, can I ask what the embossing folder it is that you have used on the bottom, it looks like an art deco style rose?!  The sentiment you have used is beautiful, it would bring a smile to anyones face xxx

Ladies, I am so very thankful that you have taken the time to create not one but two challenge cards again this week, I know that you all have so many other things going on and that makes me appreciate your time even more.  I will have another challenge up for you tomorrow.

Have a lovely Sunday,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    I love all the cards today , they all have really interesting details as Sandra has described, I love all the beautiful lace trims and Brenda's card is sooo coool!
    Ciara , your cards are wonderful ! l love all the freehand detail , your friends must feel very lucky to receive a card from you.
    I had a lovely game of golf yesterday but it took almost 41/2 hours to play as it was slow as the men in front were playing a medal, so quite exhausting!
    Today we are going to a barbecue in the afternoon so must get in some crafting this morning.
    Nobody about in the cafe yet so I'll just sit quietly and enjoy my tea and toast, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne, enjoy your BBQ. Hope the weather stays fine. xx

    2. Hi Anne
      I hope the weather stayed fine for your BBQ. Glad you enjoyed your golf even if the men held you up.

  2. Hello Sandra and Friends, dull again here today I understand the sun will be with us later.
    Gosh you are all so inventive with your cards , they are all fabulous,
    Ciara your card is great, I'm sure your friends will love it.
    Janet can I ask where the little angel came from, think they would be lovely for C cards.
    Sandra thank you so much for the time you must spend showing all the cards and writing a little piece on each. Love these challenges as they make me stop and craft and take some time out, the more the better.
    Not much going on here today, probably some more gardening, and I also have some ironing to do, but it's too hot at the moment, so I'll leave it for another day.
    ( I know it grows bigger everyday, always mean to keep it done, I'm a poor house wife )
    Have a good day all , hope everyone is keeping well, I find my joints are much worse in this hot humid weather. Hugs Lilian

    1. Lillian, I am not a fan of ironing either, I find it less of a task if I iron it straight away, (as it comes off the line) But I have this great OH who makes a fantastic job of ironing, to be honest I hardly ever do any ironing. So it's a novelty when I do get to do any. xx

    2. Hi Brenda, hope you realise how lucky you are, yes I know I should do it when I pick it off the line , l tell myself this always.
      Hope you're having a good day, it's very hot here.

    3. Like you Lilian I don't enjoy ironing. I do it all.p, but with my hip I have to do it in stages.
      Lucky you Brenda if your OH enjoys doing it. My BIL used to do all of there's until he got Parkinson's. I got Pete to do mine when he was unable to work after he had Bowel Cancer, but he hated it.

  3. Morning Sandra & crafty chums,

    Many thanks for the lovely comments re my baby ring. The blue one is half done and other items are in the pipeline.

    Yet another glorious display of challenge cards, so many different takes on the sketch and such an abundance of colour schemes. Take a bow ladies, I think we have done a fantastic job and done Sandra's challenge proud.
    And a special (((hug))) for Ciara, your card shows how good a crafter you have become, thinking outside the box by decorating your card with beautiful penmanship is brilliant.
    Not much on the cards today for me unless Jamie turns up. This morning is a mirror image of yesterday, dull, dreary & cloudy. I think we had all this week's
    sunshine in one hit over 3 days, now it is somebody else's turn to enjoy the sun's warming rays.

    A day in the craft room sounds more and more comforting. I still have so much to do for the church fete, I am way behind. Last year now seems a doddle making over 70 cup candles for my tabletops, but in reality it took while a while visiting charity shops everywhere I went one to buy the cups & saucers. Then half of my kitchen was out of action whilst all the wax was cooling and with 3 pourings plus smoothing the tops, it took quite a while, then there was all the wrapping in cellophane and buying large enough storage boxes to keep them safe in transport. Funny you don't remember things like that until you start to recall all the work that did actually go into the makings of them.

    I must get a wiggle on to start earlier than usual,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl, I remember all the those fantastic candles you made last year for the church fete. I know you are making Baby Rings what else are you making? LOL xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      You candles were fantastic last year that you made for the church fete. You do forget how much work it was don't you.

    3. Having a go at the altered art and mixed media pictures. That's the hold-up I think, I'm still practising but have now had the date 9th July, so I really must get my finger out and finish them all. xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful selection of challenge cards, isn't it strange none of us have made a Christmas card this time.

    Had a lovely lie in this morning so am much later getting everything done. I'm about to put some washing out as its another sunny day-this is unheard of as we've had sunshine for 10 days now. The garden is in desperate need of rain though.
    I had a good time yesterday with my M in L at the craft show, sent Sandra a photo of my stash-got some bargains so was quite pleased.
    I'm off to watch John Lockwoods shows this morning as hubby is playing another golf match so I have access to the tv.!!


  5. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic array of delightfulness this morning when I walked through the Cafe Door. All a so beautiful and so creative and I have to say it's a good thing that I don't have to choose a favourite because I JUST CANNOT as I would love to receive each and every one of this week's CCs.

    Now Sandra and Lilian you really had me confused (OK I know that's not difficult these days) when you both mentioned the 'Angels' on my CC. I hadn't realised that the middle die cut on my tag really does look like Angels. It is the middle die in the Creative Expressions die set called 'Astoria' and they are tassels. Well that's what I think they are.

    We had a much better day yesterday - not a lot of sun but at least it was so much warmer and perhaps today will be the same. I hope so as I'm doing one of my 'crafty runs' (oh can you see me running!! I think not but anyway) to The Range. I'm looking crafting Jim is looking for paint for us to take to Marigny as we have one or two little jobs that need doing eg the bedroom window shutters and they're small so easy to get at and sort out and of course the best thing of all at ground level. I'll let you know what jumps into my basket as I walk round. hehehe

    MICHELE - I hope your trip to the Craft Fayre was a success and that you got one or two bargains.
    CHERYL- you will get everything done and dusted well in time for the Church Fete. You're such an organised Lady.
    MARIA- What are you doing today and where are you having Sunday lunch. Not having a kitchen must be really difficult when it comes to a full roast dinner.
    LILIAN- please Forget about the Ironing. For me it is the worst household job that was ever created. Definitely not a CRAFTER!!! Paper crafting is so much better for your health and sanity.

    Well the door and windows are open and inviting you all to step inside (oh is that a song title coming on) and join us for a cuppa and chat. See you all tomorrow if I don't get back in today. I hope your hugs have arrived safe and sound. xxxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and all, well you've done it again ladies. Everyone a work of art. I just love Sundays looking and getting ideas from you all. Special mention to Ciara. Lovely card. I especially love the hand drawn element. So original.
    I do so love the Cheery Lyn flourish that I've used. Its on so many of my cards. The embossing folder is a complete top and bottom one that I got free in a magazine a while ago. I'd never used it before but I will be again.
    NOTE TO SELF Try to take photos in focus!!!
    Went in the pool first thing this morning. First time this year. It was a bit cold to begin with but quite nice after a while. We have a communal pool so I go first thing before anyone else gets in. Then no one impedes my very slow swim.
    Michele, looking forward to seeing what you bought at yesterdays show.
    Cheryl, gosh that sounds like a lot of work but I'm sure so worth it.
    Lilian, I'm one of those strange people who love ironing so please send it over I'll be quite happy to do it for you.
    Anne enjoy your barbecue and have a lovely afternoon.
    Janet, hope you got lots of bargains in The Range today. A visit to The Range is on my list to do when I'm in the UK at the end of the month. There and The works. Just love it. When do you return to France?
    Off to the Sunday Market in about half an hour. I'm going to treat myself to some new sheets. Just going to put some washing out, put a beef curry in the slow cooker for my tea and I'm off.
    Have a good day ladies.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your swim. Can I add my ironing to the pile please.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, wow, wow such a fantastic selection of cards this morning. They are all so beautifully created. Am kicking myself for not making the time this week to take part, but will be keeping your sketch for future reference.
    First day of sun here in a week, and I had a lay in - hope I haven't missed the best of it! Hope you all have sunshine where you are and have a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a fantastic selection of cards. I am always amazed how many wonderful designs you ladies come up with, each and every one truly inspiring. Sandra thank you for your lovely comments to Ciara, I will make sure she reads them, Her face lights up when she sees a comment for her. We will be looking after her tomorrow as it's a staff training day. So she will be able to check out the next challenge.
    We have at last got sunshine it's so lovely and warm out in the garden. Usually if we are going outside I have to put extra layers on, but not today - yippee!!

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday, and the sun is shining where you are.
    Sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Cairo just take after her talented Granny. She has such talent. To put her own swirls and zig zaggy bit on freehand is a special touch. Well done Caira.

  9. Another beautiful array of cards and quite rightly CIARA deserves a special mention You prove that you don't need a mountain of craft stuff to produce a wonderful card Big at on the back for you
    The weather is hit and miss here Some sun and then a bit overcast I had a smashing time with OSCAR yesterday Must go Am feeling very sleepy and got a stinking headache I'll try and pop back later

    1. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with Oscar and I hope your headaches better.

    2. Hello Karen, Isn't it great having these special moments with our grandchildren. OK ours are bigger now, but I still treasure every moment spent with each of them. William the oldest is 20 now but I still treasure memories of him when he was a baby, And we still get the best cuddle in the world whenever we see him. Have you got any new photos of Oscar? I'm sure he has changed since we saw him last. xxx

  10. Well my challenge card seems to have got lost in cyberspace. Sent it twice but still not there. Love all the cards I hve seen. Ciara's card especially deserves a mention. Will have to get Scarlett yo do something. Busy with thank you letters at the moment after her birthday party.

    1. Margaret Palmer5 June 2016 at 15:13

      Mine is missing as well, I sent it Friday evening & again this morning, gremlins must be at

    2. Glad it isn't just mine margaret. My mini challenge went missing as well.

  11. Margaret Palmer5 June 2016 at 15:19

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra a lovely lot of cards again, I do love Ciara's it lovely well done.
    Hope you are all enjoying the beautiful sun, had lunch in garden for a change.
    hope all are well sending hugs to those that need them love Margaret xxx

  12. Well I'm in from the garden it's so hot out there, so unlike Cornwall, have done all the ironing, till tomorrow any way, will try and keep it done now.
    Watching the tennis at the moment, looks like Murray might loose.
    Have a good evening all, am waiting to see what Sandra has for us tomorrow.
    Hugs Lilian.

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone this sunny Sunday yay we have got sun at last !
    Wonderful cards from everyone once again ! Ciara- love your card, especially the hand drawn embellish , well done sweetheart.
    Cheryl- you are making so much for the fairs every year but I think last years cup candles were amazing but understand all the work you had to do. Make sure you have some Me time as well. Hope your little gardener turned up today :-)
    Karen- hope you feeling a bit better this evening, take care. Glad you had a nice time with Oscar. How are you getting on with the new machine ?
    Janet- being without a kitchen is a bit tricky I must say but so far so good. If we want a proper Sunday roast, then it's nothing better then Toby's Carvery up the road and so much cheaper than I could make myself and no washing up hihi. Tonight my lovely son is getting us a Chinese and I hope we can sit outside because it can be a bit messy. The sun is shining, I lost another pound and then we had a nice walk over to Dobbies, got hot so had a cold drink before looking at all the beautiful plants. Knew we were walking back but could't help myself so came home with five little flower ones so that's what I'm going to plant now and unfortunately have to spray the ones I put in earlier for something have had a good meal out of the leafs ;-(. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday and looking forward to the new CC tomorrow. love and hugs to you all my friends, Maria xxx

    1. Tips on how to loose your pounds please Maria. I usually put mine in my purse hehe.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Well done ladies, so many beautiful challenge cards, and a very big well done to Ciara, your card is wonderful, I love how you have used pens to decorate it, you are a very clever young lady : )
    Yesterday's mixed crafts were all lovely, Brenda, your pot is gorgeous, thank you for sharing your talents with us, you have been missed x
    Michele, what a great 1st altered art project. I love the colours and those owls are so cute x
    Cheryl, I love your beautiful baby girl keepsake, such an original gift that will be treasured. Please let us see the boys one that you are in the middle of doing x
    I hope you all have the sun that we have now, it was quite dull to start with so we thought the forecast was wrong, but not now. Have a silly headache now so am sitting inside in the cool. I hope you are all having a lovely day. Love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Well at last we have some sun. I wonder if it will stay.
    Well ladies a stunning selection of cards today. Love them all. We have a diverse selection of cards on show, and everyone is different. How fantastic is that.

  16. Hi, have just popped in to have another look at the cards before hitting the sack and OH if he snores like he did last night hihi If someone out there and you by any chance are looking in too ,don't be shy. Say Hi and have a chat with us ladies who like to craft. Mostly cards but I'm sure you have seen some of the other items on show too. It's a great place to show your own things too, especially if you haven't got your own blog. Hope to see you soon. Well my friends it has been a long day so I will say Good night and wish you all a good sleep. Don't stay up to long Littlelamb, Lynda . . . . xxx

  17. Expect you have gone to bed now Maria. Hope your workman turn up tomorrow. Night everyone.
