
Monday 6 June 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My Challenge Card

This Weeks Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week,  its Sophie and Lucy's penultimate week of school !! How scary is that?!  It makes me feel very old, as these are my babies.  The have today off but exams every day after that, then three more next week and then that's it!  A lovely long summer holiday for them, which means the food shopping bill will double, my goodness me they seem to constantly graze throughout the day, just little snacks but often,I think that that's to give themselves a break between study sessions, they have both got online planners so that they get alert messages telling them what they should study and when, its a genius idea, they input all of their sports commitments etc and it factors it all in. I will be relieved and glad to get the real Sophie and Lucy back once this is all over!  Then it will all start again in September with sixth form!

Now onto this weeks Sketch, a nice simple design this week, a good one for Clara to follow too,  if she has the time.  I like to consider everybody's capabilities each week, you never know we may even get one from Pat and Sue this week too!!.

I used the Craftwork Cards Botanica papers for this weeks card, they are so pretty and came free in a magazine I picked up at Ally Pally, I absolutely love the deep pinks and mustard yellow colours in this collection, I am very tempted to buy the paper pad if I can find it.  I hope you like it and it gives you a little inspiration, to help you with your own design, as it says on the sketch the focal element can be any shape, it doesn't need to be a square, have fun ladies.

I am hoping for another sunny and warm day today, (fingers crossed), although I need to be in the craft room really and the sun won't help!!

I hope you all have a lovely day, if the sun does shine where you are remember to take a quick snap of your garden or favourite plant to share with us all.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a nice, easy sketch. The heat has sapped all my energy & imagination. I started to "make" a Golden Wedding card yesterday but gave up . I cut out lots of hearts etc do now I need to do something with them.
    We've had over 10 days of sunshine here and no rain until yesterday evening-terrific downpour and a rumble of thunder. It continued to rain for a while but no Storm. Today is another very warm& sunny day already-meant to reach 25C again-luckily it will be cooler in work!


    1. Hope the installation of your machine is going well Michele. Xx

    2. Hi Michele, have a nice "cool" day at work. Thank goodness some of your sunshine have reached us at last ;-) xx

    3. As Maria has said Michele I'm glad your sunshine has reached us at last.

  2. Good morning Ladies, we also have another beautiful morning , we have had a month of glorious weather which we have made the most of as we really didn't have much of a summer in the last two years, so here's hoping it lasts a while longer! So there has been a minimum of crafting done.
    We saw more photos of the puppies yesterday and they are looking sooo cute.
    Sandra , your card is beautiful , I love the colours and anything with flowers on is up my street, so another lovely challenge, thank you, I'm sure the girls will be desperate for their holidays they so deserve them after all the studying they have been doing, wish them good luck from me in the rest of their exams, as you say the food bill will be enormous as there seems no filling them at that age, my grandchildren are a few years younger but they could eat us under the table lol!
    Still haven't got the wedding card I need to do done so here's hoping I manage it this morning before Pilates as I never feel like doing much when I get back.
    We had a wonderful time at the barbecue yesterday and I didn't need to make anything when we came home ( always a bonus) .
    Hope everyone has a pleasant day doing what they enjoy, love and hugs xoxo.

  3. Meant to tell you , I was successful with my bid on eBay for a wedding stamp I have been after 3 times before, it's a Stampendous stamp called "at the alter" I was prepared to go to £25 for it as the one previously went for £22.50 , but I got it for £10 .45 including the £2.80 p&p, so I am so chuffed!

    1. Glad you had a good time at your barbecue Anne. I never seem to get anything when I bet on ebay. Probably because I keep forgetting to look back and by the time I remember its been sold. Looking forward to seeing your stamp.xx

    2. Hi Anne, enjoy the pilates, you feel so relaxed and a bit sleepy afterwards :-) what a bargain you got for the stamp ! Never thought about looking at ebay Have a good crafting day xx

    3. Hi Anne
      Im glad you had a lovely time at the Barbaque. Looks like you had a good bargain re the wedding stamp.

  4. Hello Sandra and Freinds, very dull here today but still very warm.
    Sandra love your card , have both of these craftwork cards pads of paper, bought them on C&C when they were first on, nearly all gone now.
    The sketch looks great, not too challenging in this very hot weather.

    I have to go to the dentist today, and I'm afraid to say I am a terrible whimp , it's only for a checkup and to see the hygienist, so I hope it won't be too bad, also not too much money, as even little things seem to cost the Earth at my dentis

    Anne glad you were successful with your bid for your stamp, I never get anything ,as I forget to watch when the closing date is.

    Hope everyone has a good day, Sandra hope the girls exam go well, do they get summer jobs? Am so out of toutch with young ones now, my daughter turned 50 a few weeks ago so it's a long time since she was a teenager.
    Must get on, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Oh Lilian I'm with you over a fear of the dentist. Hopefully you'll get a clean bill of health and hope also it's not too expensive. Xx

    2. Good luck at the dentist. I'm with you that I do not like seeing my dentist even for a check-up ,I'm shaking in my boots every time. xx

    3. I also don't like the dentist either Lilian. I think we have an appointment next month, but will have to check back with them as I don't know where the appointment slip is now, as I forgot to put it on the calendar.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Gorgeous card for the sketch challenge. Love the pretty papers. Hopefully make a start on mine today, am looking forward to taking part :-)
    Good luck to Sophie and Lucy in the rest of their exams, glad to hear the end is in sight.
    Hope everyone is well and has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Enjoy your day Sonia and happy crafting xx

    2. Thanks Maria, hope you're enjoying your day in the sun :-)
      Thank you for your comment on my blog. Really wish I could get to Ally Pally, but unfortunately wouldn't want to drive there myself. Perhaps one year I will look into getting there by train, as there are never any coach trips from this area xx

  6. Morning Everyone
    YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we have sunshine and IT IS WARM!!!
    We had a glorious day yesterday and to be able to go outside without a cardy was just heaven. It has been like living in a country divided by the Weather Gods the West side having glorious days of sun and warmth and the East being in the midst of Winter. I cannot remember the last time we had to have the heating on at the end of May and beginning of June. Hoping that we might now just have a week of proper weather conditions. Do I sound very envious Dear Friends? Well yes I have been as like all Dear Friends who have Mr Arthur Itis visit very regularly we really suffer in damp/cold conditions. Anyway enough of my ramblings.

    SANDRA - a really easy sketch for us this week and one we can really go to town on. Thank you. Good Luck to Sophie and Lucy - I hope they are both feeling and recovering from their illnesses. The stress of exams doesn't help at all.

    MICHELE- hope the installation of your new machine and your cleaning of the Unit is going well.
    ANNE- I can remember very well the excitement of seeing pics of our puppy even though it was now many many years ago.We had a gorgeous Cairn from the time he was old enough to leave his mum and until he left us 16yrs later. He grew with the girls and we had so many happy times.

    Cannot believe it's Monday again and so Mr Tesco will be coming between 09.00 and 10.00 and then I have to take a pic of my purchases from The Range yesterday. Items really do fall into the purchase basket very easily don't
    It's going to be a busy week and a messy week too. My hospital appointment is on Friday and so from tomorrow I have to fill in a 'Fluid' chart -intake/out entering the time I have a drink and time of visiting the loo etc etc. I have already filled in my 'online' questionnaire. We're hoping that after Friday we might have some idea of when we can return to Marigny for our summer hols.

    All the windows and doors are open and just waiting to welcome you all including strangers to pop in a have a cuppa and see our beautiful display boards.
    I've sent you all extra gentle hugs this morning so I hope they arrive safe and sound. xxxx

    1. So glad the summer has arrived for you Janet. We get mild winters here but every joint aches an it's such a relief when the good weather arrives and I'm ache free. Looking forward to seeing what goodies you bought yesterday. Your fluid intake monitoring seems to be messy and time consuming but obviously necessary. Hope it goes well for you. It will be great that you can then plan your return to France. Take care xx

    2. Hihi yes at last the summer has arrived properly to our side of the country and the pain is easing slightly. Your fluid take in/out sound a bit messy alright. Much easier for the men if you know what I mean. Hope the hospital give you the all clear so you can go away to your little heaven. Have a lovely day in the sunshine xx

    3. Hi Zjanet
      I'm glad the sun has at last reached you. It's also a bad week for us re hospital appointments for ourselves and Doreen. What a pain having to keep a chart for fluid intake.

  7. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Such a lovely card you're showing us today Sandra. I'll enjoy this one. Hope the girls get on well with their exams. I bet they'll be glad when their summer hols arrive.
    I think the start of the holiday season has arrived. Quite a lot of holiday makers desended on us over the weekend. The owners have come to the two houses opposite to me that are usually empty. They're both catching up on gardening and when thats done they can relax and enjoy their hols. They're both nice families and we usually spend a couple of evenings together whilst they're here.
    Well, its housework morning. I can only manage a few hours as a time as I get so darn tired. I haven't managed to find a cleaner yet. Only one lady applied. Sadly she was Polish and didn't speak English or Spanish and could only do Friday morning which was the only day I didn't want her. Never mind maybe someone else will turn up.
    Enjoy your day ladies.
    Love Valxx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope you get a cleaner soon. Doreen also has foreign carers, however, they don't understand her and she doesn't understand them. She's so fed up with them coming at all hours, she's trying to cancel them. She's supposed to be helped up between 7-8.00 but a lot of the time they turn up between 10.30 and 11.15. And dinner is supposed to be from 12.00.

    2. Make sure you have plenty of breaks when doing the housework, it will take me a month at least to clean everything after the builders have been and that just downstairs hihi. Have been told to pace myself when doing things, hheee. Good luck for finding a Spanish woman to help with the cleaning , surely that must be someone around. have you put a notice up in the shop windows ? Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Hope the girls do well in their exams this week and necklace I know they're busy studying. It's a relief when they're all finished. Sophie is busy studying for her A levels but is finding it a chore at the minute. To much in to short a time comes to mind.
    Well I've been trying to ring the hospital to see if I actually have an appointment tomorrow. I had an provisional one pending a referral letter from my Dr. I rang the Drs and gave them the fax number and the secretary said they'd send it off straight away. How Mr Taylor gets any patients I don't know, as the phone is either engaged or just rings out. Might get a challenge card done Sandra, but who knows.

    1. Hi Pat, hope everything gets sorted for you. Sending you some special hugs and hope you soon get some help. Will Ellis be coming home or what happened ? xx

    2. Hi Pat, hope you get to see the consultant tomorrow.
      Fingers Crossed and all other bits (well the ones I can!) xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    A lovely sunny morning too and a beautiful card from Sandra what else do you need, oh yes coffee and a bun hihi Good luck hugs to Sophie and Lucy.
    The CC looks easy enough but it's still make me think what to use, what theme and colours to use (help hihi)
    The builder is here but so far not much happening. Myself, I'm going to have a lazy day in the sun, looking through some craft magazines and make some cards later today. Doing some stamping ones and hope to do some colouring in, now where did I put the pens....
    Have a nice day everyone, sending hugs and love
    Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Have the builders given you a finish date for your kitchen?. A bit of a bummer if you have to pay them for not doing to much,

    2. Pat and Val hi, the date for it to be finished is the 24th so another few weeks to go. all the new cupboards came to day so the garage is full to the brim and the underfloor heat thingy's was layed so a bit of progress, hugs xxx

  10. Hi Maria, have the builders said how long they're going to take? The advery for a cleaner is in Lynns shop window and also on the village website. I think maybe when I go to Tai Chi tomorrow in the local bar I might put an advert on their notice board. Enjoy your day in the sun. Just popped back to have another look at the cc card. I'll have a go later. Xx

  11. Margaret Palmer6 June 2016 at 15:36

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I like the look of the card this week, hope to make a start in a while. Wish the girls good luck with their exams, not good revising or doing them while it is warm. Thanks for your email not too worry just did not want you to think I had not
    Another lovely warm day did 3 loads of washing luckily not too much needed ironing.
    Lynda hope you are OK missed you yesterday, sending hugs to
    Janet & Pat hope your hospital visits go well & Lilian hope dentist was kind to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  12. Great sketch today I really will try to do one this week Good luck with the exams girls Hope the building work isn't too disruptive MARIA I like the sound of your day
    Have hot visitors tomorrow afternoon so I must get the hoover out - other brands are available Take care everyone I might not mention you all individually but you ate all in my thoughts

    1. Thank you Karen for my blog comment. Think we're all on the same wavelength - never enough hours in the day! Enjoy the rest of your day (after hoovering!) Hugs xxx

    2. Oh, hot visitors. do tell more hihi hope Mr Hoover did it's job. You know what ? it got to warm to sit outside very long so had to go back in but still had a nice day. Hope your head is better.Take care
      hugs xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Like this weeks CC. Now the BIG challenge for me is what papers do I use, decisions, decisions! Ciara looked and said OK fine.(she will be planning something in her head)
    She has had a friend around, which was lovely for them both, friend has now gone home and Ciara is finishing off her homework.

    Hope Sophie and Lucy Have managed to recharge their batteries today ready for tomorrow, Please wish them good luck from me, Girls just do your best.LOL

    We have another sunny day today it's gorgeous outside. I certainly feel better when the sun shines. Think I should go and live in a warmer climate!!!!

    Sending love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Me to Brenda, I don't like the cold at all.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Another lovely challenge card. As for me getting one finished this week....I will try. I have a few cards which I must get done so will have to make one using the sketch instead of a "December" card ( as Janet, I think, calls them).
    Please pass on my good luck wishes to Sophie and Lucy, the end is in sight now. It is a very odd feeling when your youngest finish school so I know how you are feeling my lovely.
    Pat, hope you get on well tomorrow x
    Lilian hope the dentist was kind to you x
    Janet, I hope the sun stays with you, but not too hot or the joints play up again! Will be thinking of you on Friday, hope the chart is going ok. X
    Must go now as I have a Scout meeting at 8pm about a new youth hut. We will see what the village comes up with. Love and hugs with extra for all in need. Take care xx

  15. Thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow ladies.
    Ellis will be coming home Maria. I've rung his previous carers to see how much notice they need before starting up again. Ellis reckons he rings in the night when he needs the loo. Pinocchio comes to mind here as he wont even ask where his paper is on a weekend if it's not brought to his room. Plus the carers come at regular intervals to change his pads. So I can see wet and dirty sheets
    When he's at home. Doreen's told him she can't cope if he keeps wetting and messing himself. So heaven knows what's going to happen. You can tell they weren't eating properly at home as well as his trousers no longer fit him. The carers reckon he's gone up 2-3 sizes.
    Well enough of my ramblings ladies, but thanks for listening.
    Hope the girls do well in their exams Sandra. I do hope we have a few more days sun.

  16. Hi SANDRA & everyone
    YaaaaY i'm back we have been without Internet since Friday so lots of catching up. Saturday's mixed craft was all lovely CHERYL your baby ring is Gorgeous a lovely keep sake.Brenda your pot is lovely love the Butterfly on top. MICHELE I love your altered notebook the little owls are so cute.
    Yesterday's CC all of them Gorgeous your all amazing crafters well done each & everyone of you. Thank you Sandra for Todays challenge looks ok.
    Yesterday we were over Darren's Terry offered to help him by doing the rubbish runs so much with the old units & paking of new ones & helped him with putting the new kitchen units on the wall. Me I had to Suffer playing with Harry all day & having cuddles,HaHa. We will be going back next Sunday as it's Harry's 2 nd Birthday Where did those two years go. The lovely thing yesterday was Sam got a yogurt for him he said Nan do it I was really chuffed made my day. I made Lisa & Ian's Anniversary card & Harry's birthday card then did the ironing & made dinner. Worn out now.Tomorrow I have Dentist in the morning. Then hopfully try & do the challenge card & finish off my other altered box.
    I think I will try & publish fingers crossed it won't disappear.
    Love & Hug's for you all Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad you have the internet back. Such a hardship I bet playing with Harry all day. Not. So lovely as well that he asked you to give him his yogurt. I bet you came over all unnecessary, didn't know whether to laugh or cry with sheer joy.
      As you say where did that 2 years go, it goes by in a flash. Seems like you were busy as well. Take care and try not to do to much.

  17. Sorry SANDRA your card is beautiful love the papers you used.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda ,nice see you back on and you are ok. So cute of Harry to ask you to help him. The little ones do grow up fast. Did you see the very special embellishment on my CC ? a bit difficult to use them as they are so nice. Take care ,hugs to you and Terry xxx
