
Tuesday 7 June 2016

Brenda & Margarets Challenge card

 Brenda's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Haven't we been spoilt with some gorgeous weather?! The only problem is that I need to be in the Craft Room but WANT to be in the garden,  have tried crafting in the garden before but it just isn't practical, as I never seem to take all the things that I need outside with me the first time, I do the same on Wednesdays, I think that I am all sorted, Paul usually transfers all of my crafting tools etc onto the dining table for our Wednesday craft sessions, I get started but then need something that I haven't got, so off I go back to the craft room, Sue and Pat do offer to go for me, but I have the kind of craft room that you need to work in regularly to work out where things are, usually be retracing the steps to where you last used whatever it is you need! I do try to be tidy!!  I am the kind of crafter that doesn't actually know what they need until the moment that the idea pops in my head, ''oh I know what I could use''  and quite often the card ends up being totally different to what I had in my head at the start.  

Now I didn't for whatever reason get Brenda Littlelamb and Margarets Challenge cards until after I had uploaded Sunday's blog, by the time I saw the emails it was too late for them to be seen by everyone, so I have dedicated todays post to both of their Challenge cards, as I believe that if you went to the trouble to make them, I should make the time to display them for everyone to admire.

Brenda, I love your pretty papers and I have to say that although I wouldn't have thought about using black as the accent colour, it really does work, I love the leaf flourish that you have used too.
A really pretty card, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Margaret, SNAP, you and I both used the same card from Anna Marie Designs for our Challenge card, a favourite of so many of us.  The ribbon you have used across the border works perfectly with the colour of the card, I love your sentiment too, it doesn't just have to be for birthdays, thank you for taking the time to take part and sharing your card.

I hope you all have a good day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dull and cold here this morning, hope it doesn't mean that was Summer, looks as though we might have had a shower in the night, which with be great as our garden is very dry.
    Margaret and Brenda love both your cards.

    Well no treatment needed yesterday at the dentist yesterday , so the bill was the most painful bit £87 !!! Still no more for six months.

    Am off to the hairdressers this morning and it's cleaner day so will have to get my skates on.

    I'll pop in later to have some coffee and a piece of cake, nice and gooey and sweet , have a good day all, hugs for all Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian, glad you didn't needed any work done yesterday but uj what costly the dentist are.
      Enjoy going to the hairdressers and hope the sun will shine on you again soon xx

    2. Hi Lilian. Ouch, the dentists bill must have stung, especially as you luckily didn't need any thing done. Have a good day, hope the sun comes out x

    3. Hi Lillian, pleased you didn't have to have any work done on your teeth yesterday.
      I always find it's the bill that hurts the most! LOL

    4. Hi Lilian
      Great that you didn't need to have any treatment at the dentist yesterday. Just the pain of paying the bill.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Brenda & Margaret-great cards, both really lovely.

    Another sunny day here already-I hope it doesn't get as hot as yesterday as it was nearly 30C and I don't function too well in the heat!
    I have a meeting at 2pm-3pm about the proposed refurbishment of the outer area of the Unit-I hope someone puts a fan on in the meeting room! Then j have a Rep calling to show me some specialist cleaning products-will be glad to get home after that!
    I need to get in my craft room to start the Golden Wedding card as I abandoned everything on Sunday as it was too hot in there. Maybe I'll feel more like crafting tonight.


    1. Hi Michele. I love the sun and heat but not that hot! I hope the meeting isn't too hot and stuffy and your rep doesn't keep you too long x

  3. Morning ladies,

    Brenda & Margaret, your cards are delightful, so cheery and pretty.

    Yesterday's walk on England's Coastal Path starting and ending in Kilve, was very hot with a welcome sea breeze. Beautiful views of Bridgwater Bay and Kilve flint ciffs and rock formations on the beach made the day for me. It gave us a chance to stretch our legs and muscles as not such a flat walk, more up and down little tunnocks and sometime short steep inclines along the path. Although I am very careful with how much sun I get exposed to, I came home with a quite pink face and neck so next week's walk will be with my parasol unless we have rain of course then the umbrella comes into play.

    Playing catch up on my Fete items saw me almost finish 4 items ready for the laces & trimmings. I went to bed quite pleased at how much I managed to do. 1 caddy insides left to finish this morning, shopping trip whilst it is drying and the weather is cooler, then lunch and complete all the items. Ready to start the next lot.

    'see' you all later,
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, lovely walk once again. There are so many beautiful places to see just around the corner but take care with the sun so you don't burn. Hope your crafting goes well xx

    2. Hello Cheryl, Your walk sounds lovely, coast and countryside. Absolute heaven. xx

    3. Hi Cheryl. Thank you for sharing your walk, I always love imaging the views when reading your description. Let's hope you don't need your umbrella next week! It sounds like you are getting going really well with your stall goodies, don't forget to take pics for us please x

    4. Hi again,
      As it was on the shady side yesterday, I totally forgot the suncream on my face, although my moisturiser has an SFP ingredient it wasn't enough for total protection. Next time I shall be forewarned. x

    5. Hi Cheryl
      Your walk sounds lovely, I love to walk just not at the moment. Petes brother is staying for a week break Minehead somewhere. No not in Butlins. Hope his leg holds up as he seems to be doing a lot of walking on his booted leg. Broke it 7 months ago and it's still booted. He has a machine that he has to attach to it every day as it wasn't healing. It's programmed and had to come from Sumerset, it costs £2500 pounds and is only used once. You would have thought it could have been cleaned and reused for someone else rather then thrown away. Take care in the sun.

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely cards today Brenda and Margaret and both chosen lilac. Both very pretty.
    Lilian, so glad you didn't need any teeth treatment. A pretty expensive visit though.
    Michele, hope your meeting goes well this afternoon and you finally get your card made tonight.
    Cheryl, your walk yesterday sounds so lovely. It sounds as though you're really organised with your fete items.
    Tai Chi today then meeting up with a friend for coffee. She's off back to the UK until October so it will be the last meet up for a while.
    Gracie is going for a hair cut today. Her fur has grown so much and I know the heat is getting to her. She always looks so puppylike when shes been clipped and I love touching her as her fur is so soft.
    Have a good day all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope you enjoyed Tai Chi with your friend and that Gracie enjoys being clipped, they look so much younger don't they (wish it worked like that when I have my hair cut : )) x

    2. Hi Val, I'm sure Gracie will feel so much better for haveing her hair cut. Who doesn't like pampering and she is a female!!! LOL

    3. I love Tai Chi, just a shame our group folded mainly due to lack of numbers and also the tutor kept recapping on what we had already done and were comfortably flexible, And she was also more concerned with our 10 mins breathing and another 20 mins warm up at the beginning of each session, that we only had 15 minutes of actually learning the movements then stgraight into the cool down exercise. People were getting bored so dropped out. Such a shame.

  5. Morning Everyone
    Sunshine again to start the day and it's already very warm. Yesterday was glorious and I really am beginning to think that Summer has arrived!!

    BRENDA/MARGARET - both of your CC are beautiful and I love all the colours you have used.

    MICHELE- hope you're not sweltering in the meeting room this afternoon. There's nothing worse than having to sit there in heat and lots of people around just makes it so much more uncomfortable.

    CHERYL- your walk yesterday sounds wonderful. What more could you want than beautiful countryside and sea breezes. You really do live in one of the most beautiful areas of our Country.

    VAL- enjoy today both exercises and then of course coffee and perhaps cakes.

    Well it's K&N today - the weeks go by so quickly and it doesn't seem two weeks since the last session. I don't know who is bringing the card for us to make so it will be either a full on concentrate or a quick put together one.

    All's up and running and ready for the day here in the Cafe. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, Hope you enjoy your knit and natter group this afternoon.

    2. Hi Janet. It's good to hear you have another sunny day, the sun is just breaking through the clouds here. Enjoy k and n, and whatever the card is x

    3. I know Janet, and I am beginning to discover places I never knew were there. x

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop today,

    Brenda and Margaret your cards are so great and deserve their own special viewing, thank you Sandra. XXX

    I have taken some card and bits when we went to look after Ciara yesterday, just in case she wanted to do this week challenge card. She's really puts me to shame, she went through my bag and put bits on the kitchen table, and I got home making the children's tea, her card was finished before they ate. I Will send it to you Sandra, I haven't even thought about mine yet, Whoops! sorry XX

    Hope Sophie and Lucy got on okay yesterday, I'm sure you're ticking the days off, to when you get your 'girls' back again. And life in the Riley household can return to some normality. Tierney has biology today for her AS-level. And that's it, apart from completing some items in her art folder. Which she was really getting stressed about last night. She is looking around at universities, But as art is her main subject, she has to do a foundation year, which she would like to do in London .... But ... there is a lot of ifs and buts etc. in between. I keep saying just concentrate on the now, easier said than done. You do worry for them though, as they are under so much pressure.

    We are enjoying another bright today although the sun has just gone in and rain is forecast for later, but hey Ho I won't have to do any watering if that happens.

    Right will finish my coffee off and make a move.
    Take care everyone love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry I should have read that more carefully.
      I HAD taken some card.
      I got ON making the children's tea.
      LOL xx

    2. Hi Brenda. Ciara certainly puts me to shame, like Sandra I often change what I make and it takes so long to deal ide what to use, Ciara needs to teach us how she decides so quickly, clever girl : ) I hope you can relax in some sin today, and get rain late evening so you do t have to water x

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Predictive text certainly has a lot to answer for. I also don't always read back what I've typed. So it comes out upside down and inside out.

    5. Hi Brenda. I'm not really trying to lead you into bad ways with my comment about you relaxing in sin! Predictive text strikes again : ) x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oops, not sure what's going on. Replies are vanishing then appearing a few minutes later!
    I will just quickly say how I love both Brenda and Mums cards today.
    Sandra, I hope the girls are ok, another exam over : )
    Lynda, what a lovely day you had yesterday with Harry. Rest up today though please x
    Maria, I hope the builders are busy. Craft instead of cleaning until they have gone x
    I hope everyone else has the sun today and you all get to craft.
    Live and hugs to all with extras for all in need, of course. Take care xx

    1. Margaret Palmer7 June 2016 at 13:55

      Hi Sue,
      I hope Brenda enjoys her "sin" today!!!xxx

    2. Hi Mum. Yes, I have just noticed that one! I wonder if we will ever find out what "sin" Brenda enjoyed, if any! Xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Love both Brenda's and Margarets challenge cards today. Hope the girls exams went well yesterday. Just a few more to go and then they finish for the holidays. I'll try and comment on the way down.

    1. Margaret Palmer7 June 2016 at 13:58

      Thank you Pat, have you been to hospital yet? xx

  10. Margaret Palmer7 June 2016 at 14:09

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card, hope you received this weeks one last night. Hope yhe girls are surviving in this
    Brenda LL your card is lovely, ad Sandra said the black adds to it.xx
    Hope you all get a chance to enjoy the sun, such a contrast to last week, we played boule in coats hats & gloves then & today in tee shirts!!
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Hi Margaret
      Yes, I've been to the hospital and I'm no further forward. My X-ray of 3 mths ago only shows mild arthritis, but I already knew that, I should have asked for another one before I went I suppose. So the consultant wants an MRI scan to see if anything else is causing the pain before he decides on an action plan. I'm having that done at the Manor on Friday morning. This weather is so funny isn't it,

    2. Hi Pat,
      I am glad you are having an MRI, it will be well worth it you can see so much more, that's how they found my trapped nerve. Will be thinking of

  11. Margaret Palmer7 June 2016 at 14:12

    Meant to say thank you all for your

  12. Hi Ladies, just got back home whwn my son phoned to tell me the awful news that my neice has died. She had a headache, the doc sent her to hospital, they operated the same day for a brain hemorrhage but she died two days later. She was 46. I've just phoned my SIL. What can you say to someone. My SIL is my late husbands only sibling so I know he'd want me to go to the funeral. Lynn and I fly back just for a couple of days next week. I'm sitting here in a bit of a daze. Sorry to burden you all with it.
    Will be in tomorrow. Love Valx

    1. Val, so sorry to hear your sad news. I'm sending you and the rest of the family some hugs, my thoughts are with you all. She's so young .....
      You take care ,Maria xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer7 June 2016 at 17:06

      Val so sorry to hear your sad news. We are hear for you any

    3. Hello Val, So sorry to hear you sad news. what can you say at such sad time, just want you to know we are hear for you. xxx

    4. Hi Val so sorry to hear your very sad news, my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

    5. Val, I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. Hugs are on the way for you and your family. We're here for you at any time.

    6. So sorry to hear that Val. Will be thinking about you.

    7. Dear Val. So sorry to hear your sad news. You and your family are in my thoughts. Sending gentle hugs x

  13. Hi Sandra and all.
    Two absolutely beautiful cards from Brenda and Margaret, well worth the wait. Thank you for sharing.
    I popped in earlier but then the phone rang and it was a couple of hours gone, had just put the phone down and my neighbour asked me around for a coffee and that was so much nicer then sitting here with all the banging going on. The units are coming in good but the floor need another coat of whatever they putting down and ooh it is so stinky. Got another wash done as well so have hanged it outside and the sky have gone black and it's rumbling in the distance so that was a good idea, not!
    I hope most of you have had a nice day whatever you been up too. Sending you all some hugs and some special ones to Val, We are here if you need to talk.
    love and hugs to all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm so glad they're getting on with your kitchen. Hopefully it won't be to look nag now.

  14. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Beautiful cards from both Brenda and Margaret , I love Anna Marie's colours they are just that little bit different.
    Val, so sorry to read your sad news, sending you gentle ((( hugs))) .
    Lillian , that's a very expensive dentist considering you didn't have any work done, though I know you were glad about that.
    Maria, good to hear your kitchen is progressing and you are happy with it so far.
    Michele hope the meeting wasn't too bad and you get your card done tonight.
    I've posted the copies you and Cheryl wanted this morning.
    Cheryl your walk sounded wonderful, I know it can be tiring but so rewarding.
    I finally got my cc done this morning before I went to golf ( only 9 holes) it will double as Ambers birthday card for later this month and I got another done this afternoon ( a special request) for traffic lights and a quote of " The Traffic Goddess says GO! ) a private joke between the couple ( it's for her husbands 68 th birthday , really made my old brain box work ha ha!
    Oh well, time to go and make the dinner, love and hugs to all xoxo

  15. Hi Sandra
    Well I don't know what happened but I seem to have been answering posts from yesterday. Especially to Lynda's with regards to Harry, if you'd like to go back and read it Lynda.

  16. Sorry I am so late. Busy day again. Thank you for your kind comments about my challenge card. The paper was from a 6x6 pad I got I. The works. It's 200gms and there are 64 sheets some double sided which this one was. It's got glitter card and silver foil card in it as well. It's called Sweet Escape by Trimcraft. It was £5. But worth it. Well we haven't had rain.......yet but it was forecast and parts of London have had it very bad. I watered the plants just in case we don't get any rain tonight. I expect most of you are in bed now but perhaps not Maria and Lynda yet. Will try and be earlier tomorrow.

  17. Afternoon one and all,

    Well the sun has finally beaten me, I cannot stay out any longer and I've only weeded half of a shady spot!
    Just received email from Virgin Holidays, apparently I am now a champ and have 93 days before we go!!! YAY!!! Seats are booked, we have chosen to pay for extra leg room and wider seats. Another hundred pounds but will be well worth it as we will be sitting there for 8 hours flight out and 11 hour return flight.
    Assisted boarding also booked, just have to wait until 3 days before departure to pass on dietary allergies/preferences and then we're off.
    My goodness, hasn't that come around soon?

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx
