
Saturday 4 June 2016

Brenda's Lidded Pot

Michele's Altered Notebook

Cheryl's Baby Girl Ring

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I have another fantastic selection of crafts to share with all of you again this
week as you can see.

First up we see the return of Brenda (Hopkins) amazing pottery pieces.
This week it is a stunning lidded pot/dish, I love how the lid of the pot is like a flower petal, so delicate, then Brenda has added a pretty rose and leaves
and then added as little butterfly upon thee rose to act as a handle.
Thank you so much Brenda for sharing your pretty pot, its so lovely to be
Able to share your pottery once again xxx

Next up we have Michele's first ever 'Altered' project!! A fabulous Altered Notebook, I love the leaf spray you have cut out of script printed paper,
The cute owls and trees finish the notebook beautifully, I look forward
To seeing your next altered project, thank you for sharing xxx

Last but by no means least is Cheryl's Baby Girl Decorated Ring, so pretty, Cheryl you have created a gorgeous keepsake Cheryl, I know that you personalise them too, I love the pretty lace that you used to decorate your keepsake with.
Thank you so much for sharing Cheryl xxx

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ladies.

Love and hugs



  1. Good morning Ladies , we have another glorious morning , we don't normally get as much warm sunny weather as down south so we are making the most of it, but I do hope it warms up for everyone.
    Wow! Today's crafts are gorgeous works of art, Brenda , I love your lidded pottery bowl ( I think you have been peeking in my bedroom window as I have one very similar with a rose on top, but it's not hand made) but beautiful .
    Michele , your altered book is so trendy and arty , it's really lovely.
    Cheryl , another another gorgeous keepsake for a special little person to treasure, the trimmings are all so delicate, I love the crystal drop!
    Well I never made it up to the craft room I was just too tired so hopefully I might get my cc done before I go to golf this morning , I seem to be a morning person lol!
    Time for tea and toast, love and hugs to all xoxo

  2. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-lovely ceramic pot. Nice bright colours.
    Cheryl-the decorated ring is beautiful, a real keepsake.

    You has started out quite dull, no rain & no breeze though. I don't think I need many layers on as I'm sure once I get inside the Reebok Stadium for the craft show it will be quite warm. I'm looking forward to seeing what's available at the show & I may just purchase a couple of things...!!!


    1. Come and pick me up, I want to go with you xxx

    2. Enjoy your craft show Michele
      Love your arty notebook.

    3. Michele hope you enjoy the show & have lots of goodies to show us. Your book is lovely, along with the others love the owls, thank you for showing

    4. Hope your day was good and your feet aren't too sore.
      Your altered book is lovely, is it for yourself or a present?

  3. Morning Everyone
    How lovely it is to see Pottery Brenda back in the cafe showing us one of her delightful creations. I can see keeping lots of little bits and pieces in this gorgeous pot.
    Michele- Love love love your altered book. Owls are always top of the class for me and your three are definitely winners.
    Cheryl - Ohhhh so delicate and what a beautiful keepsake you have given us this morning. I can see this hanging and being treasured for ever. Love the laces and flowers -are they hand made by you perhaps.

    We are once again in the depths of Autumn despite the weather girl yesterday evening telling us we would start the day with sunshine. Never mind at least it's dry. Shopping to be done and who knows what this afternoon will bring.

    The cafe door is open and just waiting for you all to come in and sit a while. I'll put some cakes on the counter after I've been shopping for Afternoon Tea.
    To all going to Craft Fayres etc happy shopping and I hope we can all see your purchases later in the week. Please. Your hugs should have arrived by now. xxxx

    1. Spot on Janet, I have made most of the flowers with laces & trimmings from Scrimpy's and added some ribbon & silk ones, a couple of feathers, and tiny pull-up ribbon bows from the Ribbon Box. The bright pink centres are made from foam. Hidden amongst the flowers are a tiny pink pram and dummy. I haven't put a welcome banner on this one as there is a metal silver charm with 'welcome sweet baby' on the front and a birth certificate on reverse, its for my stall at our Church Fete. I have a blue one in progress will let you know how that one turns out. xxx

    2. Your weather is the same as ours Janet. I think we all blinked and missed our summer.

    3. Sorry your weather is so chilly, the sun has gone now , still very warm,
      Think your weather will be better tomorrow.

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all, I didn't reaise we had a potter on the blog. Just love this Brenda. Beautiful scuptured flowers, leaves and cute butterfly. Very cever.
    I love your altered book Michele. I just love owls and they look so pretty.
    Oh Cheryl how cute is this baby girl ring. Just love the way you've decorated it.
    Michele, hope you're having a great day out and buying lots of goodies.
    Just been watching John on Hochanda. Hes such a natural and so talented. He was using texture paste. I've just had to add it to my England list.
    Well I'm off to my craft room to make my cc card at last. Will send it later Sandra.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxx

  5. Afternoon ladies,

    Oh my! Brenda, welcome back, I have missed seeing your gorgeous pottery on show. A delightful lidded pot, love the colour scheme and the gorgeous flower.

    Michele's altered journal book is stunning. Right up my street with those dinky cute owls in a woodland scene. Send me some owls please when you have time?

    Well, Jamie has not turned up yet to help me garden today. He's probably had a late work shift or late travel home. The other day was a nightmare for him, an accident on the M5 had 6 mile long queues.
    On the bright side it cloudy today which means I can work quite steadily as I have to stay out of full sun for another 2 summers unless covered head to toe and a hat on. The radiotherapy dept. were quite strict on those orders, probably because second time the big C struck. Hey ho, I am still here causing havoc at times.
    My excuse now for forgetfulness is brain in-box is full so there no more room to remember anything else.....and that is what I am sticking to.
    Lunch is going to be late, I put everything in the slow-cooker at 8.30 this morning and forgot to turn it on!!!

    Have two more challenge cards to catch up with then I might be with the rest of you hihihihihi

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      You sound just like me. I sometimes put the big oven on and put what I want to cook in the small oven. Pete is supposed to wear a hat while gardening, but more often that not I have to remind him to do it. It's not that hot is what he always says.

    2. Hi Cheryl your baby girl ring is beautiful, thank you for showing us. You are not alone in putting meal in slow cooker & then not switching it on I have done the same, so annoying. I say it is because we are so busy not forgetful!! Hope you get some gardening done it has warmed up here now. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, glad to know I'm not the only one who forgets to switch on the slow cooker.
      Your baby ring is so pretty ,just love it

  6. Hi Sandra
    Isn't it lovely to see Brenda's gorgeous pottery once again. Brenda's this pot is beautiful, the more you look at it the more you see. Thanks for sharing once again.
    Michele I love your notebook. Love the little owls on the front.m
    Cheryl once again we see one of your gorgeous baby rings. Love the pink flowers and the Lacey bits hanging down. I wonder which lucky baby received a personalised keepsake from you.
    Well, not much doing here, Petes asleep in the chair, watching a programme on the television. Yes, I'd like to know how he does it as well. Not so warm here either today. Ours and Doreen's shopping has been done, will need to ask her what she's going to do for shopping. I've spoken to her about getting a table top freezer to keep ker meals in. Only her fridge only holds 3 plus a loaf of bread. As per usual she agrees that she needs something but doesn't give us the go ahead to get one. We're slowly running out of days as we go away on the 16th. See the consultant about my hip on Tuesday. Petes not going to be happy if I go private, but he doesn't have to put up with the pain.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone this Saturday with some amazing crafting on show.
    Fabulous to see one of your pottery's again Brenda, this little bowl is lovely and I love how you made it look like a leaf the lid. Gorgeous flower and butterfly
    (watch out for Lynda hihi ) Read you liked to come to one of Julia's workshop, it is a shame it is just a bit too far. I could see us getting messy together at her class. Michele- hope you have a great day and don't forget to show and tell ;-) Your altered book is wonderful and I too love the owls on the front and how you have cut out with the leaf die, very nice.
    Cheryl- your baby rings are so lovely, hope to see the blue one too later. I thought the flowers were made from SW foldover die but I see you made them with foam. They will sell good at the fair.
    Pat - my Rick is the same tihi he sitting here watching sport with eye's shut and blowing bubbles so he still stopping me from watching my programs, men!
    Val- hope you have a nice day. Do look over the years and you will see some wonderful pottery work that Littlelamb have made, she is very good. Janet- the weather girl have not told us the truth. Ok the temp. have gone up with three Celsius but it will not reach 22 today that's for sure. Still feeling cold and a little blue but hope to go over to Dobbies tomorrow and maybe get a flower back home. I have not sent in a photo of our garden yet because even if I done some weeding I'd like to have some more flowers to show and we haven't got the Hydrangeas for the pots. OH not sure about the colour.
    Anne- enjoy the golf in the sunshine, lucky you ;-)
    Lynda- I hope you are alright my friend, have you cleaned s--t leg out recently ;-).
    Hope and wish you all have a good day. love and hugs to you all, Maria

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are having a relaxing
    Brenda how lovely to see some of your pottery again, & what a lovely piece anybody would be proud to own it, let us see more of your work please. xxx
    Hope you are all enjoying the weekend I am just going to have a play with the Sycamore ef which Maria used, I ordered it late Thurs & was delivered this morning plus got some more on my Card making & Paper craft magazine which. also came this morning.
    Sending hugs to all who need them live Margaret xxx

    1. Enjoy playing Margaret, I look forward to seeing what you make.

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Did pop in first thing this morning to see the beautiful mixed crafts on show today - love them. So very talented ladies, thanks for sharing :-)
    Made an unexpected trip into town this morning, but wasn't very successful! Still no clock for the kitchen. Unfortunately a lot of the shops are closing down and the selection there is very disappointing!
    Apologies that I haven't had a chance to do this weeks sketch challenge, only finished putting the kitchen stuff back in yesterday which was all over the table where I craft. Am looking forward to seeing everyone else's creations tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Hugs to all xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lovely selection we have today. Ladies thank you for sharing your mixed crafts with us.

    Brenda, You can tell from everyone's reaction we have missed your pottery. I love this little pot with the gorgeous flowers and butterfly on top.

    Michele, your altered book is brilliant, Love the Owls. Have a great time at the show.

    Cheryl, what a beautiful baby ring. This really will be a lovely keepsake.

    I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, I am being lazy today, we are back home and I'm recharging my battery's (wish it was that easy!)

    Take care everyone, Big Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your fully recharged now. Managed to catch up on my ironing yesterday. I did it in three stints, but Petes done another lot of washing. I'm sure it can't be all ours, how can two people make so much.

    2. Pat, I agree with you. How can tow people create that amount of washing/ironing. It's like a germ/virus it just grows...... Save me from this PLEASE ...... xx

  11. Hello All, just come in from the garden been out working all day.
    Now watching the tennis which I recorded, men's final tomorrow.
    My Roger goes to sleep in the chair, with the remote in his hand !!!!!
    Brenda love your little pot with the flowers on the top you are all so clever.
    Well time to put some diner on to cook, have a good evening all , hugs to all

  12. I'm not to sure why they do that Maria, watch tele with there eyes shut. I'm watching the ladies football at the moment. But will need to wash up soon. Petes bust playing scrabble. Hope your key hen gets finished soon. Crafty hugs to you both.

  13. Thank you all for your lovely comments about my pottery. I haven't been able to do any pottery this due due to several reasons but hoping to do some soon again. I made this pot quite a while ago and it was only when it caught my eye recently I realised I hadn't sent a picture to Sandra. Thank you.
    MICHELE. I love your altered book, I also love owls. I assume they are dies?
    CHERYL. I love your baby ring and I am sure it will be a winner at your craft fair.
    Very dull day here. I did decide to go out and thought I would go to M&S for a change of food. I went on the bus and took my small trolley. Did the shopping quite quickly but although I looked at the time for the bus going I didn't look coming back and there wasn't a timetable at the bus stop. I think I must have missed the one to come home so decided to walk. Was getting quite tired at the end and it probably took about 40mins. I didn't see a bus so probably just as well I walked. Glad I wasn't carrying the shopping though. Going to watch John's last show for today now or hope to. When I tried to watch at 12 I couldn't get any sound so watched that and 4pm on Catchup. Might have to do that again.

  14. What beautiful projects It's great to see some pottery from BRENDA I'm so envious of your skills Your note book is beautiful MICHELE This is something I'd like to try if only for me! Your ring/wreath is gorgeous and will look lovely in baby/little girls room
    This week has gone super quick Got nothing done that I'd planned! Can't sleep at night but can drop off to sleep at the drop of a hat during the day! Note to self - must try harder next week to stay awake during day light hours
