
Friday 3 June 2016

A very Special Man Card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and adjusting to this chillier weather, there is plenty of barbecue food in the supermarkets right now, I guess they got carried away with the ordering during that sunny weather!  Some of those things just don't taste the same cooked indoors.  Although we aren't really barbecue people, we do have them on holiday, but not really at home, by the time I have prepared all the food and salads etc it ends up being harder work than a roast!  It's different if you are on holiday or eat outdoors often, I expect you do Val!

Now onto today's very special 'Man' Card, designed and created by our Janet, this card would work for any  occasion.
Janet's card is a copy of an original pencil drawing of her Dads, the little house that he has drawn is still in the village. It has history attached to it, in that at the back it used to be a 'Nail' maker in the 1800s when nails were made there and then collected and taken to Sheffield. Isn't that amazing, to have a copy of something so special?.
Janet your Dad was clearly a very skilled artist, his pencil drawing is so detailed, he has put in so much detail.  You have done the drawing great justice Janet, turning into a fantastic card.
Thank so much for sharing something so special xxx

Keep your garden photo's coming in please ladies, so far I have seen some beautiful photos!

Have a lovely day everyone,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Not sure if it's my phone but I can see the photo of Janets card-will check in again later to see it.

    Had a lovely day yesterday-my friend stayed until midday, sent her off with some of the chocolate chip buns so I couldn't eat them all!! Postie had been with a couple of items so I had a play in the craft room. Finished my challenge card, had another play then watched a couple of the Lisa Horton shows.
    Hubby was late leaving Welwyn Garden City do got caught up in the commuter traffic so we ate quite late.
    Hall/phone table assembled-looks great,
    Busy day today but am glad it's Friday. I'm off to the Great British Craft Festival st Bolton Arena tomorrow with my M in L-must try not to buy too much...!!!


    1. Hi Michele.I can't see the picture either. I hope today goes quickly for you and that you have a great day with your M in L tomorrow. Have you been before? (Sorry my memory is bad if you have told us before) x

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you gphad a lovely day with your friend yesterday. Have a great day tomorrow at the draft show.

    3. Hi Michele glad you enjoyed your day with your friend yesterday
      Have a good day with M in L at craft show tomorrow. Xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I am first in so have started to set up for the day. There is a big rhubarb crumble with lots of hot custard ready for you all, the lovely rhubarb is from Sandra's allotment, so please help yourselves later on.
    Sadly Janet's card is missing for me, I have refreshed the page a couple of times but it still won't load! I will try again in a while as I do not want to miss a card that has such personal meaning to our Janet. I am so looking forward to seeing it.
    This damp weather is really getting into the joints isn't it, and also leaving us feeling a bit grey, but the forecast for Sunday is back to lovely sun and 20-22 so fingers crossed that we all get that : )
    I will pop back in later but must get on as I have a card to finish before I go to Mum and Pops. Michele, I hope the testing is going well for the new isolation machine.
    Maria, let's hope today's workers in the kitchen are as prompt and friendly as the plasterers were : ) What is the next stage? If the plastering is done can you start to get rid of the first layer of dust, it takes weeks to get rid of it all, doesn't it!
    Lilian, I hope your hands are not so bad today.
    I'm sending hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue hope you not suffering so much take care
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone and welcome to the Mystery card of the day lol. Thank you Sue for opening up this morning. I cannot resist Rhubarb in any shape and cooked or raw. Remember when we were children and we were given a stick of Rhubard and a little bag of sugar. Those were the days.

    As you have guessed I cannot see Dad's drawing either so something must have happened at HQ. I'm sure Sandra will sort it out.

    I always remember Dad drawing/painting or making models. He always had something on the go. So when he had to stop work when he was 60 because of health I took him to an Evening Class on Local History. A booklet was printed at the end of the course and he was asked to draw some of the local buildings and so now I'm the very lucky owner of all his original drawings along with many others. I only do a copy for a card for Family though. I hope you like what you see when everything is sorted.

    Again the sun has still not shown his face and we are way down on temps. Getting used to it now though and yes the heating is on.
    Have a good day everyone and I hope my warming hugs have arrived. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      How lucky you are to have such wonderful keepsakes from your Dad. Now we know where you get your talent from. Pete would be in 7th heaven looking through pictures of the olden times. We have a site on Facebook called Witney Memories that Pete is always looking at. People put on things from Witney back in the good old days as Pete calls it. They ask for information on people of photos.

    2. Hi JANET WOW a beautiful keepsake from your Dad,have you got lots of his drawings if so I would love seeing more.
      Hug's xx

    3. Wonderful drawing Janet. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Very cold here as well and heating on also. When is summer coming?

  4. Hello Sandra and All, we have a beautiful day here again, blue sky and sunshine, makes such a difference to wake up to a lovely day, although Hubby is saying we could do with a drop of rain for the garden ( boo hiss ).

    Sorry Janet can't see you card, sounds wonderful will call in later to see if I can get it to load.

    Michele hope work goes well today, have a great time at the craft show, never heard of that one, we don't get any in Cornwall.

    Going to try and do some work today, as hands are a it better, so should be able to get a load overlooked ready to be made up, lilac today so that makes a nice change.

    Sandra I'm with you when it comes to barbecueing, only have it on really warm days ( about twice a year ), because it's usually windy here.

    Hope everyone has a good day, and those who live with that pest arthritis, feel a bit better soon, hugs all round Lilian.

  5. Good Morning Sandra and everyone. Sadly I can't see the lovely card today either. Will check back later.
    Hada lovely afternoon with friends yesterday. We didn't go out to lunch but I'd made a couple of quiches and various salads so we all sat out under the umbrellas and ate. I'd made a large jusg of sangria which went down well. The older teenagers were happy just to play on their i pods as my friends do not have internet so they'd been bored. They just can't live without their technology can they? Afterwards the youngsters went to the pool for an hour whilst the rest of us just chatted. It was a lovely afternoon.
    Sandra, unless we have visitors we very rarely eat outside. I couldn't be bothered lighting the barbeque just for myself and Lynn and Paul don't get in from work until 8ish on six days a week so they just want to eat quickly and have a couple of hours sitting relaxing before bed. On their one day off a week they prefer someone else to cook for them so they go out for a meal. I'm going as well today rather than craft class as different friends are over on holiday and we're meeting up for lunch. My healthy eating has gone a bit to pot this week sadly.
    Have a great day tomorrow Michele. You deserve a good day ot after what will be a busy day today. Hope it goes well.
    Sue, hopefully your aching joints will improve when the weather brightens up next week. Rhubarb crumble and custard, I'll have a large bowl of that please.
    I haven't started my cc card yet so hopefully I'll have some time later on otherwse I'll be last minute tomorrow.
    Looking forward to seeing the photos of your gardens.
    Enjoy your day whatever yo'r dong.
    With love Valxx

    1. Hi Val
      We don't bother with bar basques either as it's just the two of us. Plus our weather isn't always that great either.

  6. All resolved, hopefully you can see the card OK now!! I was just trying to build up the excitement!! Lol !!
    Well actually it was internet issues but that doesn't sound as exciting does it??
    Hopefully you can all see Janet's amazing card now!
    Love and hugs

  7. HinSandra
    Must be because I came in late that I can see the card that Janet has made. How lovely to have something like this as a keepsake. Weather not so hot again today. Nothing much planned for today, but must put my winning from Ernie from last month in the bank, and pop over to friends in Hailey to take a birthday card.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, we had a lovely busy day, abou 10pm thought I would leave a message but realised just how tired I was.

    Yesterday's cards were all totally inspiration. I just knew you ladies would do something so special, I love each and everyone of them.

    Janet, I love your card, what a beautiful gift your father left you with his drawings, something I'm sure the family will treasure it for ever.

    It's not barbecue weather here either Sandra, in fact we only barbecue when all of the family are all coming. It's to much of a fuss. Like you I find I couldn't do the good old fashioned roast in a fraction of the time stop.

    Right will get on, it's time to think about lunch. Will catch up with you all later.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Knew it was a reason I came in later today, I can see the beautiful drawing clearly and it is lovely Janet! You all doing so many different wonderful arts between you.
    Has been such a dull week so feeling a bit low today plus the smell from the plaster and other things has gone in my throat and given me a funny tickle. No workers in again today so took our washing to my neighbour, hanged it out and then spent some hours in Ikea before shopping. Liked to have a bbq tonight but will hang on and see the weather improve. We don't normally have one either but tasted pretty good after a few micro meals :-)
    For you going to Bolton arena tomorrow have great fun and Michele, enjoy your day.
    Take care everyone, love and hugs Maria xxxx

  10. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Janet , what a great card , the drawing is superb ! your dad was definitely a talented artist , what a wonderful keepsake book to have and treasure.
    I don't think my feet touched the ground yesterday as I was so busy , Sandra you asked what I made so here goes, I started by making some oatcakes for the biscuits and cheese then I made a raspberry torte ( to double as a sweet and a Birthday cake, as it was my friend Carol's birthday ) then I made 3 new recipes which all turned out well and went down a treat, the starter was Pear and blue cheese with walnuts, main course Spanish chicken or Salmon on cauliflower couli with crushed hazelnuts and some side dishes, so glad it was enjoyed so I thought I'd have a lazy time today but ended up working in the garden until 2pm before coming in for lunch ( time for a wee nap now methinks) .
    Our garden is coming along nicely but probably a few weeks behind down south so it will probably be a week or so before I take photos to send in, haven't managed up to the craft room yet , maybe later?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  11. Hi everyone. Just popping back to see if Janets card is now on view, and yes it is and well worth the wait. What a talented artist your father was Janet. Such a wonderful pencil drawing with an amazing history. You must really treasure all the drawings you have and what a lovely idea to make them into cards.
    Anne your menu yesterday sounds amazing.
    Had a lovely lunch today with friends. Feeling exceedingly full still so no more food tonight.
    Have a good evening everyone? Just waiting for the sun to go down to take Gracie out then I can put my pj's on and relax.
    Love Valxx

  12. Hello again, just called to see the wonderful card that has Janet's Fathers drawing. A lovey family heirloom for the family to keep.
    Just sat and watched the tennis, men's semi, great to see Andy Murray through to the final on Sunday for the first time.
    Still lovely weather, but the wind is really chilly.
    Going to have a go at the challenge card now, see you all in the morning.

    1. LILIAN thank you so much... a letter delivered, Plymouth postmark, now who do I know in Plymouth?..... opened up to discover a beautiful
      handmade (of course) birthday card, what a lovely thought for you to do.
      Hugs xx

  13. Afternoon Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful drawing. Really lovely.
    Meek-we've had another glorious day, sunshine all day. To be honest we really need some rain but I'm sure that will happen soon enough.


    1. Hi Michele can you please send me some of your sun I'm freezing
      Brrrrrr xx

  14. Evening ladies,
    Another gorgeous HOT sunny day here in Somerset.

    My oh my Janet, that sure is one delightful drawing.
    I salute you on your prowess, mine always look like drunken spiders staggering around and as for perspective, what is that?
    Wednesday's day out in Minehead was very close and cloudy all day. We didn't get any sun until late evening. Beautiful dinner and a spot of shopping did us good. I popped into their branch of St. Margaret's Hospice charity shop looking for antique laces etc. and found 4 delightful old solid oak carved dining chairs complete with the rope and raffia seats. A bargain at £80 for 4 but in the sale at £50. Well, I just had to buy them as one does, didn't I? but with 2 children and 1 teenager in the back seat there was no room for them to fit in the car. That necessitated another trip yesterday morning to pick them up. And I am thrilled with them. For the first time in ages I have 4 matching chairs at my dining table.
    Today we popped up to Cadbury's on a shopping trip for Sandra, I sent her some photos, hopefully she will pop them on the blog sometime, had lunch picked up said items and came home. I had the foresight to park under an old willow tree and weren't we glad when we got back to the car, totally cool interior. Bliss after a hot day in the centre.

    Playing catch-up with a couple more challenge cards then off for an early night. Jamie is with me all weekend so we can have a good go on the garden and more importantly, a jolly good tidy up to boot.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi CHERYL you seem to have a a good day in Minehead your chairs sound lovely & a good price,it's amazing sometimes what you can find in the charity shops Did you find any antique lace pity AMANDA Scrimpy's can't get you some. Take care in the garden tomorrow don't do to much glad Jamie will be helping you. Have a good weekend with him. Massive Hug Lynda xx

  15. Glad it is hot with you Cheryl and you have had a lovely day. Bern a very cold week here. Tuesday it didn't stop raining all day and very heavy rain at that. It seems to be warm up north and in the West but somehow has missed us. Janet I gave commented further up but your dad's drawing is gorgeous. I have never been able to draw. No time to do the challenge card today yet but will try later. With Monday being a Bank Holiday (not that I did anything) it seems a funny week and have to keep reminding myself what day it is. I have said I will make my youngest granddaughter a cake stand. She had a pretend cafe and my DIL said she needed a cake stand so thought I would make one with plastic picnic plates because she plays in the Conservatory and though China ones would easily break. Got the fittings so just need to put it together now. She chose the colour of the plates this afternoon. Going to watch John Lockwood. With the weather here it feels more like Winter than Summer so Christmas crafting will fit in well.

  16. Hi Sandra and everyone. Lovely card from Janet. Such a wonderful idea to use your Dads fantastic drawings. I'm sure the recipients will treasure them :-)
    Had a busy today, started off with taking my eldest son to his second football trial for a place at a training academy in September to carry on with his sports diploma. Really pleased and proud to say he got in :-)) He has spent the last year at his schools 6th form - which has really been a waste of time, with lessons cancelled and students not turning up. Fortunately he has almost completed the first year, but the academy have said he can start from the beginning again with them or start from year 2 depending on this years grade - so that's something he can decide on. I am so happy he got in, at least I know he will be in the one place Mon - Fri, more often than not he would text me from school saying lesson cancelled and was on his way back home!
    My husband and I popped to the Range this afternoon to look for a new clock for the kitchen, but didn't see anything we both liked. I had a look in the craft section but didn't buy anything - am being good as I still have new stuff from my Birthday which I haven't used yet.
    Well, I hope you've all had a good day and are all well.
    Hugs to all xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing us Janet's lovely card, how nice to have such lovely keepsakes from her Dad, something to be treasured. Well I have had a lovely afternoon crafting with Sue, she passed on some good hints as well, managed to finish my Challenge card, must send it in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  18. Hi SANDRA & friends
    It's still been very cold & raining all day the wind is really getting up.
    I have been playing with pixy powders doing backing papers,then some tin foil embossing & colouring with Matalic guildi Polish. I'm not sure if I got more on my hands than on the card haha. It was good fun I'm going to use them on some Christmas cards so watch this space. I will send them to Sandra.
    Better go & clear up. Wish all a good evening.
    Hug's Lynda xx
