
Thursday 2 June 2016

Mini Challenge Cards

An older card made with Embossing Folder

My Mini Challenge Card

 An older Lilian card with Embossing folder

 Anne's Mini Challenge card

 Brenda's Mini Challenge Card

 Janet's Mini Challenge card

 Lilian's Mini Challenge Card

 Lynda's Mini Challenge Card

 Maria's Mini Challenge card

 Michele's Mini Challenge Card

Sonia's Mini Challenge Card

Val's Mini Challenge card

Margaret's Mini Challenge card

Brenda Hopkins Mini Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I think it's safe to say the we are all pretty much capable of making cards without any dies!!!
It just goes to prove that we all used to manage perfectly well without them, yet strangely we hardly ever sit down to make a card that doesn't feature a die anywhere, for the most part the die is the main element on the card, so at first the thought of sitting down to make a card without dies seemed daunting but once I had made mine it made me look round at the other things that I had, stamps, embossing folders etc that I used to use all the time but since I have used dies to create my cards I hardly even look at them.  So maybe we should all vow to make at least one card a month without any dies!

I was absolutely amazed at how resourceful you all were, 

Anne, I love the embossing folder you have used, it looks like one of the Spellbinders 3d folders, it has so much detail and you have matched that perfectly with those Clarity stamps down the side.

Brenda, your card looks so feminine and delicate, I love the look of that simple embossing folder on that Linen card, finished beautifully with lace and ribbon.

Janet, I love your cute little dress card that you have used Sue's Rows of Bows Embossing folder to add with detail to the dress with, so sweet.

Lilian, your rainbow of card looks striking and really effective, I also featured an older card of yours where you have used the Crafts Too free embossing folder, simply adding a few flowers that are the perfect finishing touch to a stunning card.

Lynda, Wow, what an opulent card, Lynda covered some card with Tin Foil, then embossed it with Sue's Rambling Blossom embossing folder, she them went over the embossed card with Gold Gilding polish, what an amazing effect Lynda, you have finished the card by mounting some of Amanda's lace onto some black card and added a few dazzlers. A real WOW card!!

Maria, a stunning card from you, you have embossed the tree into some silver card and then adorned the tree with pretty gemstones that twinkle perfectly, what a fantastic card.

Michele, wow, I love that Christmas tree embossing folder, just adding it to the edge of the card like that gives such an impact, the little gems are the perfect finishing touch along with the simple Christmas Greeting, this looks a real 'high end' card.

Sonia, love the effect of embossing the gold textured card with that fabulous embossing folder, the border of embossed flowers with that simple greeting, like Michele's, looks like a card you would find in the expensive 'Department stores'.

Val, Such a sweet Christmas card, I love that embossing folder you have used, the addition of the washi tape/ribbon across the bottom to pop your Santas on looks fabulous, I love the sentiment you have used too.

Margaret, I love the embossing folder you have used, that little dog is just so adorable, I love your choice of colours for the curtains and flowers, your colouring is so neat too!  A really cute little happy birthday card.

Brenda, what a stunning card, you have designed, I love the embossing folder you have used, the colours you have chosen work so well together too, those added gems finish your card perfectly, this card would brighten anyone's day xxx

I added an older card of mine using the Crafts Too embossing folder, I love this folder as it creates a whole card front with one pass, you just need to add embellishments.

I would like to say a Huge Heartfelt Thanks to each and every one of you for taking part in this challenge, I really enjoyed it and I know that a lot of said you did in your emails, thank you so much for making my efforts so worthwile. xxx

I hope that you are all wrapping up warm, as we appear to have jumped forward to Autumn, it has been so chilly this past couple of days, Paul actually put the heating back on he was so chilly!!  Can one of you perform a 'Sun' Dance, as we have had enough rain for a few weeks!

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a wonderful selection of cards, all so different. It certainly made me look at my large collection of embossing folders & promise myself that I'd use them!

    We have another glorious day, lots of sunshine here. It's been beautiful for the last 7 days now, lots of watering to do!!

    Today is the day my hall/phone table is meant to be arriving-we ordered it from Oak Furniture Solutions as they have a branch locally (Aintree) but they didn't have much stock so they suggested we ordered online. Having re-read my text message from the courier there's no mention of them uplifting the incorrect item, only delivering the (?) correct one. This could be interesting...!!!!

    I'm going to bake this morning-the chocolate chip "fairy cakes " again as a friend is calling round mid morning for coffee & a chat.

    OMG-the table has already been delivered!!! And I think it's the right one plus he's taken the wrong one-all signed for.
    I can relax now & make my cakes then go in my craft room.


    1. Morning Michele - Congratulations on your first success of the day. It's not often that everything works as you want re incorrect deliveries. Enjoy your baking and your morning visit. I can smell those chocolate buns from here. xxxx

    2. Oh fantastic news Michele, you can relax now and enjoy your day off!!
      Usually if they say they will deliver between 7-5 it will be at 4.55 and you will have had to wait around all day!
      Glad you aren't giving in to the guilt trip from work either, you go enjoy some 'me'time, my lovely xxxx

    3. Great news that everything went well this morning. I will have a look at their site and see if I could find one that suit us. Have a nice day xxx

    4. Great news Michele that they've delivered the correct table and taken the wrong one.
      We ordered a large television unit and a large sideboard from them 2 years ago. Great delivery from them as the units were very very heavy,

  2. Good morning Ladies, I did do a comment after 10pm when I got home last night , we had a wonderful day.
    Today's cards are all amazing ! I love the different ways Sonia used her dies , really effective and I have to say the stunning lace trim against the gold background in Lynda's card is gloriously opulent, thanks again for all the great ideas.
    I have a busy day ahead , housework and cooking but hope to get in the craft room tomorrow and catch up with things.
    Time for tea and toast , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. So pleased yoiu had a lovely day yesterday Anne, although I guess you are feeling it today!
      Put some music on to make housework more fun, you will have whizzed thgrough it in no time!
      What kind of cooking are you doing, preparing dinner or yummy baking?!
      Look forward to seeing results of your Craft session tomorrow!
      Sandra xx

    2. Hi Anne, you sound as though you're in for a busy day. Hope you can manage to get into the craft room.

    3. Hi Anne, glad you had a good day yesterday. Hope your day is fine today too and the house work and cooking want tire you out too much xxx

    4. Hi Anbe
      I'm glad you had a great day yesterday.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dull this morning ,but still very warm.
    Love all the cards this morning, mine is an idea I saw on Pinterest, but harder to line up than I imagined!
    Going to my friends crafting this morning not sure what I'll do as arthritis in my hands is quite bad at the moment, we do mostly chatting really with a bit of craft and lunch.
    Have a good day all, hope those not well will soon feel better.
    Love and hugs Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian - have a really good day with your friends. It doesn't matter if you don't get any crafting in. It's the company and chat and lunch of course you enjoy. xxxx

    2. Good morning Lilian,
      Its not much different here weather wise, I think we were all teased with the nice weather last week, its so frustrating as the sunshine just makes life so much more cheerful!
      I hope that your hands don't prevent you from enjoying your craft day with your friend.
      You could just do what Sue, Pat and I did for the first half of the day yesterday and just put the world to rights! we covered most topics I think, Sue and I were still doing so at 5pm!
      Sandra xx

    3. Hi Lilian, same weather here but they saying it will get hotter next week, fingers crossed. Hope you have a nice day, just company with a friend makes things look better. hug xxx

    4. Well Lilian are weather isn't great either. Hope you had a great day crafting or not with your friend.

  4. Each and everyone of the cards is beautiful I know exactly what you mean SAMDRA re not using dies When my GC died AND no laptop either (I'm a Serif/MCS fan) I was lost I didn't know what to do with myself
    Must go Shower calleth and then work

    1. Hi Karen,
      Hope you have a fun day at work my lovely!
      Hows that wee grandson of yours?? We could do with an Oscar update, we would all love another little peek at him! Please xx
      Sandra xx

    2. Hi Karen, hope your day at work was fine. Did you get a new machine in the end or what happened ?
      Speak soon xxx

  5. Morning Everyone from yet another very grey and very cold day here. My heating is already on again. It stayed on all day yesterday and looks as though today is going to be the same.

    I love all the MC cards. Who would think that by just using EFs such glorious cards would emerge.

    I'm not sure what's on the cards for today. Definitely not venturing outside so it just might have to be some crafting. Nicky my youngest Daughter rang yesterday asking if I could knit her a handbag. She is going to a wedding in August and has seen a bag which has a bracelet type handle but it's a Designer one and very costly so I'm waiting for instructions on colour and size. Luckily I have a book with handbag patterns in it so hopefully I can sort something out for her.
    I rang the Estate Agents re the 'for sale' sign. They are supposed to be collecting it today. I have to say they were very short on apologies and sounded very unconcerned. Perhaps this happens on a regular basis.

    Everything is ready for you all to pop in and help yourselves and of course a welcome is always here for strangers who just may become Friends. Hope you have all received your hugs this morning. xxxx

    1. Morning Janet,
      So did you get many offers for your house? Haha, I can just pictures the look on your face!!
      I can wait to see what design you come up with for Nicky's handbag, wool is quite expensive, so it won't be a cheap job, I can feel a trip to the Range coming on, they have a good range of wool !!
      Whatever you decide on it will be stunning,you are so talented xxx

    2. Hi Janet, hope you manage to make the bag. I can't knit so is a bit envious for people who can. Have a nice day xxx

    3. Hope the sign gets collected soon.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. A great selection of cards, love them all :-) Lots of beautiful ideas to inspire for future reference as I have to admit I did struggle with not being able to use any dies ;-)
    Michele I'm glad you got your delivery/return sorted without any hassle, enjoy the rest of your day off.
    Fingers crossed for Janet that they come and remove the for sale sign!
    Have a great day everyone whatever you may be doing. A second coat of paint in the kitchen for me, then maybe a chance to start on this weeks sketch challenge :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Good morning Sonia,
      I agree with you totally, its become so natural to reach for the dies when we sit down to make a card, I enjoyed having to think differently!
      Are you going to take a photo of your finished kitchen? Show off all of your hard work!
      Hope you get chance to get in your craft room to play!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Sonia, you did a great job on your card. have a good day painting and then crafting ;-) xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    well you've excelled yourselves again ladies. What a marvelous selection of cards and not a die cut to be seen. Like Sonia, I really struggled with this one. Obviously I rely on die cutting a lot
    Great that your table has arrived Michele. Even better that they've taken the other onecaway without any fuss.
    Hope the sign gets taken to its right property today Janet. They sound very off hand about it.
    Hope you have a good time today Lilian. It doesn't matter if you can't craft just chatting with friends is a tonic in itself.
    Good luck with the paintin Sonia. Bet you'll be glad when its finished.
    Just waiting for friends to call for a coffee. They have family over on holiday at the moment so it will be good to see them again.
    Hope everyones day goes well.
    Love Valxx

    1. Hi Val,
      Have can lovely day catching up with your friends and their visiting family, will you being going out to lunch too?!
      Look forward to hearing all about it later,

    2. Hi Val, have a lovely day with your friends xxx

  8. Good Morning Ladies,
    Just stopping by to ask if you have all seen the new stamps that Creative Expression's Lisa Horton has designed, she has
    Shows featuring them on Hochanda today, they are amazing, I am really tempted, something quite different for me as they are a bit 'grungey'but I love them, they are certainly worth a watch!
    Have a great day
    Sandra xxx

  9. Margaret Palmer2 June 2016 at 10:23

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of cards again, I particularly love the one from Maria right up my street, where did you get it from Maria? Pleased to hear you 3 put the world to right's yesterday, I must admit at embroidery group we do the
    Another cold day here not looking forward to playing boule this afternoon as it is rather an exposed piste, good job we are a hardy lot.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you and pop are alright. the EF I used is a "Sycamore" sorry can't remember where I got it from,probably from one of the craft shows.
      Hope you playing Boule this afternoon goes well xxx

    2. Hi Margaret
      I hope the sun came out for you. We were at the Toby Carvery today and the sun did come out for awhile.

  10. Me again,
    Please refresh your page and check out Brenda (littlelamb)'s
    Challenge card, such a bright and cheerful design, thanks Brenda xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and all, A big mug of tea (3d bag) and a slice of the cakes Brenda made yesterday, they sound so good. No wonder Ciara was happy.
    The MC cards are all fabulous ! Everyones are beautiful, Anne, Janet, Lilian, Littlelamb, nope can't say a favourite because I love them all. Will deffo. have a play with my other EF's that have not seen the day of light for a long time.
    Another day with a chilly wind and very grey sky but had my walk and then been sitting here trying to keep myself warm in a long sleeved t-shirt and a fleece jacket trying to make a card up hihi Can't really believe the weather going be so much warmer next week but can't wait.
    Will have myself a real mug of tea and see what the Plasterer have done in the kitchen this morning. Three happy lads arrived at 8am. lucky I was out of bed ;-)
    Lynda, have a good day and lots and lots of cuddles from Harry, sending you some special hugs.
    Hope you all have a productive day whatever you are up too ,so have a nice day. love and hugs Maria xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a wonderful lot of cards. It does remind us that we don't need to use dies to make gorgeous cards. Each and everyone of your cards are beautiful, and as usual there are no two alike. I wonder if two of us will ever come up with a similar challenge card?
    I'm to hear that most of you are having this awful cold weather. It certainly doesn't feel like June, that's for sure. I have let son (Tim) and family know that they will need warm clothes when they land in the UK tomorrow after a hot and sunny week spent abroad!
    Lilian, I hope you have a good time chatting if not crafting with friends. Bad hands are so restricting aren't they! Do you use a machine to stitch the hoods? If not you are a super fast stitcher seeing how many you can do in such a short space of time!
    Anne, I must say how I loved yesterday's card, so much texture, it is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it.
    I'm having an achey day so not doing too much. I hope you are all keeping warm. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care x

  13. Afternoon ladies,
    Don't forget to let me have any photos of your garden /favourite plant etc, I have received a couple of beautiful ones already, from Michele and Lilian, I would like to maybe share them on Saturday, so get snapping!!

  14. Evening All, it's been another beautiful day here , really hot, my friend has big patio doors so we had them open , which was lovely as she has a lovely garden.
    Didn't do much crafting as couldn't squeeze the glue out of the pot, but had a lovely time sorting out the world. Traffic was very bad, can tell its half term.
    Still got the challenge card to do, will have to use a glue stick, and double sided I used to do.
    Sandra saw the new c/e stamps last not, there not my style, I get that look when I don't stamp properly!!!!, but if you like the grungy look they will be ideal , and a good price.
    Well I'd better go and put away the stuff I took with me, and better do some watering in the garden.
    Have a good evening , love and hugs, Lilian

  15. Hello Sandra & lovely ladies
    Gorgeous mini challenge cards today they are all amazing & not a die in sight.
    Brrrr really cold today the heating has been on all day. My friend poped round for a bit to collect her parcels she has her mail sent to me as the new owners on the camp site she lives on won't let then have mail delivered any more,so we offered. After she left I went craft room & finished off C card then sent it to Sandra. Then played with the pixy powders MArgaret gave me 3 as she had duplicates. Yes quit pleased with how they turned out. Tomorrow I am going to do some more with the Tin foil with embossing folders like my M challenge card.
    I was pleased with that. SANDRA I did see one of Lisa's shows on Hochanda
    I also liked some of her stamps I have recorded the rest of her shows.
    MARIA I also love your embossing folder I'm going to Google it in a mo.
    Take care my friend keep warm many Hug's xxx
    Will be on my way may pop back later love & Hug's Lynda xxxxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your feeling better than you were. Please keep warm in this very chilly weather. Hugs to you both.

  16. Hi MARGARET the embossing folder that MARIA used is a craft concept sycamore it's on Ebay hope that helps xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Thank you just had a look & ordered it! Hope you are taking it easy & not stressing too much. Sending hugs love Margaret xx

  17. Hi Sandra
    Well, I've just watched England playing football they had no ideas. Unlike the fabulous cards that the ladies have made without using any dies. These have made me think about all the embossing folders and stamps that I'm not using. So I'm going to hunt everything out and have a look see what I can do.
    Paid our monied for Maderia today for the end of August. Can't wait for our holiday to Lake Constance in 2 weeks.
