
Wednesday 1 June 2016

Anne's Mixed Media Card for Archie

Good Morning Ladies,

Pinch, punch first of the month!!! Can you believe its June already!

Just look at Anne's amazing Mixed Media card that she has created for Archie, Anne, you have included so much texture in your card, I love how you have acheived the 'space' look with the texture paste and sand in the background the voile material looks so amazing, the sparkly stars, twinkling away look fab, the earth that you have die cut using pearlescent card looks incredible particularly with the microbeads in the background representing the sea.
All in all this is a totally amazing card Anne, what 10 year old boy wouldn't love this card?!  Archie will be over the moon.......get it???? hahaha
Thank you so much for sharing Archie's card with us, by the way this would make a great MDF door hanger/tag too! xxx

Sue and I are off to Pat's today which I am looking forward to very much.  Not sure what I will take with me to do today,  may take somethings to make some flowers.

We took our Sophie to the hospital today to see the Max Fax people about her eye (she was injured in a football game at the end of November last year and got a black eye, the initial swelling went down but the blackness is still there, like a full on black eye, 6 months on) so our GP reffered us to hospital, it ended up being a total waste of time, the have decided that the best course of action is to wait and see if it will heal itself!! Surely that would have happened after six months, I explained that she is a 16 year old girl and is extremely self concious, mainly because people automatically assume she has been in a fight! With 6th form interviews and wanting a part time job her image is really important to her.  His pathetic response was .....have you tried covering it up with anything?!! Are you serious I said, of course we have tried everything!
Ridiculous man, the outcome was, we are going to return on August 9th, watch this space.
Sorry, rant over, soapbox returned to its usual place!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne/great card, I'm sure Archie will love it. It would look good framed after his birthday.

    Sandra-can you ask for a second opinion, not sure how that works but I thought everyone was entitled to see a different consultant.

    Yesterday was as busy at work as we thought but today will be crazy busy. I watched most of John Lockwoods programmes last night. I'm planning on doing my shopping tonight then watching the last show I recorded as hubby is away.
    I've had to take tomorrow off work as I need to wait I for a delivery. A couple of weeks ago we ordered a phone table for the hall but we were sent a hall table -much bigger. The battle we've had a) trying to get the company to believe us they'd sent the wrong item and b) trying to arrange a date for collection of wrong item/delivery of replacement item! In the end I just received a text from the couriers saying they would be delivering between 7am and 10am on Thursday 2nd Juo...!!! It wasn't ideal me taking the day off this week as we're just starting the testing today of our new Isolator. I do have two senior pharmacists as bosses so they'll have to manage! Just think if the crafting I can get done though.


    1. Hi Michele
      I do hope your delicious very came today. It's such a pain having to wait in and no one arrives. But as you say you can get some crafting done while waiting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good morning Ladies , first of all I must apologise for yesterday , on Monday it took three attempts before my comment published and yesterday I had written such a long comment it just wouldn't publish and I had to go through signing in at Google yet again , when it plays up it is sooo frustrating , Baahh!
    So I'll give a quick recap, Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Sonia and Angela, ( same date as my sister who lives in Colorado) xoxo
    I was up at 6am finishing off the box of cards for the garden centre then went to golf to play a 12 hole match that went on to the 18 th hole , we have hot sunny weather so it was exhausting but very enjoyable, when I got home after lunch I dozed for a wee while but was still tired , after trying to comment I had to go and pack the final cards and price them all 32 in total, so I hope they like them.
    Lillian I loved your cute little bird card , he's just so cute looking! I hope you managed to get your hoods done without too much eye strain after the bright orange fabric.
    Michele , I thought that was a lovely gesture and the card was beautiful, I too have that die but haven't used it very much.
    Lynda sounds like you had a great time with your grandsons, he does seem tall for an 11 year old , but this generation seem bigger in every way , my granddaughter takes size 8 in shoes and she is only turned 13 .
    Pat, Sue and Sandra I hope you have a fun day together , you are so lucky having one another, enjoy!
    It's our Ladies Golf ( Day Out) to a golf course about 1 1/2 hours away so we leave at 10 am and won't be home till 8ish , after high tea in a hotel in Beauly ( lovely little country village) so another long tiring day but good fun.
    Maria I hope your Dan the man turns up today , so annoying when things drag on , you sound so patient, not like me I want everything done yesterday lol!
    Michele , I hope your day goes well.
    Val, did you make all your Fathers Days cards different from each other, takes a lot of thinking about for men's ideas.
    Archie's card , I got the idea from Pinterest and more or less copied it, I added the little quote on a very narrow strip across the front after I had taken the photo " shine like you own the universe" it was on the original and I got Iain to print it out for me, I also did a simplified Fathers Day card version and used just one layer of silver tulle under the globe and on a narrow strip across the top put " To the Best Dad in the World" so I've at least managed to put the new die to good use .
    I might not manage to comment again today with being away So hope you like Archie's card.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Sorry Anne but this card I don't like much but
      I LOVE IT !! hihi It is Amazing and Archie will love it too. I want that globe, where did you get it from ? No workers at all today, huff. Probably going shopping instead, looking for new outdoor lights. have a good day. You have so much energy :-) xxx

    2. Hi Anne, fantastic card and I'm sure Archie will be so chuffed that you made it for him.
      I can understand your frustration with Google, I had similar trouble last year or year before. I couldn't comment on any of the blogs I follow for about 3 months. Google Chrome were about as useless as a wet fart in a colandern regarding helping me get the problem fixed so I dunmped them and went elsewhere for a browser. xxx

    3. Forgot to ask Anne, could you cut me out some of your world dies for our local nursery and playschool please? xxx

    4. Hi Anne
      A truly amazing die, and like Cheryl and Maria I adore this die.
      Lucky you having some sun, it's more like winter here. However, must begrudge you a bit of sun as you can have some awful weather. Enjoy your golf,

    5. Sorry Anne but this card I don't like much but
      I LOVE IT !! hihi It is Amazing and Archie will love it too. I want that globe, where did you get it from ? No workers at all today, huff. Probably going shopping instead, looking for new outdoor lights. have a good day. You have so much energy :-) xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Although I've turned the calendar and it says 1st June I'm not that convinced!!!!! It's more like 1st January as it's so cold, grey and windy!! I've got the heating on and it's staying on!!

    Well that's enough exclamation marks for today!!

    ANNE- I love your card for Archie and I'm sure he'll love love love it. I hope he keeps it on display for a long time.
    MICHELE- please do not start me on arranging the return of parcels etc. It's a complete nightmare and I dread receiving such. Good luck with today and I hope that all's well at work tomorrow when you get there.

    I managed the MC yesterday and so need to take a pic and get it sent off today.
    Now let me tell you a story - (have I heard that before). Sometime on Monday morning while I was in on my own an estate agent came and put a 'for sale' sign up on the edge of our front garden. I didn't hear anything at all and I was sat in the room near the front window. Of course you can imagine my face when I did see it can't you. Jim was out and on his return of course his first words were 'is there something I should know?' to which I returned the same words to him. Anyway I rang the number only to get Head Office as it was BHM and local agents were closed but she said that it would be dealt with as a matter of urgency on Tuesday morning and someone would telephone and make arrangements to come and take down the post. Jim took the post down as we didn't want people knocking on the door etc. YES as you have guessed no-one telephoned yesterday so today I will be ringing them and I promise I will do my best to be polite. I'll let you know what happens.

    All is open and waiting for you all in the Cafe. Have a good day and your hugs should have arrived. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Like you I'm sure it's the 1st January today and have the heating on. Which is a bone of contention in our house. Petes medication and injections make him hot. Well I'm always cold, so when the heating goes on he says but it's summer, sat in his tea shirt and his shorts. Yes, but it's more like winter and I'm cold. He gives a big sigh and on the heating goes. Hope your details haven't gone on the internet Janet or you could have a lot of enquiries.

  5. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    I agree with you Janet, what date is on the calender the weather have gone completely backwards. You selling up and moving to a warmer country Lol What a Big mix-up, do wonder if you hear from them later. Do tell us how it goes.
    Anne's card for Archie is Greeeeeat ! Any boy/man would love a card like it.
    Michele, Hope you ok at work. I have been looking for a slim telephone table with some little draws to it for years but no luck so far. Hope you don't mint if I ask where you getting yours from ? Take care.
    Littlelamb, I was still up but was watching recorded programs on Tv, sorry to miss you. Hope you have a drier day today :-) hugs.
    Sue ,Pat and Sandra -have a lovely time crafting together today ! I will do my best to make up a/some cards today but find it a bit tricky with my small space Lol.
    No Builder in at all today so even if the weather is crap we will get out to some shops and look for some outside lights for the house and some new kitchen curtain or blind, not sure which one I prefer. What have you in yours ?
    Wish you all a nice day whatever you are up too, if you not feeling to good I send you a big hug. hope it helps a little, just feel that squeeze. love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. HibMaria
      What a shame the builders didn't come today. I do hope they don't keep crying off. A nearly 25 years of having nothing at our kitchen Windows we now have blinds up. They are much tidier than curtains I think. Hope you find some lights and one day you might even find a small table.

  6. Good morning ladies from my very wet corner of Somerset.

    Grey cloudy skies with an outlook of 30% rain all day.
    How they work out these % averages when the day has just started I don't know. First prize to anyone who can come up with the answer.
    Tiegan's question yesterday was "How does the earth stay in it's orbit when it is so heavy?" Curious conundrums come from my grandchildren's enquiring minds. Pete was so good at giving them the right answers.

    Yesterday was such a fun day for both of us.
    First port of call, the Range where she stocked up on lots of goodies essential for her friend Milly's birthday card and a beautiful photo album for her sister Lily.
    Then onto Wilkins and the Works before coming home with our Gregg's breakfast meal.
    Luckily, I bought some very large stencil Alphabet letters from Focus years ago which she used to cut out their first initial and then blinged them up with small mosaic tiles before adding them to the card and book.
    I have mangaded to get the mini challenge card done, so on with Monday's challenge card. I'm finding all these sketches very handy Sandra, easpecially for when my brain inbox is so full I forget the dates of birthdays etc.

    I'm being picked up in half an hour for a trip to Minhead with Tiegan, Josph, daughter Fiona and a surpize guest. Fiona and Joseph had nb-been visiting family in Staffordshire for the Bank Holiday and brought my very first Greta Niece Tasmyn back with them. So it will be a very enjouyable day out even with the rain. I
    I must shoot off now.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Apologies for the spelling this morning, I thought I had checked it all, but with a red wavy line underneath every sentence for some reason, it looks like I have missed a lot. xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, I love Anne's card it's fantastic :-) Great idea for a masculine card. I bet Archie (your Grandson?) loved it.
    Sorry to hear about Sophie's eye - what dr doesn't realise how important it is for a teenage girl? I'm with Michele on this that you could ask for a second opinion, especially as it's already been six months.
    Hope you have a lovely day with Sue and Pat enjoying crafting and chatting :-)
    I'm going to have another go at the mini challenge before starting on the kitchen. Think my helper is off to his mates today so looks like it's just me!
    Janet, I hope you get hold of the estate agents. What idiots they are!? Although your story did make me chuckle. I can imagine your husband coming home and seeing it wondering what on earth was going on ;-)
    Hope everyone has a good day out and about or staying at home in the warm!
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    Just love your card Anne . Bet your grandson was over the moon. Ha ha. Love the background. Was it done w.ith a gelli plate?
    Sandra. What a stupid doctor. He obviously isnt around 16 yyear olds much or he'd realise how important their image is to them.
    Anne, yes the cards are all different. If I can get into the shop before hopefully they sell, I'll take a photo to send to Sandra.
    Janer, bet your husband thought he'd arrived back at the wrong house. Some poor person is still waiting for their sign to go up. How inefficient.
    Just got in from weekly shopping. All put away and just having a coffee. Do wish they had a ordering on line and delivery service over here. I'm sure it will come eventually. I'll be first in the queue.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val,
      The background was just black card with some gesso and then some Stampendous chunky embossing powders.
      I did use my gelli plate ( which I've had for over a year ) and finally managed to make a card which I was happy with for a friend about two weeks ago, maybe time to try the melting pot now ( I've had that for nearly 2 years and have yet to try it!

  9. Very dull day here today. No rain yet though. Need milk so will have to go out in any case. Will have a cup of coffee in the cafe instead before I go as have used the last drop. Janet. Same thing happened to us once. Came home to find a 'For Sale' board outside. We are number 70. Was meant for 79! Haven't done any challenge cards yet. Was too busy watching John Lockwood yesterday when I got home. Better get in then and will try to do the challenge cards today.

  10. Sorry Anne. Forgot to say that I Love your card. Can you tell me please where you got the die from if you don't mind.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Well change of plan today, we both went over to Sandra's. Lots of laughs and as usual I couldn't find a die I wanted, didn't look to start with as I thought Sandra had borrowed it. Good job my heads screwed on or else that would go missing.
    These Drs have no sense at all Sandra. Is six months not long enough for it to go on its own, you'd think so wouldn't you. I wonder what they'll say in August.
    Anne the card you made for Archie is absolutely fantastic, I bet he was thrilled with it. If it's a bie it's fabulous. I've never seen anything like it. Love the distressed look behind it.

  12. Have been sitting here trying to put a card together and everything gone wrong so my dear friend's guess where that has gone, arghhh!
    Sorry I forgot to say,I hope Sophie will be all right and her eye gets better.
    Got the two lights for the outside wall on the house and also got carpet for the hall/stairs and landing. Had late lunch at Harvester. Like their salad so had that and chicken (no dressing or bread roll, "I feel good,ta
    da da" Lol I'm going to start from scratch now for the card so wish me luck hihi xxx

  13. Hello All, this the third time I've come in to leave a comment, every time I start the phone rings, or O/H wants something.
    Been busy with work, also watching the tennis, Andy Murey had us all on the edge of our seats again, still he won in the end so that's great, not sure who he'll meet in the next round.
    Did m mini challenge card today, but the embossing doesn't show much in the photo.
    Going to go and sort some craft stuff as going to have a day off tomorrow and go to my friends at Hayle.
    Love and hugs Lilian

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you had a fruitless visit to hospital with Sophie, it makes you wonder sometimes what world they live in, hope you get it sorted before August. Hope you had good time with Sue & Pat. I spent the afternoon trying to do Challenge card not happy with it so will try again.xxxx
    Anne your card for Archie is brilliant I am sure he loved it. Hope you enjoyed the
    I played boule this morning & every body was well wrapped up as if it was middle of winter, weather's gone crazy.
    Maria sorry your builder hasn't shown up again hope he turns up tomorrow, pleased you had a successful shopping
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Anne I love your card for Archie - it's perfect for a 10 year old. I know he will just love it. Archie I hope you have a great Birthday xxx

    Sandra, I can't believe th consultant attitude towards Sophie. Six months is far to long to wait. If it hasn't improved in all this time, I can't think waiting another six months is going to help. Could you not contact PALS (patients advice and liaison service) they are impartial and might be able to point you in the right direction.

    Has anyone seem the new Spellbinders PRIZM die cutting machine think it sells for under £40 but have seen it on offer for £25 I was wondering about getting on to keep at daughters house and Ciara could use it.

    Today has been a very full hands on day. After breakfast we were crafting until lunch, Ciara had asked could we cook, she had planned dinner and wanted to make dauphinoise potatoes with chicken, followed by vanilla cheesecake. We also made a lemon drizzle cake. It all worked out beautifully, and she is one very happy bunny, she went to bed with a big smile on her face. She really does enjoy cooking and food presentation. Now big sister (17 yrs old) is just not interested in cooking.

    It's time I went to my bed, see you tomorrow, hope it will not be so late.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  16. Good evening Ladies I just got home at 10pm as the lady I was with wanted to do some Tesco shopping on the way home which was great for me too.
    I didn't play very well on the first nine holes but played really well on the second nine so I was quite happy We had a fantastic day and then a superb high tea with lots of goodies afterwards.
    The die I used is a Tim Holtz one and I got it for £7.99 from Sunrise Crafts,
    Cheryl I will happily do some for you, Michele I haven't forgotten the golf stamps I hope to do them for you on Friday ,( just been so busy doing cards for the garden centre, I took them in this morning, and I've also been busy golfing!) tomorrow I need to do some housework and I have friends coming for dinner in the evening .
    Sandra I hope Sophie gets her eye seen to asap, she must be so conscious of it.
    Thankyou so much for the lovely comments on Archie's card, I'll let you know if he likes it.
    Just having a cup of tea and I'm off to bed, love and hugs xoxo

  17. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    I know I'm late I have I have been trying to finish the challenge card, bit like Maria wasn't pleased with first attempt, all done now. I had to go to the doctors & get my hearing aid re tubed & more batteries , luckily they now do it at the doctor surgery so save's me going all the way to Canterbury Hospital which is over a hour away.
    might have to go over my son's again as he would like Terry's help with putting the kitchen cupboards on the wall. He is refitting a new kitchen. He has just finished his bathroom & that looks amazing so proud of him he has done all the work by himself looks very professional. So mite get more Harry cuddles Yeeees.
    Anne your card for Archie is brilliant he will love it.
    Sandra hope you Sue & Pat had a lovely day together.
    How awful for Sophie I can't believe what that consultant said about her eye. As Brenda said try contacting PAL'S they might help worth a try Sandra.
    Well everyone I'm going to bed so good night God bless love Lynda xxx
