
Tuesday 31 May 2016

Belated Birthday wishes and pretty cards

A Beautiful Get Well Soon 

A Fabulous 'Just Because'

Sonia & Angela

Good Morning Dear Friends,

I am going to start today's bloig post with an apology, I feel so terrible, whilst I was updating the Blog Contact list to send out to you all last week I needed to contact a couple of people to ask for details and that's when I found out that it was Angela's Birthday on 16th of May, so Angela I am sending you Belated Birthday Wishes, I hope your day was filled with fun and laughter!
I also discovered by going back to the very first email that Sonia sent me that it was also her Birthday on the 16th May, I am so very sorry that I had missed adding this information sooner, I am also sending you Belated Birthday Wishes, I hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends, there is a big chocolate cake in the chiller, you don't even have to share it!  I promise you my card will be first through your door next year! Xxxxx

Now onto today's cards, the first card is so beautiful, I couldn't capture clear enough the amount of detail that Lilian put into fussy cutting the outline of the bird on this card, it actually looks like he has 'ruffled his feathers'!
Thank you so much Lilian, your card warmed my heart, it is so uplifting to receive such a beautiful surprise when you are feeling low xxx

The other fabulous card I received with a little parcel of delights was from Michele,
So very kind and thoughtful Michele, it also arrived on Friday, while I was home alone and feeling a little fed up, such a lovely surprise.  I believe its the Spellbinders Gold Elements Die and Spellbinders Butterfly die too! 
Thank you so much Michele, there is no better card than one out oif the blue. Xxx

Thank you all for stopping by, if you are just popping in for a peek, please stop and say hi, I am so very lucky to have a wonderful group of friends here that Are ready to make you very welcome.

Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Good Morning Sandra and Freinds, it's another beautiful day here.
    Very surprised to see my card when I dropped in for my cup of black coffee.
    I was trying no die cutting, I didn't realise Sandra would show it, thanks.
    Michele love your card so ornate, have both of those dies , so might did them out to use.
    Belated Birthday Wishes to Angela and Sonia, hope you both had a super day.
    Have to say have not printed Sandra's updated list yet, having printer problems.

    Work today , have a long list of different coloured hoods, have some day glow orange, which are horrible to sew, the colour seems to have to effect my eyes, luckily there is only 7 , then on to lilac and peach.

    Managed to book a cottage to go for a weeks break in July, going to Derbyshire, as we love it there, it's many years since we have been.
    Well better go and have my shower, have a lovely day, Hugs to all especially to those not too good. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, I just love Derbyshire.One of my favourite parts of England. I'm sure in will be a wonderful holiday.
      Hope the hood making went well today.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Lillian, l would hate sewing orange glow material, hope you managed to get them out of the way quickly. xx
      Enjoy Derbyshire like Val it is one of my favourite areas. X

    3. Margaret Palmer31 May 2016 at 19:18

      Hi Lilian I love your card it is beautiful. A cottage in Derbyshire sounds

  2. Morning Ladies

    Belated Happy Birthday to Sonia & Angela, hope you both had a great day.

    Lilian-you're card is really lovely. The bird looks so realistic on it.

    So much for a lazy day yesterday-did all the ironing, some cleaning & hoovering. Hubby cleaned the flags behind the kitchen-we bought a Karcher pressure washer last year so I think he wanted to "play"! Well, it's another lovely sunny day so I'd better go & open the greenhouse door.


    1. Michele what a lovely card, thank you for sharing with

  3. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES TO ANGELA AND SONIA. Sorry I missed your day. Hope it was exactly as you wished for.

    LILIAN- You will love Derbyshire. It's next door to me and where my eldest Daughter lives. As you say a beautiful part of the Country.
    I love your little Robin. He's so charming and beautifully cut. What patience you have.
    MICHELE- I love that corner die and have had it for ages. It cuts beautifully and always looks so expensive.

    Well it really was a rest day for me yesterday. Apart from sorting Mr Tesco's delivery I spent all day sat in my chair doing absolutely nothing! That's definitely not me so today I have to do my Mini Challenge at least and then it all depends on how I am.

    We have another dull and cold start to the day here but at least it's dry so fingers crossed that it stays that way.

    Thank you for opening up Sandra. Everything looks so inviting. I'm off to sit in the corner for a little while to drink my Latte. Hugs should have arrived with you all. xxxx

  4. SANDRA thank you for belated birthday greetings. At the moment just popping in and perusing comments and offerings as I have been and still am caught up,in events and commitments. My diary looks like a two year olds colouring book. Just spent four days at Eton Dorney for the National Schools Rowing
    Championships, both granddaughters rowing for their School. Thankfully the weather was perfect. Dabble Day at my WI this Thursday and I have been asked to man a table, demo for the members. I am of course doing a card.
    Plans in our village for Queens 90th birthday. I and a good friend are down to
    make 120 fairy cakes for the Street Party!!

    1. Happy belated Birthday wishes, hope you had a lovely day too :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Good luck with the cake making Angela. Rather you than me. I envy anyone who can make cakes.

    3. I'm like Pat, never could make cakes. Do admire people that can. The street party for the Queens birthday sounds wonderful.
      Love Valxx

    4. Margaret Palmer31 May 2016 at 19:13

      Happy belated birthday wishes. Good luck with your cakes, shame I don't live closer I would live to help.xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Such a lovely surprise to see your belated Birthday wishes, thank you so much :-) There's no need to apologise! I have had a busy month celebrating 6 family Birthdays and Mum and Dads Anniversary, with lots of fun and laughter and a few bottles of wine too ;-) I am sure I can manage one more cake, especially chocolate lol. Everyone please help yourself to a slice and enjoy :-)))
    I love the gorgeous cards you have received Sandra from Lilian and Michele. They are both beautifully made :-)
    Off to work today, then have the rest of the week off. Hoping to get some more crafting done, and maybe paint the kitchen with the help of my youngest son - for which he wants paying for helping! So we shall see hoe we get on with that!
    Hope everyone is keeping well, and have a great day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Oops - that should be 'how' we get on! Not hoe!! Sorry, blooming spell checker thingy, lol ;-) xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer31 May 2016 at 19:15

      Belated birthday wishes, hope you enjoy your time

  6. Good morning Sandra and all.
    Happy belated birthay Angela and Sonia. Hope you both had a lovely day.
    Just love both your cards Sandra. Such a lovely one from Lilian. Such a lot of work cutting out that pretty bird. I love the dies used by Michele. The corner one is in my stash and one of my favourites. Such a pretty card with the lovely butterflies.
    All the Fathers cards are done and on the shelf in Lyn's shop phew. The next big occasion is Christmas I think and that keeps me occupied for months. Not yet though. I don't start until August/September.
    Off to have a go at my mini cc card. I hope some inspiration will come to me.
    Have a good day all.

    1. Val I'm impressed I struggle to complete one most days.LOL xx

  7. Morning Sandra and to all in the cafe' today.
    Happy Belated Birthday Greetings to our Angela and Sonia !
    Hope you both had a fabulous time.
    Lilian- your card with the Bird is lovely, he looks so sweet sitting on the branch. Very nice. Hope you have a good day.
    Michele- your card is Gorgeous, lovely dies used. Hope you saw my comment yesterday about the EF. Need some of your sun please, it is absolutely freezing here and the clouds are hanging low.
    Cheryl- have a nice time if you are seeing your friend today. Sonia- have a good day at work and it must be nice you have the rest of the week off, enjoy !
    Lynda- hope you are ok. Sending you some extra cuddles just for you. Val- how is your chest ? hope you are better. Take care. Made the mini cc this morning so will send that in a minute and then I have a New home and a B-day card to make plus prep for the CC this week so if the weather stay as it is right now I don't feel guilty if not doing any out side work ,just hope I can get some walks in. Will sit down and have a big slice of cake and a mug of coffee to make sure the mojo is staying around. I hope the missing ones are turning up soon. If you outside and looking in, do stay and say Hello. We don't bite, much hihi
    Have a good day everyone and make something Happy !
    love and many hugs to all, Maria Xxoo

    1. Hi Maria
      I expect the kitchen has restarted today. Enjoy your crafting.

    2. Dan the man have injured a foot so no show this morning, not a happy bunny. Another guy have just turned up, he was meant to been here at 2pm. hihi
      can't do anything else then laugh. Hope you have a better day, hugs xx

    3. Hi Maria, sorry your weather isn't too good. Good excuse for sitting making cards.
      Just got the second lot of antibiotics as the first lot didn't work. So many people in the docs all coughing. Think there

      must be an epidemic around this area at the moment. Anyway lets hope this lot do the trick. Bye for now Val x

    4. Hope you soon feel better Val and the new antibiotics work.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Belated Birthday Wishes to Sonia and Angela. Enjoy the special chocolate cake made by Sandra, who is an excellent cook so it will be delicious.You both sound like you are very busy, what with baking, painting and other things going on! X
    Maria, the weather forecast here is the same as you with heavy rain so a day of crafting is a good idea. I am still ploughing through the ironing as I didn' get it finished yesterday! I hope you manage to get a walk today without getting wet x
    Brenda, you will be busy but also having fun with the children this week. I hope the weather is better for you, so that you can all get outside, than it is here x
    Littlelamb, sorry to hear your mojo has vanished, maybe your body is telling you to just sit back and relax as you have been busy. I'm sure it will come back soon x
    Janet, it sounds like your body is telling you to sit back and relax too, go pushing yourself to do anything. Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies more don't we. I hope you get on well with the challenge card, if you are feeling up to it x
    Lynda, keep thinking of those special Harry hugs when you aren't feeling so good. Are you planning to do any altered art again soon? Don't forget to share it with us please x
    Michele, you were busy weren't you! Are you back at work today? If not have a rest after yesterday please x
    Cheryl, have a lovely day crafting with Tiegan. Don't forget to take some pics please x
    Val, well done on getting so many cards finished so quickly. You must share your secret with me, please : ) Have a good day making the challenge card x
    Lilian, Im not surprised that the dayglo orange makes your eyes go funny! Not a colour that springs to mind when thinking of bee keeping suits, that's for sure! How long does it take you to make one from start to finish? x
    Sandra and Pat, looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow xx
    Love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. The day glow orange are for the beekeepers in the southern states of the USA, where the bee keepers keep their hives in shooting territory, so the suits show up better from a distance. I only make the hood part of the suit, which if all goes well and they have been cut properly ( not my job ) I can do 5 in 2 hours.

    2. Hi Sue, I try to make one card an hour. I didn't think I was particularly quick. I've been making cards for Lynns shop for about 7 years now so I think I've got it down to a fine art.
      Hope you got your ironing finished.
      Bye for now Valxx

    3. Good job they are that colour then Lilian as they wouldn't be impressed if they got shot.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Well a belated birthday wishes to Sonia and Angela. Hope you both had a very lovely day. Love today's cards ladies. I think daylong orange would name anyone's eye go funny, good job you've only got a few to do.Love the bird Lilian and cut out by hand as well. I have this die Michele, so must pull it out of my box as I've only used it once.

  10. Just wrote a long comment but coulnt get it to publish, too tired now to try again.

    1. That's awful when that happens Ann. I have that problem as well. But I mostly forget to go back to press publish again once I've signed in.

  11. Hello Sandra and the everyone,

    Sandra l love your cards from Lillian and Michele, they are beautiful and I'm sure gave you that extra boost when you most needed it.

    Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SONIA and ANGELA, I hope you both had a lovely birthday and were spoiled rotten by family and friends xxx

    We arrived here in Kenley about 8:00 this morning, only here about five mins when Ciara came down, within minutes to be followed by brother then big sister. Callum bless him just disappearers into his den. He loves his own space, but also loves to know you are around. Ciara had her breakfast, then before the dishes were cleared away, asked to look at this weeks challenge. She has had a go but don't think she is happy with what she has done so far. I said she can have another try. Later, just now she has gone to Play with a friend from school for a few hours, so l made sure I had a sit down for a while. Big sister is working in the kitchen on a 3D piece of art for her A level. It a dummy (shopkeepers mannequin) adding wings made of wire. It's BIG...... Just as well they have a huge kitchen, if it was in our kitchen you wouldn't be able to move. Next week it has to go to school SIL will have to take it in the taxi. It not going to fit in the car.
    The weather has been dreadful today, it started to rain as we left home this morning by the time we arrived here the heavens had opened, it's been raining on and off all day. It's more like winter!!!! Not nice ar all.
    I will go and check what state the kitchen is in, then get veg etc ready for dinner later. I Hope wherever you are the weather is better than it is here.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Weather here is awful as well. I hope the kitchen isn't in to much of a state.

  12. Sorry ladies it's lovely here, not quite so warm as yesterday, as we have a stiff breeze, dried too full loads of washing ready to iron after I've finished the day glow hoods, am half way through.
    Order some things from C&C using my May vouchers, almost lost them as they were out of date tomorrow, just had email to say it's been despatched, don't think they can be as they used to be.
    Have a good evening all .Lilian

  13. Hi Lilian
    Lucky you with the weather, heating on as its cold and wet here in Oxfordshire.

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for sharing the cards with us. I meant to say thank you as well for sending out new lists. Hope you enjoy time with Pat & Sue tomorrow. xxxx
    The weather here has been wet & cold, where has the sunshine gone? I still have not started my cc had chick this afternoon then had some shopping to do, fingers crossed for tomorrow.
    Sending hugs to all who are feeling under the weather love Margaret xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and everyone. A big thank you to all for the Birthday wishes :-)
    Love and hugs xxx

  16. Hi Sandra & everyone belated happy birthday Sonia & Angela hope it was good.
    Well the weather has been like winter over the bank holiday & today strong winds rain & so cold we have had to put heating on.
    Had a lovely day with Harry yesterday & lovely day Sunday with Joseph no 1 grandson I'm sure he grows on other two feet every time I see him he is almost as tall as his dad at 11 years old. I have been doing some die cuttlebug all afternoon flowers & flourishes so I have them ready when need them but it's a bit tedious. Hi Sue yes I have another altered piece started not sure if will be finished for this Saterday as still got the c c to do, I have done the mini challenge.& sent to Sandra. MARIA thank you for your extra special cuddles x
    Littlelamb I have looked everywhere for your Mojo but sorry it isn't anywhere down Broadstairs Hope you find it soon x BRENDA have a good week with your grandchildren especially Ciara she does love her crafting bless her,Big sisters manaquin sounds a big project hope she dose well in her exam.
    Val well done on getting all your Fathers day cards done. Hope your Cc goes well .Pat hope your pain is better take thing easy & rest your hip hug's.x
    JANET glad you had a good rest yesterday hope you didn't over do it today either take care. Lillian hope you managed to get the Orange hoods done & your eyes are not too saw. How long does one hood take you to finish ? X
    SANDRA hope your feeling better & your infection is finally gone. Take care my lovely. Wishing you all a good evening & a good day tomorrow.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  17. Sorry ment to say Lillian & Michele both your cards are GORGEOUS XXX

  18. Sorry. Very late and expect everyone has gone to bed. Well I am n bed actually. Back bad and couldn't get comfortable downstairs. Using heat bag now. Went to town to meet a friend today for coffee. Started raining as I got on the bus and didn't stop all day. Got soaked. Put heating on when I got home and had to dry my hair. It was dripping wet. Raincoat soaked through. Hope tomorrow is better. Belated Happy Birthday to Sonia and Angela. Same day as my brother in law. Lovely cards from Lillian and Michele. I have that corner die Michele. I have made it into a bookmark on several occasions. Haven't had time to do any crafting today. Hopefully more time tomorrow. Lynda and Pat. Thinking of you both. Take it easy. Night if anyone still up.

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