
Monday 30 May 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all enjoying this lovely long weekend, for a Bank Holiday the weather so far hasn't been too bad. (I hope I haven't jinxed it now) particularly as I need 
Paul to get out and cut the grass, he did it two weeks ago but with the rain we had its almost a foot high, the daisies and buttercups look so pretty though.

Now onto this weeks Sketch, and before you say it, it's a brand new one, we haven't had this one already!
It's a fairly straight forward sketch, you can of course choose whatever colour you like and you can choose a tag shape OR you can pick a shape of your choice to put your sentiment on, same with the band across the centre, I think that it would look equally nice with one of Sue Wilson's Border dies,you could quite easily make it a Masculine card, particularly with Father's Day a couple of weeks away, (although I am thinking of having a man themed mini challenge). 
So I will leave you with this weeks Sketch and look forward to seeing your designs, I get quite excited opening up your emails with your challenge cards attatched, its 'virtual Happy Mail'!!!

Have a lovely relaxing day ladies whether you are spending it in the garden on the craft room, maybe we could have some photos sent in featuring your garden or a favourite area in your garden, what do you think?

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & an interesting challenge. I'll be looking on Pinterest for some inspiration later.
    We spent 3 hours weeding in the front garden yesterday so definitely no gardening today as I feel quite stiff. I need to do the ironing so will probably do that this morning and get it out if the way..

    I'll take some photos of the garden including my greenhouse so you can all enjoy the view.


    1. Our front garden needs weeding badly. Usually Pete does the back garden me the front. But I can't so it at the moment.

    2. Hi Michele. It will be lovely to see some pics of your garden. I hope that you have finished your ironing done now and can relax and enjoy the rest of the day x

    3. Hi Michele, Hope you have had a nice day and the weather stayed nice for you.
      The EF on your card ,I think it is the 'Rambling Blossom' made the card at a work shop so can ask Julia if you want. Glad you liked it xx

    4. You got the Friday card from Julia's blog,Congrats xx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Gorgeous card Sandra ! I love the fancy tag die it's so pretty , I think it's a great challenge sketch so I look forward to trying it.
    Worked in the garden in the afternoon yesterday so it is starting to look quite good, I think it would be a lovely idea to see each other's garden photos.
    Just a quick comment as it is Pilates morning so I'd better get a move on .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Goodness you are keen, doing Pilate's on a BH, good for you. Please share your garden with us x

    2. Hi Anne- hope you had fun at the pilates this morning and that your knee not giving you to much pain. Be good xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Sorry for the late opening this morning but yesterday has really knocked me out. The party was a great success and the weather was really kind so everyone was outside. I'm sure the children all slept very well last night given the playing and running around they did.

    I love the Sketch Challenge Sandra and will be having a go but not today. I really must get the mini Challenge out of the way before starting on this week's.

    Although it's a BH Mr Tesco is coming at his usual time and then it's going to be a rest day for me. I'm not sure which part of me hurts the most so I think I'll make enquiries at 'The Body Shop' to see what they can do for me. hehehe

    MARGARET- Thank you for the Date Cake and Lily of the Valley flowers yesterday they looked beautiful on the table and the cake didn't last very long at all did it. I love love love Dates in any shape or form and Mum always made a spectacular Date and Walnut Cake. Hmmmmmmmmm happy memories.

    I think all is up and running so if I've forgotten anything sorry. Have a good day everyone and hugs should have arrived by now for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Think I'll join you in the body shop. Apart from a new hip there's a few more bits I could do with.

    2. Hi Janet. I'm glad that all went well yesterday. I'm sorry you are suffering today but glad that you are having a relaxing day to help you recover. It would be great if The Body Shop was exactly that, I would be there like a shot, as would most of the ladies here in the Cafe I think! Gentle hugs are on their way to you x

    3. So true, I'm coming too. There is definitely some bits that need changing here too Lol.
      Glad the party went well but I hope you had a really good rest today, take good care of yourself xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Todays sketch is really good. I'll enjoy doing it. Having problems with the mini challenge though. Everything I think of has a die cut involved. I hope something different will come to me. Before anything though I'm making Fathers Day cards. Managed to make 8 yesterday so I'm getting there.
    i would love to see photos of everyones gardens. My garden was my hobby when I lived in the UK. So different here, our garden has been flagged. So much easier and more hygenic with the animals but not so pretty.
    Sorry you're in pain today Janet. A quiet relaxing day is definitely what you need. Being a Bank Holiday there may be some good old films on the tele to watch.
    Enjoy today everyone whatever you're up to. Hope the weather stays fine for you all.
    Love Val xxx

    1. Hi Val. Wow, 8 cards in one day! I am pleased if I manage to get two done, and that doesn't happen very often.
      Our garden is tiny and pretty empty this year. We haven't even got any flowers yet!
      Have a good time getting the rest of the cards done x

    2. wow 8 cards, I'm happy if I make one or two a week tihi take care xx

  5. Morning ladies,

    This week was all mine (no clubs or outings) until Tiegan said she wanted to stay at Dad's so guess who is looking after her? Yes, me!!! and.... I am going to love every minute of it! I still have some items from Fernli that are not out of the packets yet, so she will have her choice of what she wants to make. May mess and mayhem reign this week. Lovely excuse to forget the house work and the gradening.

    I like this week's challenge card design, I did manage to catch up on the last couple of weeks designs and promptly forgot to photo them again, good job I have not sent them out to their recipients yet. Fair warning Sandra a big attachment email will be forthcoming shortly.

    Milly-May's first birthday was celebrated by 50-60 of us yesterday afternoon with a Disney character theme for the children. And what fun they all had. Milly-May was very taken with the bouncy castle and although she is wlaking quite steadily this was a challenge to her which she enjoyed.
    I'm off now to read all the commnets from the weekend.
    Whatever you are planning today, enjoy it.

    Thank you Sue for the graphs of the poppy field, they finally turned up. I think Royal Mail must be using snails for their service in this area. I ordered some items from a lovely little company who give the choice of either express one day delivery or a 2 day delivery. I chose the second as I'm not in a particular hurry to receive the goods and you've probably guessed it, they didn't arrive yesterday. hahahaha

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      You'll love looking after Teigan, what a lovely surprise for you. What a lot of people Milly May had at her birthday party. I'm glad the children were able to play outside. Have a lovely time playing.

    2. Hi Cheryl. I had forgotten all about posting the graph to you. I can't believe it has taken so long to reach you! If I had sent it to family in Canada it would have been there in under a week, what is happening to the Royal Mail?
      Have a wonderful time with Tiegan this week. Like you say, forget about housework etc. and just enjoy your time together. I bet there will be lots of fun and laughter between the two of you. Please share what you both create with us x

    3. Glad to hear that Milly-May had a fantastic birthday yesterday, along with the rest of you : ) x

    4. Hi Cheryl, Say Hi to Tiegan from me. maybe she like to have a go at this weeks challenge. The grandchildren are doing some wonderful cards,hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. I love your beautiful card and the sketch, looking forward to it :-) Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, had a busy day! I too, didn't realise it was the same sketch, but just goes to show how many different ideas we all get going by yesterday's gorgeous creations :-)
    Off out again today to the in-laws for lunch to celebrate my father-in-laws Birthday tomorrow. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Spending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Time flies dosent it! Have a lovely lunch and enjoy the rest of the day x

    2. Hi Sonia- hope you had a nice lunch. Happy birthday to your F-L for tomorrow. Hope your day been good xx

  7. A very pretty card Sandra, xxx

  8. Interesting sketch Hopefully I'll be able to join in this week But going by what Cheryl has just said I'll probably still be waiting for my new machine next week end At least I can plan it in my head
    We did go dancing last night It was a lovely venue BUT it was very busy and made it difficult to find a space to dance Salsa is not like ballroom where you dance around the floor in one direction
    We're supposed to be going to watch some camel racing later but OH has been trying to fix dishwasher - not good idea in our household so ai expect he'll huff and puff and decide he won't want to go!

    1. Hi Karen
      I used to go Salsa dancing a few years ago with a friend from work.

    2. Hi Karen. Sorry you didn't get to enjoy the dancing last night. How lovely that you can salsa though. Fingers crossed for you that the dishwasher is fixed easily and you can both go and enjoy camel racing tonight. Are they live camels or is it a filmed event similar to horse race nights? Have fun whatever you end up doing x

    3. Camel racing in the UK ? never heard that before hihi if you managed to go, hope you had a good time. Shame about the dancing last night xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely sketch today. I especially love the tags on the first one. Hope your tablets have now done the trick. The grass is growing at a rate of knots. Pete thinks we've gone back to the Autumn with the weather we have today, so won't be going on the garden. He'll be taking Sophie driving again this afternoon as she has her driving test tomorrow.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope you are getting a good rest today if Pete is busy taking Sophie out driving. Good luck to her for her test tomorrow.Chris cut our little bit of grass on Thursday and it already looks like it could be done again! Sending big hugs to you x

    2. Hi Pat, weeds and the grass is the only thing that grows in a speed like nothing else. We have also had Autumn here, I can't keep warm brrr!
      Good luck to Sophie tomorrow. hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Another busy day yesterday with little Chris we have a quite day today so I must get the rest of the ironing done. Once I have caught up with that then I will try and get the mini challenge card done along with a couple of other cards.
    Sandra, I hope that you are having a relaxing time, or as relaxing as possible with the girls revising!
    Lynda, no doubt you are getting lots of hugs from Harry today, enjoy : )
    Brenda's, I hope you are both managing to get some good "me" time : )
    Maria, are you out and about today or having an easy day at home, not so easy when you are amongst all of the building work! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope all the ironing done and you had some crafting time this afternoon. We spent the morning
      in the shops, since they took the flooring out it has been a funny smell in the kitchen so better to be outside, unfortunately the sky have been very grey and cold winds all day. No Mojo, no cards made. Hope you do better xx

  11. Quiet day again. Plenty of 'me' time Sue but mojo has gone missing. Don't know where to start looking for it. Very dull day today but not raining. Like the look of the challenge card perhaps I could get on with that but have just hoovered up all the little bits of paper and I would then make a mess again. Think I might catch up with some reading and have a cup of tea. Will see what nice cakes are in the cafe and have one of those as well. Hope you are all having a good day and to those in pain I send hugs. Will be back later to see what everyone has been up to.

    1. Brenda you have been very busy so it is probably your body saying just relax. Take care xxx

    2. Do you think our Mojo's have gone off somewhere together ? hope they coming back soon, very annoying when that's happening. What cake did you go for ? take care xx

  12. Well OH thought he'd fixed dishwasher but "no" He should never have attempted to in the first place! Such a waste of a day off - but I didn't ask him to look at d/w HE offered
    MRS B It is proper real life camel racing But you've guessed it we didn't go - weather a bit miserable and OH now not in the mood
    I hope you enjoyed the Salsa PAT when you did it I love it and it's the only exercise I do apart from the 2 mile walk home from work

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are relaxing today, the challenge looks interesting, had hoped to have a play this afternoon but son decided to stay till a short while ago, lovely to see him so not
    Hope you all have had a lovely day, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hello All, sorry to be late, been in the garden most of the day, very hot here again today, finished weeding and have started planting all the plants R raises from tiny plugs and some seed, trouble is he always grows too many.
    Your card is lovely Sandra, looking forward to doing this one.
    Hope everyone has had a lovely bank holiday, can't remember when we've had lovely weather for all three days.
    Will try and get in earlier tomorrow, hugs for all Lilian.

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Beautiful card you have made to accompany the sketch card, love that tag.

    I have spent most of the afternoon in my craft room. Trying to tidy up and make space to work. I did manage to make a mini challenge card, will send it to you later.

    Going to daughters in the morning, will stay for rest of the week, so lots of crafting or baking will be going on.

    Hope you have all had a good Bank Holiday.
    Take care, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all who been in today.
    Nice to see you looking in Wendy, do stay for a little while when you have a minute.
    Sorry you missed the camels Karen, time for a new machine. I never let OH try to fix much, so different from my dad who just done the roof on their house,nutter.
    Have a good time at your daughters Brenda. If you have the grandchildren around for their halfterm. Have fun during the week. Beautiful card Sandra, I will try my best to get something done. By what day do you need the mini CC in ? The mojo is doing a hide and seek but after seeing this weeks CC to do I hope it is back by tomorrow.
    Not going anywhere tomorrow as the rain is on it's way and it is blowing up to a storm outside. The builder is back for prep tomorrow for the plasterer on Thursday. Tried to get some of the dust out of the lounge but not easy with all the items around so will have to do a proper clean when it's back in the kitchen. No one dies of little dirt, ey hihi Have a good night everyone,
    love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  18. Hi Maria. If you find you mojo please send me some. Couldn't be bothered to do the challenge card this afternoon. Went for the carrot cake. Always like that. Might meet a friend for coffee tomorrow. See how I feel in the morning.

  19. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Had a lovely day at my Sons & played with Harry lots of cuddles. He is motor bike mad he is talking quite at lot now his favourite word is Bike.He really cheered me up he's a little caricature & so funny.
    SANDRA your card is Gorgeous & the challenge is ok I think will have a go tomorrow I have done the mini challenges card so send that to you tomorrow .
    I haven't read any comments yet but will catch up I'm ready for bed.
    So good night everyone Love & Hug's Lynda xx
