
Sunday 29 May 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch
 Anne's Challenge Card

Lillian's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Brenda's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

 Janet's Challenge Card

 Janet's 2nd Challenge Card

 Lynda's Challenge Card

 Margaret's Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Now I have to ask you all, did you spot the big mistake I made when I chose this sketch last week???? Or where you all being super kind to me?!!!

We had this very same sketch a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't feeling my best last Sunday (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!) I scanned through  a few sketches, thought ahh this one is a simple one and posted it, it wasn't until I was uploading some of your cards, as I was adding them the card that Anne made for this sketch last time came up, I thought goodness that's a similar style to this one, checked back and spotted what I had done!!

Just a quick peek back at what you did last time, amazingly quite different!!

 Jean's 1st card

 Janet's 1st card

 Lilian's 1st card

Margaret's 1st card

Maria's 1st card

Michele's 1st card (a)

Michele's 1st card (b)

Sonia's 1st card

Val's 1st card

 Brenda's 1st card

Ciara's card from last time x

Isn't it amazing that all of these very different cards came from the same basic layout?!  We have cards for occasions from Christmas to a very beautiful 'Thank you' card, a lovely 'Get well' card too, its so lovely to see Ciara's cute card again too.

Thank you all so very much for taking part in the Sketch Challenge again this week, the fact that you keep delivering amazing cards each week, no matter what you have going on really does warm my heart, I will continue to put a challenge up each week for as long as you want them! 

Look out for your next challenge card tomorrow and don't forget the mini challenge !!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and HUGE hugs,



  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Beautifully decorated tag and box from Lynda and Janet yesterday and I absolutely loved Christina's peacock, stunning!
    I was out on the golf course before 9am yesterday for 18 holes and it was glorious , the golf was a bit dodgy at times but it was a " good to be alive" feeling! I had lunch at the clubhouse , came home full of beans and within 20 minutes had no energy at all and dosed most of the afternoon away before going to our mobile cinema ( comes every 6 weeks ) at 5.30pm, thoroughly enjoyed the film and then had a fish & chip supper afterwards , so a good day.
    I made my card yesterday morning before going to golf, I knew it was the only chance I was likely to have , so must get Archies card done this morning .
    Great selection of cards on display this morning full of wonderful inspiration and ideas. and as Sandra said all different from the previous time, I really enjoy the challenges !
    Sandra, last Sunday I planted our vegetable seed bed ( that's what made my knee worse, I knew I would pay for it but still worthwhile) I planted carrots,parsnips, beetroot, lettuce, rocket, radish, parsley, leeks, spring onion , the peas, potatoes and onion sets Iain had planted the week before, I stopped planting brassicas because the cabbage butterfly was winning so now only put in one kale plant, so hopefully we will have some nice fresh vegetables to look forward to this year as last year was a wash out mainly.
    Just having some tea and toast before I get crafting and maybe the garden later.
    Enjoy your day, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. What a fab idea - a mobile cinema Sounds like you're having a super week end

    2. Hi Anne
      Never heard of a mobile cinema, but what a fabulous idea, sounds like you've done plenty of planting. I think I need to get another cucumber plant as one seems to have been eaten. We're over at Yarnton for lunch with Doreen so I'll se if I can get one. Loads of potatoes in, but Pete does love his spuds. Then taking Doreen to visit Ellis at the home.

    3. Hi Karen and Pat, the mobile cinema goes all round the Highlands and Islands , it's amazing as the sides slide out and then it is the size of a small cinema , really comfortable , you can take your own treats and as everyone knows everybody it's quite a social occasion!
      Also I forgot to mention we also have two ( bush type) tomato plants, and like Pete , Iain loves tatties too!

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another brilliant selection of cards. I didn't even realise the sketch was the same as one a few weeks ago!

    Had a lovely meal last night at the in laws, came home just in time to feed the hedgehog. Minutes after I put the food out, he was in the food dish scoffing.

    We have glorious sunshine already here today so I'm off to put more washing in the machine then open the greenhouse door. I have 2 cherry tomato plants (red & yellow), a mini cucumber, 2 pepper plants & a chilli plant in there. It's an average sized greenhouse and you could easily fit more in but I don't have the time to devote to more plants and I have to consider carrying the water 200 ft up a hill if the water butts are empty. I like pottering in there as it reminds me of my Mum who loved her greenhouse. Dad wasn't interested but the last couple of years he's grown cherry tomatoes which is great as it gives him something to think about.


    1. Hi Michele
      Cherry tomatoes are my favourites. That's a long way to carry water though.

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a glorious array of beautiful cards to start this Sunday morning. All so very different even though we all did the sketch a few weeks ago. I wondered why I had that blue oval die already cut and now I know why when I look at my card from a few weeks ago! Oh well waste not want not as they say.

    In contrast to our beautiful display in the Cafe we have a very dull and not so warm morning here so I've everything crossed that it will pick up for this afternoon or Isobel's party will be confined to indoors and a large number of children from 5 down to 6months will be running

    Thank you Sandra for reminding us of the mini challenge. I had completely forgotten about it so tomorrow will have to be the day.

    Everything is set and just waiting as usual for you all to pop in for a cuppa. Have a good day everyone and hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Like you are day is overcast, but I hope the sun comes out later for you, so Isobel's house isn't over run with children.

  4. Margaret Palmer29 May 2016 at 08:35

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra if you hadn't said I would not have realised we had this card before, never mind it's still gave us a card to do, thank you. Each card is different again but all
    I made a date cake so have put it ready for later & picked the last of Lily of Valley to go on table, hope Janet does not mind.
    Our son will be here later been to London, drove from Yorkshire to here Friday evening, went to London yesterday, will go home tomorrow, we make a good B&B & taxi service!! Good to be useful.
    Sending hugsvto all who needvthem love Margaret Cox

  5. Even though the challenge was the same one (I hadn't realised either) all different cards again! They're all lovely What I like about these challenges SANDRA is a) it makes me think outside the box for layouts of a card and b) being inspired by everyone's makes It's that "ooh I've got that die" and "why didn't I think of that"
    I have been popping by but at very late at night when no one else is around Yesterday's mixed media was stunning - you clever, talented ladies.
    Just about to tackle the ironing I always do it on a Sunday which stems from getting school uniform and workwear ready for Monday unless we're going out
    May go dancing tonight but if it brightens up who knows I think we're going to watch Point to Point racing tomorrow as OH is having the first Bank Holiday off in 40 years of marriage! Got to utilise it
    Take care all and those with problems I hope they ease soon

    1. My word Karen, fancy your OH not having a bank holiday off. I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow. If he doesn't have to work bank holidays ask him to take a few more off.

  6. Good Morning Sandra and ladies, I hadn't reaised either Sandra but a challenge is a challenge and so many different ideas again. All lovely and some great ideas.
    We had a thunder storm yesterday afternoon which was really strange as we had a bright blue sky all day. The thunder kept rolling around for about an hour and lightening in a clear sky was really weird.
    Lynn reminded me last night that its Fathers Day in a couple of weeks. I hadn't remembered and I have no cards ready. Guess what I'm doing for the next few days? I usually like to put about 20 on the shelves so there's some variety. I'm not so keen on doing men cards. Much prefer pretty lady ones.
    Well enjoy all you're doing on this bank holiday. Hope the weather is good for all of you.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Good luck with making all those cards I struggle to make just one Have been scouring Pinterest for ideas

    2. I also have to make a few cards for June Val. It must gave been very off putting having thunder and lightening with blue skies.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Wow what a stunning array of cards today. What a fabulous collection. Pete would love yours Michele as he likes a drop whisky. Love the mermaid Anne as well. Love how you could use toppers on these type of cards. Wish Lil of the Valley still did their art pads.

    1. If you want any of the images printing out just let me know.


  8. Hello Sandra and everyone she pops in today,

    Sandra, What a beautiful array of cards, each and everyone is a feast for the eyes. I have really enjoyed scrawling through them, I've lost count of the times I have gone back again for another look, each card is so different and inspiring.

    I hope everyone is having a good Sunday, Janet I hope the weather stays nice for Isabel's party, children always enjoy parties whatever the weather. But if you can get them out in the fresh air it gives them that much more freedom (and the house doesn't get so messy)

    This afternoon I might just have a go the mini challenge, have one or two ideas in my head, just have to see if they work out.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    I didn't realised either that we made this sketch earlier so it's great to see them again with the new creations and they are all fabulous ! does this mean I'm going
    gaga ? hihi It's gone very cold here today so from coming out of the covers this morning I have been jumping up and down and done some dance moves to keep warm Lol
    will do some gardening too later but otherwise not much on today. Hope Isobel having a super birthday party and they can have it outdoors. Pat, say Hi to Doreen and hope Ellis is ok. Karen, have a nice day and if going dancing have fun. Margaret, our B&B is up and running so if anyone going past do come in for a cuppa. Just have to excuse the mess at the moment :-) Val, hope you not have any more thunder and lightning. Hope Gracie was all right. I wish you all a wonderful day whatever you are up too, happy crafting.
    love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Thanks Maria I passed on your hullo's. Ellis actually asked when he could come home today. Wish Doreen would make up her mind what she wants to do. Care needs to be put in place if he does come home, but that needs planning.
      She's fed up with her carers. She's supposed to be up at 8.00, but they came at 10.45 today. Plus they came at gone 11.00pm yesterday to put her to bed, instead of 9.00. She doesn't mind having a bit of leeway. But those hrs are ridiculous.

    2. I can sympathise with you and Doreen. Had the same problem. Had to be up by 7am and then sometimes wouldn't come until 9am then would be first for lunchtime so came at 11am which was ridiculous then perhaps 7pm and then 11.30 which was no joke if you had to be up at 7. Hope they improve.

  10. Well ironing done Even done a supermarket shop Had dinner too I'm going to scroll back and see reminder for mini challenge You never knowI might be able to craft
    OH rarely takes a BH because it is one of their busiest times AND they used to get an incentive (not any more) to work BH which was exceptionally useful when the kids were little and I wasn't working We still did tons with other relatives etc But it will be nice to be able to go out with him for a change

    1. Hi Karen
      Can't catch up with my ironing at the moment. Can't stand to ongoing. So by the time I break the back of it Petes done another lot.

  11. Hello All, well I think we might be in for a thunderstorm I hope not, I really don't like them.
    The cards today are all great, so good to see so many different takes on one sketch, I realised we had done this before as I found the die cuts I was going to use.
    Been gardening this morning, weeding mostly around the dahlias which are just showing their tips through the soil.
    Hoping to get some bedding plants in after Andy Murrays match.
    Hope you have a super Sunday what ever your up to, hugs Lilian.

  12. Thanks Michele
    I wouldn't mind a couple of the whisky printouts if it's not to much trouble.. As Pete and his mate both like whisky.

    1. No problem-will sort the printouts next week & get them posted to you.


  13. Very quiet here today as everyone is away for the weekend. Friends seeing families etc., al, the challenge cards are lovely. Not had time to do one this week. Now it's too late I have plenty of time. That's how it goes. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Pat and Lynda hope you will soon both be feeling better and anyone else not feeling so good.

    1. Thanks Brenda. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.

  14. Thank you Brenda Have a good day tomorrow. Hope the weather is kind for you. Xx

  15. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Just lost my comment went to publish & it was snatched by the cyber space monsters.Grrrr.
    Great array of challenge cards again everyone amazing. Looking forward to tomorrows Challenge Bring it on Sandra haha.
    Had my daughter S in L & Grandson Joseph down today had lovely weather went into BROADSTAIRS Joseph wanted to go slot machines loves it when lots of tickets come out but the prizes are rubbish but he enjoys it.endid up having fish & chips mmm. Then back home for a cupper.
    Tomorrow we are going to see Darren's Yaay Harry cuddle's .
    Well it's that time of day I'm ready for my bed so good night everyone sleep well
    Good night God bles love Lynda xx
