
Saturday 28 May 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday

 Christina's Mr Peacock

Another View

 Lynda's Mixed Media Tag

 Janet's Altered Box

Side view of Janet's Box

Good Morning Ladies.
Welcome to the weekend and its a long one!! yay!!  I hope you get lots of time to craft and get out in the sunshine (fingers crossed)!  We (well Paul really) has made great progress with our allotment,
we have managed to get some, French Beans, Borlotti beans and Peas and sweetcorn grown and set out in the ground, I have some Cauliflowers growing, along with Spring Cabbage and Kale, in the Polytunnel we have tomatoes x 5, some novelty ones this time, one is a tomato that tastes like Melon, (hmmm) we will see, they were reduced in the garden centre so Paul decided it would be fun, we also have a cucumber, various leaf salads, radishes, Pak Choi, peppers, chillies, aubergine, I have also sewn a good few trays of Sweet Peas (as I love them), and Marigolds as they are a good companion plant for keeping bugs off of your crops.  We have some fruit bushes too, Raspberries, Blackcurrants, Gooseberries, strawberries and lots of Rhubarb! 
I do the seed sowing and Paul does pretty much everything else, he loves it though and so do I, its so peaceful up there, it feels like you are a million miles away from anywhere!
Do any of you grow your own food?

Now onto today's amazing selection of crafts........

Christina (Janet's Daughter), ladies I was so delighted when Janet sent me the updated photo of the finished Mr Peacock and placed in his new home in Christina's Courtyard Garden, Oh my goodness Christina, he is so Majestic, I love him, he must be worth an absolute fortune, although I know you wouldn't part with him, as I said when I saw your Winter Goddess, I could see him standing in the entrance of our very expensive local Garden Centre in Burford, they have similar sculptures that are priced in the thousands!  I hope that you can see him from your windows, as I am sure he would bring a smile to your face every time you looked out!  Thank you so much for sharing your Sculptures with us Christina, I cannot wait to see your next project xxx

Lynda, you really have got the but for Mixed Media haven't you, you have done more MDF Altering than I have, this is another of your fabulous tags, I love the colours you have used in this tag, its very vintage, where do you buy all of your little metal charms from Lynda? they are fantastic and you have used such a variety, your vintage image is so beautiful and I love how you have decorated the frame to match the background colour.  I so wanted to get my hands on that pink lace that you have used but I wasn't fast enough, maybe next time!  Thank you so much for allowing me to share your latest project Lynda, keep them coming please. xxx

Janet, you have created another one of your beautiful Altered Boxes, so pretty with the white and cream, it would make a lovely Wedding Keepsake box, have you decided what you are going to use it for? maybe for some of your laces or trims?!  You have used some beautiful lace on this box with some pretty Appliques in the corners of the box, with some pretty pearl floral trim and that beautiful resin lady in the centre, all of the elements work so well together, you must be so thrilled,
I hope I don't get the blame when you and Lynda and Cheryl have no money left, as this is a very addictive hobby, it works so well along side card making too.  Thank you for sharing your latest project Janet, I am very much looking forward to seeing your Lace book xxx

Thank you all for popping in today ladies, have a lovely weekend.

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Christina-WOW....Mr Peacock looks fantastic.
    Lynda-what a lot of work has gone into your lovely tag.
    Janet-beautiful altered box. How do you ever give these lovely items away?

    Awake early today so think I'll pop to the shops in the village before my hair appointment at 9.30. I need to go to the butchers & Co-op for a couple of things. We're off to the in-laws for dinner tonight so I'll take some flower for my M in L as we usually take a bottle of wine.

    I'm hoping to get crafty this afternoon-had a couple of ideas for the midweek challenge!


    1. Hope you have a lovely meal Michele.

    2. Hi Michele, enjoy your day and evening and happy crafting over the weekend xx

    3. Thank you Michele for your kind words about my tag.
      Enjoy your meal with your M in L I'm sure she will love the flowers.Good luck with the mid week challenge card,

  2. Morning Everyone
    Fingers crossed for a very happy and dry but most of all warm Bank Holiday Week-end.
    I hope that all your plans go smoothly and everyone has a fantastic time.

    LYNDA- I love love your Altered Tag from the base coat to the very last detail. It's so vintage in every way. Like Sandra I too missed out on that beautiful white trim and was really

    It is hope that Mr Peacock will stay where he is at the moment but Christina has two beautiful Border Collies who do have their mad half hours and their tails really do wag at a great rate of knots! They have to walk through the Courtyard to get to their garage/shed and veg garden and so he will be tested to the full by Molly and Cuinn.
    My box will be used for small trinkets etc for my cards. I do gift most of my makes just to see smiles on happy faces (well that's the theory and I hope the smiles are not just polite) lol.

    Off to do some shopping this morning and then a quiet afternoon. Tomorrow will be busy as I have to cook at lunch time and then it's Isobel's bday party in the afternoon.

    Everything is set for the day in the Cafe. I've opened some windows and left the door open as an invitation for anyone to pop in. Hugs are on their way and should be arriving shortly for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Your box is beautiful, love white on white. Enjoy Isobel's party tomorrow,

    2. Hi Janet, your box is absolutely wonderful. Is that paper you have used as underlay ?
      Your daughters peacock is Fantastic, hope the dogs not damage it. Have fun with Isobel's party. Enjoy your afternoon xx

    3. Hi Janet your box is stunning love everything about it. Where did you get the resin lady from Janet. Thank you for your kind comments on my Tag. Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Good Morning all, blue sky here at the moment,
    The mixed craft are fab, Mr Peacock is wonderful, as said they cost an absolute fortune to buy and are the latest thing.
    Lynda love all the little extras on your tag, would also love to know where you buy them, as I think I could sew them onto my Christmas projects that I must get started soon , going to be door stops this year I think.
    Janet your box is beautiful, wonderful keepsake box.

    Well as I'm still in bed think it's time I had my shower , hopefully will spend the day in the garden, yes Sandra we do grow a few things, runner beans, tomatoes, cucumber and we have raspberry canes, our soil is not great for veg being acid and very free draining.
    Have a good day all, try to get a bit of sun to boost your vitamin d levels.hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, have a wonderful day in the garden, so much happier when the sun is out xx

    2. Hi Lillian thank you so much. The embellishments some I got from Hobbycraft a while ago but sadly they stopped doing them.
      Joanna Sheen I think she still sells them also on Ebay & I have seen them on Wildorchidcraft. Hope you had a good day in the garden
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a lovely way to start the day, looking at the gorgeous mixed crafts on show today : )
    Christina's wonderful peacock looks great in his new home. Thank you for sharing him with us, please let us see the next project.
    Lynda, as Sandra has said, you really have been bitten by the altered art bug, what a gorgeous tag. I love the colours and all of the beautiful embellishments. Will you keep this one, or is it for someone else? I hope you get time to play today : ) x
    Janet, such a beautifully adorned box. What gorgeous laces and embellishments, and such delicate colours. Using it to keep crafting goodies in is a great idea. It makes me want to change my cheap plastic storage boxes! I hope you have a lovely weekend, enjoy Isobels party tomorrow x
    Maria, enjoy your day out, please tell us all about it tomorrow x
    We have little Chris for the weekend so I wont get much time to craft, but love all of the hugs and kisses he gives now and the funny things that little ones do. Sandra, I hope you get lots of time to relax, you and Paul have been busy at the allotment haven't you. I can vouch for your wonderful freshly picked rhubarb, when I remember to take it home that is! xx
    Wishing you all a lovely sunny and warm day. Hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you are ok. Enjoy the weekend with baby Chris. :-) Take care xx

    2. Thank you Sue I have enjoyed doing the Altered art things it's quite
      Challenging. Enjoy your time with baby Chris lots of cuddles.
      Hope your feeling better take care love Lynda xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    what a wonderful Saturday display again. Just love Christinas proud peacock. He looks so regal standing in his new home.
    Such a lovely tag Lynda. So many beautiful adornments. Its much too pretty to give away.
    Janet, your altered box is amazing. Love the lace and leaves and flowers and thefigure in the centre. As Sue said, it puts my plastic boxes to shame.
    Love the sound of your allotment Sandra. My dad had one when I was a young girl and I loved going down with on a Saturday on our bikes, working hard all day and bringing a basket full of veg home for Sunday lunch. It tasted so fresh. I think we supplied most of our street with fruit and veg for years as there was always far to much for a family of 4. Happy memories.
    Hope you had a lovely birthday Maria and enjoy your day today.
    Have a good Bank Holday weekend everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val, hope you have a nice day, not to hot :-)
      We have been to two garden centres this morning. had a lovely time looking around and then sat outside in their Cafe' for a drink. It was nearly lunchtime so people were sitting with some nice Jacket potatoes, lovely cakes and scones but I didn't have one :-( Hope Wendy had a nice Birthday too. xx

    2. Thank you Val you very kind hope you had a lovely day
      Take care Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. I love seeing what everyone has created for mixed crafts Saturday and today's creations are stunning :-) Christina's peacock is fabulous standing proud among the plants. A beautiful adornment to any garden.
    Lynda's tag and Janet's box are both so beautifully decorated - so inspiring :-)
    Well, I was half way through my challenge card this morning when mr postie knocked on my door and handed me a package. I thought to myself that I hadn't ordered anything and then when I opened it up, it bought a big smile to my face! Thank you so very much Sandra for the lovely cards and little treats. Such a lovely surprise :-)) It's made my day xx
    I hope all are well, and are having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, hope you have a nice day and happy crafting xx

    2. Hi Sonia thank you .
      Have a good day tomorrow xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone who comes into the coffee shop today,

    What lovely Display we have today.
    Janet I love Christine is Peacock what a talented young lady she is on, it's like something you would see in the grounds of a grand house .
    Linda your tag is lovely, what a lot of treasures you have decorated it with.
    Janet, your boxes beautiful, it really should be on display where it can be admired.
    Sandra with all your fruit and veg you and Paul could open up your own shop. It certainly sounds as if you've got enough grown into stock of short it certainly sounds as if you've got enough growing to stock a shop! We used to grow lots of fruit and veg, but these days it's usually just a few potatoes, peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse. I haven't got the energy I used to have I'm sorry to say. You cannot beat the fresh taste of homegrown.

    Maria, I hope you are having a lovely day out. Don't forget we want all the details. Ha Ha !!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      We also grow veg in our garden. The same as you in the greenhouse. Pete always grows much more that we can use and the neighbours usually Benefit. Amber is trying to grow her own to tomatoes, so if they're OK, Karen won't need ours this year.

    2. Oh I can't do that Brenda, then Sandra had to close her blog Tihi having a really good day do and the weather is gorgeous. Take care xx

    3. Than you Brenda I really enjoyed doing the altered art im doing another box so watch this space HaHa.
      Have a lovely day tomorrow.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely mixed craft today.
    Christina I love your finished peacock. Thank you for letting us see it. Love the surroundings it's in.
    Lynda and Janet your altered art images are a work of art. What clever ladies you all are.
    Well, Pete has gone down to help Pat dismantle a picnic table that has rotted down. After that he'll be taking Sophie for a driving lesson. Her test is on Tuesday, if her dad doesn't come back from Liverpool in Monday, it looks like Pete could be taking her to Cheltenham for her test. Good job we live just down the road. It's her 18th birthday on the 10th. We bought Amy silver earrings and necklace. But Sophie isn't in to jewellery. So what to buy her is a problem. She told me yesterday she needed new pillows, but that's more of a household thing that her parents need to get, not a birthday present.
    Sat here chilling out as I can't walk very far or sit for long as it's to painful, sat watching the darts in between pottering about.

    1. Hi Pat, we will have to hope that the doctors can help you when you see them. Take it easy until then.
      It's always difficult to shop for teenagers, I would give her a gift card for a clothes store she like or music. Pillows is more household unless she thinking of some cushion more like xx

    2. Thank you Pat. Glad your resting & not running around after everyone
      Take care & hope you get a hospital appointment soon
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you make my mouth water describing all your fruit & veg, I do miss it, hope you have a lovely
    Janet please pass on to Christina how beautiful her peacock is, & thank you for showing us. Your beautiful box is to nice to use it's
    Lynda your tag is lovely must have taken you ages to do, thank you for showing us. Hope you are feeling brighter today, sending
    Pat does your leg go into a spasm? To be in soo much pain I do wonder if you have a nerve pinched, ask if you can have a scan, I only asked because I had this & after an op on my back it was bliss immediately, the pain before was worse than labour pains!!! Sending hugs xxx
    Just finished my mini cc will send it in. Hope you all have sunshine, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      It's definitely my hip that's the problem, not a trapped nerve. Will see the consultant on the 7th. Don't know whether to ask the Dr if I can have another X-ray before I go.. It's definitely a lot worse now than before my previous one.

    2. Hi Margaret thank you for your lovely comments on my tag. I enjoyed doing it. Take care hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all my wonderful friends.
    The postman have just been and another batch of cards, how lucky am I too have found this marvellous blog and got so many friends ! I hope we all will meet up together one day. I will write to you one and all later.
    Your fruit and vegetables sound so yummy Sandra, perfect for the warmer weather (love Rhubarb ) Do you make any jams or ...? We had tomatoes and potatoes, gooseberry bush and carrots when we first moved in but nothing for many years. Mainly for our son to see how things grows and they not coming only in bags from Tesco :-)
    I wanted to go to a garden centre for a coffee and we went this morning first to Wayvale (not much craft in) and then over to Frost, bough some flowers to put at the wall next to out patio so I can see them from were I'm sitting in the lounge. Got some Chicken and burgers in for a BBq tonight and lots of salad. I'm being good,how boring but seeing the scales in the morning. How you girls doing with the healthy eating ? The garden is calling so going out to sit and read one of my crafting mags and find my mojo for some card making tomorrow.
    Wish you all a good weekend, love and hugs Maria xoxo

    1. Sorry, nearly forgot Lynda's gorgeous tag. Love it !
      Hope you having a better day, hugs xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Sounds like your having a lovely day. Enjoy being out in the garden.

    3. Hi Maria thank you your very kind. Hope your BBQ went well & you enjoyed it.& your birthday.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Sandra & everyone sorry so late I have commented on way down
      I did start earlier but Internet went Awol but bac.
      Sandra thank you for showing my tag I enjoyed doing it I found it quite relaxing . Now I'm doing another box.
      Sandra i said under Lillian's post where I got the embellishments from. Hope you haven't done too much at your allotment sounds lovely all your fresh veg & fruit. My Dad used to grow loads in the garden I used to love picking the runner beans they are my favourite
      My brother grows loads of veg he always dose a row of runner beans for me.& always gives me a bag full of everything when we go down.
      Must go now my eyes keep shutting.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx
