
Friday 13 May 2016

This weeks Guilty Secrets.....

 Lynda's Craft goodies

 Lynda's Buys from Amanda Charlesworth

Lynda's Gorgeous things from Amanda

Michele's New Die

 Brenda's New goodies

 Lilian's been to the Range !!

 Margaret's New Dies
Good Morning Ladies,

It's that time of the week again, I do love to see what you have all been buying, I think we all like to know what each other is using, if they found any bargains too.  It's also handy to know somebody that has got something that you are thinking of buying as we can ask each others advice on that product.

Lynda has had a very good week, but I have to say that I think that you deserve a little treat my lovely after the past few months that you have had!!
I see you got Ali Reeve's DVD, a collection of Vintage Papers, i think you will get a lot of use out of that with your MDF projects.  Some Altenew stamps (with Magazine), please let me know how you get on with them.  Some Diesire dies too and is that a Crop o dile??
Next we have all of your fabulous goodies from Amanda's  ( Scrimys Lace Closet on fb, I love those Ribbon sliders and those Gold Appliques are just stunning, you got a good selection of lace, flowers and ribbon too, thanks for sharing your buys with us xxx

Michele, I am looking forward to seeing the cards you make with your new Perspectives 'Happy Birthday' Die, Initially I wasn't keen but I have seen some fab cards made with this die, If anyone can do it justice its you! Thanks for sharing xxx

Brenda has bought the one die that I think we all love, Creative Expressions Stitched Lattice Frame die,
I see you also bought some Faber Castell Polychromos, Sue and I were just talking about these on Wednesday, we were watching them being used on Hochanda by Paul Church, they look like they blend so effortlessly, please let us know what you think, thanks for sharing your buys xxx

Lilian, it looks to me like you have had a visit to The Range, that Floral Muse paper pad is stunning, I have seen those Bronte Charm Pads too, you will love the pretty floral papers in those, I see you got some Embossing Folders and stamps too, you can pick up some great bargains there can't you?! Those tree stamps look lovely, I looked everywhere for a tradional style Christmas tree stamp last year but had no luck but that set looks like it has one, so I may need to investigate, I have seen some gorgeous cards on Pinterest made using just I tree stamp image.  Thank you Lilian.

Margaret, I see you got the Fab Stitched Lattice Frame die from Creative Expressions too, is that a Christmas die I spy???? How very organised, I wonder if we will see some Christmas Challenge cards? Now that Apple Blossom die looks beautiful, I can't wait to see what it cuts like! Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Thank you all for sharing your new craft buys with us this week, some gorgeous cards coming next week I predict.

I hope you all have a lovely day today ladies,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely to see everyone's purchases. I'm desperate to get into my craft room-between work, the bathroom work & having a few visitors this week I haven't made it in there. The bathroom fitter will probably come back tomorrow morning to fit the extractor fan but hopefully by tonight I'll have a fully functioning bathroom! Just the flooring to be fitted early next week then that's it-just need to keep dusting.
    I've just seen I've won 2 cards on John Lockwoods blog- I'm thrilled.
    My Little Claire purchases arrived yesterday (with a lovely little freebie) so I'll send a picture to Sandra plus one of my new handbag for Janet to see.

    Best get washed & dressed in case the builder is early!


    1. Hi Michele. So glad your bathroom nearly done. Can't wait to start the dusting myself, eeek !
      Congrats to winning on John's blog. Hope you have a good day at work xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad the bathrooms nearly finished. I haven't been on Johns blog yet, but congratulations on winning his two cards he was giving away.

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow! I love the look of all your stash, Lynda you have some treasures there to enjoy, I like my Altenew stamps I have the vintage set but do find they are a bit tricky to use I'll be interested to know how you get on with the set you've chosen, l meant to send Sandra a photo last week of my goodies and once again forgot , doh! maybe next week , but can't compare to your purchases!
    Michele , I admire how patient you are being with all the upheaval and dust, you'll be so happy when the bathroom is completely finished and everything is back to normal.
    Sandra , I plan on doing the order of 2 cards today as it's cloudy and cooler this morning, the gardens yesterday were beautiful and the tea and chocolate cake ( homemade and a huge slice) was fabulous! How is Lucy feeling now?
    Meant to say Congratulations ! to Michele on winning 2 cards from JL.i like some of his ideas and cards.
    Well, I'd better go and get dressed as I've now finished my tea and toast, hope everyone enjoys their day, love and hugs to all xoxo

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a fab array of goodies we have for this week. I cannot wait to see some results.
    MICHELE- I too am not sure about these new dies so please let us see one of your beautiful creations using them. I'm looking forward to your pics of your new Handbag. As you can probably see they are one of my 'must haves' always have been along with shoes!! Your builder has done a fantastic job keeping to his schedule.
    LILIAN- I'm sorry if I was the cause of you going to The Range lol. Please feel free to blame me for your expenses! Isn't it funny how things just appear in your basket as if my Magic!
    MARGARET - I think you will love that Christmas die. I used it on my cards last year and it was a pleasure to use it.
    LYNDA- love your haul for this week and I think the weekly 'badge of buying' goes to you but you more than deserve the treat. Enjoy your hols.

    Well we have a very dull but dry start to the day. The washer is already churning away and Mr Hoover will be coming out to play this morning. We went out last evening to see the latest production from our local AmDram and had a good evening. The play was a comedy with only four characters but very good ones acted very well. Am feeling the after effects this morning but at least I know what I did to cause them.

    I have a new display board for the Cafe. It's in addition to the one already on the wall. This means that the CC can stay up all week and Guilty Secrets can have their own space. I now just have to find the right spot to put it. Everything is up and running just waiting for you all to pop in and join us for a cuppa. The 'Hug Basket' is full just waiting. xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Chocolate cake sounded good Anne,can we have a slice too?
    Thought I had huffed and puffed to much for you Janet but apparently not ,it must have gone sideways somewhere on the way ,sorry. We are back to drab and cold this morning so after looking at all these wonderful buys I might have to do something about it and go searching on-line. The Range look good otherwise but OH don't like the store so I don't get there very often.
    Lynda, you are really our shopper of the week but so well worth it after all you gone through lately, hope you take it easy my friend !
    Pat, I'm least it is a reason for my aches this time but with some extra pain meds. I had a good sleep from 1am until 6.30 this morning so feeling ready for another day. After moving some 'stuff' around I will hopefully after shopping have time this afternoon to have a play. Mothers day end of May so like to make one even if she said,"she getting to many" but she doesn't have to keep them forever only just for a little while.
    Val, I hope you had a better night ? sleeping pills might help,just make you feel funny the next day so good if you can sort your sleeping pattern out in a different way.
    How is Lucy doing Sandra ? Littlelamb and Sheila, you are very much missed and Hazel, have you gone to Canada yet for your holiday ? wonder if you will meet some bears this time and maybe Mountie....
    Have a nice day everyone, love and hugs Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria
      Glad your taking extra pain meds. I've rung the surgery today to see if I can have some stronger pain killers. I took Doreen to the Drs this morning. Then walked to the post office to see if some money could be transfered out of his post office account and put into their joint account to pay for his care. Upshot was it can't, but you can go in every day drawing out £600.00 at a time until you draw out as much as you need. That's seven times you need to go to the PO. What a daft system.

  5. Hello SANDRA & everyone who pops in the cafe' today.
    WOW ALL THE GOODIES ARE GREAT. WELL MINE LOOKS A LOT MORE THAN I THOUGHT.HAHA some of them were for last week guilty secrets but sent them in too late for Sandra to show. I think the stitched latice will posible be my next purchase. I would love to see your creations mad with it.
    Sorry I did comment last night but just looked & it's disapeared not sure where it annoying.
    Well Went for ECG the nurse took it to show the Dr & she was happy with it.,but she still wants me to go to the chest/heart clinic when I get appoitment & said keep using the spray if needed. Thank you all for your kind messages yesterday I did thank everyone in last night's comments. My friend has just turned up so will pop back later.
    Masive hug' for everyone love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad the ECG went well, and that your still waiting going to the hospital to be checked out.

    Been a busy morning chasing around getting 4 new tyres on hubbies car, very costly!!!! , just finished his packing as he is away tonight.
    Every ones buys look great, I also bought the magazine with the altenew stamps, haven't used them yet, but on reading the mag it does suggest using pigment ink, which is not what they use or the lady on C&C, still will give them a try, there is a die to cut them as well.
    The trees you see Sandra are dies and they cut beautifully, £14.99 for 7 dies, thought they would be useful for Cristmas, as I used tree stamps last year so a bit different.
    Tomorrow my sister and I are going to the Falmouth Maratime museum, for a day out, we always had days out, the three of us, so it will seem very strange being just the two of us, almost wish I'd said I was busy, but I know will have to face it sometime, heart in mouth already.
    Hubby just left so am having 5 mins sit down, don't know why it's so much hassle getting him off these days, when he worked in London I had things off pat. Must be getting old.
    Well I hope everyone has some of this very warm sun that we have , enjoy .
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Is that you that's just finished hubbies packing Lilian. I do all ours then get a have you packed this have you packed that all down the motorway. Wish he'd pack for himself.

    2. Pat, I understand exactly, you could be describing my O/H

  7. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely display of goodies that the ladies have bought. Love the floral muse paper. But I'm trying not to buy any more paper and card. But a futile exercise for me. Well Doreen seems to be coping with her carer. She actually stayed in bed until she arrived. Will take a bit of adjusting to I think. Doesn't look like she going to have heating put in anytime soon either. Nothing wrong she says with the electric fire that she has already. Never mind that it came out with the ark and is probably a fire hazard. She had that plus her cooker when she moved into hers and Pete's Grans house which was over 60 yrs ago.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    WOW WOW, what a lovely display of GS. LYNDA you certainly are the star shopper, you have some fantastic items there. You have had such a rough time you deserve to spoil yourself. xx
    MICHELE, My fingers were hovering over this die. I will wait and see how you use it. xx
    LILLIAN, I have yet to find The Range, don't think they have stores in the London area. You have great selection of goodies. xx
    MARGARET, I see we have a similar taste in dies, I also have the Christmas one, it brilliant.
    I have wanted to get Polychromo pencils for a long time, well teenage A level. granddaughter wanted to borrow coloured pencils. She was doing mixed media. So now I get my pencils and she can borrow them when she wants to. I did buy her some Aqua pencils. So couldn't justify buying there's for her.
    I have done nothing today, had a bad night, I was burning up. And my head was thumping. Got up this morning had a bath (hadn't the nervy to stand up and shower) came back to bed and have slept most of the day. I can feel sleep coming on again. So will say bye for now.
    Sending love a vertical hugs (don't want to give you my germs)
    Take care, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda so sorry you are feeling poorly, hope a good night's sleep will help. Sending gentle hugs love Margaret xxx

  9. Brenda, so sorry you're suffering with this terrible virus, sleep is probably the best medicine.

    I meant to say did anyone see Anna Marie, on C/C on Wednesday, she was doing decorating mdf with lovely flowers and all sort of other bits and bobs, most sold out in minutes, such a gifted lady.
    Have a good evening, hugs to all especially those not feeling to good Lilian.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Sorry I'm so late commenting today, had an early docs appointment then went straight on to Mum and Pops for the day. Mumand I had a bit of a play with her stash, its so lovely to craft with Mum. We must sort it so that she comes with me to craft with Sandra and Pat.
    Lynda what good news you had yesterday, but it's good they still want you to go to clinic. I hope you enjoy some relaxing crafting over the weekend.
    Brenda, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well today. I hope you recover very quickly, sending you big gentle healing hugs. Take extra care of yourself.
    Maria, hope your not so achey today, no over doing it please.
    Pat, I hope you manage to get everything done before you go away, and that you get some rest while away.
    Must go now as I must get a card made tonight and we have a busy weekend.
    Sending you all love and hugs, with extras for all in need
    Take care xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all kind cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing all the guilty buys, it is nice to see how the others are tempted & I am not alone.My excuse is I need to build up my stock!! The Christmas dies I bought from Craftstash they were nearly all reduced, there were a couple or so more in another photo, perhaps you didn't see them. Had a try with the lattice die today, some kind person has loaned me a Grand Calibur to try for which I am very grateful, it looks a lovely die will enjoy using it, & the circular snowflake one I am looking forward to using as well. Hope you have good
    Lynda you have some lovely goodies there. Pleased you have had your ECG, hope your other appointment comes through quickly, take care hugs on way xxx
    Michele that looks a useful die, hope your bathroom is finished well apart from the floor, they have done well to keep to the time they said, unusual for this day & age.xx
    Brenda, it is Sandra's fault I bought the lattice die, I loved the card she did the other week. I have a golden wedding card to do thought it would be good to use in cream & gold, we shall
    Lilian you can see why I keep away from The Range things just fall into your basket don't they. I love the tree die as well, oh dear. Hope your trip tomorrow is easier than you think, just remember the good times you had together, hugs on way xxx
    It's been a long day so I am ready for my bed so will wish you all good night, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx
