
Thursday 12 May 2016

Having a play with 'Bokeh' !

Good Morning Ladies,
Yesterday while chatting with Sue And Pat, I decided I would have a play with the 'Bokeh' technique (pronounced Bo-ke, as in 'Bow' and 'ke' as in kettle).
It's origin is a Photography technique : 

Bokeh photography effect
It is created in photography by using the largest aperture, this means that everything around the focal point appears blurred, giving the above effect.

In crafting we can use several different methods to create a similar effect, there are loads of different tutorials on You Tube.  But I decided to have a play and get messy, boy did I get messy!!!!
I created the two cards above by using different effects, the first card I made by firstly creating a mask, I took a piece of Acetate and used different sized circle dies to cut random holes in it, the more random the better! 
I then used the mask to ink through with pink, blue and lilac ink. To make the card I simply matted the piece onto purple and then white card, I added a piece of ribbon diagonally and topped with a bow, a 'Sweet Dixie' sentiment finishes the card.

The second card, I blended a few different Distress Inks on a piece of card, took my trusty acetate mask and then used a sponged to dab some white acrylic paint through, using different amounts of paint each time, I quite liked this effect, I added a piece of pink dotty ribbon and a sentiment that I die cut with circle dies.

This effect was achieved by inking through mask with Embossing ink and then dusting with Mica Powders.

This effect was achieved by using the Creative Expressions mini Smoothies and Blending Inks, I literally used the bottom (rounded end) of the smoothie dipped in blending ink and the dot on to the card, over and over, using different colours to build up full coverage of the card, still leaving the defined circles though.

This effect was created by using a small circle stamp, inked with embossing ink and randomly dot over the card, add clear embossing powder, heat set and then add ink, the embossed dots act as a 'resist' meaning that the ink won't cover those dots, so they stand out against the brightly coloured background.

You can even use die cut circles of different coloured card to get the Bokeh effect!

So what do you think?, Have I inspired you???
I hope so as this is your Mid Week Challenge !! I would you to create this technique and use as a background on a card, any size, colour and method you like, there are a lot more methods out there.  I would like to feature your card a week today, so you have plenty of time, I am so excited to see what you all create, have fun getting messy. xxx

I hope you have enjoyed today's technique.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thank you all for your birthday wishes & the beautiful cards I received. I bought a new handbag (Kipling ) with my birthday money and as it was in the sale, I still have quite a bit of money left...I feel a crafty order coming on! We had a lovely lunch out & ate so much that the M&S food we bought for tea is still sitting in the fridge.
    Sandra-I love the Bokeh look you have done, I still haven't started the Monday challenge card so I think I'll be busy on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to access my craft room easily by then as there's a lot of bathroom fittings on the landing right now which is making it tricky to get past to my craft room.


    1. Hi Michelle
      I'm glad you had a lovely birthday. Hopefully you'll be able to get past the bathroom fitting by tomorrow as promised.

    2. Hi MICHELE I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday hope you get some good crafty bargains with the rest of your Birthday money..
      I hope your card arrived ok. Xx

    3. Beautiful card was waiting for me when I got home tonight-thank you so much.


  2. Good morning Ladies, sorry I was so late in commenting yesterday but it really was a busy day, today will be much more relaxing, gardening in the morning and going to the open garden afternoon at Gruniard House ( only open from 2-5pm) twice a year and well worth a visit.
    Michele , great to hear you had a wonderful birthday!
    Sandra , I haven't had time to do a cc yet and the Bokeh technique looks like one I have seen John demonstrate on Hochanda, good for backgrounds , I don't use my mobile often ( or check it) as the landline is more reliable , and yesterday when I had to take it with me I noticed I had a message asking for two very special cards needed for Sunday , I don't want to say no but don't know when I'm going to get them made? The weather is too nice to stay indoors and we have waited so long for this warm spell , and by evening too tired so I'm in a quandary! Help!
    Well off to have some tea and toast , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne,
      Have a lovely time at the open gardens, they have a day here where certain houses open the gardens to the public and I have to say I am always blown away by the amount of work people put into their gardens, so beautiful.
      Now I am not sure what to advise regarding your quandary, is it someone you make cards for regularly?
      In theory they could still go out and buy a card on Saturday if me necessary, so see how you feel later today! I am guessing that if you don't do it you will feel guilty?!
      Sandra xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    So glad you had a lovely birthday Michele. You sound like me, I just LOVE handbags. It sounds as though your bathroom could be ready tomorrow. Don't forget the photos.
    SANDRA never heard of Bokeh before but definitely worth a try. It's a lovely effect but does look a bit complecated.
    My anemia is still not good so I have to take meds for one month then nothing for one month then blood tesr. He tested me for everything else you can imagine and its all perfect which is a relief. He offered me sleeping tablets but I refused. Mind you at 5 this morning when I still hadn't slept I could have changed my mind. Still theres plenty of people worse off than me in the world.
    Off to the opticians with Lynn today. She's never had to wear specs before but at 42 she's finding close things difficult to see. Then we're off to the shopping centre. I need some new cut off trousers and they still have C+A over here.
    Well have a good day everyone.
    Thinking of you Lynda and hope everything is finally sorted with Doreen, Pat.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val
      No, I wouldn't be keen on sleeping pills either. I loved C & A clothes, and missed them when they closed down all UK clothes stores. However, when we were in Switzerland they had one there.

  4. Morning Everyone
    So pleased the Three Graces had a good day yesterday. It must be wonderful to have crafting friends so close.
    I'm not sure about Bokeh and like Val I've never heard of it but will have a play and see what happens. As for which technique I'll use we shall have to see. I made my CC yesterday but I'm far from happy about it so will be having a second go today.

    MICHELE- So pleased to hear you had a wonderful birthday and that you can still get a Crafting Order out of your money. I'd love to see your new Handbag Please.
    VAL- Fantastic that your bloods came back OK apart from anemia. Have a fun time at the Opticians with Lynn. I always take Jim with me as I can never make my mind up about frames.

    We had an awful day yesterday. Rain and it was cold so much so that I put the heating on at lunchtime. I couldn't get my hands to work they were so cold. This morning we have a little sunshine and it's a tad warmer.

    All's up and running in the Cafe and just waiting for you all to pop in. Have a good day everyone. Hugs are in their usual place so please help yourselves. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We had rain most of the day yesterday, it absolutely chucked it down, but we have lovely sunshine today. I've had a few of the hugs Janet thank you very much. I felt like I needed a few after the last few weeks.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love the Bokeh technique and your cards are fabulous. Have seen it quite a bit on cards, but haven't tried it, so your challenge is one I shall enjoy having a go at. I have tried to get the same effect on photos in the past, but usually ends up with pure luck if I've mastered it!
    Glad you, Sue and Pat all managed to get together yesterday - bet you had a great time.
    Sounds like you had a lovely day Michelle, and have a lovely M&S meal still to look forward to :-)
    Val - C&A there's a blast from the past! Used to love shopping in there when we had them.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, grey and wet here, where has summer gone!
    Sandra love the Bokeh technique, will have fun with this one, as apposed to this weeks, did one late last night but when I looked at it this morning it's no good serve me right for crafting at 11-45 pm last night!!!!!
    Michele glad you have a good birthday, glad the bathroom is nearly finished.
    Val and Lynda hope things get better soon.
    Can get my results today but think I'll wait till Monday (wimp I know ).
    Boss came last , seemed very grateful for the extra work I did, hope she doesn't think this is a good idea.
    Have a good day all , Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    Google has been playing up again not sure what's happening but now seem to be online so I'll go for it quickly.

    I also have never heard of Bokeh, but I'm willing to give it a try, it won't be today though, too many other things happening. It looks fun and I think we'll have to get messy now and again!

    Pleased you manage to get to see Sue and Pat yesterday I'm sure there weekly visit helps to set you up, you can each inspire one another with your ideas.

    Must make a move not feeling like doing anything really, I have developed a cough which is really irritating, I also thought I had hayfever ( doctors prescribe me medication for that ) could be the start of a summer cold. Which I do not want at this time.
    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you haven't got the start of a summer cold, and that it's only hay fever. Although that's bad enough. Take care.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry to be so late, really thought I would have time after our walk this morning to pop in but the kitchen guy turned up a bit earlier and then I was back in the kitchen, the woman's domain, getting there but not sure where to put the rest so will slow down or we want have anything to cook or eat on in this rate hihi. also did a little bit of gardening, nor such a good idea because my back now hurts and my arms feel like concrete blocks heavy. lol
    Love the cards Sandra , never heard of this technique either but will see if I can make something out. Is it meant to be made only with circles or ?
    Glad you had a good Birthday Michele and some money left for some crafting bits.
    Glad you ok Val and just a bit anaemic, I got my results back too and nothing wrong and on the plus side my sugar was down so I guess this healthy eating have done something right.Hope Lynn got on well at the optician. I too used to shop in C&A when they were here in the UK, loved the store at the time.
    Ann, hope you had a nice afternoon in the gardens. I'd love to got to Wayvale on the weekend to look for some plants, they also got some other little shops there and 'the works' there so mixed agenda :-)
    Janet, I hope you got some warmer weather today so you didn't have to put the heating on. I huffed and puffed my hardest to get some sun to you :-)
    Brenda, hope your cough not is a bug again. Apparently they are still around, not nice. Wish you better.
    Lynda, hope you are ok. I will send you the stamps back on the weekend, promise ! Just found a lovely card to make of them. No ,have not made the others yet ,sorry :-)
    Karenlotty, hope you are ok too. busy cuddling baby Oscar or ?
    Dinnertime so best go , wish you all a lovely evening.
    love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your results were ok. But don't try and do to much. You'll meet yourself coming back if you keep this up. Petes vacuumed round but I need to do some ironing before we go away. Wish I could summon up some enthusiasm to do some housework. Hopefully I'll kick in tomorrow.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Like the look of your Bokeh technique, but whether I'll be able to have a go I'm not sure, as were away on Monday to London for four days. Home on Thursday evening and straight off to Harwich on Friday morning until Monday evening. Might be off to Liverpool the next weekend, but not to sure at the moment.
    We took Doreen off to lunch and then home. Her care package started at teatime. Hope it goes off OK as she's a bit stubborn. I have to take her back to have her leg bandages changed tomorrow, and I assume her Dr will see her again to find out why her legs are swelling.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I have never heard of "Broken" but will have a look, not promising anything but you never know. I sent my guilty buys to you earlier if they are too late show next
    I have been out most of day Alan needed to take my laptop in to a computer place for repair, he still not driving his foot still sore, then I joined some Boule friends for lunch before embroidery this afternoon, then it was time to take Star out, Alan did try for a couple of days but it is still too soon so my job again, then time to have tea just sat down. At least we have had sun today, Swindon & around had terrible rain, floods every where, friend had flooding in her back garden, conservatory & lounge, firemen had to pump out. They moved last year to smaller bungalow & had just finished getting it as they wanted including putting oak flooring in lounge which has to come up again, I could have cried for her. Good job they were at home otherwise could have been so much worse.
    Maria & Val pleased your test results are not too bad. My trip to optician means new glasses which I did expect, thank fully Alan was fine.
    Hope Lynda got on well hugs on way to you.
    Sending hugs to all who need them live Margaret xxx

    1. Should read terrible rain etc yesterday!!
