
Wednesday 11 May 2016

All About Michele....Happy Birthday !!!!!!

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠHappy Birthday MicheleπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Good Morning Ladies,

I am so excited to wish my Very Dear Friend Michele, a Very Happy Birthday πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
I hope you have a wonderful day, I wish you were nearer so that I could give you an 'actual' Birthday Hug but here is a virtual one ...........
Birthday Hug

Now onto today's cards.......yes of course they have all been made by Michele!
Using Little Claire Images from a little mini book that Michele found at a craft shop,
(Well you all know how much Michele loves her Bargains)!!
Seriously though that's a good card box filler right there, so handy for those last minute card birthday cards or little thank you cards or even better for 'Just Because' as they are the nicest ones to receive!  The Male themed cards are nice as they are a little different, not all beer and football! The girly ones are just so pretty, I love the backing papers you have used too, they are all such sweet images, Little Claire have some beautiful stamps etc, but for some reason I don't automatically think of them like I do Lilli of the Valley for instance but at shows I am always amazed by their sample cards, so must try to remember!!  Thank you Michele for allowing me to share your cards, I think they will fly off your stall at the Attic Sale! Xxx

Are you will ready for this weeks mid week Challenge, stop by tomorrow to find out what it is!!! 

Don't forget to send me your Guilty Secret buys ladies and anything for mixed craft Saturday!

I have Sue coming today 'YAY' boy I have missed her! Pat is hoping to stop by too but has to take Doreen to Dr Appointment first and also an assessment, so hopefully we will see her but if not we will get together later in the week, as I can't go another week without seeing you (especially as you are away next week too)!! 

Have a wonderful day ladies, especially our birthday girl !!!

Love and Huge Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-what a welcome, Thank you Sandra for the lovely blog post today. I just love Scotties so it's perfect.
    Hubby just gone to play his golf match so I'm having my breakfast then will sit & open all my cards and gifts. My crazy friend has numbered my gifts and I have to open presents 1-4 in order...!! How interesting.
    We've had rain overnight but it looks like it's going to brighten up (hope so) but it's definitely cooler than the last few days.

    Will try & pop in later.


    1. Happy Birthday Michele - have a lovely day. Hugs xxx

    2. Have a lovely birthday Michele. Love your two cards today.
      Love Val x

    3. Happy Birthday Michele, I wish for you a beautiful day.
      Love your cards, theyare so adorable. xxx

    4. Have a lovely birthday Michelle. Love the cards.

      I'm so sorry I asked Terry to post your card but he just told me he didn't MEN useless so I'm afraid It will be posted today first class.
      After Dentist
      Hug's Lynda have a good day xxxx

    6. Happy Birthday Michele ! I hope you have had a lovely day and have been spoiled rotten lol! xo

  2. Margaret Palmer11 May 2016 at 07:32

    Happy birthday Michele hope you have a lovely day. Love Margaret xx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Have a lovely day and I hope you get one or two surprises along the way.

    I love all your cards. Simple but so so effective and beautiful and yes I'm sure you will not be taking them back home after the Attic Sale.

    SANDRA- have a lovely day putting the world to rights and hopefully doing a little crafting.

    PAT- I hope all goes well with Doreen and things are definitely sorted out today so that you can go away and have a proper holiday and some rest.

    I had mixed reactions to my card for K&N yesterday afternoon. I'd made it simple with just matting and layering so little cutting and a focal point with just a sentiment in the middle but you would have thought I'd asked them to create a master piece. Oh well I know you cannot please everyone but it is frustrating at times.

    We have rain this morning. I don't think it's stopped since mid morning yesterday and it's certainly cooler. As my Postie said yesterday 'that's it last week was Summer'.
    I need to get my CC done today and I haven't any ideas at all so fingers crossed that when I sit in front of my table something will appear lol.

    All's set in the Cafe and Brollies are in an old metal jug if needed. Hugs are waiting to be taken from the basket and the coffee/tea pots are ready. I've put some home made scones(fruit, cherry and plain) in the cupboard so please help yourselves. Michele's Bday cake is on the cake stand just waiting for Michele to pop in again and cut it. Hope everyone like Carrot Cake.
    Have a good day everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Why would people grumble when you've made the effort to take them something to make, and supplied all the material. Rain here as well Janet, looks like it's going to keep on as well. Love carrot cake so I hope a piece is left for me.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE. I hope you have a lovely day. I wonder just what your crazy friend has for you? Sending a big birthday hug x
    I hope everyone has a good day, and nice weather, unlike us here in our part of the country where it is raining cats and dogs! What a good day to be with my lovely friends Sandra and hopefully Pat if Doreen's appointments go well.
    Lynda, I hope you are taking it easy, I bet your lovely Terry wants to wrap you up in cotton wool, doesn't he? Remember we will all be with you, in thought anyway tomorrow, when you go to the docs. When you feel yourself getting tense just keep thinking of how you feel when your gorgeous Harry is hugging you, or saying and doing things that make you laugh. No doubt Terry will be trying to crack jokes to help you too, bless him. Take care x
    Val, I hope the search for a cleaner goes well, make a list of all you clean in each room, and how often, it may help you decide just what you want the cleaner to do. Good luck x
    Brenda, I hope you, and John, are able to get some ME time before doing more unpacking later in the week for your sister! X
    Maria, don't go doing too much packing and sorting too quickly please x
    Janet, how did your project go down at Knit and natter? I hope they didn't moan x
    Pat I hope you aren't too tired sorting Doreen out. It's good to see her care package starts later tomorrow x
    I have earned my lovely friends and craft day today as I managed to finish my ironing mountain yesterday : )
    Sending hugs to everyone with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Haven't had time to do my ironing yet Sue, I hope to see you both for an hour as I need to be back by 1.00 to take Doreen home for a care assessment.

  6. Ooops, forgot to say how I love your cards Michele. There is something for everyone there, and you have used some beautiful papers. Thank you for sharing x

  7. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Happy birthday Michele, hope you have a wonderful day with lots of lovely presents.
    Sandra, have a lovely time with Sue and Pat with plenty of crafting and chatting.
    Pat, hope everything is finally sorted out with Doreen today so you can start looking forward to your upcoming holiday.
    Well after a very iffy few days weatherwise the sun is shing again today. So happy for all the visitors we have over here at the moment. I know they've mostly come for the sunshine and why I don'know but I feel guilty when it's not good for them.
    off to the docs today at 12 then crib afternoon so will check in later.
    Looking forward to another challenge tomorrow Sandra.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Val x

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. A big Happy Birthday to Michele :-) xx Am loving your cards. The images from Little Claire are fab and so versatile.
    I hope you have a lovely day Sandra with Sue and Pat.
    Looking forward to seeing what the mini challenge is tomorrow and hoping I may be able to start a sketch challenge card today - fingers crossed!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  9. MICHELE ...wherever you are, whatever you are doing, especially today,
    your birthday, have a lovely time, happy, healthy year to come.
    SANDRA.... more info please on the little black doggies, is it a stamp? have a friend who would go crackers if she had this card, the image of her own mutt.

    1. Angela it was just an image from Google images, sorry my lovely xxxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele ! Have a fabulous day with everything you wish for.
    You have made a lot of lovely cards and they are perfect for any occasion. Some even got your signature :-)
    I wish you all have a good day whatever you are up too.
    Good luck Val with blood results. Lynda, many hugs and hope you feel better. Pat, take care. Need to get to the skip/tip again, round two and some shopping before tackling the kitchen once again but hope to see you later this afternoon sometime before falling asleep in my chair :-) love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have a lovely day with Sue & hopefully Pat, pleased to see Sue has earned her day out by finishing all her ironing!!xxx
    Michele forgot to say I love your cards, must have a look at Little
    Lynda hope you are taking it easy in preparation for tomorrow, take care hugs on
    Maria please don't go too mad, easier sz I'd than done I
    Val hope your results are what you want to hear, enjoy your crib
    Janet sorry they didn't all appreciate your effort yesterday as you say cannot please them all, thanks for the stones look forward to one later & a piece of carrot
    Well it is pouring down here so no boule this morning so will meet for coffee instead, then we both have opticians this afternoon, so could be expensive time.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Morning Sandra & Ladies,

    Another very dull day, my sheets are still on the line from yesterday (I forgot to take them in last night), they have probably had so many rinses now, what with yesterday's rain. It has been what we here call 'mizzle', very fine misty rain that drenches everything since Monday, albeit with large chunks of dryness.

    The official club walk was to take place the other side of Cheddar which is far too far for us to get to. We agreed to go to Weston-Super-Mare for our jaunt. Parked up at the beginning of the Promenade at Uphill end and walked the whole length which took us an hour then crossed the road and had lunch at NIck's Bar. Lovely Greek cuisine was enjoyed by Rosie and I, Greek salad, pitta bread & with Chicken & Bacon Kebabs for me and similar salads with Stiflia for Rosie, whilst Maureen had traditional Fish & Chips. Very very tasty. Orginally we all had plumped for Kleftico, unfortunately Nick came out from the kitchen to explain it would not be ready until 4pm ish. We would have liked to have been able to wait, another time maybe.

    Yesterday seemed to go in a flash, shopping in the morning and crafting in the afternoon.

    Gurt big uns (((((HUGS))))) for everyone felling not up to par.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    REA AGM this afternoon, must remember to take enough change to pay my subs. Bit of light house work this morning, son Robin coming for tea tonight.

  14. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the cafe,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE I hope you have a lovely day and get really spoilt by everyone around you XXX

    Love your cards today what a brilliant idea, these cards would be brilliant to make and store for any occasion. Something I should get around to doing.
    Ha ha.

    Sandra and Sue have a lovely day today, Pat I hope you have time to drop in. I realise you have to sort out Doreen first. You really are going to need your break after this, you been constantly chasing around lately, take care XX

    Lynda, hope you are trying to relax and take things easy. xx

    Val, hope your blood results are good. Enjoy your crib this afternoon. xx

    What ever you are doing today - enjoy LOL
    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  15. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Happy birthday Michele, hope you have a lovely day. Your little cards are so cute, I must have a look at Little Clair.
    Enjoy your day everyone, take care xxx

  16. Good morning Sandra and all who visit today.
    MICHELLE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY. Have a fabulous day. I wonder what your crazy friend has bought you. She sounds a bit like Karen, Pete's daughter. No she's not crazy but does find very unusual and quirky presents. So you get lots of silly presents plus a proper one. I must say I love the cards you've made. I do love Little Claire stamps, but I inky have a few off them.
    Lynda I'll be thinking of you today. A gentle hug coming your way. I expect Terry will keep your mind off it by cracking jokes as usual. Petes going to take Doreen to the Drs at 12.00 but I have to be back to take her home for assessments for the care people. I need to go as she'll tell them she can manage to do this that and the other. Plus the occupational therapist rang this morning as she's worried what will happen if she drops her crutches when she uses the commode. So I need to find something she can put them in.

  17. Hello All, damping here, but dry yesterday, still very warm.

    MICHELE, Many Happy Returns Of the Day, hope it's a lovely one, presents sound very interesting. Love your cards, very talented.

    This a a short post heard this morning the Boss is comming to pick up the urgent work, they have been phoning every day, had to tell I didn't get them until Monday. I'd better go and tidy my self up before she comes.
    Hope everyone has a good day, will try and pop in later. Hugs Lilian

  18. Good evening ladies, sorry I'm so late but it has been such a beautiful day here so sunny and hot but with a lovely breeze , first of all before going out for the walk at 10:30 am I had to prepare dinner , then put down two tubs of granule fertiliser and sprayed two large containers of weed killer as it was the perfect time to do it , then we went the walk started at 11am had a coffee and lunch stop but didn't get home till 3:45 and had to go to golf at 5:10 got home at 7:30 had a much needed shower , then had dinner at 8pm so with the last remnants of my energy I had to wish Michele a Happy Birthday! I am now knackered for want of a better word lol!
    Will try and catch up with everyone's news tomorrow, love and hugs to all xoxo
    Meant to say , great sets of cards Michele!

  19. Hello everyone, very quiet in here today. You all celebrating Michele. The carrot cake was real yummy.
    Oh boy Ann you have been busy today, I'm sure you will have a good night unless you get some pain.
    Hope the dentist visit went well Lynda ?
    Cheryl, your walk sound perfect with a nice lunch at the end. love Greek food but no one make it around here.
    Well my kitchen look like it been ransacked lol and it has by me. Why in goods name am I keeping so much which haven't seen the daylight for nearly 25 years ! A lot have now gone to the charity shop, a lot have gone to the skip but it don't look any less ?! I also trying to make a smaller pack of crafting items to have in the lounge with me, I am not being without it for four weeks plus, never ! so OH can have his face because I am not listening lol I hope Pat managed to join you Sue and Sandra for some get together. Have a good night everyone and I'll see you tomorrow after our walk xxxx
